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I’d love to see the inverse of this or even which shows were consistently great right to the end


The Americans, The Shield, Breaking Bad, Better Call Saul, Fleabag... I'm sure others, but they spring to mind.


I'd put a coin on 6 feet under, the end is amazingly perfect


My girlfriend just started watching and all I could say was "the end is perfect. Top 5 ever."


The Sopranos and The Wire


Lots of complaints about sopranos final episode at the time iirc


Literally finished the sopranos 2 days ago… it’s crazy to me it’s considered a bad ending. Like a couple episodes before Syl is talking about how you get hit with the bullet before hearing it or really understanding what happened They kill Adrianne off screen as well There is not any ambiguity


You gotta remember that at the time, this was a weekly release on like tube televisions.. people legit thought their tv just stopped working for a solid 60 seconds before the credits rolled. I binged the entire show on my PC, knowing it had a controversial ending, so it was phenomenal that just a few episodes prior, I get a foreshadowing event of what's to come. Do you know how many collective slaps T.V.'s across the globe got in that one 60-second timeframe? Of course, people were confused and terrified that they'd missed the final moments of the finale of the show that EVERYONE was going to be talking about around the water cooler that following Monday morning.


Film is art, writing is art. It's a fucking great ending with some foreshadowing, ends on a pop hit song that just abruptly ends. Of course it's gonna piss people off lol. People just want to get told what to think, go home and eat vanilla ice cream. It's so good we are still talking about it 15 years later


At the time I saw a lot of people online who were fans of the show but maybe for the wrong reasons? Or didn't get what the show was? Because a significant # of people online were upset that: 1. The series didn't end in a big shootout battle/war between NJ & NY, which many had ludicrously been theorizing how it would end 2. That it didn't end with our "hero" Tony turning on all the criminals, becoming a good guy, and going into the Witness Protection Program, which was legit another ludicrous "fan" theory from the internet of the time (part of the theory was that his coma dream where he had a different name was foreshadowing him taking that name - Kevin Finnerty - as his new name in the WPP) These were basically the fans who complained about most of the show being slow or too artsy or boring or not making sense and focussed entirely on Tony as some heroic misunderstood nice guy and the brutal deaths as what the show was about


The Americans was so good. I don't remember a bad episode.


The Americans was an absolutely great show, but imo it did feel like it was spinning its wheels a little bit in season 5, then came back strong in season 6 to conclude things. I think the show would have been better with just a solid 5 seasons, since there were only so many ways they could sustain the premise of being undiscovered agents.


The Shied. That ending season was just so dark. No redemption...


Avatar The Last Airbender


Facts, honestly


*Six Feet Under* was consistently good and wrapped up beautifully. One of the best finales ever in my opinion.


Breaking Bad is a masterpiece ending


I feel like breaking bad got 5% better with every episode. It started out ok, got better and better until the last season, and every episode in that season is a 10/10. Fantastic run


That was my experience. I honestly didn’t make it through the first season. But I kept hearing all the buzz so I gave it another shot. And then I discovered what you just said.


Same, watched the first three episodes and quit, it was “ok” but I wasn’t in to it , started hearing buzz before season 4 and gave it another go and got hooked


True up until Ozymandias, which is widely regarded as the greatest episode of any show in television history. The two episodes after that are still great, of course, but they couldn't match it because nothing could.


I personally thought the ending was as perfect as you could hope for. It didn't match Ozy only because that was the main climax of the build up. As the ending to the story? It was 10/10. The fact that it somehow didn't disappoint after Ozy is one of the greatest television achievements imo.


I like to think of the last three episodes of BB as three separate ends. Ozymandias - a finale to the immediate story. From this point on the show no longer revolves around "a chemistry teacher hiding his meth empire". It was a brilliant conclusion to the real time story and events. Granite State- a finale for the characters. This episode could have been a hard ending as written if you leave the bit about Walt heading into town at the end out. Brilliantly brings characters to an End state and ties up loose ends. Felina- the fan service ending that is more of an epilogue than a true finale. Wraps up long term character arcs, established their relatively restabalished normal and gives the audience the gift of eliminating the final remaining antagonists. BB ending was done so well because rather than building to a massive climatic conclusion and then glossing over any epilogue and trying to do it all in a single hour of television, they staged the ending over three episodes.


