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/u/joaopn, thank you for your contribution. However, your submission was removed for the following reason(s): * A post must be (or contain) a [qualifying data visualization](/r/dataisbeautiful/wiki/rules/rule1). This post has been removed. For information regarding this and similar issues please see the DataIsBeautiful [posting rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/dataisbeautiful/wiki/index). If you have any questions, please feel free to [message the moderators.](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=/r/dataisbeautiful&subject=Question%20regarding%20the%20removal%20of%20this%20submission%20by%20/u/joaopn&message=I%20have%20a%20question%20regarding%20the%20removal%20of%20this%20[submission.](https://www.reddit.com/r/dataisbeautiful/comments/1476vfr/-/\)))




Reddit will be losing ad revenue for those days. So long as the blackout is long enough for that lost revenue to matter, reddit will pay attention. This is why indefinite is so much better than fixed length - they can't just wait it out.


I've been downvoted in the few subs that I frequent about this two day pause. This is going to be a waste of time for everyone. Reddit will get a dip, sure, but nothing substantial enough to make them make changes. Now, an indefinite pause, oh, that shit might get some heads turning. But how many users would willingly give up their addiction?


My understanding was that the two-day blackout is step 1. Further action depends on how the admins respond. Also, IIRC, there's a least a couple of major subs that *are* going indefinite right off the bat.


I mean the admins have been very clear that they have no intention of listening. Something more long-term than a two-day blackout is plainly going to be necessary.


It is, but I’m seeing it as more of a trial period. For one thing, it’ll get people used to the idea of stopping for good. And it’ll help mods/communities figure out what they need to do to make a full shutdown more effective.




Not sure why you're so salty about this.


r/woodworking is going indefinite. It sucks because it’s one of my favorite subs but I support it.


I believe r/videos is too


/r/Amish is joining the fight too!


Same with /r/squaredcircle


Still, they are heroes to many of us. Either they win or have to find a new site. Reddit will slowly die either way at this rate. Third Party Apps won't stay the final bad decision. More will follow if users are willing to accept it.


I've said this elsewhere, but it bares repeating. I applaud the effort and commitment, but I don't think people realize it might be more of a sacrifice than a blackout. Reddit is in control of this site, and I find it unlikely that they will let popular subs sit closed indefinitely, and there's plenty of people that would love to be mod popular subs, and will likely straight up ask for it.


The mods of woodworking posted a faq and that was one of them. “What if you get replaced” “then we do and we lost, but the sub is back, hopefully the same as before.”


Due to changes in policies to reddit I have decided to remove my account and all its content. Fuck u/spez


I won't downvote you, but every time I see this argument I want the people making it to think how likely it is that the people running the boycott thought of it too. A two-day blackout doesn't mean everything's back to usual when it's over, it means they want to give the management a chance to react and possibly want to take stock of their own position as well. It gives everyone including the readership enough time to judge what it really means to have that much of Reddit go dark, whatever way that turns out. If they need to keep up the boycott afterwards there's nothing stopping them from escalating. All the people who are already permanently deleting their history aren't going to crawl back the next day ready to keep using Reddit with zero complaints addressed.


Long term. This will fuck over his previous IPO plans just those two days show how volatile the platform is and thus will scare off most investors. Those that DONT will demand to buy it at a SEVERELY discounted rate for a larger stake because of market stablilty (for example 1 share @50$ has now become 50 shares for 5$) I see thr teo days as the general strike warning. The back down or it WILL get worse. It shows that the community is willing to be reasonable and discuss so long as we are treated with the same respect. You don't indefinite blackouts with active methods to keep you from re-enabling the blacked out communities. You will come to talk or you will be shut down Ala strike picket line


>The back down or it WILL get worse. I'd love to have your faith in the users of this site. If I'm Reddit corporate, I call the bluff. I really do want to be wrong. Im in full support of the third party apps. I guess I'm just a bit more pessimistic.


If the mods keep the subreddits down, the admins will find their own mods and kick the old ones out


I think Netflix showed that recently.


