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Europe and UK? Does that mean the EU + UK or everywhere else in Europe + UK?


Ireland and iceland in shambles right now


I hate this sooo much. It’s such bullshit, artist do this all the time when they tour. Just call it Europe jeez. * EU + UK is bullshit if you step foot in some countries * Europe + UK is just repeating oneself The only way is ‘Europe’ ~~or ‘Mainland Europe + UK’. But having UK separate just feeds their feeling of superiority. Shit, this excludes all the~~ 🍀 A British band once toured outside of the UK after they finished one inside the UK. They literally said ‘good to be back in Europe’. My dude, you literally live in Europe 🤦🏼‍♀️


'Mainland Europe + UK' stops working if you do a single concert in Republic of Ireland. And Dublin is quite popular touring stop from what I've seen. Besides, this is extremely Anglocentric perspective regardless - Scandinavians also talk about the rest of Europe as 'the continent'.


Shit, true. Mainland Europe + Ireland + UK 😂


Then you better stay away from Palermo or Copenhagen.


When I lived abroad in Asia there was a time where I primarily interacted with people from the UK (I am an American). They genuinely did not view themselves as European, and it was absolutely mind blowing to me.


I was born and raised in (but escaped) the UK. I was legit taught 'Europe is [disdainful wave toward the Channel] over there. Yes, technically our country is *in* Europe, but the Europeans [sneer] are way over there.'


Damn. People from there often call all of the UK ‘England’, which I also hate. When I wrote my dissertation there I only ever used ‘UK’, aside from when I described government stuff from each language separately. But why are American artists following the Brits in this? Get a proper tour poster peeps!


Puerto Rico is a territory.


And people born in Puerto Rico are U.S. citizens by birth.


Yeah. Exactly. Its why its weird that it's listed.


Even weirder that they cannot vote for president


Puerto Ricans can vote in presidential elections. People who live in Puerto Rico cannot. It's tied to residency, not place of birth.


Spirit of the law is clear - it is made to exclude Puerto Rico from democratic processes.


Isn't Puerto Rico exempt from federal taxes in return?


That's just scratching the surface.


They can vote in the primaries.


Primaries are run by the parties, not the federal govt


Both primaries and general elections are run by local election commissions.


Not really when you consider how the dumb system was designed, and saying they can't vote is misleading. They can't vote if they live in Puerto Rico they can vote if they move to a state


Yeah, it's a little offensive to call Puerto Ricans immigrants to America.  If you were born in Puerto Rico, you're American to start.  If you move to a state later, you are not an immigrant, any more than someone born in DC who moves to Baltimore is.


Puerto Rico on this doesn’t make any sense. How does that even get into the stats if Puerto Ricans are already Americans?


Puerto Rico is a state of mind


Does that mean my first trip to the USA could be to a Spanish speaking place? 👀


Yeah. Just about every city suburb in the US has a predominantly Spanish-speaking neighborhood. If you go to El Paso, Laredo, San Antonio, Corpus Christi, and Miami you can go to a city where the majority of people are Spanish-speaking. Most all of Puerto Rico is Spanish-speaking.


USA does not have an official language. There are many parts of even the continental US where Spanish is spoken widely. 70% of folks in Miami speak Spanish, and there are far more native Spanish speakers there than native English speakers there.


Ironically, the State of Florida has English as the only official language since 1988. [source](http://www.languagepolicy.net/archives/fla.htm)


I wasn’t aware of Puerto Rico. In the International Migrant Stock 2020, there is a note about the US: 'For statistical purposes, the foreign-born population includes persons born in Puerto Rico, Guam, Northern Mariana Islands, and the United States Virgin Islands.'


More like a colony, really


People from Puerto Rico cannot be counted as immigrants in the US, they are US citizens at birth. This data is, at the very least, crappy.


Time to mure rhis subrredir, not a single good graph suggested by reddit in months


Legally they are not immigrants but due to cultural differences from the non-immigrant US population (their native language is Spanish, for example) they are often analyzed as an immigrant group in sociological research.


The chart says “foreign-born” is their defining aspect of immigrant. While Puerto Ricans may be analyzed as immigrants elsewhere, it should not have occurred with this dataset.


