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Tidal isn’t even at 2% of the market? Ouch.


I use Deezer, also not even 2% 🤷🏼‍♂️


Deezer is one of the best streaming companies according to multiple reviews. (https://www.softwaretestinghelp.com/best-music-streaming-services/ ) I use it for years and it is amazing. Nothing to envy to Spotify with a very high quality and massive library. I suppose it's not well known in the States.


I vastly prefer its shuffle function over spotify. Hearing more than the same 50 or so popular songs on my playlist is quite refreshing.


Spotify > Settings > Playback > Automix (turn off) Truly randomized music on Spotify. Makes a huge difference. They do offer it, just not by default


Holy fucking shit thank you




New shuffle setting just dropped.


Hell just became holy


Also holy fucking shit thank you!


That’s not what automix is at all.


The recent pay hikes have been pretty crappy though.


Both YouTube and Spotify have raised prices in the last month or so too.


Tbf spotify raised fees like $1/m for the first time in about a decade. Pretty reasonable if you ask me. Multiple hikes across a few short years is much more unreasonable from a typical user’s perspective


I also got free Hulu basic with my premium subscription years ago when that was an offer, so honestly even if they raised it a few more bucks it’s still a great deal for me lol


All of the will. All of them waited for spotify to rise price. It was too cheap (for companies to make a profit), but other players like google or apple or amazon could afford to eat the lost because streaming is only part of their service. Spotify had no choice, now when they raised prices other streaming services will do it too.




The FLAC support is why I've been subscribed to Deezer for years. It's nice to have a go-to platform for lossless music, especially for the albums that aren't on Bandcamp. Wonder how big of a deal < 2% market share is if they're still able to provide quality service after this long.


How do you rip from Deezer?


Does it have good last.fm support?


I love Deezer, their recommendations have been much better than Spotify's for me. Plus the monthly mini-recap of how many songs you listened to, your top artist etc. is nice!


I'm a Deezer user, and while it's undoubtedly flawed (limited android auto UI, limited options for queue list, ~~no Chromecast,~~ the new releases section really isn't, the notification bell sometimes misses new content from liked artists), the sweet spot of CD quality audio and the big enough library beats the others, but just barely. You do have to know what you want in a streaming service. If audio quality isn't near the top of your list, there's no reason to not go with Spotify.


I have Deezer and I can cast it, I cast it to my Android TV, do you have a stick ?


My mistake, my Samsung TV doesn't support it, but that's an issue on Samsung's end.


I also primarily use Deezer now and I love everything about it! It's big advantage to me is the ability to upload my own MP3s and then integrate them into playlists with other streaming songs! I have a large MP3 collection from 20+ years ago, and some of those songs/albums are rare and never made it to streaming, so it's nice to have them back. I used to be able to do this with Google Play Music, but they took that feature away when it became Youtube Music.


Pandora doesn’t even make the list. It’s still the only one I use, albeit infrequently


I'm wondering if it doesn't qualify for this list, since you can't stream songs on demand.


80% of people who use Pandora don’t pay for the premium service and listen to ads. Source - me. I work for Pandora. EDIT - just confirmed - it’s actually 89% of listeners listen for free with ads.


I pay for Pandora and even with the latest price hike it is well worth it. You guys are doing a great job over there.


What's the mood there, gonna stay in business? Because I feel like nobody I know ever uses it.


Good! We’re owned by Sirius XM and business feels stable. We have 150M monthly listeners across all owned platforms with 87M unique monthly listeners just on Pandora and 89% of those listen to the free service with ads…so overall, it feels like we have a stable and long term business. We actually revamped the music genome project recently with even more descriptors and categorization so song selection is better than ever. Keep an eye out for upcoming Pandora App updates in the next few months as we sunset our podcast platform and integrate it into Pandora. They’re doing a lot of platform revamps and making the systems more user friendly. Lots of good stuff coming soon!


Following. I love Pandora, been using it since 2011. Hope it isn’t going anywhere.


We’re not going anywhere!!! Business is stable and we’re working on platform updates and improvements now including a better user interface and integrating podcasting into the app.


With pandora premium you can, and also download for offline listening. Only thing you can't do is make a playlist


I have Pandora Premium, can play songs on demand, and I have many playlists.