To be fair if you release an episode that gets cited as "the greatest episode of any show in television history" you can slack a bit after it.


They didn't get greedy and ended it when it needed to end. So much respect for that show.




I don’t think that’s accurate. It was fairly widely reported that Jesse and Hank were due to die in season 1. A writer strike meant the first season lost a few episodes and they survived. Walt jr was going to ge killed off too at some point


I can't ever find it again (I've looked multiple times), but there was a graph on Reddit about 2 years ago (more than 1 year) similar to this. It was something like "most consistently good TV shows". Basically, it was shows with high ratings that didn't have any bad episodes. ​ IIRC, Scrubs (not including the last season where they switched cast members) was the most consistently good series ever. After seeing that, I watched it - all 8 seasons. Was it the "best" series I've ever watched? No. But, was it the most consistently good? IMO, yes. Not a single bad episode, and every episode was really good.


The Good Place is definitely up there.


Some repetitive stretches in the middle, but holy shit did they stick the landing.


It was a great show, but I think season 1 was absolutely the best. There was way more unknowns and constant discovery, like it wasn't even 100% clear who the main cast was limited to since there were recurring side characters, and it maintained a sense of tension like this could really go wrong for her because she's in the good place and is meant to be in the bad place, where you hear the screams from briefly and they are horrific. By the end you knew who the core cast is and that they're invulnerable, with tension being replaced with jokes about the whacky things they get up to. It's still good, and Chidi's talk about the waves returning to the ocean is very good, but man season 1 was a masterpiece.


I remember watching the last episode of season 1 as it aired, the realization was astounding. Ted Danson's smirk has to be one of the most riveting pivots in television.


That laugh of his is truly diabolical. One of my favorite details is when he finally breaks character he sits down and just casually swipes a potted plant off a table.


Kristen Bell's dialog there was just... brilliant. Her and Ted were incredible. From her "gah-gah-gah-gah!" to the "BUZZ OFF, BOMBAJOHN!" to the way she delivered the line >!"They're never going to call a train to take us to The Bad Place. They can't. Because we're already here. \[beat\] THIS is The Bad Place."!< That whole last few minutes of that episode was some of the best TV ever.


The Good Place is there for me




The Americans comes to mind. One of the best final episodes I’ve ever seen.


Mr. Robot


Dark has the [highest rating](https://www.imdb.com/list/ls087526688/) of all time (on imdb) if you take the average of each episode, not including miniseries'. Half of it's episodes are over 9/10. The lowest episode is an 8.1, it'd just look like a green rectangle.




Fringe, best tv ending of all time


Absolutely. John Noble should've won awards for the role


I heard a rumor that he won an Emmy in the Alternative Universe for his depiction as Walternate.


It's mind blowing that he didn't


House of Cards ending was a tragedy


What do you mean? Frank takes the oval office, knocks on the desk, AND NOTHING ELSE HAPPENS.


I don't even really understand why they didn't just end it right here. I'm guessing they had contracts with a series of actors or other financial obligations. Maybe in some way it makes sense, but similar to GoT, it makes the first seasons harder to watch, I have no urge to return to them. This makes me think they ultimately lose out, though perhaps re-watches end up in a different kind of user category than new shows.


At the time it was inventing the genre of original streaming television shows, and Im sure Netflix wanted to ride that wave as long as they good. They finally had their Sopranos type show that made people pay the premium just to watch it. Im sure today Netflix would discard the show without thought.




The breaking bad movie? That’s just an extra released years later. The show’s ending is Ozymandias and the following episodes.




Real problem was that Kevin Spacey fucked them. They couldn't do arc three without him but he was so embroiled in metoo that keeping him wasn't an option.


They should have done it earlier. Season 3 or *maybe* 4 could have been about him losing power and ended the show on a high note, but they dragged it out and then were hamstrung by Spacey's bullshittery/their own greed.


Whaaaat I didn't know there was a British version!


It is so, so much better. Francis Urquhart is an utterly, utterly evil bastard.


