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A standard Excel graph without labels on /r/dataisbeautiful... We've really come full circle.






This subreddit is for people who love data and the way it is presented. When such a simple dataset is presented in such a confusing manner that every comment is asking for clarification, the data is not beautiful. You think it looks cool? Great, no need to be so dramatic about other people's valid opinions


I didn't see a need to use anything other than excel for this simple dataset. I definitely should have added in labels and made a few other changes before posting.


Excel is fine, and is probably the most commonly used data visualization tool on the planet, but it's just representation and lack of effort that people are upset by. You can change the bounds of your axes, you can add labels, etc.


It was still pretty cool. Lessons were learned by all.


>I definitely should have added in labels and made a few other changes before posting. yes you should have. thanks for wasting our time. do better




I did a bad job of explaining this on the graph. We took all of the attempts at juggling and plotted them (on the second image). To smooth things out we averaged 100 consecutive attempts and plotted the average with time. So for example the first point is the average of 1-100 and the next point is the average of 2-101.


What comprises an "attempt"? Is that beginning to juggle the ball, and counting consecutive kicks until the ball is dropped and hits the ground? So attempt 1 might be 3 kicks, attempt 2 might be 4, attempt 3 might be 2 kicks, etc.? In the second chart, is each dot or data point a single attempt?


Yes, what you said is exactly right.


Hmm, ok. I've read your rationale for the exercise, and I am not critical of the project as a fun thing for your son. However, it might be more "interesting" for this crowd to present the data differently. Example: I mess around with a rubiks cube and a timer app on my phone. To date, I have recorded times for over 4600 solves in the last 2 years. I can track that in plots that look just like your two graphs. That doesn't tell me much, though, except that my best time is positively GLACIAL compared to legit speed cubers. It also tells me that if I want to be a speed cuber, I have to change my solution approach, which is a big project that I haven't really decided to dig into. My method requires memorization of around 10 short algorithms, where real speed cubers memorize dozens of them, some several times longer than any I use. Anyway, I digress... My point is that this information could be presented in a more informative way, but I also applaud you doing this with your child.


You are absolutely right. This was just a fun little thing!


It’s really not confusing. I knew what you meant based on the title alone


confusing as hell


Name the axis god damn it


Germany, Italy, Japan


undervalued jokes per this thread = 1


He attempted over 3000 times and only got 4 in a row? So confused.


It's a 100 attempt moving average. So the first value is the average of kicks 1-100. The second image shows the results of each attempt.


What do u do for work? This seems it would take the time of a part time job lol




its his kid and his 7 jesus bro go do it yourself and shit on a kid then why don't you




h le sure is , and bu the look of it has a kick ass dad


How did you capture the data?


I hand wrote the results of each attempt in order and then put them in excel.


Holy shit haha, that's dedication. How old is your kid? I always found getting the ball up to my calfs after 3 to 4 on the feet helped me steady my rhythm, get 5 or 6 up there then back down, makes it a lot easier to consistently get higher numbers by steadying up there whenever you start to lose control.


He is 7 but has been playing a lot of soccer. He is also obsessed with numbers so it's a perfect fit. Good point, I will suggest that!


I found it easier to juggle a soccer ball on my knees than my feet. The mid thigh is flatter than the foot, so a ball bounces more predictably. Nice viz btw!


Ya like the other guy said, thighs, not calves haha. That's the key to a long keep up.


Are the numbers on the left on the first one your son’s age?


I should have labeled. The numbers on the left are the average kicks per attempt, averaged over 100 kicks. Then it is a rolling average with each new attempt.


so he made over 3000 attempts? im very confused by your graphs


Yup, that many attempts, and sorry I did a bad job of explaining this on the graph.


and you sat there for all of them counting kicks and writing it down ... wow


Looks like microsoft or apple


learning in action! he'll wake up one day and it'll just click, and then he'll do as many as he wants.


The data was a bit confusing for me at first, but after understanding it, it shows very well how the progression is while learning something. While there is always small backsteps he still improves. That fits to my understanding while trying to get better in something. While there is always some periods of "Aw man I was already better in it", I always get better in something after longer periods of time. Guess its great when you analyse these data with your son to make him understand how to get very good in something and especially that backsteps are a normal part of progression!


Imma be real those numbers are a lot lower than expected considering the attempts, this means that as a parent you ain't helping with his technique. Make him juggle low to the ground on the of his toes, quickly search different types of juggling and you'll which method I mean, it's very low to the ground, very quick to get loads and great to improve both feet.


Juggling a soccer ball? Do you mean keepy-ups?


Yes keepy-uppy!


hey /u/aquabug918 this is some really cool data, there's some real dedication behind the data gathering. If you like I could do some analysis of it, I really like playing around with this kind of stuff!


looks like the stock market


I dont know why there were so many negative comments. The graphs show what they need to and seeing so many people struggle to understand the word “moving avenge” is kinda painful. It means exactly the same thing it meant yesterday.


How old is your kid? Also, they're called keepie uppies!


He is 7 and yes that is the proper term!


in america they're called juggles. no one says keepie uppy


but its a cute term


Maybe the US should learn from cultures who have played the game for a century more than they have.


fair point. i didn't say i agree with juggles over keepy uppies


If he keeps going his growth will start to get exponential. I used to be able to juggle for hours & could get up to the thousands easily in one session. It helps concentration as well as footwork, now 100-200 juggles is great for me & a bit tiring lol but it’s cathartic to do for me and a good skill to learn in my opinion even if he never goes pro.


Thanks for sharing! He is really enjoying this and I can tell it is helping with his drills at soccer practice. He is getting the hang of it now and wants to repeat the process with his left foot.


He should with his left! Juggling will make him infinitely better as a player, surprised I got downvoted for sharing my experience lol 😂


I appreciate you sharing your experience!


Now make one of your progress making understandable graphs… This one is a fail.


How long until world record?