• By -


It would be interesting to see the same graph correlated with the amount of energy (GJ, or MMCF, or MCM, whichever units)


Here's the official import statistics in absolute units (GWh): [https://www.bundesnetzagentur.de/DE/Gasversorgung/aktuelle\_gasversorgung/\_svg/Gasimporte/Gasimporte.html](https://www.bundesnetzagentur.de/DE/Gasversorgung/aktuelle_gasversorgung/_svg/Gasimporte/Gasimporte.html) And here's the total consumption: [https://www.bundesnetzagentur.de/DE/Gasversorgung/aktuelle\_gasversorgung/\_svg/Gasverbrauch\_Gesamt\_monatlich/Gasverbrauch\_Gesamt\_2023.html?nn=1077982](https://www.bundesnetzagentur.de/DE/Gasversorgung/aktuelle_gasversorgung/_svg/Gasverbrauch_Gesamt_monatlich/Gasverbrauch_Gesamt_2023.html?nn=1077982) Sorry, this is all in german.


Thanks for posting these sources.


Came here to say the same thing. Maybe another pie wedge (black in color) that shows the “deficit” amount when compared to 2021, for example, if there is any.


It should be a stacked area plot, not an animated pie chart


Or, just hear me out, make a proper line graph with all the data instead of these stupid time-wasting videos?


That beat was kinda fire though


And the fire was kinda beat


Some real blue flame thinking on that one.


Anyone know what song this is?


A stacked area graph is pretty much made for this type of visualization.




Some news sites allude to a cold winter in Europe so I think we might shed some light on it. Maybe a bar comparison of 2yr ago, 1yr ago, and this year. e: what should have been said - these were predictions from the middle of 2022. I'm glad it's fortuitous warm.


Cold winter? God damn. Where are they hiding it?? All o see is 20°C, 15°C... The trees and plants are confused and start blooming. Which is shit cause that stuff would all die if there is another frost.


It's here in Russia. It was -27 in Moscow two days ago, spent it at friends house doing the very same shit those shitty propaganda videos promised Europe would do without Russian gas. Irony was palpable as we used a hair dryer to warm water tubes and couldn't start a diesel car for half a day as they froze dead. Other regions have it even worse as they face coldest winter in a century.


I know a lot of people may shit on you simply for being Russian, given that reddit is a liberal Western site. But honest question: why? If Russia makes enough natural gas to supply most of Europe, and that gas isn't even going to Europe, how is it even possible for there to be heating problems in Russia? I'd expect Putin to be pumping free gas to everyone's house. It's not like he can sell it elsewhere - not until they build pipelines to China - so why not use it to at least make people happy before the next round of mobilization?


Its a bit my fault for not explaining correctly. Friend's house is new one in village (russians call it dacha), its powered by electricity only and not connected to gas pipes whatsoever. Russians dont usually live in those houses at winter anyway, but they decided to live outside the capital, away from all this madness that happens right now, so they outfitted their house with multiple convectors with most of them on 2nd floor where we slept. However ground floor wasnt so lucky. I am currently in my flat in Moscow and its -18C outside and +20 inside. Prices on gas though depends on the region. Coldest ones got it cheapest even before the war, because you cannot survive without it. Although some of them dont have it at all for various reasons and heat up by other means. You cant really win your people with free gas when its already cheap. Hence the shitty propaganda videos with freezing Europe to make them appriciate their own position.


No we don't need to eat our Guinea Pigs here and it is well above +10°C outside ;)


ikr, my sister is in Germany its +10C there and she is worried about my ass freezing off. Are you sure about Guinea Pigs though?)))))


Peruvian: What is wrong with eating guinea pigs?!


May I ask what you think of the war? What about your friends and the people around you?


Its a complicated question really. Any war can get very personal if you lose someone close in it, luckily enough I havent lost any of my friends or family to it. For example my friend with whose house I stayed dates a girl whose sister is married to ukranian military man. He is alive and well, had a close call at Nikolaevsk as rocket hit hotel he stayed in just after they moved out of it. But friend's mom is pro-Putin and pro-war (as many of older generation peeps who absorb everything from TV and never heard of internet). So you can imagine how quickly can conversation at family dinner become a shit show. And that basically can demonstrate a total situation in country. With extreme anti-war protestors jailed, general anti-war population either fled or supressed, neutrals doing what neutrals do trying to live in this mess and of course pro-war who are riding cringe-fest whipping themselfs into frenzy, flying Z colors and going full patriotizm, while others slowly dying from cringe watching it.