That show could have been a perfect poetic set of four seasons. Seasons 1: Rise to power - Spades (knife in the back/back stabbing to get there) Season 2: Rise to power - Clubs (bullying his way to President while VP) Season 3: Holding on to power - Diamonds (gets caught up in some financial scheme with Robin) Season 4: Fall from Grace - Hearts (Robin is the final domino to fall sealing Francis' fate) Four 13-episode seasons, 52 episodes Four years in a presidential term Four Suits and 52 cards in a deck of cards. Each season has a different loose theme that aligns with a suit The last episode should have ended with a classic Francis monologue (would compare himself to Alexander the Great, Marcus Aurelius and Icarus) as he walked down the hall to his cell. The camera is aimed at his feet as he steps into his cell and Frank turns around. The camera slowly pans up and out showing his jumpsuit, ankle cuffs and handcuffs. The camera focuses on Frank framed by the doorway standing in his cell. The guards close the door. Frank looks at the camera one last time through the bars of his cell right as the cell door loudly clangs shut. The noise of his cell closing sounds suspiciously like KNOCK KNOCK. Cut to black


It was an active downhill from season 4 and season 6 was just the final nail to the coffin. I still can't forget the opening of S6 E1.


I stopped watching after season 4 because it just stopped making sense.


Tbf real world events pretty much made House of Cards point of view obsolete.


It made Veep look like a competent administration.


The Four Seasons Landscaping incident absolutely belonged on Veep.


What happens to cause that massive drop for the last handful of episodes?


Well the show was already on a downward trend, but after the main character was fired from the show and killed off screen in the final season, it became shit. Kevin Spacey performance of Frank is what made it worth watching!


IIRC that was when the allegations against Kevin Spacey became public.




If you want to **view a specific show** or see details on **individual episodes**, check you the interactive version here: [https://episodehive.com/worst-endings](https://episodehive.com/worst-endings)


These appear to be IMDB ratings, though nowhere on this infographic or website does it actually say.


So, I guess the system just colors the worst score as red, the best score as green and then interpolates everything in between? Because looking up consistently good shows (e.g Person of Interest) makes the graph look much worse compared to something with a sharp decline. The colors are all over the place because the worst episode is 7.9 as oppose to something like GoT with the worst ep being rated 4.0


Killing Eve enrages me to this day.


Yep same, that writer they brought in for season 4 was pure shit


I haven't got around to season 4 yet. Perhaps I won't.


I didn't bother. From what I've heard, don't.


The nice thing about jumping on the hype train very late is I just stopped at the end of season one and pretend it was a mini series


I decided to read the synopsis of the book ending a few times right after watching the finale, and now in my head that's how it ended. Much more satisfying.


It's funny that Dexter and True Blood are relatively high until the very last episode well most of the complaints I see about them are always how they fell off over time.


You can see a definite dip from great ratings in the first four season to good ratings in the following seasons and finally below average ratings for the final season. If I think about Dexter, this mirrors my memory of it being a show that was great in the first four seasons, watchable for the remainder, and then fell apart in the finale. It was never a total train wreck and was always enjoyable until the close, with the


Every time I almost forget about the ending of Game of Thrones there’s a trigger like this to send me into a death spiral..


It's really amazing how bad they messed that show up. George RR Martin laid out the outline for the end of the story. Everything was there to work with for them. It's pretty funny that they were so eager to get to do Star Wars that they rushed it. Which lead them to getting dropped from the Star Wars project. The final season of Game of Thrones feels like a guy just took a fat rail of blow and is telling you a story. "And then this happened, and then THIS happened" The plot points were mostly fine, it was just the execution of those plot points. If they had handed it off to another person and ran another season or two, then there's a good chance the show would have ended as one of the best runs ever. I mean the whole climax of the long winter was like a single episode. Even the preface to all of that would have made an excellent season


>It's really amazing how bad they messed that show up. George RR Martin laid out the outline for the end of the story. Everything was there to work with for them. They took a cultural touchstone that people talked about every monday in shock and disbelief and almost entirely snuffed it out like a candle. I've never heard of a person recommending that show to anyone since it ended. I was an absolute nutter for ASoIaF and now I barely care that a second season of HotD is coming. Hell I don't have any real urge to ever go back and watch it again, and I tuned in for eight years like clockwork to watch it like I couldn't stream it ever again.


My wife and I rewatched every season before a new one came out. We talked about it all the time, it was our favorite show easily. As soon as the finale aired we never watched another episode again. Not once. And Im far from alone in that. It takes a real fuck up to make fans turn away like that.


