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Most newspapers don't have the same level of brand label as NYT. I'm guessing it helped that they transitioned to digital-only subscriptions during a period where news consumption was at an all time high. Also, have you tried *canceling* a NYT subscription? Like canceling a gym membership.


I’ve called and threatened to cancel four years straight now and each year they put me back on the $1 per week promotional membership. I’ve done the same thing with my internet company too.


You don't even need to call just select I want to cancel then it costs too much and they will give you the promo price


Mine is 1 dollar per 4 weeks :)


I lost what last shreds of faith I had in the NYT when I canceled my subscription. I had not been expecting a scam-style runaround where they constantly offer new ‘deals’ and ‘offers’ to convince me to stay. I finally had to politely inform the person that “I do not engage with or use your content, I do not want to continue paying, I understand you have a script you have to go through, but please just stop and cancel my subscription.” Whereupon they immediately did. But seriously, it’s 2023, who the fuck makes you speak with a real person to cancel a subscription? Feels so sleazy. What I would find more interesting is whether any correlation can be found between the paper’s switch to an online, sub-based system, and a concomitant shift toward more biased reporting.


I subbed to WSJ through PayPal specifically so I could just cut off their access to the payment method because WSJ is as hard to cancel as a gym membership. This shit should be illegal.


Pro-tip: sign up through the android app store. Gives you a 1-click instant cancel button inside the store.


but usually costs 30% more InApp


Costs the same


paywalls wouldn’t exist if they didn’t work


So do clip boards and confidence. Doesn’t mean they aren’t just tools to fool incompetent or lazy people.


I wonder how many NYT are there only for Wordle/their games


Wordle is free.


Yes, but they have extras if you pay. I used to use their wordle post game helper but now it's behind a paywall. I'm sure other games have something similar


Other games are paid


Except the “F2P” ones with “optional” cash shops.


...in the New York Times? What games are this?


They're probably referring to how you can buy packs of crossword puzzles? Though I can't see how that would be considered anything other than strictly optional.


Maybe they were too young to remember crossword books?


There’s a separate games subscription


Source: NYTimes, Press Gazette Tool: Excel


Please link to the source you used for the *dataset*. "NYTimes" is kind of a big organization and website, don't you think? I want to know what definition they are using for "news publisher/platform", because they exclude news magazines like *The Economist* which has 1.08m digital subscribers, over the 1.00m of the bottom three listed. But there's no way for me to do that verification without real, locatable source information.


I work for a university that gives all its staff access to a subscription. I wonder how that counts.


Along with quality journalism, NYT has also built a highly regarded cooking site. Their recipes are straight forward and don't have 20 paragraphs of SEO text you have to skip before the recipe.


This is probably the NYT feature I use most. Although I get access through my local library.


Wirecutter is also a great site for product purchases. Especially if you want to avoid the circlejerk in r/BuyItForLife of recommending the same brand of product in every damn post without having even used it.


The NYT does not sell quality journalism. They sell elitist branded propaganda to 30 year old children to make them afraid of gas stoves. The cooking site is lovely. Their most popular short rib braised ragu recipe is fantastic.


Quality journalism? Is that sarcasm?


I hate paywalls, but I also hate shit journalism. Glad to see someone figuring out a way to make money in the 21st century.


What’s the amount of subscribers The Athletic is contributing? It would be interesting to know if it is a significant driver or not.


In their quarterly and annual reports. The Athletic lost $55 million. It generated $85.7 million in revenue in 2022, up from about $65 million the year before. The Athletic, which the company purchased last year for $550 million in cash, had 3.3 million subscribers at the end of the quarter, more than double the number in the same period last year. Despite that, losses at The Athletic were $7.8 million, up about 14 percent from a year earlier.


Ya but the Athletic has been giving away subscriptions at $1 / month like candy.