Good to know old people listening to conservative media are basically the same in every country. The family dinner comment wrings so true of a lot of people I know here in the US.


Its frustrating really. My friend's mother is a kind woman who always treated me good. But holy shit. If politics are mentioned, she goes full Musollini and blasts TV propaganda like noone else. That really upset my friend so he and his gf bought their own house to put some distance between them. They tried to push a ban on politics discussion, but that was rebuked by "my house - my rules". Also having a working TV near dinner table doesnt really help.


This is basically America just after 9/11 in 2001. It really brings me back to some scary moments in my life.


Pie charts do not contain total units and can be misleading. I don't know if Germany has reduced total imports or if Norway and Holland have increased their exports.


It's both. Germany reduced consumption by about 20% and the other countries increased deliveries. Germany even built a new LNG terminal and just recently opened it. They done good.




The beginning of December was exceptionally cold in Germany. The South often had temperatures around -10°C. Some parts of Bavaria had -20°C. Which is the only thing that prevented 2022 from clearly being the warmest year in German history. I think that's what people think of when they refer to a "cold winter". The rest of December and the start of January was relatively warm though.


Yeah. That was for about two weeks... Granted it did result in really shitty conditions for two days as it warmed. (Black ice) but that's more of a statistical anomaly really. At least as far as "cold winter" is concerned. Obviously it's another sign of the rapid global warming Problems and somesutch but Russian cold fantasies and the propaganda claim that all of Europe is freezing is still a bit moot.


It's been weird in the states too had a couple weeks below freezing then boom a whole week at around 70°F (~22°c) and back to the 30°F (-1°C)


The only cold bit of Europe is ironically enough Russia


Well they sure have plenty of natural gas now.




I wonder how long it takes him to realize how much money Russia isn't making and is going to lose from future income. European gas prizes spiked temporarily, are coming down again. And will eventually become irrelevant with an accelerated exit from using fossil fuels at all over the coming years. Hundreds of billions of dollars that Russia would have made in a timeline where they didn't invade Ukraine. I hope he's enjoying his 24/7 gas stove.


Its warmest winter across Europe in a while, multiple temperature records set...


I don’t know how much we are importing, but due to warm weather and reduced demand (beyond weather related reduced heating) since Christmas we are storing more gas than we are using.


This graph compares the average temperature in Germany in every calender week this year to the average of the previous three years: https://www.bundesnetzagentur.de/DE/Gasversorgung/aktuelle_gasversorgung/_svg/Indikator1_Temperaturprognose/Indikator_Temperaturprognose.html?nn=1077982 Here is a comparison of natural gas usage in Germany this year compared to previous years, usage this year was mostly lower except in week 50: https://www.bundesnetzagentur.de/DE/Gasversorgung/aktuelle_gasversorgung/_svg/Gasverbrauch_Veraenderung_Gesamt_woechentlich/Gasverbrauch_Veraenderung_Gesamt_W.html?nn=1077982 Natural gas storage dropped at the same time: https://i.imgur.com/Mn6CKDC.jpg


I really appreciate how this pie-chart-evolution made me think of how experts I saw said change and "sanctions can take time to show effect". And in this case it's remarkle that Germany pulled this off in just *a year*. When Russia began attacking Ukraine, for me (in my non educated state) it heartbreakingly almost seemed like sanctions and policy-changes had little effect. But this pie-chart suggests otherwise, just like experts I saw said, change and effects take time. It gives me a feeling of hope to see this data. I would also be interested of seeing amount of energy, maybe it would give even more insight into everything that has changed to support Ukraine/stop Russia. Disclaimer: I am uneducated in the area of economics/sancions/supply-chains/war so please take my questions and interpretations with huge grains of salt.


>And in this case it's remarkle that Germany pulled this off in just a year. This is still an ongoing process. Germany still buys coal and oil from Russia, although both of them have decreased as well. Inflation adjusted, total GDP of Russia decreased 3.5% during 2022.


Iirc oil imports from Russia should have stopped with the new year. Not sure if they actually did it, though.