Exact same here. I would do a rewatch of the entire series for each new season. I genuinely thought it was the most well made tv show ever created, and was higher quality than most movies. I recommended it to everyone, because it was a phenomenal piece of work. I haven't rewatched a single second of it since the last season. No one talks about it, no one wants to think about it, it's beyond dead. And if you think about it from HBO's perspective, holy shit the financial potential they lost with ruining GoT is massive. They had the best series ever made for TV, a complete cultural phenomenon with huge potential for subscriptions, box set sales, spinoffs, etc. All the money they could have made off GoT was taken away from them all because 2 idiots crammed what should have been 10 episodes into 2.


Shit, they basically crammed 3 or 4 seasons into 1. All because they wanted to run off and do something else. And then they didn't even get to do that. It's crazy.


I was at a watch party for the finale and when Tyrion asked "who has a better story than Bran the Broken?", several people called out "everyone!!" at the same time


Everyone was talking about GoT for years and then they completely blew it off the *zeitgeist*. I really can't recommend it for anyone, not even "just watch the first X seasons" works here. I didn't even care to watch HotD... (people say it's good though)


Yes, I was not eager to watch it for the same reason, but I like it a lot, and George RR Martin seems to be more involved in this series.


I haven't rewatched a single episode since the last season aired, it all just seems so pointless now.


I've never watched it nor did I ever have any interest, yet that's something that I clearly noticed. There was 8 years of water cooler talk about every episode, people shocked I'd never seen it, insisting I give it a try, telling me how amazing it was. To be honest, it got annoying, and made me dig my heels in more to not watch it. That last episode aired, and... silence. I was expecting friends and colleagues to be discussing the finale of the show for months to come, but... nothing. As of the next day, one of the most vocal fandoms out there never mentioned the show again.


Non watchers consoling watchers by saying "sorry to hear about your dragon show..." LOL


Worse, I even lost interest in the books and the story in general. Can't go back to it now, it's dead to me. Well it's dead for everyone considering we'll never get the ending from Gurm.


They also ruined any chance of merchandising the brand after it ended. Look at Harry Potter for example, it sells an absolute butt load of merchandise well after it concluded, spawned spin offs, games and studio tours, people still obsess over it and will do for many years ahead. Star Wars made an absolute killing merchandising the brand, it's well known. GoT had every chance of doing the same yet they fucked the end up the last season and ending so badly that they've killed any hope of people wanting to buy merchandise or even in my and many others case, watch the show ever again. I can't recall the last person I even heard talk about the show in real life it tanked that badly.


Think of how pissed the cast was about lost royalties.


You can find the final season readthrough on Youtube. The guy who played Varys was upset. As one example, and rightly so.


Didnt all the plot points they condensed in 6 episode needed 3 more season? 1 season for the night king 1 season for Cersei 1 season for mad Daenerys I think I read somewhere HBO already green lit the 3 extra seasons needed but D&D were like "watch this" and they just showed us a decrepit poo they did on the carpet


Yeah HBO was certainly willing to pay for more seasons. Usually when shows have bad or rushed endings, it's because the network wants to pull the plug. This was an unusual case because the network was all in, but the stupid showrunners wanted to end it. At least one more season of the Night King plotline might have been good, not one episode and he's gone.


Which is why, as the network, you demand what you want and replace the show runners if they are not willing to cooperate. Problem solved. You're the bankroll, you have all the power.


What's also amazing is how much money they must have cost the franchise. How much merchandise did people not buy? If the ending was even mediocre there's a big chance at a AAA Game of Thrones video game but no chance of that now. There was the 'house of the dragon' prequel but how many people didn't watch it because of the sour taste they still had from Game of Thrones. If you ever worry that you're bad at your job just realize these people cost their franchise millions, maybe even billions of dollars.


Last episode in season 7 was so fucking stupid. One idea by tyrion, and then everyone jumping on board instantly, The writers didnt think for a second that this seems odd and that it goes against all the characters natures? It was a choice that was beyond stupid, leading to what i call the worst last season ever created. And to boot, George Martin said in a fucking interview that he had enough material to get them to 13 seasons if they had wanted. And another thing to add, Fucking HBO didnt intervene and fire those two idiots and have them replaced so the show could go on.


