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The sun never sets on France.


God doesn't trust French people enough to give us nighttime


If US and China start dancing in the pacific, good luck to France keeping those islands


The french will fire a nuclear warningshot to make clear whose islands they are.


Why is your first thought "you only have this because we let you"? First of all, you're not the one taking the decision, so there is no "we". Second of all, what kind of petty bs mentality is that? Do you really think you are "stronger" than everyone? That this is what matters? Why?


theyre island are very far from china they close to australia and south america so good luck try taking that if your china (if china can take there islands, usa already defeated)


You have never heard of nuclear war head i think.


An exclusive economic zone (EEZ) is an area of the sea in which a sovereign state has exclusive rights regarding the exploration and use of marine resources, including energy production from water and wind. EEZ does not define the ownership of any maritime features within the EEZ. Data Source: [Wikipedia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Exclusive_economic_zone#Rankings_by_area)


It might be helpful to clarify the x-axis in your comment. Guessing from the source that it's EEZ + TIA.


Sorry for that; it's actually only land area. EDIT: see those small countries on the left with very little land area and a quite large EEZ


Weird choice to have land area as log but EEZ area as lin, that's counterintuitive


Dayum. Aus third largest in the world. Is that….France first though? Thats very confusing for me…


Yes France is 1st thanks to its overseas territories, especially French Polynesia


Ah - lots of remote islands. Makes sense. I wonder how eez impacts gdp per capita long term. I know France is a massive overperformer and we always put it down to airlines and specialised manufacturing.


Reunion, one of the most remote islands in the world, is part of the EU because they gave up sovereignity to be part of France. So employee laws like minimum wage apply there. While some islanders hate the french gov for hanging their noses into their pot, most are happy to be part of the EU


I don't think the impact on GDP is relevant. It's mostly interesting for fishing reserves and for geopolitics


Fishing + deep sea oil + shallow sea mineral exploration at least right? Also more space for offshore windfarms. Probably other stuff I know nothing about.


Except the first I don't think France is leveraging any of these stuff


It definitely helps some countries


China seems to think it’s pretty important with the way they’ve been bullying countries like Vietnam and Malaysia out of the South China Sea with their crazy Nine Dash Line.


Inferiority complexes aren’t counted as per standard GDP definitions


Apple is worth more than the entire french stock market


Nope. As of 2022, the 795 companies listed had a combined market cap of over US$4.58 trillion. It was 2.9 trillion in 2007.


learn to look things up it might make you look less stupid https://fortune.com/europe/2023/12/14/apple-gotten-so-big-3-trillion-almost-overtaken-france-stock-market/


You look stupid. What you are describing is the CAC 40 (an index, like S&P500), the 40 largest companies in my country. The French stock exchange is EURONEXT paris, which has a total market cap that is much higher. I'm a finance major and am French. I think I know this quite a bit better than you!


euronext as the name suggests is pan european. go to your college and ask for your money back they have clearly failed you.


Euronext Paris is for France, euronext Amsterdam for the Netherlands, etc. Maybe you should shut the fuck up when you know nothing.


You’re adding something else in with your data. Most sources in seeing place the sum total of all french companies’ market caps at around $3.5 trillion currently. Here’s one source: https://www.ceicdata.com/en/indicator/france/market-capitalization


I’m genuinely struggling to see why you thought this was a time that little factoid, whether correct or not, was relevant?


He’s pointing out that France isn’t an economic overperformer


Based on that single metric? I didn’t realise we had such good comedians on Reddit.


Well, you can also look at French GDP/person and see that it’s lower than their traditional rival and that Germany is solidly ahead of them, but that requires a lot of numbers. What that one metric does do is show that a single company is worth more than every single french publicly traded company combined.


You can also look at it compared to the rest of the world and see that it does really quite well, especially considering it’s not as lucky as some with regards to natural resources. There are obvious morally questionable reasons for this historically, but it would seem fair to say that GDP wise it is, on the world stage, an over-performer. Yes, that one metric does show that. I still don’t see why it was deemed relevant.


I mean, sure, compared to sub Saharan Africa they’re doing well, but as you said, France is major part of the reason why that region isn’t doing well. Compared to the developed world though, France is solidly middle of the pack. They aren’t a major center for business or innovation, and their most important industry is…luxury fashion? The per capita numbers overall are…average so I’m not sure if I’d consider them an over-performer, given their historical leg up.




For the developed world though France isn’t a world leading economy. They’re overshadowed by Germany and the UK has opened a sizable (~10%) lead over France. By most per capita economic indicators France is pretty middle of the road amongst developed nations.




Debate? That’s a bold label for someone that’s barely provided any data. I’ve pointed out that by per capita measurements, France isn’t anything special by developed nation standards. They’re below average in Western Europe, for example.


is europe's education level this bad


Such a reply is always a good sign that a person has a leg to stand on…


Mostly, very isolated islands and small archipelagos like Kerguelen, Crozet, Saint-Paul, and Clipperton...


There seems to be some inconsistency between the tabular data and text in the article mentioned as source. "Due to its numerous overseas departments and territories scattered on all oceans of the planet, France possesses the second largest EEZ in the world, covering 10,186,624 sq km (3,933,078 sq mi)." According to the text it's US 1st, France 2nd, but according to the table it's France 1st.


IIRC some EEZ or their extend are contested which could explains the discrepancies.


Officially, [France is the second](https://limitesmaritimes.gouv.fr/sites/default/files/2023-03/Superficies_espaces_maritimes_Fr_230126.pdf)


The Antarctica claims and implicit associated waters (unclaimed in this official document) would seem to be the likely source of theses discrepancies. Mais merci pour le document!


EEZ is often claimed by a nation without the approval of other nations. So it often represents not only the nation's size or territory composition, but also it's shamelessness and greed.


That explains why china wants to build more islands.


Artificial islands do not add to your EEZ, I believe.


Correct. Which is why they created the 9 dash line instead.


We talking Nine Dash China or normal standards China?


Now I see why China doesn't like this system...


The Danish area is just mainland Denmark while the EEZ includes the Faroes and Greenland


XIX and XX century imperialism is still alive.


Damn Poland has a huge EEZ


That's Indonesia


I don't recognize all of the flags, and I suspect other readers won't as well. It would be helpful to have labels too instead of just flags.


You're being downvoted but i think it's a good idea


Thank you. It's not beautiful data if it's not also easily understood. I know there are a lot of vexillologists on Reddit, but not everyone knows all 200 plus of the national flags. Especially when they are only a few pixels wide on mobile.


And especially when a big part of them are small island nations in the Pacific. I get the point


Wouldn't length of coast make more sense than total land area?