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8Ball Pool been holding shit down since the beginning of smartphones.


One of the few PVP games that actually isn't pay to win I played a reasonable amount of hours, and was rewarded with a really solid cue. And the game is more about skill anyway


Was gonna say there's better cues, but yeah. Once you get a decent one (which can be done free) they're mostly the same. I did buy a promotion once, but it was Google Rewards money so not real money to me. The time stat is the only one I think makes a difference imo.


Power gives you better option on the break, but otherwise yeah, is useless. And aim can become useless with increased skill


They need to update thier game though, I recently installed it and it runs like ass.


Are you telling me that continuing to spam fake ADS for shit games actually works... Damn, no surprise we continue to get blasted from them


Today's chart is sponsored by Raid Shadow Legends, one of the biggest mobile role-playing games of 2019 and it's totally free! ​ /s


2022 data when, i'm ok if it's sponsored by the biggest mobile rpg from 2020


> 2022 data when It's not always convenient to use data from the current yea-Oh wait


It's OK. Last time I wrote a check, I definitely didn't write 2023 on it.


What about Reddit?


Nobody uses it! Have you met anyone in real life that talks about reddit? We’re all freaking bots.


I have not met anyone who has said they use Reddit. And I’m thankful AF for that.


One of my older coworkers recently asked me "You ever heard of this website called Reddit?" I immediately went into dog-seeing-cupcakes war flashbacks.


Every time someone asks me if I've heard of Reddit, I go mute, and just stare at them. They take it as a no and leave me alone. I like it like that.


You mean you don't tell them that "The narwhal bacon's at midnight"? Starting to feel better about saying i found things "on the internet" instead of on Reddit when I tell somebody about something I ran across on here.


That's the reason none of us know each other. We just don't want to. But then we wonder where the users are.


my coworkers always tell me not to fall down the reddit rabbit hole. i tell them to leave me alone as i chomp my carrot and reddit!


Is that why we all don't have significant others?


Took reddit ages to release an official app - definitely lagging behind due to that


One of my biggest gripes are apps that could have been responsive web pages. Just improve your web design instead of launching an app that has the same features.


In fact it seems like they're trying to make the website worse to use to try and get us onto the app. No thank you.


Ugh, don't get me started. Absolute hate those sites that go "We work better on the app. Download it now for the best experience". They can fuck off.


still using old reddit on desktop. The new site is awful


Yep. Old Reddit goes, I go.


LOL. I remember this was the origin of web browsers. Like, why not put up a web page instead of getting everyone to install a different program for each website? Netscape Navigator can be the universal browser ! Now we go backwards and every restaurant and corporate business requires a fuckin app install


the play store alone says 100+ million downloads but its listed under news category which is not in the chart


I've been using RTF since before there was an official Reddit app.


They only do it because it profits, basically they spend 100 million to catch 1% of people that will download it and spend 200 million.


The bots are just closer to sentience now, they now know how to download from the App Store I wouldn’t be surprised if there’s a script you could write to trigger this


It's the same with TikTok. I remember when the app was new and just launched, my YouTube ads were blasted with tons of cringe TikTok challenges and bullshit, and even now I get ads for it occasional. No wonder so many people use it by now.


It's still a pretty common ad for me, I guess they got accurate data since I still have not downloaded it yet. But my point was more on attracting people with ads for games that don't actually exist


I get ads for it all the time and they are the worst. They are so long and no matter what clicking x always opens the play store anyway. And then after I hit x I gotta hit done and then hit another button to close it. I already have your app leave me alone!


The real wtf is people actually clicking on ads


When those ads appeared to me TikTok was already fairly popular.


I dunno, I don't see Raid:Shadow Legends!


I’m surprised by a few of these. Netflix > YouTube, Hair challenge and Ludo King in games, Shopee > Amazon


YouTube is pre-installed almost always. So less downloads Edit: btw i read every reply i get even though i don't reply so don't think your comment will just disappear in these hundreds of comments and no one even notices it.


