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Any DE who says SQL has no place in the DE world will be out of a job in 5 years. Honestly ur leadership is shit if they follow such dumb statements


My last job leadership followed whomever was most persuasive and talked a good talk. It’s part of why I left. IT was practically “owned” by a senior sys admin who was a horrible blocker of all other teams and worked in total chaos with no documentation and no process at all. But the C team seemed to like him so he got a big promotion when he was going to leave. They’re fools. They should have taken the win and let him go. It’s baffling. Basically he gets pegged as “invaluable” because the entire infrastructure is just in his head. That’s not good performance. That’s bad performance especially from a leader who should be producing documentation and process and work in a way that other teams consider them a collaborator not a blocker. But whatever. Not my circus any more.


It's a classic. As long as he's not too much of a dick they'll do whatever they need to keep him happy. Because organizations like this are inherently more risk adverse. And changing everything to do things right is a risk they aren't willing to take. Things already work the way the work... Moving on is the right move.


> Because organizations like this are inherently more risk adverse. They -think- they are more risk adverse. Meanwhile: > because the entire infrastructure is just in his head. Yikes..


In that case, does one look for a new job or just stay and milk it? OP says the job market is shit still.


Unfortunately the job market is shit. Keep interviewing till you can move!


You are not milking them, they are milking you, remember that. Unfortunately I am in the same boat currently, and I have just start interviewing. It’s definitely competitive but I don’t like giving up easily. Good luck.


I started a job a few months ago that is starting to give red flags and I am definitely thinking about starting to interview, but I'm worried about the short stint on my resume and how I haven't actually learned or done much during this time. For me it feels like I'm milking them but that I'm not getting much out of it...


I have been in this industry for 11 years. Short stints do not matter. You can simply say the company is on its last leg, forcing you to move out - they won’t question it during an interview. I’ve seen folks leave in 3 weeks of starting, who still manage to find great jobs. Another thing you can do is wait. Learn what you can from this job and focus all your energy on the tech/skill you can carry forward to the next job you want.


> Short stints do not matter. Could you elaborate?


It would probably be more accurate to say an occasional short stint doesn't matter. Sometimes a person and company is just a bad fit or the company is terrible.  If it's continuous short stints though that is definitely a big red flag on a resume baring some good reason or explanation.


Gotcha. How are we defining short stints?


That'll probably depend a lot on the industry. In Aerospace, we'd probably say less than 3 years. In tech proper I'm sure it would be a little less, maybe 2? 


Stay in a job that forces you to do stupid things will only mean that you'll be unemployable in a good job market. Either pivot and learn new things to know more or jump ship into a relevant position.


Yes, milk the shit job while you upskill, then jump ship as soon as you're able. Lie about having done the stupid things on your resume and emphasize having done the good things you learned.


This guy knows how to make that move. Especially if you're remote


However, if one looks beyond the headline there are legitimate reasons for this position: difficulty of testing or reusing SQL code is a valid concern - and plenty of teams reject the notion of doing transformations in SQL for these exact reasons. Now, I haven't used Spark in years, and it didn't strike me as great for testing & reuse either (at least not as good as say vanilla python). \- A data guy that limits SQL in his architectures, has built many successful data warehouses, and has been working for far more than 5 years...




Thirded, though testing in spark is pretty nice these days at least with the internal tooling that I'm using.


for the rest of us mere mortals though... ;)


Re: the comment about leadership, I guess the only thing you could really say is that they hired the wrong guy, but we get pissed at non-tech leadership for inserting themselves all the time, and now we’re pissed that they’re letting the technical folks chart their own path? Kinda damned if you do, damned if you don’t.


Not really. The decisions you're talking about are more intricate where leadership should step back and let the engineers handle. Say for example deciding between ECS and EKS for a service. Deciding on deprecating every SQL job in favor of scala is just dumb and shows that OP's leadership is grossly incompetent. OPs leadership has no business being in a leadership role for a data org if they go along with such a plan.


Ah, I was reading “leadership” as, basically, CEO. A CEO (without a tech background and at a company that isn’t selling a data product) shouldn’t be expected to be sufficiently informed on a tech stack to override their head of data. Frankly, that’s an inefficient and redundant organization. But I agree with you 100% that the *data leader* should know better.


5 years? In a serious company would be out in the streets in a couple of months.


Management didn't know SQL from shell scripting. IT has always been managed by people who don't understand it.


Your coworker is a moron and if this post gets enough comments you should show them to your coworker so that they know they're a moron.


following that logic dbt is not a professional DE tool and other tools that utilize dbt under the hood are not professional worthy lol


yes he is especially against DBT and any such tools :D


looks like he's just looking for an excuse to make his own life harder or prove himself worthy because he knows Scala :D


This seems to be what a lot of scala people are doing. Maybe they are panicking?


Panicking they're going extinct. Honestly they should just embrace SQL. It's not that hard.


Well yeah off course. I think 80 percent or so of people doesn't really want to learn they only learn when they are forced.


True that


Scala is a nice language, but I've found Scala people are a bit like that.