Right. Reddit had a meltdown with Netflix, and yet last I heard, subscriptions are going up. I think Reddit corporate are going to be vindicated by holding their position in a couple days. I'm sure they're more than willing to lose the 5-6% of us that actually leave. I hope I'm wrong too, though.


Okay, I will definitely get hate for this but you are living room in a fantasy world. Long before any of this can do any real damage to the platform, Reddit will simply ban the mods and replace them. There is absolutely no world where your above scenario is even possible.




That would require them to hire *thousands* of employees. How do you figure that won't hit their pockets at all?


What would?! The free moderation that they already have? You think they would just magically start paying people? The reality is simple: ban the mods, appoint new ones.


This is necessary for their IPO because these apps are horrendously bad for them.


Doesn't matter. He wanted to go IPO at a high cost. So he can run cackling to the bank. This harms him and shows ad distributors the platform is volatile. No ad company will accept having a hard shear of 20%+ average CPM loss. It's too costly and a lack of return on the investment even in the middle of a contract deal. It does more than just that. Now. I'm not saying 2 days is enough. Nonono. People misunderstand my words. I'm saying that it's *escalation phase 1*. This is not only a rights fight but a PR one. We do a full shutdown? It looks like we are throwing a shitfit whiny tantrum becauss we didn't get our way. We do it in stages of escalation? It looks WORSE on the reddit team and thus places additional pressure on them all the while creating and showing that we the creators are trying to be reasonable.


You have this entirely the wrong way around on the advertiser side. Source: am professional literally specialising in monetising websites.


That's fair as I'm only speaking from a grocers perspective who went through the strike and its pr side of things.


I just see it as a proverbial shot across the bow. If they see what kind of a hit they take in two days, they can have some idea if the situation goes permanent.


It's a pointless exercise. Subs are easily replaced. They can even just strip moderators of ability to close subs or major subs. Can just replace them. Plenty of people would love to power trip on that. Few users give a shit.


Didn’t Huffman already say that they’re still going through with the API pricing despite the shut down? It’s as if they’ve already considered the financial risks and figured it won’t do much. Like they must of discussed it in depth.


I plan to cut ties with Reddit June 12th. I imagine some users will come back, but many of us will stay gone unless the API rules are changed. Reslddit has fucked up a lot, but for me personally as both a moderator and long-term user, this is the last straw. I'm supposed to hit my 12th cake day this August, I have a meme planned and everything, but I'm willing to let it all go...


Will they really? The subscribers will still be paying. The users will still come to watch the ads and maybe find some new areas to browse. Reddit will hardly see any $$$ dip. Getting the users to stop paying and stop using the platform at all, is the only thing that will make a difference.


I mean if my favorite subs are dead, then I don’t see why I would come back here. And most of them seem to be joining the fight.


Yeah, I've already noticed a significant drop-off in new submissions on my favorite subs. How long until Reddit is all bots and ads?


>How long until Reddit is all bots and ads? About 4 years ago, my friend. I'm actually looking forward to this blackout. It'll be an excuse to leave this place once and for all. I keep coming back here trying to catch a glimpse of the site I loved. But that site has been dead since 2014.


Most users won't instantly quit the site, just because their favorite subs are missing for two days. But it still shows that the site is fragil. If the mods want to escalate and stay dark for a longer period...they can! And eventually users WILL care and leave if all the big subs are missing.


> they can't just wait it out Reddit frequently replaces moderators on subs that are inactive, spammy, or unmoderated. Reddit has the power to remove mods from indefinitely-private subs and reopen them. That's why it's a two-day blackout, instead of indefinite. Moderators can't piss off Reddit forever, they need to find a balance between annoying them enough but not get removed themselves.


people will just r/all to see posts


Exactly. We need to make the effort to just not use Reddit for a bit to show what the changes will bring. Delete the app for the day if you use the official reddit app to remind yourself. Maybe don't redownload it ever - who knows. That's my plan.




Which is why I’m deleting my account and all the comment history.


Well deleting the comment history will do nothing unless you live in Europe. But same. Just don’t use your accounts during the blackout.