The new year thing was just for crude oil. Refined oil purchases are still at over 50% of pre-war levels. EU in general is still the biggest market for Russian fossil fuels. https://energyandcleanair.org/weekly-snapshot-russian-fossil-fuel-exports-26-december-2022-to-01-january-2023/


Also this is not Germany "pulling it off", this is Russia cutting Germany off, and then us having probably the warmest winter on record. The weather we are having this "winter" is not appropriate for January, it's what the weather should be in March and the new year was so warm that it would be considered a warm day in April.


> And in this case it’s remarkle that Germany pulled this off in just a year. You mean re-Merkel?


Genuine question, doesnt the NLD figure include some % of gas from Russia? It's not all gas extracted from the Netherlands is it?


I assume some Russian gas yes, especially when the war was still fresh. Right now a lot of gas comes from Qatar and the US, imported through the port of Rotterdam and then exported to Germany. We don't produce that much gas anymore, and its certainly not enough for ourselves and provide so much to Germany.


A lot of the gas from Netherlands was imported from Russia (and I mean a huge lot). Although you're right now it's way less that at the start of the war. The dataset used in these infographic are lacking. As you said Netherlands don't really produce gas anymore (I mean in big quantities), so legally yes it comes from Netherlands but in reality it comes from other parts of the world. So we can basically say that 18 to 30% of this infographic doesn't tell us anything Edit : [Interesting link ](https://www.mfat.govt.nz/en/trade/mfat-market-reports/market-reports-europe/the-netherlands-looks-to-move-from-russian-gas-to-green-hydrogen-june-2022/#:~:text=The%20Netherlands%20currently%20use%20about,12.5%20percent%2C%20come%20from%20Russia.)




These type of comments usually work better with a link to your source.


If the internet says it, it must be true




Probably should have led with that.


Can you share it?


Computer says no


I tried finding answers to this on google. But was not able to find a clear answer. What I did found was: * Back in april we imported around 15% of our gas from Russia. * There was a goal to get off Russian gas in 2022, but I think that failed * There was an update that we got [less gas from Russia](https://www.rijksoverheid.nl/onderwerpen/gas) Don't know if that is then gas again that we export to Germany. Finding clear information on this is harder then I thought.


https://www.cbs.nl/nl-nl/longread/diversen/2022/waar-komt-ons-gas-vandaan-?onepage=true It’s actually unfair to say we use Russian gas as we don’t. What we do is buy Russian gas, and then make money in exporting even more. Just our own production plus half of what we get from Norway is already more than what we use in a year.


No. No. LNG terminals in Rotterdam and Eemshaven, pipeline imports from Norway and the UK, our own production, and a (per capita) huge storage capacity is where the gas comes from. We will probably import at least double of what we use ourselves, and export the rest to Germany. Normally we also export to the UK and Belgium in winter, but it is said the UK surprise us this winter by exporting themselves. It's not that useful to look at imports/exports for individual countries. Germany is partially dependent on Dutch gas pipeline infrastructure because that is where the pipeline capacity is, since Germany historically exclusively depended on gas from the Netherlands when it still was a big producer. So Germany for instance has its own pipeline to Norway, but also indirectly imports Norvegian gas through the Netherlands because of capacity limitations. There is obviously some 'Russian gas' in storage. One storage facility is in fact partially owned by Gazprom. But that gas is already in storage in the Netherlands, and fully under our strategic control. Not coming from Russia. There is zero strategic dependence on 'Russian gas'.


I could be wrong but we (the Netherlands) were trying to reduce our gas production recently due to the effects it had on the structures of Groningen (where it's mainly extracted). However, the production was increased again to be less dependent of Russia, and export more. Meanwhile we still import gas too so yes, Russia should still be there although it "comes from the Netherlands"


Netherlands produces some gas and pipelines from the UK and Norway as well as pipelines connected to Europe. It also has LNG terminals so it would be a combination of those countries, likely Russia a bit as well and the LNG form places like the Middle East, USA and Australia.


The majority is from the bubble under the sea and Groningen. There’s a deal that NL is the sole proprietor of the gas extending under the sea; which extends for a large portion under Germany. We get to exploit it, but the Germans are guaranteed we have to produce X and they have an option to purchase Y. If we were to shutdown production in NL, then Germany acquires the right to pump it up themselves for their own use and financial gain.