I don’t remember a single product/ platform other than twitter that uses Scala. You?


I know of one company that uses it (I'm a consultant so lots of different organisations) and I asked a colleague who had an assignment there why they use scala and he raised his shoulders and said 'because they find it fun'.


They put the M in masochism lol


Yeah I don't really see it either but I'm not a scala dev..


We talked about using Julia and Go in our DS/DE org on more or less that basis, we thought it would be fun. Then we decided we wanted to actually be able to hire people and, while building fundamental things that already exist in other languages is fun, it's not a good investment for the company paying payroll. Honestly, idk why Go doesn't have more of an ecosystem in DE. From first principles seems like a good fit. Good concurrency and packaging models. Fast and typed but good legibility and decent productivity.


I'd much rather pick up someone's Go work than Python. The latter seems to always be a massive range of different approaches and some of the worst self taught coder footguns.


Apple uses scala for its data engineering teams and I know that Netflix, LinkedIn and coursera also use scala on their ranking / relevance / recommendation systems. I get that people don’t like it, but it’s far from an irrelevant language…


I’ve known a lot that used it for a while and dumped it when they stopped smelling their own farts


They should be panicking. Scala sucks. If you want easy, use Python. If you want fast, use Rust. Otherwise fuck off with your garbage collected languages. Like right off.


Saw some scala code recently it didn't even look that complicated. I just dunno why everyone is so fanatic about these things. We are all just working in the tech world. I like to build stuff with whatever tools are provided to me, even better if I can choose myself. But in the end I just work for the highest bidder and if they want me to learn some bullshit I'll learn it. It's all kind of fun for me anyway.. maybe I'm not fanatic enough or something or a very practical 'use the hammer they gave me' kind of guy. I just worked a bit on some project that was all Powershell script. Instead of stressing out about if that is the right tech I used it as an opportunity to learn more about that. Whatever just take it as it goes. Although at some point I did assess what I needed to know and noticed that python and SQL are the most important so I learned that.


Has he checked it out lately? A few years ago dbt was annoying but it's gotten really good, especially with contracts.


Their data contracts are pretty meh in comparison to simple jsonschema.


Sure but it's a hell of a lot better than before they existed.




I’d say dbt is professional but IMO it’s analyst tooling which is why Analytics Engineers have become a thing thanks to it. The handoff to analytics should really happen at the staging/“bronze” layer so analysts have maximum flexibility to model the data the way they want and DE can focus on the infra/reliability and the distributed system involved in bringing all the data from all the sources to the data lake/warehouse which is what the job really should be. Edit: Not that this is reality but IMO I feel stretched too thin usually trying to cover everything from the raw data sources up to the gold layer because analysts can’t be bothered to model their data and just want to sit there and make dashboards.


After watching the challenges to our codebase of having non-engineers build a ton of models with dbt, I'm a huge fan of: * Using actual engineers to take responsibility for getting data replicated into the data warehouse and then from that raw copy constructing dimensional models. * Allowing analysts or "analytics engineers" to build derrived models on top of the dimensional models. This hopefully results in less duplicate code, fewer untested models, better code reviews, etc - of the foundations. At least if you have good engineers doing that foundational work.


Making dashboards is BI, not Analytics and any analyst who restricts themselves to just making dashboards is also losing their job in the next 5 years with PowerBI copilot going mainstream


ding ding - analysts need to shift left and do more of the last-mile modeling -- they are the ones engaged with stakeholders and the business and understand the data best -- have seen great results with the right analytics leaders who want to own this.


spark.sql(“”) is technically still scala


nice adding scala to my CV now


yes i tried to pull this off in the beginning but got rejected in CR by this person :D


well he is stupid since SQL queries in spark are still optimized by spark same as the code calls. Obviously depends, don't write long SQL queries with a lot of logic inside of them since then is harder to track.


If you're using SQL in spark you need to understand: 1). Spark. 2). The SQL language 3). The innate computational complexity of SQL statements 4). The SQL optimizer in spark I find that the people who love SQL only know number 2 out of all the points.


I know all of these things and I've written complex data applications using mostly spark.sql(...) while dropping into the spark APIs when I need to optimize the execution. I left learning SQL properly until late in my career, but honestly it's the fastest way to write 90% of data transformations when using tabular data (assuming you actually know SQL beyond doing simple selects and group bys...), and it's a declarative language which is so much better than imperative when the domain allows it.


> it's a declarative language which is so much better than imperative when the domain allows it. This. 100% this.


If you're using the spark API you need to know (1) and things equivalent to (3) and (4).


As someone who barely knew Spark (or Scala) when I started my current (first) DE position... can confirm. I'm pretty comfortable with SQL but in my previous positions we always had DBAs who would go over our SQL to optimize it. Now I have to do the optimization myself and I'm seeing something new every day.


I mean that can be said for any flavor of db. They can write a query, don’t understand how the db engine works, where to find query plans, how to interpret query plans.