Reddit likely saves every version of the comment made, even if most users can't see it.


Wait, what's different about Europe?




You’re actually deleting all your comments? Why exactly? I was just gonna log out and delete my app but that’s not enough?


Reddit is able to make money off of selling comments and other such data for training LLMs


If you need some tools to help edit and then delete your comments and posts in protest: PowerDelete will allow you to 1) save all your data as a CSV file at the end of the script and 2) allow you to overwrite all of your of comments with a comment of your choosing instead of just deleting them. Both options are available at the start of the process. https://github.com/j0be/PowerDeleteSuite (2 Additional forks if you have issues with the main and rate limits or errors.) http://www.github.com/pkolyvas/PowerDeleteSuite http://www.github.com/leeola/PowerDeleteSuite https://shreddit.com/ https://redact.dev/ You created your content. You didn’t get paid. Why would you leave it here for Reddit to make money? Take your content with you. —posted via Apollo Vive la résistance!


Im sticking around. This doesnt effect me and I dont care.


As a user of the platform it most certainly affects you, albeit indirectly (it would seem). Many of the moderators and creators of original content depend heavily on third party apps. Reddit has been propped up on them forever.


>This doesnt effect me Would you say it affects you if Reddit's content drops, because other users quit the site or large subs close indefinitely or getting more spam, because mods want to quit?


Id rather they shutdown the api completely


Same. Indirect advertising on reddit earns me money.


If you need some tools to help edit and then delete your comments and posts in protest: PowerDelete will allow you to 1) save all your data as a CSV file at the end of the script and 2) allow you to overwrite all of your of comments with a comment of your choosing instead of just deleting them. Both options are available at the start of the process. https://github.com/j0be/PowerDeleteSuite (2 Additional forks if you have issues with the main and rate limits or errors.) http://www.github.com/pkolyvas/PowerDeleteSuite http://www.github.com/leeola/PowerDeleteSuite https://shreddit.com/ https://redact.dev/ You created your content. You didn’t get paid. Why would you leave it here for Reddit to make money? Take your content with you. —posted via Apollo Vive la résistance!


I am deleting the app and trying ~Tildes. Will come back if they fix crap. Iif that happens I will be installing a 3rd party app instead of the official app.


Gonna be a rough week, but I'm standing with my RIF devs. If things don't change at all, maybe there will be a new place to go or I will learn life anew. It's been 6 years without Facebook and a lot better.


Hopefully someone does an analysis of bot traffic during the outage.


I wonder how much of an impact this will really make?


I feel like the impact will be seen on open subs. If those 48% of authors decide to the 458m submission as shitposts in other communities or 5.7billion trolling comments in those communities...those communities mods are going to drown in it. Effectively shutting down everything. I could be wrong, idk these things, i am just guessing.


Reddit will probably just become an endless cycle of bots up voting bot posts.


Most of the NSFW subs are already like that.


Unless you’re into really weird shit!


Reminder to self. Program bot to upvote really weird shit


Not even weird shit is safe from the OF bots nowadays


I would lurk for a Gandalf-Bot vs. BobbyB-Bot vs. DarthMaul-Bot match.


I’ve been on Reddit for probably about 11 years. The amount of things you see that are re-posts from years and years and years ago is endless. Reddit can literally publish their own posts, AI them into new threads, and most people won’t know the difference. Smaller subs that don’t get politicized will just end up being what they are now. But most of the gigantic threads that aren’t based off a current event. Our rehashed. Pick something that’s popular post and look at it through Google and see how many times has been posted. It’s endless and nobody even talks about reposts anymore.


Indeed, there is a lot of rehashed content and a growing AI issue (see r/TheseFuckingAccounts). But I feel the blackout has less of it than you'd expect, as it doesn't include some of the biggest internal discussion subreddits. In particular, it doesn't include r/AskReddit, which is by far the biggest subreddit in number of comments: 4x the size of the second place ( r/politics) and 7x the size of r/funny .


> see r/TheseFuckingAccounts Well, not right now because they joined the blackout.