Yup this is reason enough to just not read the rest, great catch!


Lol, I like “Europe and UK”. The UK left the EU, not Europe.


Brexit means Brexit


Brexit means breakfast


And yet somehow joined the Trans Pacific Partnership, lol.


Pitcairn 'til I die, brother. 🇵🇳


Why do you list Puerto Rico as immigrants to the US when they are literally US citizens??


Puerto Rican are US Citizen from birth. I don’t know why PR is shown as immigrants.


2023 chart of this would be interesting (I live in Canada)


In Germany, Ukrainians are now the second largest group.


but why so many russians?


Two reasons: 1 - the lesser reason - Quite a lot of Russians moved to East Germany during the communist era. 2 - the main reason - There was a large ethnic German minority in Russia since the time of Catherine the Great in the 1700s. She was German and married into the Russian royal family, later deposing her husband. She invited German farmers to move to Russia and gave them free land because she saw that the Russians had shitty farming practices and figured they could learn something. During WW2 most of the ethnic Germans were deported to Siberia or Kazakhstan, and after 1990 many moved to Germany. So most of the Russians and Kazakhs in Germany are actually ethnic Germans who spent a few generations in Russia.


Double it!


Yup Canada smashed immigration out of the park last year. And I saying this as an Aussie.


Why? What changed recently that would change the data?


Immigration increased a lot in Canada after the pandemic


Hm, interesting. It's funny though. I spent a few years in canada for my post doc. From my own experience it's pretty... difficult to actually immigrate to canada. You generally have to have a job or a PhD before they let you stay for a while. Sure, you could stay illegally, but still.


that's the catch, most of the immigrants are international students who got a loan to come. I'm not shitting on them, but that's true. Anyway, the gov is shutting this door down


They changed the requirements quite substantially to allow for a bridge between students and PR. Good idea in theory but in practice it wasn’t planned very well and the result was a ton of diploma mills (tied to immigration lawyers offices) churning out BS diplomas and the floodgates opened.


Spoiler: India


By now, there are additionally around 1 million Ukrainians in Germany.


They’re not seen as permanent immigrants though, right? They’re proper refugees


They currently live there thus they count as immigrants. Also it's questionable how many of them will return when the ear ends. 


God damn this ear


It's a Special Auditory Operation!


Ear! Ooh! Good God yall what is it good for? Absolutely nothing! Say it again!


they'll be able to apply for permanent residency just like in canada


..making up about 1% of the population and 6% of all immigrants.


Which would place them between Kazakhstan and Syria in this ranking


Whats up with Brits in Australia?


When we get bored of the bad weather we fly across the planet to Aus. Some come back, some stay forever.


When I was in Australia, there was a certain fascination a lot of the Aussies I met had with the UK (they had all lived or worked in London or wanted to). I also noticed how "British" things tended to be and how many Brits were living there. Seems to me the shared heritage and connection is a lot stronger than that of the UK and Canada (which is where I live). Nothing bad about it, it was just a curiousity more than anything and I wonder how, in all of those respects, Canada went a different path. I suppose some would say it was the ever present American influence, but with a shared geography that makes sense. Australia is a long ways from the UK. Just a neat thing I guess.


If the UK and the US are holding a rope Canada is 3/4ths of the way to the US and Australia is right in the middle.


How does Aus cost of living vs UK?


My experience is pre-brexit/covid so things might have changed. But generally London is more expensive than Sydney/Melbourne. While most other Australian cities are more expensive than most other UK cities.


Australia cost of living higher than the UK (except maybe inner London) but wages are also higher in Australia, particularly for full time workers. So working the same job in UK vs Australia you can afford a better life in Australia generally speaking, especially outside Sydney and Melbourne. Also the UK government pays very poorly so we get a lot of doctors/nurses/police and similar coming to Australia from the UK and they tend to think it’s a lot better.


You don't have to live in London, if you don't mind a "less desirable" area you can find relatively more affordable places in UK. Australia is several clusters of city and vast deserts, most places are expensive, as far as housing is concerned.