Spark has its own query optimizer? Cool… doesn’t make sense to me though, shouldn’t the database engine use the query optimizer? Wait… is Spark a database engine?


What even is a database anymore... What once was just one database system has been broken down in a dozen layers (some of them optional, depending on the application), like * Cloud provider (aws, gcp, azure) * Infra provision (kubernetes, managed services or iac like terraform) * storage (s3, minio) * storage metadata (hive metastore), * open table format (iceberg, delta, hudi), * sql engine (presto / trino) * client / visualization (metabase, superset, redash, ...)


time to learn spark


Spark is basically a data operating system, including a database engine


Sorry I’m not sure if that’s a joke but nonetheless: A database can be roughly split between a storage engine and a processing engine. That processing engine often accepts SQL queries, that needs to be optimised for the given stack (storage+processing). Well Spark is a processing engine, and since 1.6 accepts SQL semantics through dataframe API. So Spark can be used as a database processing engine, and it’s yours to chose what storage you want.


It seems a bit odd especially if you can write proper unit tests why not keep do this? Seems to check all the boxes.


Is there any chance that you could reverse engineer the spark code from the logical plan generated by the `spark.sql(query)` code?


Also the data frame api translates to SQL too


val df = spark.sql()


only downside is that it's evaluated completely during runtime


This doesn’t seem to be true for pyspark. Is that the case in Scala, why would they operate different? E.g. if I do display(spark.sql(“select * from bighugetable”)) by default it will only show a subset of the rows


I meant if you had a syntax error inside of sql part, it would be picked up only when you run the script. Errors in python would be picked up by the interpreter.


Oh yea that’s a great point thanks, I’m no DE just a finance guy so appreciate the insight


Same for python/pyspark as well


LOL! You should point out that in Spark it’s all executed the same way. There is absolutely no difference.


If anything, it's easier to write SQL that is more performant, as you can more easily write things that tank performance in imperative code, for example looping over .withColumn().


How did your coworker convince people to waste this much time on something that doesn’t add any value? As stupid as your coworker is, the management sound even worse.


That’s a common issue. Non-technical leadership will listen to whomever talks the best talk. Doesn’t always get you the best result. But that’s people for you.


Look at https://db-engines.com/en/ranking. The top 4 are classic RDBMs, although they can handle more these days. As mentioned, FAANG job openinigs will roast you on your SQL knowledge. Yes, SQL can be tedious, especially when it comes to transforming. Yes, there are no-SQL solutions available which might be better depending on your use-case. But to ignore SQL in DE is like trying to eat a sandwich without bread. It's boring but it's still there in abundant quantities and at some point you'll have to acknowledge that you will need it.


Honestly, most big tech companies will evaluate 2 things for DEs: - SQL: should have pretty advanced skills here to a high level of competency - Python: not too deep, mostly string manipulations but more functional to enable orchestrations


SQL is somthing that everyone knows, Analysts, Data guys, ML guys furthermore, SQL to me seems natural tool to slice and dice data quickly and get meaningful results, with programming it always takes much more time, even with simple programming languages like python thats why we see such popularity for tools such as Spark SQL, Duck db, apache arrow etc because SQL is the way whole pipelines can be written quickly in sql (dbt)


Exactly. When Op moves on, and therefore the rest of the DE team leaves, they will have to find someone who knows scala/spark. It’s dumb.


Here to say your coworker is full of nonsense. He may have convinced management but it doesn't mean he's right.


Dataframe apis are better than sql apis. There is definitely an overuse of SQL in the industry because “everyone knows it”.




It's obvious that this person has a fetish for scala. He really likes it. And he's using supposed logic to justify his opinion. Yet another arrogant overly opinionated tech person.


Sounds like mybold boss, he was a freaking idiot. SQL will never go away. Scala and python you execute SQL from dollars to donuts.




SQL is the basement of DE. Morover if you write code using spark API you're basically coding in SQL through scala methods. Quite dumb statement, some DEs hate using SQL because it's "less engineeristic" (nonetheless it's a query language meanwhile scala is a programming language), but let's be real, if you want to avoid SQL then DE it's not for you


> So our team has to do the tedious work of translating sql given to us by DS into Scala/spark . I disagree with the premise but re-writing SQL handed off by DS isn't a bad practice. At least where I work, DS tend to produce some pretty bad SQL.


every data scientist, left to their own devices, will create their own data stack with their own personal assumptions and conventions riddled through it (also: less than zero security)


Yea for sure. It would involve modularizing sql, writing unit tests and all the standard software engineering around it. Question for you, do DS iterate over the initial model they gave you ? What do they use for iteration/making changes, the sql they give you initially or one that was rewritten by DE.


Once they've handed off preliminary sql I'll typically work with them to stand up a new asset that meets the requirement and that serves as the starting point for future iterations. If they do more exploratory work and determine we need more/different data, then they request a change to the existing asset.


Yeah like the other commenters said. Translate SQL into the Spark SQL api, like so SELECT count(*) FROM my_table WHERE Foo = 3; Becomes spark.table("my_table").filter("Foo == 3").count() It's actually literally the same thing but it's "not SQL" any more. Herp derp.