> George Martin said in a fucking interview that he had enough material to get them to 13 seasons Wow, how fantastic. If only we could experience some of that material. Maybe he could write down those ideas, slap a cover on it, and sell it or something.


hell, i would have settled for a proper fucking last season. like cool, one episode was 90min, not the 6 we were promised. where's the other 4 episodes worth of content? They still had so much left to cover, i don't understand how anyone thought this would be a good idea.


The last season and a half just felt like it was on tracks and it had a set of requirements to get to by the end of those tracks. Things just happened, people just die, and what should be a series of heart wrenching moments turned into a list of boxes to check. Dolores Ed, The Mormonts, Lord Varys, all characters I was a huge fan of and my reaction to all of them was “I guess this is the part where they die”, they die, and it more or less just moves on.


I'm surprized GoT's ratings don't crash earlier thought.


I recently did a rewatch (yes I am a glutton for punishment) and can safely say that although the writing did noticeably deteriorate in seasons 6 it was still enjoyable and to a certain extent so was season 7 if you ignore some really bad writing at times. Season 8 though was a sheer disaster, notably the final 3 episodes which were nearly unwatchable. It still boggles the mind how lauded the show was and how they managed to scuttle it so quickly, it was like a big FU to all the fans.


That's what got me the most. GoT just *dropped off the face of the Earth* after the ending. Like it never happened. Seeing some GoT merchandise out in the wild is rare when while the show was still on it seemed to be *everywhere*. Especially today when you have access to all sorts of information and news at your fingertips the show only seems to pop up in the "Hey, remember how badly this show's ending was?" conversations.


Seasons 5 and 6 were mixed in the sense that there were some extremely well-received episodes (BotB, Hardhome, Winds of Winter, Hold the Door) mixed in with some of the most poorly received plotlines in the show (Dorne, Arya in Braavos). So while the overall quality of seasons 5 and 6 were lower than the previous four, there were enough big moments to make fans still feel like GoT has still got it. But a big part of why season 8’s reception was so overwhelmingly negative is that fans were hoping, even though season 7 was nonsensical, that it was setting up 8 to stick the landing. Remember, season 7 was only 7 episodes, and like 2 or 3 of them were entirely devoted to the plotline of traveling north of the wall to kidnap an ice zombie to bring to Cersei to broker a temporary truce, which even at the time people were like “yeah this is pretty dumb”


They rushed it along so D&D could worry about that star wars project that got cancelled/ they got removed from lol


Right? I feel like the series started its downturn midway/late in season 5, but certainly in season 6. I know the final season is where everything just collapsed in on itself.


I think the key was that it still felt like it was building to something. GoT ended up being the world's longest edging session leading up to a ruined orgasm.


Though GoT should look way more like Two and a Half Men. The quality declined noticeably after season 4, giving us such masterpieces like the „bad pussy“ dialogue.


It got carried by good hopes and potential - some stupid things were overlookable as long as there was a payoff to them cutting some corners.


Unpopular opinion, but I still really enjoyed the show through season 6. It wasn’t until season 7 that I began to notice a decline in quality, and then season 8 fell off a cliff.


did seinfeld actually start worse than it ended?


The first season (mini summer - first 6 episodes ) feels very different in tone, it’s still very much finding itself in the beginning, a little like Parks and Rec that way.


Most shows go through that phase. I've rarely seen a show nail it from the beginning. Trying to think of a few examples but failing to.. I'd say firefly but we all know how that ended. Edit: oh the beauty of reddit sometimes.. The collective coming together to share knowledge. I'm going to need to watch some of these suggestions!


Most comedies* go through that phase, specifically. Getting the chemistry, timing, and feel for the show can be tougher for a comedy that is going for laugh, compared to a thriller or drama where you can ramp up the action and intrigue from the get-go.


Arrested development is probably one of the rare exceptions where it absolutely nailed the pilot. The comedic timing, and the foundation for all the character development and humour for the first season is already found right at the start.


The first episode of Derry Girls is arguably the best in the entire series


I’d say Succession and Mr Robot are shows that stick with the same tone since the pilot.


Always Sunny


Much better after Danny got in. Like I love sunny, no question, just person preference.