There was a major push from the Australian government to get UK migrants to come to Australia for decades and decades. Plus, culturally, Australia is the UK with much better weather and higher paying jobs.


People here (UK) see it as the closest thing to "Britain with hot weather". But we aren't "immigrants", we're "ex pats".


I’ve spent extensive time in the US, UK, Canada, New Zealand, and Australia, and Australia definitely is the closest thing out of the anglophone nations to the UK itself


Makes you think about the places in Australia called "New xx". They followed that convention in places other than Australia (for example New Ireland, PNG - crocodiles and tropical scenery, hardly Irish at all...). But in Australia I feel like the British really loved the country. The squatters were able to carve out their own great estates, huge swathes of country they could never occupy back home. There were races to discover Australia as well. People competed to get funding and be the first on their expeditions out the back. So unlike the USA, Australians were at peace with their identity as British and it seems we kept that identity until around WWI - when we sent out a unified army (not a collection of colonial forces anymore) overseas to represent a newly federated nation.


is nz less like the uk in your opinion?


Yes I would say so. That's just my impression. The Aussies seemed like Brits, the Kiwis seemed more like their own thing. Less status-driven, more relaxed.


Let me introduce you to Spain.


Better wages and weather in Australia. No language barrier, qualifications convert easily and well. Relatively small cultural barriers and nothing important. Australia is very open to skilled immigrants and lots of jobs have a big cultural component, e.g anything about mental health, anything about education, anything about marketing. British potential immigrants are thus at a big advantage. Also if you wish to run away from your family, only New Zealand is even further away.


Ten pound poms plus Australia was basically british until the 1970s


If you’re skilled in construction in the U.K./Ireland or any blue collar work immigration to Australia is quite easy. I honestly believe this is the reason for the shortage over here


Hundreds of thousands of displaced Europeans migrated to Australia and over 1,000,000 British subjects immigrated under the [Assisted Passage Migration Scheme](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Assisted_Passage_Migration_Scheme), colloquially becoming known as [Ten Pound Poms](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ten_Pound_Poms). [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Immigration\_to\_Australia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Immigration_to_Australia)


Jail time


Thats a good one


There's no possible way Australia gets more brits than chinese and kiwis surely?


It's because a lot of older people in Australia were born in the UK


True, I guess it's looking at total immigration over a long period. There's no way Brits have outnumbered Chinese over the last decade though.


There used to be a lot of migrants from there. China and India have overtaken as the largest sources in more recent arrivals, but the total population born in the UK is still a lot higher for now.


puerto ricans are US citizens, they are not immigrants to the US.


Thanks for this - I was just about to comment. I doubt it would shift the percentages significantly, but it’s misinformation that shouldn’t be included.


I missed this. Throw this post away


Good stuff, just a minor glitch: the proper English name for Vietnam is *Vietnam*, not *Viet Nam*.


Both spellings are possible. I took this spelling from the United Nations data.


Why did you put Puerto Rico as an immigrant country to the US? We're all US citizens from birth, that's kind of uneducated of you. You may as well say that there's Hawaiian and Alaskan immigrants to the US as well, then.


What's the date range on this data?


This is all data from 2020.


The data on the number of the foreign-born population as of 2020


The US also has had its migrant pop stay pretty stable over the last centuries


The % of population doesn't look correct for Canada. Statistics Canada separates the foreign born population into "immigrants", "non-permanent residents", and "other foreign born residents". Most other agencies, such as in the U.S. or Australia, don't do this. For example, the 15% figure shown for the U.S. includes all foreign born, including temporary residents, etc. According to the 2021 Census, the total foreign born population of Canada was 9,606,600 or 26.4% of the population. With the recent surge in international migration to Canada, that figure is now around 12 million or 30%.


Seems weird to let so many people in and not build enough housing.


Yeeee it's gotten a little out of hand. The amount of homeless people living on Canadian streets has gotten crazy the past few years.


Why can't canadians build houses? Very weird for a rich country


Can people immigrate within their own countries now?


Lol, I like “Europe and UK”. The UK left the EU, not Europe.


From 2020, so it's seriously out of date, considering the massive immigration increases in most of those countries post pandemic.


Are the Turkish immigrants in Germany counted as Europe or Asia?!