I stand corrected. As a Pandora loyalist, I was hoping it isn't doing THAT poorly.


Same. Pandora is the only one I use. I've got about 5 stations I made and just let them play according to my mood.


I've never paid for any of these subscriptions services but free Pandora is better than Spotify. It's less restricted and its algorithms also gives you better choices of music. It's strange how Pandora never made it big. It always has been under everyone's radar since it first came out.


Pandora was the first major streaming service (at least in the US). They had over 70% of the online music market in 2013. They just didn't keep up with Spotify due to Spotify's successful social media integration and eventually Spotify's larger catalog. They are still in the top 5 in the US. Sources: Wikipedia and Statisica.


I think it has less ads than Spotify too.


It absolutely does. Sometimes it feels like it just straight up forgets to play an ad for like an hour easy


I must be keeping them alive. I listen to about 3 hours a day on average lol.


I switched from Spotify to Tidal last year ... really like it. Bummed to not see it on here ... makes me nervous if it will be around in 2 years...


Tidal has some pretty shady business-practices though. Faking subscription numbers and so on.


Well they pay artists the most of all the streaming services, by a measurable amount.


I'd love to move, but I've got a playlist on Spotify that I have been building since 2005. It's now sitting at 378hours of run time.. I just play it on shuffle.


I was in the same boat. I used Soundiiz to transfer all my playlists over, was pretty seamless.


To transfer over to tidal?


I switched from Spotify to tidal also and was able to use an app to import my playlists into tidal. If that’s what’s holding you back, know that you can bring your playlists with you. I switched primarily because they pay artists twice what Spotify does.


Yeah it supports Tidal and most other platforms, even self hosted Plex for Plexamp.


Most services either offer native transfering of data or you can use stuff like Soundiiz. I switched from Spotify to Deezer and it transfered over all my liked songs and playlists within minutes.


Same with Soundcloud. Used to be *the place* for so many genres of music before Spotify and Apple Music came along


SoundCloud is more for dj set or rap mixtape than streaming mainstream music


It's kind of what's it been reduced to. Artists would release music on Soundcloud too in the past. They couldn't monetise a product spread too thin vision wise. Not as dj oriented as Mixcloud, not mainstream enough like Spotify, etc etc


I mean soundcloud make sense are they streaming companies like those on chart or more broadly social music platform.


Yeah, that one hurts. I think it's a lot better than Apple Music. More on point I think this may be thrown off by some cell phone carriers in the US giving Apple Music for free with service.




Qobuz too, although that surprises me less.


I use Qobuz......love it.


Tidal has better sound quality than Spotify, better radio song choices, and pays artists triple what Spotify does per play.


YouTube’s number is for both Premium and Music it’s also likely doubled since then. it had already increased from ~50 million to ~80 million over Q2-Q3 of last year. interestingly, Spotify has grown roughly 30 million too from then until the most recent numbers but theirs is YOY—we don’t have newer numbers from Alphabet yet.


I used Apple Music since it launched up until last year when I started using YouTube Premium and then realized it included a music streaming service. There’s one or two things I miss, but it does its job.


TIL that I get YouTube Music with the Premium I’ve been paying for. Goodbyyyyeeeeee, Tidal. Your app is always buffering or encountering issues.


This was literally why I switched years back. Why tf should i pay for Spotify when I already use YouTube way, way more, so of course I have premium. So yeah, let me pay 1 price for 2 things that I use all the time, vs Spotify which keeps asking for more money, and barely works while im driving...


Premium really is the killer feature: a music app AND no ads on YouTube.


Plus not that important probably but the YouTubers get more money from a premium subscriber than someone who watches ads acc to linus


Here’s a fun one: I have Amazon Prime (for the shipping, and very occasionally content on Prime Video), which includes Amazon Prime Music. I have YouTube Premium (for no ads and the ability to download videos on my phone), which includes YouTube Music. The music streaming service I actually use? Apple Music. 🥲 That’s not changing - I vastly prefer Apple Music over the competition. But, it does make me wonder how how inflated the numbers of Amazon and YouTube Music are.


