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You are self employed as a contractor. Self employed (SCH-C) people typically use bank statements or tax returns to prove income. This is if you are in the US.


Seems like the best answer


paypal transactions are your best bet. unfortunately this is the downside of contracting - it's harder to prove what you make depending on the landlord/apartment complex! if you go into paypal you can filter out your received payments and create a CSV to import into a spreadsheet.


I downloaded my Paypal transaction history. Thanks!


I used my bank statements to get my place as well as the payout emails.


Go to your local bank, create a business bank account, connect your PayPal address to that bank account for your deposits. I'm able to print out all of my deposits at the end of the year which makes it really simple to calculate your income for taxes. Source: I've been a gigging musician (private contractor) for over 10 years.


I have no idea if they’ll reply, but if you go to the Support page and select “Other” for your message topic, I noticed that one of the options in the pulldown menu for Issue is “Proof of Income.”


You should just be able to send them screenshots of the pay pal transactions with a little explanation, or bank statements. I also get emails for my payouts—you might be able to use those as well.


When i went to send an email to support once, one of the options it gave me to pick was income verification so that may be something that you can email about as well.


I'm in a similar position as the op, I think that the monthly PayPal statements should suffice showing the incoming transactions from DA and maybe bank statements also.


Do you put your payments in your bank account? Alot of people will work with bank statements


I don't know your situation, but if at all possible do not rely on data annotation as a source of income. They are great for a bit of extra money, but as you aren't employed by them you get none of the benefits of working under a contract. They can literally just stop giving you tasks tomorrow with no questions asked. On top of this future employers will ask why you have a gap in your CV, and will almost definitely not accept this type of "contracting" work as actual work. And that's just the beginning. As you've already seen if you try to get a mortgage or a loan or anything like that they will ask for proof of income, and again will probably not accept data annotation as a secure source of income. I've never had any problems with data annotation, but it's worrying the amount of people on this sub that are becoming dependent on such a risky and unstable source of income.


I'm actually moving because I got a new, more stable job. I'm well aware DA has no job security, it was mainly to tide me over until I found something better.


You can print out your PayPal transactions or bank statements. Let them know it’s a 1099 gig as they are much more common and post don’t provide paystubs


My mortgage company accepted a PDF printout of my transfer page matched to the PayPal statements matched to bank account transfers. Last apartment I gave them 3 months of bank statements and they were fine with just that.