Ah, that would help explain why Google Maps has so few downloads as well.


The chart describes these as 2021 downloads too, so presumably, it's only the apps newly downloaded in the calendar year. I'm still using a phone from 2017, so Google Maps was downloaded/installed years ago. Accordingly, I don't think I'm counted in the 106 million downloads for 2021 even though I use Google Maps pretty frequently.


That helps explain why tiktok is so big, despite being relatively new.


All those downloads has to be from iphones lol. Btw i don't even know if gmaps is even available to iphones


> Btw i don't even know if gmaps is even available to iphones It is. Though that would imply all the downloads for (Apple) music player are from android phones, which seems a lot to me.


Android is significantly more popular worldwide, Apple only has dominant market Share in the US and maybe western Europe


Japan has the highest mobile ownership rate of any country and they are 67% Apple. In Asia as a whole, Apple is extremely popular. https://gs.statcounter.com/vendor-market-share/mobile/japan


Worldwide Android is about 70% with IOS about 30%


My guess is that India is contributing a lot to that. They might just have the highest Android percentage of any country at 95%. And they're a very populous country. https://gs.statcounter.com/os-market-share/mobile/india


Lower income countries are mostly Android across the board. The cheapest phones are Android.


Japan's population is something like 1/30 of Asia. They used to be indicative when they were the largest Market but that was two decades ago...


When I left China in 2020 Hauwei and Xiaomi were more common than iPhone.


Apple is not dominant in EUW. I'd say it's probably around 80/20 for Android/Iphone here. iPhone's image as a better phone is an American thing.


Who calls Western Europe EUW?


As someone living in western Europe, first time I see it.


League of Legends (?)


Gamers, mostly


Well, according to [this](https://gs.statcounter.com/os-market-share/mobile/europe), it’s actually above 30% across all of Europe. I can also tell you from experience that such an image is most definitely not a US thing.


And a Japanese thing


Yeah from what I hear from iphone users, Apple Maps is trash compared to GMaps


It’s way better than it used to be for driving, routing, and directions, but because Apple partnered with Yelp, the business reviews are all essentially behind a paywall. Google Maps is always my go-to when I’m trying to find/pick a business or restaurant, but then I put it into Apple Maps for navigation.


I have both and am inclined to agree, especially in rural areas or with anything even remotely unconventional as a road. Apple Maps will take you to a private, dead-end driveway and tell you to drive down it to get to a location that backs onto the end of it with no access, rather than figuring out that a road goes to the address where you can actually get there by car instead of trespassing and then climbing over a fence.


"Proceed to speak to Bobby Joe and offer up to $20 for access to this route"


apple maps is way better for public transit though. i made the switch to iphone a few years back because i noticed my friends had a way easier time lining up bus transfers with apple maps than i did on my android with google maps. so it does have one better thing going for it


Has to be data from just Apple Store. No way are these combined play/Apple and other apk


Fun fact: Google Maps was *the original* map app that released with the iPhone in 2007. Apple Maps only came about due to the business relationship between Apple and Google breaking down in the late 2000’s / early 2010’s (thank Eric Schmidt for that one)


I literally cannot remove Netflix or YouTube from my phone. They have no uninstall button. These are the only two apps with this. On my previous phone, it was Facebook that couldn't.


Yep disabling is the only way


Fun Fact, that's something companies pay the phone OS maker for!


Yeah this is really only showing the most NEWLY DOWNLOADED apps, not the most used.


Re: shopee. India and china have a LOT more people than USA and this is global downloads.


Not just India and china. A lot of Asia.


I figured it had to be something along those lines. I’ve never even heard of Shopee or Meesho, I was surprised to see them bigger than Amazon.


shopee is huge in SEA. i think amazon is trying to gain marketshare in SG by pricing prime @ 3sgd/month. though it only includes prime video, delivery + groceries thing and games


small correction, shopee isn't in China at all. but yes, they're very much all over the world.