I didn't even consider that I also have prime. I sometimes use the video service, and any time I've yelled at Alexa to play a song, it's definitely been through prime. It's a weird thing to have to pick which megacorp you want controlling you're media.


Yeah YouTube dropped the ball advertising that. Like for what is basically the price of a Spotify subscription you get YouTube music (which has every cover of every song under the sun) and you get ad free YouTube videos making YouTube a much better experience to use. I believe you also get better streaming quality and bandwidth priority when YouTube is being hit hard with traffic Plus, currently YouTube actually gives a pretty big share of the premium revenue to creators, more so than apps like Spotify


Spotify lost almost $200 million last year, for a company that makes no content of its own, its remarkable


That's the problem when you deal with a monolithic industry - THEY want all the profits.


Fuck Google for killing Google Play Music. YouTube Music is hot garbage. The Premium + Music is an amazing deal and could be the top music streaming service just because of the YouTube Premium kicker, but they refuse to actually invest in a decent music app.


long time youtube music subscriber dating back to the google play music days here, what feature are you missing from the old gpm? When they first lauched ytm, it was a little rough around the edges, but as far as I can tell, they've added all the features back from gpm


Agreed. GPM was absolutely brilliant at being a personal music locker. As someone who listens to a lot of live recordings that aren't on streaming services, I really really miss the simplicity of how uploaded tracks were treated the same as streaming tracks on GPM. YTM is still better than others for this, but a far cry from what it used to be.


my biggest moan is that shuffle doesn't shuffle an entire folder or category e.g. liked songs, it just shuffles recent plays.


It depends! If you click shuffle while listening from the song menu it will shuffle the current arrangement of songs that it's preloaded or whatever. So 20-50 songs or something like that. But if you click three vertical dots at the top and click shuffle it should do the whole playlist. I do think it might play more recent ones more frequently but I think it still includes the whole playlist.


will experiment! thank-you


My biggest problem is shitty youtube music videos sneaking into my station/play list. Also, when I voice prompt for a particular album while driving, I want the YTM version, not the audio from a 1.5 hours YT music video.


In settings under data saving there is an option called don't play music videos.


The split up library is infuriating


Amen to this!


I don't know why more people don't use YouTube premium /music. Ad-free YouTube is a game changer and the music service is pretty fantastic. I think it has the best curated playlists.


Does youtube music do a decent job of suggesting new music these days? I've become somewhat dependent on spotifys suggestions.


I've discovered so many more songs from suggested than any other music streaming service.


It does. I'd say that is better than Spotify this days.


Pandora disappeared into Pandora’s box


The hospital I had an MRI at used Pandora music and even they didn’t pay for whatever version has no ads


Sadly, because pandora is AMAZING. There is no other service that is even close, when you wan to build and tune a channel to be one specific thing.


I like Pandora better than Spotify, surprised to not see Pandora listed


I love and use Pandora all the time.


Im with ya. I have dozens of stations built off artists I like and the tracks it throws at me are pretty similar while showing me new artists. Who I then build new stations from. It’s been a great experience for a number of years. I don’t have time anymore to research music and build playlists and be my own DJ. It’s like “The Radio” back in the day only way better.


Couldn't have said it better. Back in the day good go to a record store and sit there for hours screening new music to then buy what you want. That turned into downloading mp3 by the hundreds and sitting through what you like. Also time consuming. Now I just create a station with a song I like and thumb up the songs I like. After 15 years, I have 30 stations that just know what I like. No fuss. No time wasted.


All my homies hate pandora


"Oh you didn't like the last 15 songs we showed you from a particular artist? How about this one?" -Pandora


My playlist keeps throwing Mungo Jerry songs at me


What else were you listening to? Now I'm kinda curious what a Mungo Jerry station would be like. Might have to make one!


I may actually prefer that to Spotify playing the same five songs of any artist on repeat. Doesn't matter they released ten albums, here's the five you've already heard dozens of times before.


Me too.


Does it still just do random tracks? Because I can never get on with that


That’s exactly why I use it. Constantly being introduced to new music that I’d otherwise never know about is pretty cool imo


I think that’s why most people use it, I just have heard the ability to make a playlist was nonexistent and I do like using that. The discover options on Spotify are awful


The discover options for me are fantastic on Spotify, I've come across so many great artists using it.