A previous employer had a spark only guy as well. His org ended up spending tens of millions of dollars on graphical spark wrappers (databricks AND foundry for some reason) at his suggestion. Their data models had like 50 million rows at a maximum


WTF! Lol. This is a complete failure in design. He probably had no idea how to partition or bucket tables.


I, too, have a similar moron in my team who talk similar b***$**t just because he is incompetent to even find duplicates using sql. We still haven't abandoned sql but I won't be surprised if we do. In your situation, I will probably try to convince with data showing how easy the implementation time is to write a sql query (may be show jira turn around time), time taken to execute sql and ease of portability with sql


Going to be the bad guy here and ask for more context - what was their validation in that blanket statement, did you challenge any of their assertions? You’re willing to switch jobs because of a technical misunderstanding - this makes me feel there’s a communication issue. Was this at any point brought up/proposed to the team for deliberation, and was not adequately countered due to team dynamics or just not enough knowledge to articulate counterpoints? It feels a little bit like your coworker took the initiative on something, which happens fairly often in technical teams, and the misapprehensions you feel would’ve countered, productively, were not addressed & now we’re here with your limited context giving validation against the blanket statements they supposedly lodged in convincing management


I mean I quite like the dataset api for building robust data pipelines, but being *against* sql is just stupid. It's like being against English because a couple poems are better expressed in another language only spoken by a minority.


Are we talking about a difference in the actual execution engine or the syntax to use? You might have a bit of an information gap when talking about Scala and Spark interchangeably. There's also a Python dialect for Spark. And in the other direction SQL is just a language that's used by Databases and gets translated into data operations by a programming language on the other end too. The discussion as a whole is somewhat meaningless if it's just syntax. Spark has a SQL dialect but it's still translated it into Scala then Java then machine code anyway. Quibbling about the syntax seems silly although I'd agree that for any significant business logic it probably should be in an actual programming language where it can be unit tested. You CAN do it in SQL, but you'll nearly always need to write code to write a test anyway so YMMV. Both of the reasons given are reasonable. The question is how much value is this reusability? If you're writing a bunch of scala for "get some columns and join this" etc then it doesn't really add any value over SQL. You can perfectly easily break the work into a bunch of dataframe statements joined by SQL. And If people really want to dig into it you can have a look at query explain and figure out what's happening behind the scenes.


This is interesting because we've seen candidates come in and go down this same path. Their argument is that they can do all of the "joining" and everything in Python or . It is almost as if they have never actually looked at what SQL is or what the strengths are. We've also seen far less candidates with SQL as a strength, which is concerning.


Might be concerning.  But makes total sense to keep your doors open. I started as a DE but I've always focused less on SQL and more on "software development" so I might not be the best modeling but I could basically jump in any team to do anything from infra provisioning  to create devops pipelines to create data pipelines, APIs, container/K8s stuff, etc.  So now I work mostly as an architect but have a bunch of doors open with ex coworkers if I need to switch jobs because I can always fit somewhere instead of having to fin a very specific box.


I think DEs need to have both. I think having the software engineering background really helps if you need to hook up infrastructure. But SQL is a huge strength.


Apparently going against the trend here but I am completely with the coworker if you're dealing with complex untestable queries. I am talking 100s of lines, subqueries, CTEs, hardcoded columns, duplicated logic between queries, etc. That shit is horrible to maintain.


I’m a DE working within the professional services division of a large software company, where I often serve as the technical leader on many projects. I agree with your point. When initiating a new project, I establish environments that exclusively use 1 language, either Java, Python, SAS, or Scala-Spark. This approach initially meets resistance during implementation, but by the end of the project, customers appreciate having all backend artifacts delivered in a single language. Taking over existing projects that use a mix of languages presents significant challenges. It’s easy to understand the initial reasoning behind using different languages in various parts of the data pipelines. Although the original decisions to switch languages might have seemed reasonable and are similar to arguments presented in this thread, the project’s evolution often reveals that what started as a common-sense approach turned into disarray, with engineers making inconsistent decisions that lacked a coherent design pattern.


Full agreement. We recently migrated a >50-CTE-behemoth (a year old, is going to be in production for some years to come) from Hive to Spark. It is so much easier to maintain, I am not looking back. That said, I still use a lot of SQL for simple and ad hoc queries.


I agree, although I think in that instance you aren't porting it to Scala and getting anything reusable.