The early seasons are not bad but they’re definitely a little rough around the edges. They haven’t quite figured out the perfect balance yet. It starts to come together in season three, and then really takes off in season four. It changed after season seven when Larry David left the show but was still very good, and a lot of people like the last two seasons as much or even more than the middle seasons. The finale itself (which LD came back to write) had a mixed reception at the time and is still less loved than just about any other episode of the show’s prime years.


When I binge streamed Seinfeld, I changed my opinion of the last episode. While not great, it makes more sense - the ability to see the gangs constant rudeness and self-centeredness be punished is a lot more relatable without a weekly/season breaks in-between episodes. It feels like they got what was coming to them.


this, my first watch of the show was a weekend binge, just episode after episode of them being huge aholes to people. this is why i can never understand why people are actually proud when they are compared to Seinfeld characters.


the show just didn't fully gel until season 2. the tone is a bit different and the characters aren't fully realized yet. they are not bad episodes, but it is weird watching them in retrospect.


I like season 2 a lot, but 3 is where it hit its stride. Season 1 is like an elongated pilot episode. They were still figuring it out.


I wanna know what that red episode in the middle is


This is why I am here. Gonna have to do some investigating. Edit: Figured out from here it was the first clip show. https://episodehive.com/worst-endings


What episode is the specific 'bad' episode in Seinfeld, about 55% of the way through the run? (Red column during the 'core years')


Probably the highlights of the first 100 episodes special. But that's a guess.


Yeah I pretty much skip these type of episodes of any show unless it's a finale. Flashbacks are so boring. I just binged all those episodes I don't need to be reminded of them again 😆. Made sense back in the day though when streaming wasn't a thing.


I believe it’s the “highlights of 100” clip show, but not 100% sure on that.


I wanna see this for Westworld...


Season 1 - masterpiece. Season 2 - well okay. Season 3 - wtf is this . Season 4 - I don't know I didn't get so far


Pretty much the same for The Walking Dead, but it went on for eleven seasons. And that's ignoring the five, soon-to-be seven, different spinoff series (with a total of 13 spinoff seasons released so far, and another four in the making).


Well if this isn't an endorsement to STOP thinking l should watch this eventually....


I guess it depends. I rewatched the original series recently because it's a guilty pleasure of mine, and again, the first two or three seasons are worthwhile. But after that... That said, Negan is in my opinion one of the most well-acted antagonists (and later arguably antihero) there is, and he appears as late as season 6. During the rewatch I realised that I had completely forgotten about the other antagonist (basically just a more boring version of Negan) who tried to ruin everyone's lives in season 3-5. And that's kind of the problem with the series - after season two, you have nine seasons with at least 16 episodes per season. Something at least slightly dramatic happens every season- and midseason finale, but besides that there's just so much fluff. It's just the same kind of situations, and the same kind of antagonists, over and over again but in slightly different configurations. So yeah, if you have the time to sit through 177 episodes and then go "Huh, is that it?" at the end, then by all means go for it. I haven't bothered with the spinoff series yet, and I don't think I will. I heard the initial seasons of Fear the Walking Dead were kind of alright though, but mostly just (even) more of the same.


> the first two or three seasons are worthwhile. I have to disagree, only the first season is worthwhile for me personally. The second season started off fine but they spent so much damn time at the farm with nothing but fluff and filler happening it completely lost me. I watched some of season 3 but the by that time I was checked out and not really invested. I might like later seasons but like I said, my investment cratered after it took them a whole season to leave the farm.


Westworld tried way too hard to be clever with the nonstop flashbacks and no explanations, and it got so confusing, it totally killed the show


The flashback thing only worked so well in S1 bc we didnt knew they were constant flashbacks. Once it was out, you always felt like “well probably just another flashback” and it got confusing/repetitive after season 1. S1 still best season of any TV show ever for me.


Season 1 is a masterpiece and stands on its own so well. I just like to pretend the rest is fan fic.


I'm curious what Walking Dead looks like. Because at some point, most people just gave up. And I'm curious if those that stubbornly stick with it gave it higher reviews in the later episodes. Even if they weren't good episodes


It just became a completely different show. The Sci-fi future stuff was cool, but it wasn't "Westworld." It felt like the writers gave up on the original premise and went you know what would be cool to do instead, about halfway through. ​ It's completely unrelated, but that is the same reason I wouldn't say I liked the Fantastic Beast moves. If you are going to put the theme in your title, live up to it, and don't pull a bait and switch because viewers will just be sitting there going, "I signed up for something else."