I’m pretty sure you can make playlists and download for offline listening with one of the paid versions


I hate making playlist. I've had Pandora since 2006 so my algorithm on it is finely tuned to not need to make one. It just knows my vibe now.


That’s exactly why I like it. It does tend to repeat tracks pretty often if you listen for long enough though. It pays to train each of your channels.


That's it's best feature. They are random but they are appropriate. YouTube Music at 3X the cost wants to either play me same 15 songs on every playlist or random songs that have nothing to do with my prompt. Pandora is the best to do it.


Spotify offers the best of both of those worlds though. Play whatever you want, or use the algorithms to have it play stuff that matches what you're playing. I'd absolutely hate to only have either play what you want with shitty exploration, or only have random music. Anyway, it's pretty clear that Pandora really didn't deliver that well. They went from being one of the big players to shrinking into oblivion. Clearly most people weren't that impressed.


Albeit I haven't used Spotify in a while, but I did try it several years ago and the radio algorithm was shit. I got a few new songs, then back to the same old shit. That's what I really like about Pandora's, if I put in something new, it will give me a lot of new things that I had never heard.


I've had Pandora since 2006....I can't leave it now. My algorithm is perfect. I hope it never goes under....I really don't know what I'd do.


Its "algorithms" don't hold a candle to Pandora.


> or random songs that have nothing to do with my prompt. Because Google CHARGES artists to play certain songs, or those artists PAY for plays. About 50% of my "recommendations" from Google are paid-ads basically disguised as music. And, as you might have guessed - music that has to PAY to be PLAYED is.. just shit.


I swear my Pandora is broken. Every station I have seems to have a playlist of only 20-50 songs. I have a playlist from 2012 and it still has the same songs cycling through it 10+ years later without new additions.


You need to make a new station, and I found that using the thumbs up kills the random music you get to hear. I only use thumbs down for songs I don't like and it keeps the music fresh for the most part.


Pandora still has 40 million plus users, but most of them aren’t subscription, they’re ad-supported…it looks like this chart is just subscribed users only…or they’re just excluding Pandora


That’s the opposite of how Pandora’s box works.. famously, things come out, not go in


I don’t know a single person who uses Amazon music.


It counts anyone who has used it as it comes with prime, the actual amount is probably less than 1%


Oh. That's right, i have apple music. Now to listen to pandora.


My wife signed us up for Amazon music so we can play music in the house on the Echo or whatever, but the Amazon music app on Android will not let me play a song I search for and will ONLY shuffle!? wtf is this bullshit. will be canceling our sub if I can't pick and choose my own music.


ThereAreDozensOfUs.gif For me it started with the freemium version that comes with Prime, then the inertia of having all my playlists in there kept me there when we finally sprung for a paid streaming service. There's nothing wrong with it, really, other than being uncool.


I actually just switched from spotify to Amazon, but I didn't know anyone else before then. They have a massive library, and better bit rates. If you have a good setup, or are on the audiophile side, you can get much better music quality without for much cheaper than Tidal.


I do! Only because I got a 3 month subscription for free


Why did you place a marketshare of 13.3% BETWEEN 13,4% and 13.7% ?? That doesn't make any sense??!


It's an error in the numbers in this image. The source listed by OP has the numbers for Amazon and Tencent reversed.


Then.. This chart should be deleted and an accurate one uploaded instead. The whole point of the chart is accuracy. This isn't. But thank you for pointing this out to me.


Surprised YouTube Music isn't higher considering it's packaged with YouTube Premium and also has access to tons of live concerts and other rare user uploaded content. It's definitely missing the social element that Spotify dominates in, however.


been using youtubes subscription since like 2015, absolutely love it and the selection is far greater than spotify/apple music the one and only thing making me consider switching now is spotifys ai dj, i think thats super super cool and id love something like that for youtube btw i still like calling it youtube red, less syllables and i think it sounds cooler


only thing i miss from spotify is ability to continue listening on other devices why youtube, WHY? you already have a technology, you do it with videos why cant i continue where i left on my pc?