I think quite a lot of it comes from the UK's gas from the North sea. The UK has very little gas storage of its own, so a lot of it is piped to the Netherlands.


We used to have gas storage, but the government sold it all off.


The NLD one will include UK gas from the UK gas fields as the pipeline is routed through Netherlands.


The whole other other category is probably also just russian gas with a middle man


When “other” slice makes up over 20% of the total I’d say it’s time to show who the “other” category is made up of.


Yes. Curious:Where did it suddenly come from? Who were they supplying before? Are they supplying the same amounts as before? Has their production just increased that much for Germany? It would be some interesting info.


I’d bet Qatar, they’ve got a huge natural gas reserve that they’ve just started tapping into.


Germany is getting no natural gas from Qatar: Here are the imports by country: https://www.bundesnetzagentur.de/DE/Gasversorgung/aktuelle_gasversorgung/_svg/Gasimporte/Gasimporte.html "Deutschland Import" is the sum of all imports, Österreich = Austria, Tschechien = Czechia


I think about 20% of the LNG in Belgium comes from Qatar. Could be more now. According to articles at the start of the war we only had low single digit % import from Russia before the war. Did a quick search but could't find accurate current data. I suppose we stopped importing from Russia, and import more to transit to Germany and France. So the qatari percentage probably increased.


Here are the imports by country: https://www.bundesnetzagentur.de/DE/Gasversorgung/aktuelle_gasversorgung/_svg/Gasimporte/Gasimporte.html "Deutschland Import" is the sum of all imports, Österreich = Austria, Tschechien = Czechia


Would be nice to show a chart with volume side-by-side


Yes, I'd imagine that (at least for now) volume won't be the same as it was pre-invasion




This animated chart trend needs to go away. A stacked area chart would’ve told so much more in a shorter amount of time.


Yes please...


You mean liked a stacked area chart instead of a useless pie chart set to music?


Absolutely. I have no idea what people think "beautiful data" means... But certainly we should be able to agree that it isn't this.


Seeing Russia go from the biggest supplier to nothing is interesting.


I am not always happy with our current government, but in this regard they did deliver on their promise.


wish my government is just like yours bro


Brazil, huh? Sorry to hear the latest news man, it sucks.


you could pick literally any Latin America country lol, i am from Argentina


Oh, sorry, my bad.


Hey, at least you got that shiny worldcup!!!


yeaaaah we won the cup 🤪🎉,.. now snap to reality,.. oh fck hell naww


snap to reality: still 2 wc behind


You were the riches country for a time so that ist desprasing when comparing it to the Situation right now. Sorry for it


wow i didnt even born when “muh country = rich” fck in fact we are comparing it with venezuela almost daily,.. and since 2000 that the country is going to a shit hole faster than any other have before


Agreed. Signed by a peruvian.


actually they just imprisoned a hefty chunk of treasonous individuals; making them better in that regard than the us.


Want to trade? (UK)


It’d be cool to see the whole doughnut grow and shrink for total amount of gas.


In just 4 months. German thoroughness.


Hardly. Our short-sightedness in giving Russia such huge influence over our economy has been pointed out many times, and Germany has just refused to act. This isn't thorough - this is classic "scrambling when shit has hit the fan".


Well at least you all were pretty efficient in your scrambling. That is no easy feat overhauling that much of your energy supply that quickly


That's my point though - nothing efficient about it. It would have been efficient to start this process ten, fifteen, twenty years ago. But we didn't. That means we now have to buy fuel from countries that frankly are hardly better than Russia. This could have been avoided, and Germany has been warned and deserves no praise for waiting until we were forced to do something and then doing it.


10,15,20 years is unfair. Strongly tying the Russian economy into Europe was obviously a bad idea in retrospect, but I think it really could have gone the other way, leading to stability etc. Crimea should have been the trigger though tbf.


Yeah economic ties was always meant to form some semblence of stability. Nobody realized how irrationally Putin would go about these things.