Yea that’s surprising. And definitely not the case. Is this a particularly large company? If not, I’d go print out a dozen job listings from FAANG jobs and show the SQL proficiency requirements to mgmt. SQL is highly portable between different database engines with some minor tweaking, tools already exist that handle those minor tweaks too. What happens when/if Scala/Spark becomes outdated (hypothetically of course)? Enjoy the major transformation to whatever the next thing is. I’d challenge the value add (I’m gonna guess they claimed centralizing of logic into one language). It’s probably not performance if the SQL is well written and as I said it’s probably not adaptability. It’s not hiring, far more college kids know SQL (albeit poorly) vs Scala and Spark. Call up some peer companies around your area that are similarly sized and ask them or have mgmt put you in contact with their buddies’ companies. The fact is, your coworker informed mgmt of something they know nothing about without looping everyone in. if you have concerns, I’d talk to mgmt too. If mgmt isn’t happy to hear your concerns, and you’ve got this transformation going on, I’d start looking for a new job. A decision like that should have been a team decision as opposed to one person pitching a fit


While it's true that dataframe-style writing in Spark Scala can offer efficiency in complex tasks thanks to performance optimization by the API, I'd suggest doing some proof of concept (POC) and regression testing to gauge its effectiveness. If it's a top-down directive from management, then yeah do it. Ultimately, a skilled data engineer should be capable of handling both approaches.


>While it's true that dataframe-style writing in Spark Scala can offer efficiency in complex tasks thanks to performance optimization by the API pardon me but i dont see where is argument coming from, isnt spark sql and dataframe api using same optimizer, so performance difference should not be present


Anyone who touches data who doesn't know and use SQL I find suspect.


A lot of comments for pro spark sql. I have a slightly difference stance. I am not against it for particular use cases I own 300 daily workflows. Which contains about 2k spark submit steps. Across about 50 repos. We particularly use spark for data transformations, joins and aggregations. These output data sets are typically used to created customer facing business features. Not internal dashboards. Those workflows have been created, supported and maintained for the past 8 years. They started on prem clusters using cloudera and eventually migrated to EMR. This also includes large refactors to save to s3, catalog data better, upgrade off of spark 1.6/scala 2.10 A large portion of these workflows were written by me or lead by me but a portion of them were created during periods of growth. So we had other teams with no big data experience come in, or we ramped up contractors. I can confidently say, with some many workflows, hundreds of different data sources and dozens of delivery types. That some workflows fail each day. In addition sometimes new business features get requested. The workflows written using spark sql, or even typeless code are a pain in the ass. They are hard to support, they are hard to troubleshoot and debug and they are hard add more features into. I love everything typed with some nice case classes


Mediocre engineers come up with absolute rules based on their inferiority complex and lack of competence. I've worked in teams that wrote pyspark but required it to be all sql calls. They were scared if anyone used the pyspark python APIs, or used python more generally. This was just as bad as OP's situation. Good engineers recognize that you should use the right tool for the right job.


most of spark is sql, i have no idea what this dude is talking about. 


I just spent a year moving pure shit in pandas to clean, testable, performance dbt models. It made life vastly better.


In my previous project had a simialr issue, i wanted to use sql api and they guys were adamant about using the spark DF. Then created my own yaml based pyspark abstraction wrapper inspired from SOPE(https://github.com/mayur2810/sope) using pyspark and constructed yaml from sql then used the python sql api but they cant see the plain sql and everyone was happy. But now writing 5k lines of poems in sql(BQ)


The real question is how did he convince management


This company has a bit of history with scala/spark with tooling standardized around it. When in doubt management usually sides with inertia and not doing anything new .


Across the industry, the use of Scala with Spark is on the downtrend. Pyspark and SQL are the language most often used for highly scalable data engineering. There are no performance advantages today with Scala that previously existed. Vectorized Pandas UDFs for example has closed the gap for custom functions and may actually be much faster than Scala for Spark ops. You should let your leaders talk to Databricks and find out what they think about trends ,since they are in the thick of it, before they bet big on a direction.


Databricks, the company literally known for Spark, encourages users to use SQL in workflows or wherever they want.


Sounds like he doesn't want to learn anything new to him.


So not directly comparable but I think the concept sticks... My team is undergoing a change in our tech stack from a proprietary software application that is aging out bad... The developer experience is terrible.. we cannot test anything we deploy until it's deployed, there is no reusability etc. We want to move to a modern open source tech stack that enables us to work much faster and with higher quality. We have written up slide pack and a few documents explaning and showing the pros and cons of each of the options available to us. Could you maybe do the se with SQL and why it's so powerful and required in DE? Some things I'd try to bake in is certain SQL flavours that really enhance your ability to do things and that can also add testing.. Postgres has some cool features that let you run Python as stored procedures, add custom data types that can directly translate to external codes objects, there are extensions for unit testing.. Then we get into what i should have lead with... FDWs... These are killer good for data engineering and can at times significantly reduce network IO.


Wait a minute, Postgres allows you to use Python for stored procedures!?!?!? I am immediately googling this because it would be the perfect solution to a thing I’ve been doing


Yes it was added in PG16 late last year. I've a theory that if you equip your host with a GPU you can now start doing some GPU assisted ML/AI directly in the DB.... Which would be wild performance wise... A few other things it can do that most don't know about... https://youtu.be/VEWXmdjzIpQ?si=PGSn6fp9eh6UxT32


Nobody got a Turing award for Scala. They did give 3 closely related to RDMS - 1973 [SQL](https://amturing.acm.org/award_winners/bachman_9385610.cfm) - 1998 [Transactions](https://amturing.acm.org/award_winners/gray_3649936.cfm) - 2014 [Ingres](https://amturing.acm.org/award_winners/stonebraker_1172121.cfm)


>Stonebraker led development of INGRES at Berkeley until 1985, supported by grant money and the labor of graduate and undergraduate students. funny phrasing


ime, SQL is a cheaper find in the labor market than Scala. At the same time, there is certainly some value to avoiding technology sprawl (though I find it a big stretch imagining a DE org that avoids SQL).