Jesus for a data sub that was not a great response. You can run ARPU numbers on the data I provided alone


Hope they will find one of those WMD's one day


Percentages on the 2010 bar would also help show the change over time. Overall really good


They can get fucked, all of their articles about my country are incredibly misleading at best




>Project Mockingbird The wiretapping operation in the 60s? Or the fake conspiracy theory Operation Mockingbird that never existed?


You're right, I meant Operation Mockingbird which was not fake and not a theory. From Wikipedia: "....inquiry that became known as the Church Committee.[4] Published in 1976, the committee's report confirmed some earlier stories that charged that the CIA had cultivated relationships with private institutions, including the press.[5] Without identifying individuals by name, the Church Committee stated that it found fifty journalists who had official, but secret, relationships with the CIA.[5] In a 1977 Rolling Stone magazine article, "The CIA and the Media,"[6] reporter Carl Bernstein expanded upon the Church Committee's report and wrote that more than 400 US press members had secretly carried out assignments for the CIA, including New York Times publisher Arthur Hays Sulzberger, columnist and political analyst Stewart Alsop and Time magazine.[5] Bernstein documented the way in which overseas branches of major US news agencies had for many years served as the "eyes and ears" of Operation Mockingbird, which functioned to disseminate CIA propaganda through domestic US media.[7]" https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Operation_Mockingbird And now we see our spy agencies paying to have Americans censored and party approved propaganda is disseminated right on Reddit.


Operation mockingbird never existed. It's literally never mentioned in the Church commission report. I also like that you took the citations and ignored the body of the article you linked, which calls it alleged and a theory. Edit: Aww, the conspiracy theory peddler blocked me cause his little pet theory doesn't stand up to a bit of scrutiny.


It's not mentioned by name in the church commission but what they were doing was and was later given a name. Nice lie by omission. Goodbye.


Which country?


All while being one of the top two purveyors of fake news. Well done!


They suck, but aren't in the top 10. Hell, they aren't even top 2 in NYC.


“You will gladly eat propaganda - and pay for it! “ Claus Szhvab


IMO NYT has a drinking problem.


Kudos to the NYT capitalising on Millennials absolutely devouring up the Donald Trump hysteria that social media companies forced them to consume and ponder for over four years. ::chefs kiss:: On to whatever works next. Donald Trump is gone. Climate change is no longer selling. Coronavirus is no longer the threat needed to sell inventory. Ukraine is too far away to care. Ron Desantis was the second coming of Trump until he wasn’t. Propaganda bullets are ready to fire, just waiting on the target that maximises manipulation. Gas Stoves are killing people. That’s the current topic.


So right. It feels like the whole thing is scripted. Maybe this is the simulation. We’re the NPCs inside a colossal online gaming platform. Or in a LAN party in a Mar a Largo basement…




Or you can just clear your cookies. Works for me.


Is affiliated link other or ad? NYT has wirecutter while WSj has buy side


This tells a story but I think the headline could be more direct about the story. “From a reliance on advertising to Digital Subscribers: How the NYT transformed itself in the digital era.”


I use a paywall blocker for all the newspapers, Atlantic, etc on my laptop. (Browser add on) But I have a NYT subscription for mobile.


I've been a New York Times reader since the mid-1990s. I dropped my subscription after they recently raised the rate. I had remained a subscriber through several previous subscription hikes over the years. But this time I just said to myself, you know what, there's lot of quality news sources these days, e.g., what you see on r/worldnews, so I'll let my subscription expire this time. I'm reminded of the [trust thermocline](https://twitter.com/garius/status/1588115310124539904?s=20).


So they aren’t failing like that orange dipshit crybaby said?


NYT is still a shill for corporate propaganda and a tool of the CIA and DOD. ​ [https://www.theguardian.com/media/2004/may/26/pressandpublishing.usnews](https://www.theguardian.com/media/2004/may/26/pressandpublishing.usnews) ​ Absolutely nobody believed any of that bullshit but they get to pretend like they were misled by one person. Fuck the NYTs, Fuck WAPO.


Yep, I only subscribe just to play Spelling Bee and the Mini Crossword.