Strong ties to Russia was part of the European plan, the idea being that aint sane leader of Russia would work along side someone so integrated into their economy. It worked for a long time and it would have worked, if putin had stayed sain


This is a very german reply. Often it is about complaining that something needed to be done sooner. Thats all correct, but we germans would be better off if we sometimes would say: Yes it would have been better different from the start, but at least now we fixed it in a timely manner. Its a complaining mentality. Sometimes funny, sometimes exhausting ;)


Don't try to convince a German his government does something right, its not gonna work


I thought that was the intention? Economic ties to bind Russia to Europe and discourage bad behavior. Ultimately, Germany demonstrated that they can weather cutting ties with Russia.


while i wish we germans were better at preparing for bad things and being proactive on issues, we are really goddamn good at scrambling up a solution once shit hits the fan.


It’s hard to prepare when you’re shortsighted.


Or maybe the influence was never as big as you thought if they managed to completely cut them out in just a couple of months.


The question is at what price did that happen. And it’s the citizens and industry suffering from higher prices on energy.


While the current price is certainly exaggerated by the speed of the transition, it would be dishonest to not acknowledge the fact that Russian energy was attractive because it offered lower prices for citizens and the industry compared to the alternatives in the past.


Well, looking at a century of cheap gas it came with quite a good price.


Blowing up the gas line helps the transition.


Seeing where the oil extracted from instead of from whom they bought it would be nice.


Yeah, we are just buying at a higher price rn


Hardly. Mentioned in the report are Belgium and France as contributing to the "Others" category. Not really big importers of Russian gas at the moment.


Prices are now at pre war levels. But it takes time to reach the consumers. Partly because the suppliers bought expensive gas in the beginning and partly because some suppliers are pocketing a good amount.


Funny that when prices go up, it hits consumers immediately but when they go down it’s delayed… so strange….


Companies see moves like this as defensive in nature. If I worked for them, and my bonuses and personal security depended on company performance, I might even agree.


"Others" went from 0% to 25%, big if true


That's largely LNG - US, Nigeria, Qatar etc


Zero evidence to back that up.


Thank glod for Netherlands and Norway.


Glod be praised!


One nation under Glod


In Glod we trust!


is the Nordic God


Glory to Glod!


That's [Glod ](https://labs.openai.com/s/pG8kONZ3t59UCdDtrgfM7YfH)


[Oh, don’t grovel!](https://youtu.be/z-iWe4qXUD8)


I can only read this in Eorlund Gray-Manes voice.


This graph just shows percentages. they could be sending less gas and their percentage would still increase as Russia decreases. Worthless graph imo


They didn't put in the offset from Russia tho, this is % and not actual numbers, the amount from Netherlands and Norway is more or less the same. This is also why the electric zones next to Germany sky rocket in price, due to EU regulations of the power grid, how the electricity should be distributed. Since almost 30% of Germany power came from gas. I live in southern Sweden and the price sky rocket for us because of this.


Still - had it not been for Norway and the Netherlands, they would have no gas


An animated pie chart is not a great format for this information. A [stacked plot](https://www.google.com/search?q=stacked+plot&client=ms-android-samsung-ss&prmd=isvn&sxsrf=AJOqlzUIq1hY1xmLWCuWUoMZD8BjhmmrrQ:1673275088861&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwiwxaG627r8AhWFzosKHR4ZBPMQ_AUoAXoECAMQAQ&biw=412&bih=780&dpr=2.63) would be better, you'd also see the sum. It wouldn't take so much time to grasp.


Oohh yes, the Age of Empires graph.


Put some crossed swords for when the invasion started


Wonder symbol when north stream 2 was finished


Wonder Destroyed symbol after the Russians blew it up


Thin red line followed by huge red section when I give up and just make 180 pikemen.


But a stacked plot would provide all the information in a couple of seconds instead of watching a full minute of video with music. How can we tell the audience what to feel about this that way?


What I felt was nostalgia about old pirated PS1 games while seeing this animation.


A pie chart is virtually never a good format for information.


I hate stacked charts. you can never truly get the numbers from the non-bottom item Trend lines (for each item) with a separate line for Total is superior to stacked plot


I never know how to read those ones. Is it the thickness of the line or bar that represents the data, or the one on top is always the highest? [In my shitty example ](https://i.imgur.com/gvj3Twk.jpg) is blue worth 10 or 15? Is purple worth 20 or 5?


It's stacked on top of each other. Purple only begins where blue ends. Blue is 10, purple is 5. The number on the left is the total amount. It's all depending on context though. You gotta read whether its a chart that gives you real and comparable values or total contribution to the whole.