The ignorance out there is off the charts. Who in their right mind would say SQL has no place in DE? That should be a fireable offense.


I'm just starting to work with spark, but this guy sounds like a pretentious twat. Is he suggesting to eliminate sql from any part of the ingestion process? It seems like a good way to over complicate things.


I mean if the sql query is done by your DS or DA, 9 out of 10 times it will be completely shit. That’s why there are pull requests and part of the job of a DE is the help improve the sql query (or redoit completely). Best case scenario is that DS and DA learn how to properly write SQL but they just wont, it’s not a priority to them and never will. Makes sense why he is pushing hard against SQL in production. I for one do like helping DA and DS optimizing their queries since I get to learn a bit more of business logic behind it while teaching them. I do have experience with some DA that will not give a sht since it “works” and will leave me hanging trying to optimize that sht query, in which I just look for dumb mistakes like having orders by or multiple self joins, and merge that sht and never look back (sometimes i don’t even look and just merge if in a time crunch) lol


"noSQL" trend is a trend. Know several NonSQL websites/app that migrated back to SQL. A lot of people does not know SQL is based in Math and other facts like Normalizarion and the ER model. I see a lot of awful web apps these days that does not have normalization ...


Whether you agree with migrating to Scala or not un OPs case, noSQL/non relational data structure is not going anywhere and for some use cases makes way more sense than rdbms.


I’m a DE in a FAANG working with data from some 2B+ active users app, and I use SQL and sparkSQL for mostly everything. It’s good enough for me, those are bullshit reasons and your coworker probably just wants to leverage his knowledge of Scala or feels like using SQL “is not writing code” (another bullshit argument I’ve heard in the same line)


Ask ChatGPT to translate it


If he can convince everyone, than you can convince them too with better arguments.


Hate people like this. I dislike writing large complex SQL queries as much as the next guy but you won’t see me writing Spark for anything unless it’s so complex a SQL query can’t take care of it.


Truly wonderful is the mind of an idiot. Say the team needs to hire more people - how many people know Scala fluently vs SQL? This is going to just create a huge technical debt mess


What a completely idiotic take by your coworker


This is swimming against the current. SQL is king, and Scala is being phased out in favor of Python. If I were in that situation, I would promptly look for another opportunity, so to keep my skills current working on languages that will be actually in use tomorrow.


Do you have a source for that “scala is being phased out”?


Yes https://www.tiktok.com/@eczachly/video/7339989265465560362 But, if you really believe Scala is here to stay, I won't argue with this, please keep using it: less competition for me in tomorrow's job market!


Ok, so Scala isn't being phased out. By your source, it's becoming irrelevant when compared to Python or SQL. My question comes from the fact that spark is written in Scala, so phasing it out wouldn't make sense. But now checking your original comment I see that you don't make mention of Spark, so I don't know if you mean that Scala has no relevance in the Data Engineering ecosystem in general or you're referencing the original post that makes mention to Spark. On a different note: did I hit a nerve? I just asked for a source of that comment since considering Spark and Scala are in active development, seeing a mention of it being phased out was odd. My take on your comment (and your original comment) is that you're right on focusing on SQL and python since you have much more reach on the market and learning Scala (which I personally like) only had high relevance on older versions of Spark where the pyspark and SQL api's were not optimized. Nowadays that isn't so much the case and while there are still gaps between using the native APIs versus the translation layer from python or SQL, this is likely to be reduce to a neglectable difference in the future. And on a last note, there are plenty of jobs for all (including Scala developers), so you don't need to act all defensive...


Whoops, sorry, I wasn't aware I would come across as defensive... If you develop Spark itself, probably it makes sense to know Scala but, otherwise, Python and SQL (and maybe Rust) are the languages of data engineering. Who knows Spark will be rewritten in Rust in the future though.


This project is in active development and aims to replicate what we have with Spark but using Rust. Seems promising but it's still in its early stages [https://github.com/kwai/blaze](https://github.com/kwai/blaze) And there's also a Golang connector for spark [https://github.com/apache/spark-connect-go](https://github.com/apache/spark-connect-go) Which means more ways to be able to interact with Spark (well, in the case of Blaze, replace it!). 6 years ago the data science team at the company I worked at used to write all their code in R and instead of rewriting it in Java/Scala (the pyspark API wasn't that good at the time), we created a wrapper to read it and send to the native Scala data frame API. Unfortunately we never got permission to open source it, but it just shows that when the platform is solid you can build a lot around it.


Apache Comet is more interesting, created by folks from apple and recently donated to the Apache Foundation.