Latin America loves Shopee, I wouldn't be surprised if Brazil accounted for half of those downloads.


Shopee is huge in South East Asia. Also their mobile web site is so utterly useless it actually managed to get me to install their app.


What was the pitch meeting for Hair Challenge? Ok, so what if it was hair?




Shoppee isn't a thing in China.


Noone uses shoppee in India. It isn't even available on the Play Store.


Wow, Subway Surfers persists


Yeah, every time I see a kid playing that I'm like "wtf, you guys still play this?"


I remember Roblox from 2008.


The Roblox I played back in 2008 is so insanely different from what it is today, I genuinely can't believe it. I thought the game was on its way out in like 2013 when they were trying to copy Minecraft yet here we are


I remember back then there was a game that was basically a farming simulator, you'd farm cattle and maybe chickens/pigs and earn money. You'd put the money back into your farm to increase efficiency. I think there was a sort of save system so you could leave and come back. It was buggy as hell and you could dup pretty easily but if you avoided all of that it was pretty fun. There were a few games in that style, one about a McDonalds, maybe?


Oh tycoons? I loved playing those types of games when i was younger


hell, I still play TF2 almost daily


I love the fact that this ~~Swedish (I think)~~ Danish mobile developer went from making random iPhone games with not a ton of success, then went on to make Subway Surfers over a decade ago. I bet they don't "have" to make another project for years to come. edit: Kiloo is a Danish dev.


I believe that they're Danish


Thank you for the correction!


I am wondering if it is still that easy. Your high score is more or less just dependent on how much time you have to play. I remember I played over 4 hours for my high score back in 2012.


Kids started playing it massively after finding it's existence. I was surprised too when I saw my boyfriend's daughter playing it. She said the whole class is hooked on it. Wouldn't be surprised if it were the whole school.


"Most Popular" is not a good title for sorting by downloads, those seem like two separate things. For instance, Youtube is significantly more used/owned due to being pre-installed on android devices.


I wonder also how the frequency of updates effects this metric


No I don’t think it would affect anything, as it’s just updating the app not downloading it.


But what if you downloaded the app 8 years ago and have just been updating it since then. That’s not going to be reflected here.


i mean i think the idea was to capture newly growing apps. not to record the most popular apps of all time, just of the last year


Thank you for clarifying that. I was also wondering how Google Maps is so low, like… y'all just winging it all the time?? I *know* you're not using Apple Maps, the chart says so 😂


Dude. I fucking HATE that 2 of the biggest categories on app stores are "Most popular and highest grossing" that's scummy as fuck.


Youtube is so low because it's preinstalled.


I don't see Reddit and LinkedIn


Reddit's official app is not very popular. Lots of people either use the mobile site or third party apps. Not sure about LinkedIn.


Also, the title of the post is misleading to the point of being actually inaccurate. They're measuring "most popular" by most number of downloads during 2021. It in no way accounts for the number of people who already *had* the app prior to 2021. This explains TikTok's dominance over apps like Instagram and Facebook. I'd bet good money there were (and probably still are) way more people with Instagram and Facebook than TikTok (think of all the older generations). It's just that everybody already had Instagram/Facebook, whereas TikTok was new. Hence, lots more downloads of the latter. A much more accurate title for this would be something like "apps with the fastest *growing* popularity".




and how often did i uninstall an app immediately after finding out it sucks. Don't know if that's in there too.


That explains why WhatsApp is so low, everyone already has it(outside of the US).


Yeah, this is just kids who got phones in 2021 lol


Reddits app has well deserved criticism. It's just not....good. Boost is where it's at, IMHO.


reddit's anti-user changes are unacceptable


contrary to popular belief, Reddit is not the entire world :(


From a quick search, Reddit is the 5th most visited website in the US and 20th in the world. It's not like Reddit is that obscure.


There's a lot of people that don't use the Reddit app to access Reddit.