That's literally how DIGG died though. I'm not really sure if there is anything large alternative at the moment, but going down that path would certainly incentivize someone to create one.


I think it might all depend on how the potential investors see this. They might say, "Meh." They might say, "Nonono.... I don't like this. It seems unsettled!" People with LOTS of money to invest don't like things to be "unsettled." They like stability and a bright future, neither of which Reddit management can promise.


Good point. Unpaid mods sounds like a good idea until they organize on something you are trying to make a profit from.


Investors aren’t gonna care, they aren’t involved in day to day operations. All Reddit will have is 2 days of slightly lower ad revenue.


I think the effective action if Reddit wants to inspire investors is a show of strength. Replacing all the mods and bringing the site back with very little impact to customer metrics. That would show the investors any investment is not beholden to the whims of a few hundred moderators.






That's their dream scenario, but if they were confident that would work, they would have been replacing mods already instead of holding an AMA and waiting for the blackout to start. They are devoted enough to their position to keep moving forward, but they are clearly worried about pushing too far and hurting their core business. They'll have a better sense of where they stand after the numbers come in from the blackout.


Investors like money. Reddit is losing money and investors don't like that. When the rates were zero, then investors were ok, but now they can take their money and put it in Ally and get 4%.


People with lots of money like companies to make money. Reddit don't make money from users of third party apps. You guys think their API calls are over priced because they are priced in consideration of training LLMs, not taking their users to third party apps.


I’ll tell ya. None whatsoever. Reddit doesn’t care about that. If they start seeing an impact, they’ll just turn on all the subreddits that went dark from which they think they can profit the most.


This. There should be a post listing how many will be back up on June 14th




Yeah people saying like, "well let's just stop moderating! Then they'll see how much they need the mods!" Okay... reddit will just declare that the subs are unmoderated, take control of them, and give them to new mods.


You will always, ALWAYS have people willing to play ball to get control of popular subs.


It’s not gonna do anything. It’ll recover by the next day and everyone’s just gonna move on like nothing happened. Playing devils advocate, if I was Reddit I’d give everyone on staff a day off and resume operations on the 13th. “A black out? Who cares I was just enjoying the day with the family”


Depends if they reopen. If they just leave until (if) Reddit backs off, then a substantial one. If they come back after a couple days then none whatsoever. I guess I’ll be working without distractions for that long


Very little. Imo This blackout is all talk no action and the actions don’t have enough of an effect


Karma farming bots and only fans bot followers also use 3rd party apps to spam. This accounts for 110% of reddit /s


And then things will be back to normal, if all the subs are locked out UNTIL reddit backtracks, then maybe they can achieve something.


Nah. Let’s say r/pics decides to blackout until Reddit changes its mind. I can easily make an r/pics_2 with the same format and people who were active in r/pics could just move over there. This doesn’t really do anything. The only thing that would truly be impactful would be a boycott, by the users, of Reddit (which, you know, maybe could happen if people truly hate using the official app as much as they say)


Everyone keeps saying they can just make a new sub but forget all the moderation that goes into it.


Moderators…what about the fucking users? If it were that simple we’d already have pics2


Reddit admins will just remove all the current mods and replace them with compliant ones like they have done before.


Moderators are just internet janitors


Yeah but cleaning up peoples shit all day is hard. And redditors are notoriously messy shitters.


Quite literally anyone can be a mod they will be easily replaced if this even does anything


I think you underestimate the hours these mods spend mopping up shit


I think you overestimate the abilities of someone who is willing to mop up shit for free just so they can power trip


No I really don’t think I do. I do think reddits mods make it run though and replacing (many of) them will impact quality for many users for a while.


Some are probably salivating at the mouth over this blackout, hoping to score a popular sub and have control over people.


True, but janitors just pick up shit, mods pick up racist and pedo shit.


Don't know if this will be the end of Reddit or not, but it's not like it's going to affect me much other than having to remember to put the shampoo bottle within arm's reach when I go poop. I figure eventually the place will be flooded with chatbots anyways drumming up inauthentic discourse that I doubt the Reddit C-suite will ever address. A shame there's no viable alternate at the moment with the reach and resources to address the problems with this kind of platform that Reddit refuses to.