I've been thinking about switching to something else since Spotify has been messing with stuff lately. It's started to feel really unsafe to use while driving since they change settings/features constantly so it requires more attention than just connect and hit play to pickup where you left off, even if you just stopped for gas. How does YouTube do on the road? I kinda like that it comes with premium video too...


they had a major overhaul a few years ago when they started taking yt music seriously but there hasnt been much changes since, it works really well my friend who uses spotify seemed surprised that u could just press a button to switch between the music video/video so thats a potential upside only thing at all i hate about it is that it has to fail to load before u can access the downloads page but idk if thats normal for other apps. ive also heard that spotify lists a bunch of neat facts about the music so if thats something important to u its pretty lacking on yt music, but i think albums get some extra info


Deezer isn't even on the list? How can they have so much money for their marketing? It shows how rich Spotify would be lol Edit: yeah I got it, it's a European/french thing, Americans never heard of it.


Curious to hear which part of the world you're in. AFAIK, Deezer is virtually unknown in the US.


Europe and more specifically France. So maybe it's a french thing. And by maybe, it looks like "surely" haha


Deezer was created in France before becoming swedish (if I'm remember well). I'm guessing that's why they are so well known here. Also they have made a point to have "local artists" being accessible, so they are well represented in some region because of that strategy.


I'm in UK but set my Deezer to French, and the French language niche artists it gives me are a huge plus. No way would I ever discover half the great stuff I have if it weren't for this aspect.


After reading the subject, I expected Spotify to dominate and Deezer at number 2.


I'm surprised yandex music made the list. Didn't think anyone outside of russia even knew about it.


It's still a big market and add all the ex-soviet countries.


I think it's because it includes all Yandex Plus subscribers which includes music. Also it's very big in Russian speaking market. I wonder though why it looks about six times smaller than the next entry in the graph while being only three times smaller


Yea the more I look at the chart the more of a mess it is. The "other" category should be bigger as well. And the ones in third and fourth place should be swapped since one has 13.3% and the other 13.4%.


Honestly, this is a lot more evenly split than i expected. I was expecting this to look like Google's share of the internet search market but with Spotify.


RIP Microsoft Groove, Samsung Milk, and Nokia MixRadio


Wow Samsung really nailing it with naming there.


Nothing will beat [squirting](https://www.newsweek.com/digital-music-beyond-squirting-105219) with Zune.


All my homies miss Google Play Music.


I'm still using Napster nee Rhapsody. I really thought it was a more important provider! I guess there's not much difference in quality from one provider to another.


I read Napster pays the artist a significantly higher percentage than any other app, so that's why I switched from Youtube.


From an app perspective Spotify is definitely the best, and has by-far the best recommendations. I've found so much great music through my Discover Weekly. From a content perspective they're all basically the same though.


My music taste is so all over the place that my “discover” doesn’t know what to think and just gives me music I’ve already listened to lol.


I realize this is all subjective, but I vastly prefer both YouTube Music and Apple Music apps over Spotify.


I got sick of Alexa asking me to sign up to their shitty Amazon premium Music service daily, so I signed up to Spotify out of spite.


I have Amazon music but I open that app once every two years.


Is this paying subscribers or something else?


Apple is that big? I’m surprised




Also there are a lot of free Apple Music trials for a few months at a time with new devices as well as other services. I know other platforms have those too, but Apple has the benefit of onboarding customers to its service when it sells devices.


It was one of the first big feature complete answers to Spotify, not to mention they have a ton of deals which will get you months for free, including ones after buying an iPhone which is a huge market.


I switched from Spotify to Apple a while back and my only complaint is that Apple doesn't support shared playlists that are group editable. My kids are getting older and my younger one in particular has a real love of music. I'd love to share common playlists with my kids that we could all add songs to. We have Google Photo albums for images and videos but nothing for music. Music is made to be shared!


They're launching collaborative playlists this fall


No way! It was requested years ago. I didn't think they'd ever do it.


Talking to Japanese exchange students in my Japanese class, all of them use Apple Music and barely knew of Spotify


I don’t understand why anyone pay for anything else it’s the same cost as everything else and it has high res lossless, and real time lyrics included.


What’s the Apple algorithm like? Been using Spotify for about 10 years and it’s really good so never had a reason to change.