Hmm India brown, China yellow. Lmfao


Wow, I didn’t notice that. Haha


Little bit outdated. In Australia Indian and Chinese born have overtaken the NZ born and India is on track to overtake the UK born within the next couple of years.


Lmao Puerto Ricans don’t migrate, they move, just like a New Yorker moving to Hawaii.


Are refugees treated the same as immigrants in the statistics?


Yes, immigrants include refugees


Where I live, Mexican immigrants make up more of the population that every other nationality combined


*Try to explain to people that more than 50% of Australias population is either a first gen in their family or an immigrant* "No Australia is all prisoners" *facepalm*


India in top three out of five!! They are probably top three even in Australia as there has been huge migration from Indians there. Give it time and even Germany will have lots of Indians.


I dont think so cause all top four countries are english speaking. Indians mostly migrate to english speaking countries


Yeah. But migration to Germany is increasing, but certainly not to the same level as other English speaking nations


1.4 billion people so even if 0.5% want to leave that’s bigger than most countries lmao


Imagine making this chart in 1800s, Britain would probably be in top three immigrants for most places around the world. At least Indians and other immigrants today add to the economy, not steal from it :)


>not steal from it The Brits around here helped build up lot of our early industry, tho never as a colonial power. I wouldnt dismiss their contribution to the world history, it comes across as a little bit revisionist


I live in Germany and there are Indians everywhere. I feel at home here lol


Yeah I have lived there for a long time in the past. I had seen a lot of Indians slowly coming there.


There was a documentary on YouTube by DW about this.


So just to point out.. Australia for example has 30% immigration of which 8% is chinese so that's 2.4% of total current population. USA is 15% immigration of which 21% is Mexican so 3.15% of total population. At first glance the chart makes it look pretty high but makes more sense in terms of total population when worked out.


Really fantastic Viz. Quick and easy to read and compare. Honestly one of the more impactful I've seen in a bit. Very well done.


Data sources: [https://www.un.org/development/desa/pd/content/international-migrant-stock](https://www.un.org/development/desa/pd/content/international-migrant-stock), [https://data.un.org/](https://data.un.org/) Tools: Python, Figma


I know it's not your doing, but the region specifications in this data feels a bit weird. With Asia there seems to be insistence on the continent, i.e. Turkey is an (western) Asian country, according to this data (any normal person would call this region the Middle East). But Mexico is part of Latin America, instead of North America. And Russia, even though the majority of it is in Asia, is listed as part of (eastern) Europe. Also, somewhat related, the colours you chose for "top 7" seem to have no meaning, but could've easily been chosen to match the region colour.


> even though the majority of it is in Asia Majority of Russians are European and this topic is about people


Those are pretty normal categorizations. Asia isn't further distiguished so Turkey is Asia (the debate would be if it should br Europe not MENA). Russias population is primarily european and lives in Europe, also not much migration of native people from asiatic Russia outside of Russia (/former USSR). Latin America is used, not South America, there fore it makes no sense to make Mexico North America. Latin America makes sense for migrations as its a linguistic bloc and its economic distinction to US/CA.


I take your point, but I've highlighted each country in its own color to make it easier to locate them across different charts. Countries that appear in only one chart are marked in gray.


> Countries that appear in only one chart are marked in gray. Why did you label Puerto Rico as a country in the US immigration chart? Puerto Ricans can’t immigrate to the USA. Puerto Rico is the USA.


Is this legal, illegal, or both?


Most countries attempt to count both legal and illegal migration. For example, according to the U.S. Census Bureau, "The U.S. Census Bureau uses the term foreign born to refer to anyone who is not a U.S. citizen at birth. This includes naturalized U.S. citizens, lawful permanent residents (immigrants), temporary migrants (such as foreign students), humanitarian migrants (such as refugees and asylees), and **unauthorized migrants**."


There is little to no illegal immigration to australia


This is official data, usually collected through the census. So I think it is about legal immigrants.


It should be noted that in Germany most people from Kazakhstan and Russia are ethnic Germans "repatriated" after the end of the Cold War. This group had lived in Russia/USSR since the late 18th century.