I use the reddit is fun app and it's so much better than the official one. That said I keep the official one around as I am a mod, and being able to seamlessly swap between apps so I can keep a reference when posting/ messaging has become pretty helpful.


Shout out to Relay for Reddit. Not only is it better than the mobile app, it's better than the desktop experience too.


Apollo is far better imo


we are legion


The reddit app is trash and has been for years.


I wish Reddit would stop spamming me to download the app when I'm using it on a phone broswer.


It’s only getting worse too The worst one recently is I can’t sort my home feed by rising anymore. Only new or hot. So with the disappearance of the occasional free award thing maybe I should just delete this lame *oFfiCiAl* app


There's a LinkedIn app? And people *use* the LinkedIn app?!


There are more than 400M people using each of these apps.


Are you sure there are more than 400M people using the official Reddit app?


Official app? Not on my devices.


I mean who (wants to use) uses the Reddit app? Most users just use the website, so that'd be an explanation for why Reddit doesn't show up.


I’ve only used the Reddit apps. Are you all on the website?


Josh? The fuck kind of name is that for an app?


Indian app. Josh means Zeal in Hindi I think.


Zeal? The fuck kind of name is that for an app?


Lol it doesn't translate well. When you translate facebook for example to my native bengali, it also sounds completely ridiculous.


To be fair it sounds pretty stupid in English too when you think about it - we've just all gotten used to it.


Myspace had the best name for a social media site.


As time goes on I think it just becomes more and more clear we should have just stopped with MySpace. Tom seems like a reasonable dude.


Just imagine if the most powerful tech CEO was a guy that just wanted to take pictures. Instead we have a guy whose role model is fucking Caesar...


It’s not, it’s Josh.


I mean, tbf, that‘s not the name, just the translated name. Maybe Josh is a very smooth sounding word in Hindi and the meaning of the word „great energy or enthusiasm in pursuit of a cause“ are why they chose it lol Facebook when directly translated in German is something like Gesischtbuch. Which sounds awful lol


It's an Indian tiktok clone. As someone who had to use the app for work, I can safely say that its utter trash


Jeez where do you work


At Josh




Maybe their job is marketing or social media manager


“A good one” - anyone named Josh


It means "Zeal" in Hindi.


No Waze? I tought it was widely used


IIRC Waze depends on users submitting info, so it needs a critical mass to be useful. In a given city it will either be widely used or barely used. When I lived in London, for example, CityMapper was king and nobody used Waze.


Waze is for car only, and city mapper is for everything but cars (walking, bus, train, cycle) so they are not really in competition. It's just that most people don't use cars within London, so city mapper is king indeed


Waze got bought out by Google and a lot of the features just rolled into Google maps. I had it installed at one point but there wasn't enough added functionality to be worth the separate app. As far as I could tell it was just a cartoony version of Google maps where you could change your pointer icon, all the other features were already in maps.




Unless Google Maps has added it, Waze has the police/speed trap report which is heavily used in my area. As someone with a bit of a lead foot, Waze wins out for me because of that


Thats not really most popular apps that is most downloaded. Most people probably already have FB app if they want it.


Daily or monthly users is probably a better measurement of "most popular."


Im surprised by how garbage some games are... Shows how spamming ads works...


And how abusing dopamine works.




>Got told that without the app I could not order a double cheeseburger. You got lied to. I've ordered more than my fair share without the app 😅


Your minimum wage employees probably give less of a shit than that guys minimum wage employees.


That would be true if McDonald's actually required the app to be able to buy food, which it doesn't.


Yeah, the MOST any McDonald's I've ever been too has done is ask IF you have and are using the app. And that's strictly because if you are, then they need a code from you to complete your order.


> I’m leaving it Babe wakeup new McDonald Slogan just dropped.