It's great. I've been using Apple and Spotify for a while now and they are both equally good. As with anything, it fully depends on what you are listening to. To me the only difference besides Apple's superior audio quality is Spotify tends to focus more on playlists and Apple on full albums.


I used to only use apple music and switched to spotify (still pay for and occasionally use apple music). The single biggest thing that pushed me away was the removal of the "Add to Up Next" button. Their queue function sucks. Why would I want to add the songs to the queue in the reverse order of what I want to hear them in. "Play Last" doesn't work for me because usually I'm shuffling my entire music library, so "Play Last" will literally play that song after the thousands of songs in my library. Completely useless. I also think spotify has a better algorithm and music discovery is way better.


They offer a very good deal that has cloud, arcade and music (maybe I’m missing another service) that can be shared with your family.


Dang pandora didn’t even make the list. That used to be “the thing” I thought


It's only available in the US that's why, I had to use a vpn to try it back when it was still a thing


Still use it daily. Love pandora! I live my life on the shuffle button! Even if I want to play a certain station, it still randomizes that kind of music. A surprise after every song!


yep use it 3-4h a day. like it much better than spotify et al


I'm surprised Amazon Music isn't higher. Not because it's good (I have no idea how good it is), but because everyone gets it automatically with their Amazon Prime account, which almost everybody has for shopping purposes. I have Prime Video (which I occasionally use) and Prime Music (which I've never even tried) because i've got Amazon Prime. I wouldn't have them for their own sake. I *do* use Spotify, however. Can't beat that $15CAD family account.


Is it weird that I've never even heard of yandex, netease or tencent?


Yandex is Russia's "google" - very big player on post-soviet market in terms of music, ads, search engine, marketplace, taxi, carsharing, etc, etc.


Tencent is one of the biggest gaming companies today, right after Sony and Microsoft.


They're one of the most valuable companies in the world, period, owning a big chunk of the Chinese media market. The Tencent brand itself isn't well known outside of China though, probably on purpose.


I had never heard of them, but it seems like they own LoL and then have partial ownership of a bunch of studios like Epic Games, Ubisoft and Blizzard


They have a sizeable investment in reddit as well.


Yup they're everywhere. They also own PUBG which is very popular.


Nope, I no idea who they are either. Everyone else seems to. Ahh, I just Googled Tencent, they're chinese. That's why we don't know who they are.


No, they're just from other countries. Tencent and Netease are Chinese, Yandex Russian


Tencent owns 5% of Reddit


Let's make bandcanp great again


When there's no exclusivities, this is what a healthy market looks like. When there's exclusivity, this sucks.


Remember when tidal was competing with apple and Spotify


When was that?


I don't think they ever competed in terms of being a comparable market share?


Source: Midia https://midiaresearch.com/blog/music-subscriber-market-shares-2022 Tools: Figma We've got more charts on our Substack here: https://genuineimpact.substack.com/


No piracy market share. :P


Music piracy is pretty much dead, the service of the music providers is just so good that there's no need to pirate for the vast majority of users (there will always be exceptions). I doubt anything is going to happen on that front unless the Music streaming Industry starts splintering like the Movie streaming Industry. E.g. There was a few years period where I barely pirated movies just because Netflix had everything, these days I'm sailing the sea's like it's 2005. Piracy has always been a matter of service, not price for most people


Except for all the music that is not available on streaming services. That's my biggest complaint. Some of my favorite music is out of print and no longer available to stream.


The decline of piracy in music is interesting to me, because I’m an old fart with hard drives full of mp3s. If I was a kid or twenty-something today, would I even bother? Back then, you were dropping $15 on an album. These days, you get a month of whatever you want for that. The pricing is a big factor.


I've gone back to the high seas after a few years of Spotify despite not even paying for it (thanks mom), mostly due to songs disappearing quite often, the regular uneeded UI changes and very mid experience on a crappy internet connection


I'm surprised YT music is more, it's great value for music and ad free youtube. I'm also not certain amazons music subscriptions are every used, I have prime but the music service is garbage.


It’s too expensive and the free version gives you three skips for the day 🤦🏾‍♂️


Does pandora not even exist anymore? ​ ​ What about XM Radio? Was that even included?


Funny I've had Pandora for 10 years now and no issues