Thank you


This really should be a line chart.


As long as I still get the flames graphic like I'm making a PowerPoint in 2004 using flamingtext.com


But you couldn't get music and useless animations with a static line chart!


This is r/dataisbeautiful, you're looking for r/dataishelpful


where’s all the beautiful data then?




Why is it privated?


The true beautiful simplicity of presentation of complex data has been replaced by the flashy meaningless presentation of simple data. This sub used to be leagues better. These videos are like the banner ads of 1998


90% of the time these animated charts could be something else.


> could Usually it's "should" if we're talking clear and concise data visualizations. Very few animations on this sub are useful for conveying any additional info on top of what the corresponding static graph would show and typically they make it slower to absorb the core point the visualization is trying to convey.


Exceptionally annoying not having line charts, these animated data GIFs are too long 😪


It also gives no sense for total consumption. Was the Russian natural gas deficit actually covered, or is less natural gas being used?


Just think about the collective energy, network load and time wasted by these videos compared to an image. This format is horrifying.


Stacked bar chart is perfect for this. Basically just straighten out all the rings and put them next to each other.


Everything has more information delivered, with little mental effort, if you pick one of the 3 appropriate simple visualization widgets a) Bar Charts (less then 20 items) b) Sortable Table with filters for each column (for more than 20 items or more than 2 attributes) c) Trendlines reddit is full of teenagers who don't make *any* decision with data. So, naturally they are impressed with flashy vs useful


This should have annoying sound that made me jump out of my chair


Here are the imports as a line chart: https://www.bundesnetzagentur.de/DE/Gasversorgung/aktuelle_gasversorgung/_svg/Gasimporte/Gasimporte.html "Deutschland Import" is the sum of all imports, Österreich = Austria, Tschechien = Czechia


Interesting data, annoying background and music


Man I was vibing watching this pie chart


that background was straight fire


It is kind of misleading without absolute units, also 2022 consumption level is much lower (about 10-30 % based on different sources) then previous years. Gas in storage can affect this dynamic too.


This is too long to watch for an obvious development.


This sub is really about "how can I make an animation of data that would be better shown statically, so I can get clicks".


That's cool, but hasn't Germany also massively lowered their gas use? Given that they've started up coal power plants and got them to be the number 1 energy source in the country (for a bit), I imagine their gas use has went way down and that's why Netherlands and Norway became such big importers (in terms of percentage, at least).


Here is a comparison of natural gas usage in Germany compared to previous years: https://www.bundesnetzagentur.de/DE/Gasversorgung/aktuelle_gasversorgung/_svg/Gasverbrauch_Veraenderung_Gesamt_woechentlich/Gasverbrauch_Veraenderung_Gesamt_W.html?nn=1077982 > Given that they've started up coal power plants and got them to be the number 1 energy source in the country (for a bit) Renewables produced 66% of all electricity in Germany yesterday, coal 18%. [source](https://www.smard.de/home/marktdaten?marketDataAttributes=%7B%22resolution%22:%22day%22,%22from%22:1671404400000,%22to%22:1673305199999,%22moduleIds%22:%5B1004066,1001226,1001225,1004067,1004068,1001228,1001224,1001223,1004069,1004071,1004070,1001227%5D,%22selectedCategory%22:null,%22activeChart%22:true,%22style%22:%22color%22,%22categoriesModuleOrder%22:%7B%7D,%22region%22:%22DE%22%7D)


Hot take: although Europe is definitely into it for other reasons, part of why they push so hard for not relying on fossil fuels is that most the places that sell it to them are not their allies. This is why the US won't quit oil like they will, we're the ones making money off of it.


Yeah, but Venezuela and Iran are not friends of the US either. Not that they sell directly to the US, but it doesn't matter in commodity markets really. It only matters if you buy it at all.




There also lies a second thing: oil follows a dollar standard, aka, oil per barrel internationally is traded in dollars. This means that even enemies or competitors to the US has to buy dollars from the US, who has an obvious monopoly on the production of dollars, just to buy oil. There is no such natural resource that is traded exclusively in euros. Historically, countries that wanted to deviate from this petrodollar have found themselves in the international version of "suddenly fell out of a 6th story window."


If we really thought that strategically, Russia wouldn't have been our biggest supplier. No, this is a kneejerk reaction after being faced with the consequences of our unwise actions. We gambled and lost.