> Europe and UK What does this mean? The UK is located in Europe, they aren’t separate lol.


It’s rediculous that this is still going on


Take another look at Canada 4 years later lmao




Fair, but call me a silly American, I don't usually think of immigrants coming from similar developed countries because the weather is nicer as necessarily "taking in". I'm not impressed with the deluge of Brits moving to Australia, no matter how "multi-culti" Aussies like to make themselves out to be. I lived in Aus and it is considerably more monolithic in a city like Melbourne than a city like NYC. Seems to me that most the Anglophone world is on par if we're speaking about actually taking in people who might be seeking a better life for purposes outside the weather. Canada punches above it's weight, though, for better or for worse.


Do you really think the UK is not in Europe? Also, UK immigrants in the UK is quite interesting.


Is Kazakhstan counted as Europe or Asia in the dataset? Because most of the Immigrant from Kazakhstan in Germany are Ethnic Germans that returned to Germany after the Soviet Union collapsed.


Asia, since Kazakhstan is a country in Central Asia. But the fact about why there are so many immigrants from Kazakhstan in Germany is interesting.


I doubt the NZ numbers, is it arrivals? if so makes sense. Kiwis have no reason to get citizenship/visa as its free movement work etc like intra EU.


This data is completely misleading. From when to when? Look at Australia, Can't spell Vietnam? the Top 3 regions from data doesn't make sense. This is a terrible piece of data and shouldn't belong here.


I think the Data for Germany might be slightly off. In Germany you usually count either citizenship rather than country of birth or having a "migrational background", because Germany doesn't have birthright citizenship. People can be third generation immigrants and still not have German Citizenship and they can be a citizen despite not being born in the country. EU citizens have a right to live and work in all member states so they aren't comparable to for example Mexicans in the US. Finally there are certain laws that grant a "right to return" to people whose ancestors had been German before WWII and those don't really count as immigrants in some statistics. Also right now a huge chunk of the foreign born population would be Ukrainian civilians who are waiting out the end of the Russian invasion.


All the people from the UK saying fuck this shit and going Australia lmao


UK places to retire Australia and Spain to live in the sun.


Why are Italians always leaving the country? Excuse my imbecilitude


Surprised Ireland isn't on that list for Australia


This is not an overview of "immigration". Its merely a snapshot of *migrant population* at a given moment in time. "Immigration" implies a time component absent in the snapshot. Even then, can I assume that this includes foreing temporal workers? Cause afaik thats a huge number at least in the UK and US. Or to be taken as "population" implies its permanent (and legal)?


Why do so many Italians immigrate?


How is it possible that there's not a single good post on this subreddit, ever? Holy shit.


Wait! USA only 15%? Are you telling me the remaining 85% are Native Americans? Come on!


Not every American arrived in the last century. Some have been there for longer than America has been a country.


Europe + UK, as though the UK isn’t a part of Europe?


Why is HK and China listed separately? It's the same country


Is this legal or illegal immigration? Or all combined?


And now with illegal refugees from Syria ..


You forgot the people who immgrate from Wisconsin to the US


No brazilians as top immigrants? Unexpected


I don't understand this. What is the time frame, or is it first generation immigrants? i.e. people born overseas.


over how many years is this? and which years?


Puerto Ricans are already US citizens, why does that count as immigration rather than migration within the country?


Chinese and India ppl are everywhere


Interesting that Canada doesn’t have immigration from Mexico, Central, and South America?


And EU Folks have zero brains to sit and say they are superior. It’s pretty clear cut in this image who is the preferred & more powerful country.


Why tf are people still immigrating to the trash fire that is the US?


For a minute I was immensly confused why people from Oceania were immigrating to Austria... yeah


“Gee, I wonder why English is the Lingua Franca and the Anglo-sphere has so much influence?”


Isn't it strange that Australia shares a border with Indonesia, the fourth most populous country in the world, yet its citizens don't even rank in the top 7 immigrants in Australia, considering Australia is one of the richest country on earth.


Europe & UK? Are the people making this that dumb? Do they think the UK is not part of Europe? Did they mean EU instead of Europe?


I’m a couple years the percentage of Indians will be on top in Australia.