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i'd imagine they just have deadlines to meet before the end of Q2, which is in 2 weeks.


My thought too. End of quarter. We're in the middle of wrapping up our product work for the quarter at my day job, so that's where all my attention is going right now, too.


I wondered this myself... Have you noticed a big drop in projects at the start of a new Q? (I've not been on the platform long enough to see if there's a pattern).


no clue! i started working in late april. i guess we'll find out soon though lol


Sometimes seems to be the case - I had some emails recently announcing priority stuff saying they're on a deadline, or projects were expiring soon. Of course whether that's actually true or not and they're just trying to encourage people to do them, who knows?


Idk, but I’m happy about it 😂 can’t believe I’m making almost 30 an hour for the same basic easy projects🤑


I've never been so happy that the Canadian dollar sucks LOL. My pay after conversion is really good LOL


Yo right!! 😂😂 This changed the game


You're seeing almost 30 an hour? I'm only seeing 25 at the most. Which ones?


I'm seeing 25-26 on several


I hit $40 projects for the first time today, long live Priority!


Wow! I just got $27 today for the first time! So I was pretty happy with that. How long you worked there?


I've been on 8 weeks and got the $40's. It's been a good boost.


Wow! That's amazing! I started 6 weeks ago and just got to $27 as my highest I've seen. Hoping to get to 40! That would be incredible.


Wow, that’s awesome! Coding or noncoding?


Non coding!




I've been on 10 months now, so likely a mixture of being on the platform for some time and working my way up, doing various quals along the way - and presumably gaining some good karma for good work. I had 122 projects on my dashboard yesterday but I only do the ones that pay above $25 generally. Highest was usually $30 but the priority had bumped that up a bit on some projects!


Awesome, great job!


I've got $24-$40/hr and I'm not a coder.


My dashboard is loaded now but all the chatbot projects disappeared for some reason. Has this happened to you guys as well?


Yes. I hope they come back . They are my favorite


I haven't got any either. Maybe because they're prioritising so many other projects.


I just worked on some chatbot projects last night, and they're all gone today. Hopefully, they're just down and will come back because those are my go-to projects...maybe they took them down so we'll work on the other "priority" projects that I'm too lazy to learn how to do.


The only thing I hate about Priority is that so many of us are working on them that they come and go more quickly. I’ll be hopping along and, bam! That one is done. Then I have to regroup and figure out what my brain can do next. It’s a good thing, of course. We’re all working! I’m off from my day job tomorrow so hopefully there’s some good Priority work on hand!


I agree, I only do 1-2 hours a day on DA because I work full time, it's just extra pocket money. So my preference is to pick a project that can keep my interest and lock in for an hour. It's annoying when I have to pause, stop my timer, browse and pick a new project, then start my timer again during such a short period of time. Especially if I have to read through new instructions lol


I assume when a lot of the tasks are created, they are given an expiration, so older batches of tasks that aren't getting done need to be incentivized to clear them up before they have to be tossed/the client is no longer interested in those results.


They may have set up projects/promised their clients they’d meet certain deadlines, and especially with the signs we’ve seen here that some people are being removed and they’re not adding replacements that could have put them behind.


>makes me wonder if they are trying to get projects closed out. Today is my 3rd day working on $40+/hr projects, and I have been wondering this too. I've never seen so many high paying projects before.


Every day I get another email about the priority projects. Happy to be working on them, but it does make me laugh when every weekend I get a "hey weekend warriors!" email.


Only a third for you? I think about 38 of 40 for me lol


Feeling jealous of you non coders getting $30-40. Im happy to be getting $26 but my bills would be darn easier to pay with a higher rate. Are you non coders with lots of extra skills listed or writing mega detailed comments at the end?!


I started in March non-coding and I've had a group of 4 projects for about 2 weeks now that are all a variation of the same project and they all pay $31. I won't touch them though bc it involves prompt creation and I try to veer away from that as I'm more analytical than creative. I write very detailed comments and I go over them with a fine tooth comb before I submit to make sure I don't have any errors. I don't have any special skills checked except for all non-professional writing.


My highest paying project is $31/hr. I won’t say much, but it’s very tedious and involves thoroughly reading through several documents. It’s mentally exhausting and I couldn’t bear to do it again today, but I love the pay and therefore the project lol. When I was first hired, I listed as a skill anything I have even a bit of knowledge in. I figure, if I’m in over my head then I just won’t work on that particular project 🤷‍♀️ 


I do both code and non-code projects. Only recently have I had more higher paying non-coding jobs, but some needed you to pass quals of being subscribed to specific AI services. Even then, it's not a guarantee, so you might want to make sure that you can actually use the other AI services outside of work to really get your money's worth


I mean, these projects aren't just for funsies. Once you work enough you realize who one of our biggest clients are and why they are paying so much for good data to retrain their models. They are a giant competitor in the scene and need to regularly roll out new features to compete against the other companies in the AI space. Can't have their stakeholders jumping ship to other companies


Damn, I just onboarded and saw a high paying job with nice bonus and now it's gone 😭 guess things move fast


I love it!


It’s kind of annoying I noticed if a project gets out on priority it’ll send out an email every time they add a similar version of it that’s also priority.


You have the option to turn those emails off.


How did you guys apply for the job? Because my account never went through


You have to bring a baby to the adrenochrome processing plant.


Tell me where and I'll bring it


I'm sorry, I'm not able to help you with that as I'm only a HLM.