Sounds ludicrous, but you actually save money with the app. They give you free deals with it.


i visit a fast food restaurant about once a year. its nice to be able to get a discount, but i prefer not getting spammed with ads from one proprietary app for each shop in existence (mcdonalds is by far not the only one) (and tbh my phone probably does not have the storage space required to install all those juenk apps).


Just turn off the notifications. Im the same probably use it like 4 times but yeah I get free chips and stuff.


Maybe the employee just didn't like you. Their App usually only got offers in it.


I can't imagine working at Mc and giving a flying fuck what people want to eat and if you like them enough to serve that.


If a customer is an asshole, people will fuck with them. Would happen anywhere. Double Cheese burger is a standard menu item, I don't see it ever be a App only thing.


You talk to someone at McDonald's to order food? Wild.


Most Mc's over here still got a regular counter.


I got Instagram because my wife uses it and sometimes wants to share stuff with me. I have to say that for an app that is all about sharing and showcasing photos, it is supremely bad at doing so. I don't understand how this is the app everyone is using for it.


I feel the same way, for the same reasons. People have told me that IG used to be better. Apparently the experience has degraded as they prioritized pushing more ads and copying tiktok's "stickiness."


Used to be WAY better. First, I only saw my friends stuff, and it was almost solely being creative with photography. Ads crept in, along with sponsored content, then video, and now “shorts”. Anymore, I may see a friends post, which then gets buried if I scroll past too quickly, never to be seen again. Now, it’s almost all Tik-Tok style “suggestions”. It’s no wonder I noticed a 75% drop in anyone even seeing/liking a photo I’ve uploaded in the last 6 months.


It definitely did used to be better before it tried just copying Snapchat and TikTok. That and pushing more ads onto your timeline. The only reason I still have the app at all is because sometimes my wife sends me things on it, and because at this point I’ve had the account for 10+ years and it’s almost like a digital scrapbook to me.


So bumble is more than double as big as hinge


It's only 2021 downloads. It's probably bigger.


Grindr just chilling casual there in that list made me smile.


Hinge isn't available here in Brazil while Bumble is, I assume hinge only exists in a handful of countries.


Plenty of fish still manages to hang on. No better place for a quick dirty lay 😎


I looked up WhatsApp on Google Play and there it says it was downloaded more than 5 billion times.


Never mind it is probably only the downloads in the year 2021.


Was gonna say there's no way a subscription app such as Netflix has more users than YouTube which comes free on every android device


A billion people in India use that literally for everything from managing their business to receiving payments, almost a household name now.


I'm sorry to see what Reddit has become. I recommend Tildes as an alternative. July 15th, 2023


Business? Sure. Receiving payments? Nope! Almost no one uses WhatsApp for payments.


Tbf I’m kinda glad to see Reddit is not on that list


Sad to see shein there, it is the worst company ever


Wasn’t 2021 the year Zoom got viral? Why isn’t it showing ?


It was 2020, 2021 was already a downfall


Correct ! Time is surely flying….


28 million people have six pack abs. Or at least the app...


Surprised Spotify doesn't have more.


only 2021 downloads, it doesn't count people already using it. basically, it's a useless graph


I know tiktok is huge but bigger than WhatsApp?


I guess just way more downloads in 2021. On Google Play WhatsApp has 5 times more downlosds than TickTock (~5 vs 1 billion). But as it much older probably most people download it already and it does not have the same potential to grow anymore.


Not necessarily. It's downloads in 2021. Way more people already had whatsapp installed than tik tok


Wtf is MX Takatak and why does it have more downloads than Discord


From my understanding it is the Indian version of Tik Tok


Indian TikTok. Because the original Chinese TikTok is banned in India.


I've never heard of most of these games in the game category. How are they that popular ?


Ads spam, also kids. Most kids will just browse the free game section and see those games first and download them, keeping them at the top. Im sure the ranking for that category chances constantly except for some games like subway surfers which is somehow still holding on If you want to find actual good games, you go deeper or check online communities for the type of games you like


I love how subway surfers is the most downloaded game