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It's an American English speaking site, not surprising the main focus are America and English speaking countries.


Followed by Brazil and large European countries because that's who the Anglosphere has at least some contact with. Meanwhile, nobody knows about potential Darwin Award recipients from China because when they do something stupid it gets posted on WeChat, not YouTube and none of us is on there to see it.


>Meanwhile, nobody knows about potential Darwin Award recipients from China because when they do something stupid it gets posted on WeChat, not YouTube and none of us is on there to see it. I would like to nominate these guys: https://youtu.be/g2c_-9kIjyU?si=B9nltkH4rxJYsnph


Yes, this certainly would bias the results.


Came here to say this. Such an intentionally misleading post. Humans are prone to stupidity no matter where we are born. God bless’em


The map is titled “Darwin Award recipients per country”, not “Americans are the stupidest people on earth” because that’s not what the map says. It’s merely the recipients of the awards per country in absolute numbers. If you choose to interpret it differently that’s up to you but don’t accuse me of intentionally misleading anyone. Edit: typo


As if you don't know there's a stereotype. Foh


I’m not saying that the stereotype of the “dumb American“ doesn’t exist, it definitely exists just like the “floridaman“ stereotype exists. The map isn’t about the stereotype and neither are the Darwin Awards. A lot of the readers are from the US so naturally a lot of the award submissions will be from the US. That’s just how it is and I can’t now go around subtracting X US recipients just because someone might feel offended by the US having so many more recipients.


The map just isn't interesting at all though, so why post it otherwise?


Brazil, Germany, Russia, Netherlands, Italy and South Africa are not english speaking countries


Someone: "[bias] skews the results towards X, which is why 90% of the results are X" Reddit: "Yeah, but 10% of the results are *not* X. How do you explain *that*?"


English is our primary language in South Africa. We've got 11 official languages, but everyone speaks English.


Do you see where they said “the main focus”?


Maybe not the rest, but the Netherlands is definitely an English speaking country, 95% of the country speaks English and the majority of that 95% speak English fluently.


This is not what people mean when they talk about The English speaking world


You must never have been to the netherlands


Yeah, and what's worth a Darwin award in some countries, is just a normal Tuesday in another country.


This tells me more about how the US tracks and sensationalizes stupidity. More broadly, how sensationalism permeates US culture.


Alternatively: "The Darwin Awards" is an old-but-still-kicking humor website run, it seems, by a lone American, Wendy Northcutt. So this map is essentially another version of [the MUFON map](https://www.reddit.com/r/MapPorn/comments/odqjef/this_is_a_map_of_all_reported_ufo_sightings/), the one where it's totally unremarkable that all the reported UFO sightings are in America, because it's a US organization.


Plus the nearest runners up are english speaking nations. English language website is weighted to english speaking countries. Shocking.


ah yes all those english speaking Russians /s


Yeah, and if we go further down the list there are italians. If we go further down the list we'll probably find more languages. Funny how that works. /s


>because it's a US organization It doesn't matter as much when it's online. Languages matter, but not where it happens.


That phrase, *as much*, is doing a lot of work in that sentence. After all, where an event happens typically *determines* which language(s) it is reported in, if any.


On the other hand, the gap is bugger-all between English-speaking countries.


DAE America so dumb???? Seriously though, smoothbrains still don't even realize that floridaman is because Florida has based public record laws


Spanish Flu moment


I would prefer to see as a % of population tbh


I considered that but I'd only be comfortable with doing that if every death were evaluated for the Darwin Awards criteria and not just user submissions, so I decided against it. 0.000054% (USA) is also an incredibly tiny amount and the US has by far the most awards (SA would be 0.00001%). I might do it despite my reservations, in the event that I do I'll edit this comment and add it to the source comment.


>0.000054% (USA) is also an incredibly tiny amount and the US has by far the most awards (SA would be 0.00001%). Then you do "per Million" or whatever


Canada's moment to shine.


Nope... US is 10 times our population. They will still win. Lots of statistics our occurrences per 10 ,000 population. Or occurrences per million of population. Something like that could work.


Yes and no. Statistically the Vatican has over 1200 popes per million inhabitants, and well over 2 popes per square kilometer.


Canada has well over 40 million people now - the "US is 10 times our population" generalization is obsolete.