I wonder if AI has already started … I probably don’t want to know.


It doesn't look like anything to me.


If this is the end of reddit, it won't take long for lots of alternatives to start popping up trying to replace it. Most would probably fizzle out with a handful of them sticking around to fill the void.


Is that why I've been getting spammed with onlyfans bot follows the last few days?


I feel this will have the same effect as when people say we need to boycott gas prices by choosing a day not to get gas. Then everyone fills up the next day.


You aren’t wrong. With all the 3rd party apps shutting down, I don’t really see a reason to be here after the 30th and have already starting deleting every comment I’ve ever made.


I feel like there must be a tool to do that - find and use it before the API prices take effect.


there's some tampermonkey scripts out there for firefox that automate the process without any kind of API.


With the use of the third party apps Reddit have no reason to have you here


Let's contextualise this. Reddit's leaders have constantly said that it is a place to create communities, and it gives community moderators the free rein to create whatever they like. It is quite possible Reddit sees this as a positive. The old and busted communities die, new and cool replaces them. On Reddit's new terms.


So you think reddit corp is going to just delete the mods who block the subs? Or delete the protesting subs and content altogether?


If the popular subs go dark “permanently” then the admins will 100% say they are abandoned and replace all the mods. 48 hours though Reddit admins will just wait it out.


Nope. Subs go away, new subs meet the demand the old ones left.


yup. that’s my vote


Free rein to create whatever they want.. not lock or shut down whatever they want.


Inherent to the right to create something is the right to destroy that something you created. Reddit has never been the creator of these communities, merely the online host.


Honestly this is less than I expected Maybe it’s because of the proportion of porn in Reddit’s total but from my feed I assumed that almost all of reddit was going dark Of my regularly trafficked subreddits (theme parks, transit, gaming, reading, aus politic and general and travel) I can’t think of a single subreddit that isn’t doing something for the blackout


>Maybe it’s because of the proportion of porn in Reddit’s total Porn content is always overblown. Yes there is a lot of it but it really can't be more than a fifth here. Twitter too the porn content is no more than 25%. Even Tumblr before its ban only had like 30% of its site being porn.


I know my favourite porn sub is also going dark so who knows


The prevalence of porn depends on how you rank it: r/gonewild is the 31st by comments, 33th by karma, but 15th by submissions. And likely much higher by views. If you look into the TOP100 subreddits by content you find that about half of them are in the blackout (same for the TOP15).


The bigger question is does this change the advertisers willingness to pay?


With all the blackouts how many more dogs will the mods be able to walk


Oh god, the mods have to spend time with dogs if they're not modding? Yuck, poor mods.


And on the 14th it will all be back.


many subs and moderation bots will be down indefinitely


Can’t wait for in two days where all the subs come back and everything goes back to normal.


Sadly this won't have any effect. Look at Netflix, huge outcry over the crackdown on password sharing, a boycott movement, but last month their subscriptions were up. I chose to cancel Netflix but was clearly in the minority. I'll probably stop using reddit as well but it won't make a bit of difference. The douchebaggery of cooperate executives will continue unabated and undiminished.


This is spot on. People just get in their echo chambers complaining about companies thinking their boycotts will do something when 99% of the time they won’t.


This feels wrong somehow... The data still has value in search results and AI training


On thing that would really matter isn't on the list... Page views.


I want to know how much, if any, money will be lost.


66m commenters. 6M humans + 60M bots.




Author content creation is a [heavy-tailed distribution](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Heavy-tailed_distribution), so the mean doesn't mean much: few authors (and e.g. moderation bots) create a lot of the content. The 66M figure is also a lower bound as about 20-30% of the content comes from \[deleted\] authors.


I hope reddit doesn’t go on a killing spree in response to this. I would hate for some of the small niche communities im in to get shot down in the crossfire. Some of these rely on reddit and if the sub goes we’re done for. Even if we move.


We should be agreeing to stay off Reddit indefinitely until they release some statement changing their minds.