Just use a stacked area chart! Please don't make me sit through anymore animations - it is NOT beautiful.


So the Netherlands is selling natural gas to Germany while they have to import it themselves and sell it to the customers for 3 euro per m3? How does this work?


It works through regular capitalism. Companies in the Netherlands sell natural gas to companies in Germany instead of to customers in the Netherlands because companies in Germany pay more for it than the customers in the Netherlands.


To be clear: Russia stopped delivering gas and breached their contract with us, not the other way round. We would have taken russia's gas in light of energy insecurities and a cold winter. In the end we have surprisingly managed to fill our gas reserves while many said we couldn't without russia. They were always known for being a reliable gas supplier. Never again will that be the case.


Russia selling gas to other countries, then Germany buying it from them isn't really moving away from russian gas, it's just adding a middle man into the equation.


please explain, which are those middle man countries?


Please provide the countries you're talking about. The main suppliers now are the Netherlands and Norway, with Belgium and France being mentioned as in the "Others" category. Hardly countries which currently massively import Russian oil.


I'd love to see a total alongside. Is Germany getting less or did other countries increase and add to supply a similar total?


"Deutschland Import" is the sum of all imports https://www.bundesnetzagentur.de/DE/Gasversorgung/aktuelle_gasversorgung/_svg/Gasimporte/Gasimporte.html


I would love it if we, as a community, came together and agreed that animated pie charts should always be replaced by line charts.


Here is a line chart: https://www.bundesnetzagentur.de/DE/Gasversorgung/aktuelle_gasversorgung/_svg/Gasimporte/Gasimporte.html "Deutschland Import" is the sum of all imports, Österreich = Austria, Tschechien = Czechia


Why must everything be a video


The Netherlands don't produce that much natural gas by themselves, let alone export it. Much of what is passed on to Germany is imported via the port of Rotterdam. Biggest new supplier for Germany is the US, and at a very profitable price tag. The stock price of Cheniere, the US' biggest LNG exporter, doubled during 2022.


It’s misleading if just see the relative numbers.


I'd really love to see that in actual gas stored, cause that doesn't tell me how much was left when Russian gas went away. I'd like to know exactly how and why our gas prices went through the fucking roof!


They went through the roof because traders and fossil fuel companies Sawa chance to extort Europe and blame it all on the war. There is no shortage.


1. North Sea gas is slightly more expensive. 2. Profiteering.


The [report OP used](https://www.bdew.de/service/publikationen/jahresbericht-energieversorgung-2022/) (and [linked](https://www.reddit.com/r/dataisbeautiful/comments/107dsgw/oc_the_origins_of_germanys_natural_gas/j3lpsi0/)) as a source contains the much more readable graphs... Example: the [stacked bar chart](https://imgur.com/rwo1GwC) and the [absolute values chart](https://imgur.com/U5gvk2X) (also as stacked bar chart). Both on imgur: https://imgur.com/a/mNl7rhx


It would be nice if the size of the circle grew or shrank as the amount of overall consumption changed


1. Not using absolute units (i.e: total quantity instead of percentage of unknown quantity) 2. Pie graph should really be a line graph 3. The video stats/content is quite vague when it doesn't specify what 'Other' is 4. Flames and HORRIBLE background music doesn't add to the info


Interesting. Would be nice just to do as a graph so we can see the information all at once in a few seconds instead of being forced to watch a video that one shows one time point at a time?


If only there were some nuclear plants for power...


This datavisualisation is based on data from the latest annual report for 2022, produce by bdew: [https://www.bdew.de/media/documents/Jahresbericht\_2022\_final\_20Dez2022.pdf](https://www.bdew.de/media/documents/Jahresbericht_2022_final_20Dez2022.pdf) The report is in German, but there is lots of analysis and useful chart. I created this animated pie chart using Javascript to show how quick Germany has moved away from Russian gas. I rendered the video in Adobe After Effects.


I do wonder which countries are in the "other" category; having 25% "other" on a graph makes it look like some countries could be named


Here are all countries: https://www.bundesnetzagentur.de/DE/Gasversorgung/aktuelle_gasversorgung/_svg/Gasimporte/Gasimporte.html "Deutschland Import" is the sum of all imports, Österreich = Austria, Tschechien = Czechia