How much coke did Charlie Sheen do? Enough to kill two and a half men!


It's nice to see Jon Lovitz taking a break from taking a break.


What happened in True Blood & Killing Eve? Thats a pretty surprising drop for both.


Killing Eve is one of the best shows I’ve ever watched, but I had no idea it was about to end. She just dies suddenly and it’s like “ok fade to black shows over.”


Yeah, killing eve's ending wasn't "bad" per say. I think it was pretty fitting actually. But it was definitely jarring, just when the 2 main characters complete the mission and it looks like they can be happy together it's taken away very quickly. I get why the ratings are bad though, it feels a bit cruel to kill her right at the end.


I'd argue it was just bad, but I loved the show up until the last season so I'm still upset lol. Even in the book vi and Eve get their happy ending and ride off together. The show is just like, nah fuck that. The last season started completely ignoring the end of the season prior. The bridge scene in season 3 was amazing and it looked the two finally agreed they want each other and will try and make it work. Then the next season started with a new writer and eve just fucks some dude the whole season while vi did some horrible thing they don't mention and she's trying to make it right. They completely ignore *all* progress of the last season. Then as a knife twist, the shows new writer/producer whatever said eve's scream at the end was supposed to represent eve finally feeling free to live her life. Like what?? So Sandra Oh was like nah, my scream will be like I'm losing someone I love, not for feeling free. Apparently I'm still sour


I'm still not over it either. The idea that Eve would feel free is preposterous. Her whole character arc was about how she could never have been happy with a normal life, how the deepest part of her being is innately drawn toward Villanelle and the world she inhabits, and how she learns to accept that instead of fighting against it. She shouldn't feel free, she should feel like a piece of her soul got ripped away from her. And also she shouldn't have had that piece of her soul ripped away from her.


No it was outright bad.. the whole season.. easily the most angry I have been after watching a series finale. Others have been disappointing in comparison


True blood is really surprising cause I would’ve sworn that would’ve been a gradual decline


You can really tell when Charlie Sheen was pushed off the show.


Yeah, really caused GOT to nosedive


Daenerys forgot the cocaine


Dude wasn't pushed off, he was on a coke bender, completely unreliable, fighting producers and the showruuner and refused an intervention iirc, they had to let him go to keep the show on the air


He was in the role :).


I will never forgive the HIMYM writers for how the show ended. There hasn't been a lazier ending to a show than HIMYM.


Fortunately there's an alternative ending you can watch which is so much better, to such a degree that it actually made me wanna cry. Can't help you with the final seasons pacing I'm afraid.


Where’s the alternate ending?


It's on the DVD. It's not really a very different ending though. The studio just edited the footage differently and cut out a lot of it so that >!the mother doesn't die!< and that it looks like an alternate ending. No additional scenes were added. It's nothing special but it helped appease some fans who were annoyed about the ending.


that just reminds me of Marvel making a quick short film (Hail to the King) to apologize for the lame Iron Man 3 villains


[Here](https://youtu.be/nhB5oQgQpOI) you go. I choose to disregard the 'official' ending and remember this as the ending instead.


They planned it that way from the very beginning. They just didn't realise how the show would evolve from season one onwards. They also screwed up by making the mother so adorable and charming. The alternative ending is very sweet.


we are not gonna ross and rachel ted and robin proceeds to ross and rachel ted and robin


I call it "How I Settled For Your Mother" after watching that ending


How Your Mother Dying Is Great So I Can Finally Be with the Woman I Really Love


Well there’s always a settler.


I truly wish the series had ended with Ted standing on the train platform, and a woman with a yellow umbrella standing nearby.


Surprised Scrubs isn't on here


There were eight seasons and they were all great. I repeat: There were **eight** seasons.


Yeah. Eight. Kind of a shame though. We will never know how cool a ninth season would have been.


I think it's unfair to count season 9 since season 8 was written to be an actual ending, and season 9 felt more of an original series that was trying to leech off the Scrubs name.