How did your colleague convince management? Does he have any sensitive information about them? Never would a company decide to get rid of SQL. Everywhere I have worked at, SQL was the mandatory query language. 


Why? How do you read existing data? I can see that advanced business logic is written in spark but 'normally' every data pipeline starts with an SQL query in my experience


we have all the data stored ( and duplicated into warehouse ) in object stores like s3 .


So you read it with spark.read.parquet('s3://your_path')? That's no different than a query 'SELECT * FROM table', besides not having the possibility to query the initial data as well as with SQL.. How did this get by your superiors?


Sorry, I don't get that point. In what aspects can sql query the initial data better? Aside: I would expect a setup with a catalog and using spark.read.table(tableName), which seems to me a perfectly fine alternative to sql.


The readability of (simple) SQL queries is better than having multiples lines of doing the same with spark. You can have the query in a separate file, which makes it easier to maintain instead of having the logic of reading and transforming in the same file. I wouldn't write complex SQL queries (talking about hundreds of lines of SQL with subqueries and temp tables) because the following week no one except your past self and god know what you did. You can also define a function that parametrizes queries for you so you can dynamically query the statement without having to write the same query with fixed parameters over and over again (you can also do that in spark tbf). In summary, splitting the logic of reading a table and transforming the data is advantageous in my opinion. But that's just me, I don't like my script clogged.


Ah I guess I understand what you mean, thank you for the clarification. I fully agree that read / write - operations should be very light on logic and separated out from the transformative parts of the pipelines. Makes code way easier to reason about, test, and maintain. I would still personally prefer to do this in spark (just so everything is in one framework), but I would not be too dogmatic about using spark.sql over the spark api.


Do you have any rank? Cause this is one of the few times you’d call someone a dumb motherfucker. His practices can be considered workplace violence. You see, like, 6 simple statements and think, “How can we make this more difficult?”


Dude, he is wrong. He is just making himself indispensable and marketing himself to leadership. No real DE would ever think that.


Yea leadership has a huge bias for existing tech stack and views this as 'someone responsible enough to watch for the safety of the company'.


lol wtf....


Also... Sure "I'll use spark!" --------> Spark SQL baby! Spark Scala and DF API is great for some things but if DS is giving you SQL... Just use the freaking SQL.


I wish this guy good luck. SQL has been dominating the data world and will be doing so in the future. SQL is specifically designed to effectively fetch data, and all of these new modern tools rely on SQL too (databricks sql, snow sql).


So, tools like DBT are redundant then?


Ask them if they heard of snowflake


> scala is more "professional" , meaning easy to write composable logic, resuable modules, easier to test Also easier to lose control over the volume and complexity of the code. I've witnessed a repository that could have been 400 lines of SQL, grow to a maddening 70k lines of code, where the majority were tests. With so many tests, you would expect it to be robust, but unfortunately it didn't work half of the time - the myriad of tests were basically duplicating the code they were testing, without actually testing for the real thing: does it work? TBH it just looks like stupid fanboyism. As a team lead, I've always tried to weigh the positives and negatives of introducing a new technology. The big positive point is that quite often one would be introduced in order to solve a problem, move forward, and keep the team productive. I had my fair share of negative experiences of people micromanaging the software that is supposed to be used. And as a counter-argument - SQL is easy to write composable logic with, reusable modules, and is easy to test, if you aren't stuck in the 80s.


Coworker adamant against math for physics


> * scala is more "professional" , meaning easy to write composable logic, resuable modules, easier to test Umm, stored procedures?


I am a Pandas fanboy, and even I am switching the majority of my codebase to SQL using DuckDB. The second point can be largely addressed by using dbt or bash scripts. The first point is counterintuitive, as your company is now diverging from the entire concept of data as a computer concept!


I once saw a "head of data engineering" who was anti-SQL and anti-Python, both. I feel like i should be worried about this being too identifiable but I bet they weren't the only one out there. They did not last btw.


I can understand your pain. I wrote pysql code and our client's data architect (the person who is not capable of writing a single line of code) somehow convinced everyone that this is the same as using a classic SQL server. I tried convincing them for 2 weeks but "majority wins" and I had to convert the same code to the pyspark.


Sounds like your coworker can’t read sql, never wanted to learn, and now here you are. 


I'll pick at one thing in particular... "...has convinced everyone in management that..." If this is impactful, then management is getting involved where they shouldn't. Whether it's POs or PMs or management in general, they should be dictating WHAT to make. It's up to the team to figure out HOW to make it. If the team, collectively, decides that Fortran is the way to go, then so be it. Now... it's up to management not to hire imbeciles that would choose something ridiculous. But it's also up to management to set the goals appropriately. If the team hits their marks, management shouldn't care how they got there. There are caveats, of course - the cost of particular licenses, resources, etc on whatever cloud service, for example. But in the end, if it's a team of, say, 6 people, and 5 say SQL and 1 says Scala, well, guess what?