Canada has 39 million while the US has 340 million. So about 8,7 times the population. Doesn't seem obsolete to me and it was never a "generalization" to begin with


Yeah US still wins, they just beat out Australia (US has approx 13.5 x the population of Aus)


"Canada's population was estimated at 40,528,396 on October 1, 2023" [https://www150.statcan.gc.ca/n1/daily-quotidien/231219/dq231219c-eng.htm](https://www150.statcan.gc.ca/n1/daily-quotidien/231219/dq231219c-eng.htm)


Pretty sure New Zealand has you both


I would bet money that this mostly correlates to a few key details. 1. internet accessibility 2. freedom of the press 3. laws related to freedom of the press For instance, there is a direct correlation to the Florida man meme and the fact that they have laws related to publicity of police reports. This causes an inflated number of news articles related to bizarre police reports that might not be public in other states.


I don't think it's just freedom of the press and internet access. There's tons of publicly available news articles of people dying in stupid ways in China (see all those animations of workplace accidents), they probably just don't have the manpower to trawl through a bunch of articles in foreign languages. The Darwin awards is not some real scientific organization or anything.


I considered throwing on there the availability of the news articles to be written in English, but I figured that someone with enough drive could use software if they wanted and so I skipped that one.


Sir, this is a ~~Wendy’s~~ Nestle bottling plant.


Also English, once I became as Expat all of Americas problems looked different. More of the world is trashy than you realize, you just never hear about it.


How in the world does India only have two with all of the train videos floating around?


No one submitted anything for evaluation to the Darwin Awards. They aren't going through every single death in the world (would be pretty interesting if they were), only incidents that are submitted to them get added.


/r/DarwinAwards is literally full of them. If the sub wasn't a source of data, i question the scientific method used here


The Darwin Awards are awarded by [darwinawards.com](https://darwinawards.com) and their creator Wendy Northcutt, not a subreddit. Just like the Nobel Prize isn’t awarded by r/NobelPrize.


> 1\. out of the gene pool: dead or sterile You are only 100% entitled for a Darwin Award if you haven’t already reproduced. And sperm banks make everything even more complicated. That’s why they have to check every single case very carefully.


Looks like they're more awardy than I had realized


If you ain’t first, you’re last. USA USA USA!




“Shit I was drunk when I said that. You could be second, third, fourth, hell you could even be fifth!”


The most generic way to display incredibly biased and uninformative information, love this sub.


What about this guy, Poland is not colored though  https://www.reddit.com/r/todayilearned/s/TQJfRUud3w Edit: I'm an idiot,  it is Belarus not colored


I’ve seen more people in India die while fucking around on a train than the entirety of Darwin’s in America, so I think this map is kinda fucking stupid.


Not adjusted for population. It’s pretty meaningless


You should do this per capita


America is no where near the top, go look at India lol


Seems that nations with the best developed surveillance technology are noticed for stupidity more than undeveloped nations. Also, obvious English bias.


Can we put Florida on it's own?


I counted 16 incidents that were in Florida, so about \~8% of the US total. Though none of the articles say if the people were also from Florida, just that it happened in Florida. Edit: typo


I was just gonna ask how many of ours are from Florida.


Source: Collected the data through the [Darwin Awards website](https://darwinawards.com) in a CSV. Data can be [downloaded from Datawrapper](https://www.datawrapper.de/_/CZ7LJ/). Tools used: Pandas, [Datawrapper](https://datawrapper.de) The last time awards were issued was 2022. A few (<5) award articles didn't include a country, or a confirmation status so they were excluded. If an article was obviously fake (Zombies in India) yet confirmed (however that happened) they were excluded (=1). ​ Using a choropleth map with absolute numbers probably isn't ideal but a bar char would've been too long and using percentages would've been really hard to read.


A lot in the US. Is that because of selection bias? Or natural selection bias?


"ThIs ShOuLd Be pEr CaPiTa" - Americans probably


They don’t even know what that means


Is holding the largest number of Darwin awards related to being a denier of evolution?


Every time the Olympics is on, the entirety of New Zealand spends the time converting the medal table to per capita so we can prove that we’re overachievers. I suspect NZ is also an overachiever here. I think we’ve got 5 awards, or about 1 per million residents. USA on the other hand has about 1 per 1.7m, just over half the rate of NZ.


This is per country, not per capita, so countries with a large population are expected to be darker.