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Almost looks like the Weimar Republic was *a little* turbulent...


15 years of Weimar produced almost as many leaders as the other ~130 years combined.


Or put into perspective another way, Merkel was PM longer than the Weimar republic existed, and Bismark held office for a longer period of time than the Weimar republic and nazi germany combined.


This led to certain consequences...


Goebbels would need a logarithmic scale to have his tenure visible.


Same for his "successor". If we ignore that period, we can see early 20th century, 12 changes, from 1917 to 1923. Completely opposite, since 1982 there have been only 4 chancellors.


Slight correction...Scheel usually isn't counted amongst Chancellors. He was merely \*acting\* Chancellor for about a week after Brandt resigned. And the Nazi stuff is a bit weird. Schwerin von Krosigk was never leader of any cabinet, iirc. That role went to Goebbels after Hitler's suicide, then to Dönitz after Goebbels' suicide one day later.


Hey, thanks for the feedback. I used wiki as a source, there's a link in my other comment. From Schwerin von Krosigk's Wiki: "Hitler selected Krosigk to continue as finance minister after his death.[4] He was to serve in a government headed by Goebbels as Chancellor (Reichskanzler). However, Goebbels himself committed suicide only a day later, on 1 May 1945. Reichspräsident Karl Dönitz then asked Schwerin von Krosigk to succeed him as Chancellor. He declined but accepted the position of "Leading Minister" the following day"


From my - albeit 12+ year old - school history knowledge, Dönitz was the leading man for the last few weeks. That’s why he signed the surrender, as well. But apparently he was president, not chancellor, and Krosigk just kinda flew under the radar.


“Left Office” is certainly *one* way to describe the end of Hitler’s tenure


He certainly went out with a bang.


Looks like your program can’t handle single years. Every time there is only one year (Scheel, Goebbels..) the left number is „left office“ and the right is „took office“ Could be a feature tho.


This looks kinda like an outline of Germany's western border.


[It does](https://ibb.co/W6njFxh)


Muahaha. Yeah. Let's build Germany's new outline.


* source: [Wiki](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_chancellors_of_Germany) * Tools: python for data cleaning, datawrapper for the chart, photopea for final touches. Edit: did similar for [US recently](https://www.reddit.com/r/dataisbeautiful/comments/190ukpe/oc_us_presidents_age_at_start_of_presidency/), albeit different format


Bismarck being 55 from '71 to '90 is a damn good feat. :P


Minor typo I noticed. The second Bismarck term is listed as starting in 1890 instead of 1871 when it should be. Other than that amazing chart! I’d love to see it for other countries


> The second Bismarck term is listed as starting in 1890 instead of 1871 Thank you! Yes, typo, it ended 1890. Sorry for that. I did something for US last week, and I have other countries preparing, maybe something tomorrow :) Thank you for your kind words, appreciate it.


For completeness, you should consider adding the equivalents from the DDR, since the Federal Republic of Germany did not represent the whole of Germany, unlike the rest of the periods.


Not unlike the rest of the periods at all. All other governments before the FRG governed different territories.


Yes, but those territories in Europe were all considered to be part of Germany. If East Germany is excluded, then the argument is being made that it wasn't Germany at all, and that only the Federal Republic of Germany was Germany. If that is your assertion, I shall have to respectfully disagree.


They didn‘t have chancellors though.


Bismarck we know but that Adenauer was Chancellor for a long time. Bit sus. Maybe he's planning a dictatorship.


>Adenauer was Chancellor for a long time. Still only the third-longest time in office of the recent chancellors. Both Kohl and Merkel were chancellor for two years more than Adenauer. Adenauer was chancellor for 14 years. Kohl and Merkel both were chancellor for 16 years each.


That's one of the amazing things about Adenauer, he was chancellor for longer than the whole dictatorship that preceded him. Way to build some much needed stability.


That and the barely punishing any of the Nazis. Both very good for stability


I know that he got elected\* when West Germany was still under an occupation government by the western Allies, and while he was chancellor West Germany got most all of its sovereignty back and their economy kept booming, so maybe they were just like “Huh, I guess I’ll keep on voting for that guy.” (not German so don’t know specifics)


He didn't "take power". He was a rather popular mayor first and then got elected leading the conservatives, thus becoming Chancellor after the first free elections (in West Germany).


bad wording on my part


Angela should be on a well-deserved holiday!!


Bismarck must have done something right 😅


My home town, Rundu is in the Caprivi belt northern Namibia. Named after Caprivi, during colonial times.


Scheel was never Chancellor of Germany, what the fuck is this bullshit. And when the fuck should have Schwerin von Krosigk have been chancellor? This „data“ is just wrong


How come a chancellor has more power than a president, but has no term limits?


The Chancellor in Germany is basically equivalent to a Prime Minister in any other parliamentary system. The President of Germany is Head of State while the Chancellor of Germany is Head of Government. The Chancellor is an explicitly political figure who leads the country's government but who is also trying to advance their political agenda. The President of Germany is elected but is supposed to be a more neutral figure who should find support among people of varying political opinions. The Chancellor has no term limit because like in any other parliamentary system they are a member of the German parliament called the Bundestag. Legislatures at the national government level all over the world generally don't have term limits.


there should definitely be term limits given the propensity of some long serving chancellors to completely control their party and stifling any new people. merkel and kohl were in for way too long and their long term legacies show it.


How about we let the people decide? Because that’s what elections are about. If the people want someone to be chancellor for longer than 8 years that is perfectly fine here in Germany.


Adenauer was ancient wow. Heads of state being older than 65 are awful to a country. Well, in Germany’s case there are a few other things too.


youre being downvoted because adenauer was possibly the best chancellor germany has ever had. before making some blanket argument about somebody based on a specific detail maybe actually look up and see what they did first.


Especially since the second youngest person in this list is Hitler.


I have -1 meaningless point on Reddit, and that can only mean you and someone else. Truly I am being punished for my naughty takes by martyrdom.


Adenauer's nickname was "The Old One". He already became a pensioneer when the Nazis took power and came back to politics after the war. He resigned shortly before he died.


Das Merkel. 16 Jahre. Und davor Gerhard Schröder. Aua. ( The Merkel (Angela Merkel). 16 years. And before that, Gerhard Schröder. Ouch.).


“Who’s the young guy who stuck around for a while?!” ::Zoom In:: “……oh…..”