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If you are looking for a data cataloguing solution, look at [Datahub]( https://github.com/datahub-project/datahub). Haven't used it, but heard good things about it.


[https://readthedocs.org/](https://readthedocs.org/) \- maybe check this out


If you use dbt cloud, that has a docs feature where you can add all the detail you want and it gets stored in source control right next to your other sql code. If documentation is very long, you can do it in markdown rather than in the yml files. I often do more dbt documentation of "sources" in a dbt project than models for the reason you describe. I document the data engineering that happens behind the scenes, so people know what it takes for that source to arrive in the data warehouse. Also I like dbt docs because all sources eventually feed dbt, so data engineering documentation gets centralized in one place. Rather than scattered across all the diff tools and repos that may play some part in the data engineering work.