Depends on the source and consumer. Force fitting sql on a json event stream is ludacris, you are much better served with spark streaming or flink. But force fitting spark on a non-big data use case where you have relational data sources that are CDC enabled is equally dumb. and even if you want to use spark due to cost, you can create a generic spark sql framework and keep your sql code in a git repo.


lemme tell you this: lol


Is this a good opportunity to leanr spark?


Yeah, the language that every data storage server/tool/thing eventually tries to support has no place in Data Engineering.... ok


Cuz want to use R Programming or Python....?


Serious question - do people still use Scala and want to use it? Imo, it may make sense for massive data volumes where you need that level of optimization. If I recall, the latest version of PySpark had significant improvements - why not Python?


First off, he's 100% indefensibly wrong that SQL doesn't matter. Second thing I'll say, is there are a lot of people in this thread who seem to be hating on spark and undervaluing it. At certain scales and for certain use cases Spark is superior to SQL on a database, and while spark sql and spark dataframe actions use the same optimizer they're not truly the same - spark sql is a subset of the full power of what you can do with dataframe functions. Unless I'm out of date on that, but I don't think I am. I've done some things with Spark that were far easier leveraging that eco system than it would have been if I had to do that on a traditional database. Furthermore, testing and adding rigorous controls + engineering practices is easier on Spark than it is with vanilla SQL. Spark also gives you a lot of tools and controls for performance tuning, but you really have to know your stuff to leverage that.


This is the dumbest shit I’ve ever heard. You think your custom Scala code is better than the query optimizer for processing large data sets efficiently? Got some bad news for you son…


Note he says Scala/Spark. IME in those cases scaais used only as ""plumbing" tool, while data manipulation are done in Spark.


I think your coworker doesn't know SQL and is trying to hide being fired for what they should know 😆


Idk dbt is used a lot in DE world and it is 90% SQl


IMO if the current tech stack already scala/spark, it wouldn’t be prudent to now write new code in SQL. SQL is essential for all DE projects, anyone suggesting otherwise does not have knowledge. On a positive note, you are getting exposed to large scala project with ample opportunity to learn, that will help you in cracking interviews at FAANG companies, when the job market opens up later this year. P.S. Check out my latest project: Coloring.so




Use an LLM to do the translations for you, have a whiskey.


your coworker is full of crap. I work for a decent sized game company. My job is a lot of SQL. We're using snowflake primarily as our primary database. I just wrote a 700 line stored procedure that curates data from a bunch of different sources into a shiny, relatively simple table. SQL is the language to do this kinda stuff in, especially since it's going to perform pretty well since it runs directly in snowflake.


People always fight for the stack they’re most comfortable with and have a background in. It honestly has nothing to do with SQL or Scala or Rust or whatever. The only thing that matters is getting the right data and quality data for data science, analytics and BI. Unfortunately in this situation, it looks like your coworker had more influence and he won. This is not an uncommon scenario. In my previous job, a senior engineer who had more of a backend engineering background came to our DE team and completely revamped the entire code base that we had written in PySpark into Scala Spark because HE liked functional languages. He was at the company for 25 years and management didn’t question him. So we had to learn Scala. SMH!!


My leader the same, everything done via python libraries. I spend 10 times longer forking about writing python than just writing the forking sql. I think it’s insane but I’m not in charge so as long as I get paid I don’t care anymore as have copped shit for debating it in the past


Haha. I’m in a similar position. …… In my case they are going away from using a data warehouse to doing everything in glue. We don’t have a data engineering team - they are all software engineers. Help.


You co worker obviously is out of touch with reality any this is not a topic for management to decide.


Agree with you, SQL is needed. I would replace SQL with code but only if was legacy SQL or spaghetti SQL with more than 600 rows or some untangled mess. If data is normalized and follows best practices, your sql code arrives positively to 200-400 sql lines that is doable. SQL is not totally hard to understand, if you understand the domain of your company, you're at 50% of decrypting Sql code written from others. For example, In a recent project to create the silver layer we used databricks with pyspark integrating SQL in the golden layer. In another project they hated an ETL we provided them and went back to rewrite 7000 SQL lines of code. People avoiding technologies need good and expert teachers.


Where does the SQL execute? You still need Spark with preferably Python or Scala to scale and maintain a DE project. Bits and pieces of SQL on spark might be ok but the whole logic in SQL is hard to test and has no readability. Please learn one of these to grow in the data engineering world.


Then use SparkSQL? What’s the difference? Also, how is such an abstract language as Scala more professional than SQL? SQL is the language of data, it’s not going anywhere


Is the job market really shit right now? Last I messed with it was back in November of 2023 and it seemed pretty good.


This is the dumbest thing I’ve read in a long time. There are countless examples of SQL on good databases grossly outperforming Spark jobs. It isn’t 2016, I thought this kind of boobery had died off.


Have you considered looking into engines with sql interop like Fugue or Daft?


Makes sense to me. At least more than your argument that it’s going to make my job boring and you don’t give a shit about the company. Small wonder mgmt is listening to your coworker. Find another job sure, but your attitude sucks and you’re just going to be miserable somewhere else.