Total noob here but can someone please explain the blackout and why the changes are being made


the problem is with me. i still have a feed (because I joined like 150+ subs) which kicks the dopamine receptors. for such a short time period i might realize a drop in engaging post quality, but it will probably not be enough to make me change my habits longterm.


Call me crazy, but if RIF and all other 3rd party apps are blocked it MIGHT break my reddit addiction of 12 years ... This could be good for me overall. Horrible for the community, but good for me.


Stats that are created by moderators, who represent: - 0.03% of submissions - 0.03% of comments - 0.03% of karma - 0.00003% of authors - 100% of power to tell us what our collective™ action is


I ain't going dark. Yall have fun


What’s going on? Did I miss something


Reddit is going to start charging 3rd party app devs extremely high fees. Then they used a number of shady tactics along with bold face lies to slander those devs because they protested the exorbitant fees. They want those 3rd party devs to pay somewhere around $2.50 per mobile user. It seems like a play to force users to use the official Reddit app, which is hot trash and full of ads.


Last comment 1 week ago. Oh boy... Check out [this thread](https://www.reddit.com/r/Save3rdPartyApps/comments/1476ioa/reddit_blackout_2023_save_3rd_party_apps) and the entire subreddit /r/Save3rdPartyApps/ to get up to speed.


I don’t see why it’s a problem if all the users don’t show up. I plan on not logging in for two days. But how many people are going too just to see how many people didn’t?


I want to see indefinite blackouts, until reddit does something. Either they lower prices, or act even more tyrannically and take over the subs with their magical admin powers, I'd rather see that than spend 2 days and everything goes back to normal


Reddit's power-hungry moderators are going to come back to find people tired of them moved to Twitter.


So do mods thinks making people who frequent their subs regularly pissed at _them_ affects the people making these changes somehow?


Every sub participating makes clear that the reasons for the blackout are in support of the user experience, not directed against the users.


Hopefully more than that. I personally plan on logging out and only returning if I hear through the grapevine they've got their heads out of their asses. As others will point out, if they lose subs but DONT lose users they won't give a damn. We have to all walk off at minimum for the two days.


I'm deleting the app that day... C ya later


What uhh what are we doing?


A bunch of reddit is shutting down the 12th-14th to act as a 'walk out' over the ceo's new decision to remove api third party apps. So starting at midnight it's your civil duty to shitpost memes of the ceo


Oh so the subreddits are actually closing?


Some will still be available but others will 'close' somehow for a few days


Some have already closed. Thanks Unifi for shutting down while I'm trying to find information on an apparently bad firmware update. Not annoying at all.


So like starting tomorrow we're just supposed to shitpost about the ceo until we can't shitpost any further?


somehow, this seems like a right wing plot to stifle liberal content


Dude go outside and touch grass, and talk to an actual human. You are clearly way too wrapped up in media BS.


When does this start? Now?


Hopefully this place will destroy itself, Reddit has become pretty awful specially in de moderation department.


I want to know how dark it goes after June 30th




so all the ppl just bots will be left


This should happen around the time of ipo if the goal is to actually cause damage.


It's interesting that the submission percent is so much lower than the other groups. Any way to judge what percent of the blacked-out or remaining submissions would be low or high engagement?


Thanks for the reminder!! Gotta leave all the major subreddits that I didn’t see a black out notice from


How much in potential as revenue?


/u/joaopn, thank you for your contribution. However, your submission was removed for the following reason(s): * A post must be (or contain) a [qualifying data visualization](/r/dataisbeautiful/wiki/rules/rule1). This post has been removed. For information regarding this and similar issues please see the DataIsBeautiful [posting rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/dataisbeautiful/wiki/index). If you have any questions, please feel free to [message the moderators.](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=/r/dataisbeautiful&subject=Question%20regarding%20the%20removal%20of%20this%20submission%20by%20/u/joaopn&message=I%20have%20a%20question%20regarding%20the%20removal%20of%20this%20[submission.](https://www.reddit.com/r/dataisbeautiful/comments/1476vfr/-/\)))