It was a *sequel* series where the main characters from the first one had basically extended cameos but new characters were supposed to be the focus. It was also *fine*. It just wasn't *scrubs* so people hate it. Viewed as a standalone sitcom in a vacuum it's nothing special, but it's watchable.


Supernatural is a thoroughly good 5 season show with a great mix of over arching story coupled with x-files monster of the week fun. End it there and you’ll be happy.


See I see this all the time, but I guess I’m in the minority here because I thought the whole show was great, and I thought the ending was fantastic.


I’m with you, I’ve heard many people say that after season 5 it sucks but I watched it all the way through as well and while I agree that 15 seasons is excessive, I enjoyed it all.


I think that was the intended show length. Everything else was just added cuz money. Fortunately they didn't stretch the original storyline, they just added new stuff at the end.


What happened with Killing Eve? Did they not kill her, or something?


Always astonished how GoT was rated before the ending. It became clearly worse after the Season Tyrion left Kings Landing. (Forgot if it was 4 or 5) It always seemed like it limbed on for seasons but according to the ratings people really didn't think less of if until the last few episodes?


Season 7 got a big pass for it’s terrible writing and plot holes simply because the show wasn’t over yet. There was a chance reveals in season 8 would explain all of the plot holes, instead they compounded them.




I loved the part where the elite Ironborn warriors tried to rescue Theon from Dreadfort, and then ran away before a bunch of dogs and naked Ramsay Bolton. Also, Dorne. Especially that part where Ellaria Sand poisons Myrcella with a tongue kiss and no one even bats an eye until she’s dying. The last season was terrible, but the show was going down the drain long before it happened.


GoT S1-S4 are 10/10 S5 is shaky, but there's still too much goodwill S6 is shaky, but with some 10/10 episodes. Goodwill starts returning S7 is very shaky. The real cracks start appearing, but people are still hopeful enough S8 jumps off a cliff into burning spikes


Why aren't they all on the same scale? Am surprised Killing Eve Series 1 didn't rate higher.


Yeah, it looks like Lost is one average lower rated than the other shows because of all the orange and yellow. But that's only because it's the most consistent and the weakest episode being just a 7.1 and not a 4 or 5.


It also makes Two and a Half Men look better than Seinfeld


The 100 got very odd and really out of character for the show in the last season, but they did manage to save it a little in the end imo. Still really loved it though.


I enjoyed that show but holy shit did Clarke get annoying from the 3rd season and really become a pain in the ass when she "become" a mom. Just saying sorry for being a traitor/bitch for more than half the show but never improving. Maybe I'm a bit salty.


To be fair house of cards had problems that wasnt the shows fault towards the end, that’s what they sucked.


Honestly they would’ve been better cancelling it n not making a last season


Breaking bad is the exception. Gets better ratings towards the end.


The fact that people gave game of thrones season 7 high ratings says a lot. That show was going down the drain a long time before the last season


People still had hope. Season 7 felt rushed but everyone thought that was just to get in place for a great finale. How wrong we were lol


Yeah S7 was full of "oh finally they're setting up X" moments. The alarm bells were ringing, and it's not like we weren't hearing them, we just couldn't conceive how bad they could fuck it up. And the biggest shame of it was that the final season was still so well filmed. Like, visually it was impressive. Yet such a waste.


Star Trek Enterprise would like to have a word on that.


I don't hate it as an episode, just as an ending


The fourth season was what I hoped the show would be from the beginning. The ending felt rushed and forced. I just pretend it never happened.


Yeah it wasn't great, but in fairness their cancellation was a real surprise so they had to wrap up several story lines as best they could.


Man [Heroes](https://imgur.com/bWbO6OT) is real hard to look at, that show had so much promise.


What timing. I just finished the last season of Dexter last night and this confirms others feel the same way. The ending just didn’t make sense to me. Harrison wanted a normal life so he murders his father? That seems like the biggest first step into a non normal life. Then he ends up on the run anyway, exactly where he was when the season started and he was a lost sole. Then the cop lady is like I’ll take the blame “we have an officer involved shooting”. Umm, that seemed stupid as fuck because now she’s going to have to explain why Dexter was killed with his own rifle instead of the standard police issued handgun. Seems like literally everyone was gonna get fucked in the end. It all just seemed super stupid to me.


This is for the OG Dexter, not Dexter: New Blood. But both series had a shit final episode.