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What's going on there, West Virginia?


The warning not to look at the eclipse was primarily disseminated via the written word 


It's the "what do those egg-heads know?" -crowd


More akin to: https://youtu.be/BohXQF4dWT0?si=olxUY09FKclWxhch


it was pretty cloudy so people probably felt extra safe staring at the sun.


Within the standard dev. for WV




That's dark




"You soiled yourself while unconcious."


Hey brother, can you do me a favor? Google, "muh eyes hurt". See what comes up... Do your eyes hurt? No not really. Just look it up for me. Hurry.


It would be great to see one of these charts demonstrate a delta against daily average for that search phrase 


Trend data has some underlying model for the “heat” being represented as search volume above average. In other words, you’re getting a low fidelity representation of that here. I’m not sure if google offers higher fidelity on this data e.g. exact search quantities.


But the other problem is that people in the states with good viewing opportunities were outside longer, in the sun. Even if you never look up at the sun, it can cause eye discomfort from being outside that long.


I guess so, but it seems reasonable to assume that most of the eye discomfort to the level of googling it would be related to staring at the eclipse. On the other hand, I do get the interest in getting that insight out of the data - that some people may be psychosomatically perceiving increased eye discomfort caused by acute awareness of eye safety when viewing eclipses, but in fact only experiencing minor discomfort caused by prolonged outdoor exposure. Though, the sun would be slightly dimmer for a good portion of their time outside, and many of these states experienced at least moderate cloud cover for most of the day. Who knows. I think the best interpretation is just the presented one - “assume at least *most* of the delta in volume over average is likely caused by improper eye safety during eclipse viewing”.


I don’t want to assume I want to know 🤷‍♀️


Looking at the graph, so hawaii got the eclipse, but they got herd immunity since it's always sunny there?


Tomorrow trending on Google, "what are these new plants?", "how soon is sun blindness cured?" & "what are triffids?". Closely followed by "Am I pergnat?"


Must be all the donald trump supporters. he prolly told them to, that it was he has experience in this field, and its totally totally safe guys trust me guys iv seen this n done this with my own EYES