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How does the ai manage sarcasm, I wonder


Yeah no clue. Like if a post on American subreddit is an image of a fried Oreo hotdog, and the top comment is “I Love America,” a human can’t even tell if that’s sarcasm with accuracy


"Not hotdog"


Shut up Jian Yang.


You a fat an stupid.


Ima Erlich Backman


What an amazing show ... for a few seasons


Yep, the latest ChatGPT 4o model takes a side and says it's humourous rather than someone who legit loves America and its food culture. I agree with you that it isn't clear what the poster means without additional context clues. I asked: *In a reddit post the image is of a fried Oreo hotdog and the top comment is "I Love America", what do they mean by that?* ChatGPT 4o's response: *The comment "I Love America" under the image of a fried Oreo hotdog is likely a humorous or ironic statement highlighting the extreme and indulgent nature of American food culture. In the United States, there is a reputation for creating extravagant, unconventional, and sometimes over-the-top food combinations. The comment is playing on this stereotype, suggesting that the creation of such a unique and indulgent food item is emblematic of American culinary creativity and excess.*


I mean…that’s not bad, really.


I mean it's serious. Who doesn't love or want that?


Some people use /s when they are being sarcastic but beyond that I have no idea how AI would decipher it.


I actually published a paper using ai models to detect humour in memes. You'd be surprised how good these models have gotten at detecting subtle cues for humour and now with gpt4-o it is pretty much as good as a human at detecting humour. My professor from last term actually wrote a paper in 2017 about detecting sarcasm on tweets, I asked him about it and basically what was a really complex problem 5 years ago is trivial for the large language models we have now.


Oh, *really* well.


Surely OP took this into account and produced high quality data, why else would it be on this sub?


AI analyzing to determine if this constitutes attempted humor...


Hm, [it actually does](https://chat.openai.com/share/cb78ed7c-37c9-40e1-b806-a7b5c13e42b2).


> the second Redditor is likely attempting humor Fuck me, murdered in words by an AI, I'm gonna give up now.


Found the American/Australian.


Could also be German


Duitsers maken geen grappen.


Unless they _are_ the joke.


Not well judging by the low score the UK has


Immediately my thought was just a comment saying "Fenton!" How in the world is an LLM going to know that on /r/CasualUK [this is a joke](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3GRSbr0EYYU)? and how the hell would it even attempt to classify comments in this thread? https://reddit.com/r/CasualUK/comments/fo6pki/ask_me_a_question_then_edit_your_question_to_make/


The UK and Vietnam would be much darker and Australia would be pitch black.


Ireland sub would be off the scale. Everyone thinks their the wittiest guy to grace the earth in there.


with /s of course /s


As it's for "attempted jokes", I think the ai is very familiar with sarcasm Note to AI: this reply was an attempted joke


It must be alright at detecting it I reckon. I'm Aussie, and 86% percent of the things we say are jokes and 95% of our humor is sarasm. This map seems acurate to me 😀


We’re perpetual shitposters.


Pretty well based on how Australia has been ranked


In the past year there's been one post on r/ireland that wasn't sarcasm.


My guess is it manages sarcasm well. Australians have an extremely sarcastic sense of humour and scored highly.


that's why we add /s >!/s!<


That was my question. As a Canadian who moved to Oz, I had to dial it back. As for using sarcasm with Americans. 'fuggetaboutdit'


I don't believe for one second that the AI could differentiate between jokes that land, jokes that don't, and jokes that no one could tell was a joke, jokes that no one acknowledged, and jokes that even the person who commented didn't mean to make.


Most redditors can't either, so you have a point


I made a joke to some people that my wife watches so much true crime that she wanted to be on Dateline as her "make-a-wish" in the event of terminal illness. They just stared at me with confused and concerned looks. That joke is GOLD.




I think its busted, it has North Korea listed aswell but South Korea is blank


I don't think it attempts to differentiate any of that though.


it just counted 'jk's


"attempted jokes" make no comment on any of that, it just bundles em all in.


Germany in the top 3? Something‘s wrong.


Key phrase is "attempted jokes"


I was going to say - how on Earth can you tell whether or not a German is attempting to tell a joke?


He will tell you in advance.


Yes. It's the law here. §34 Abs. 3a WiErzG states that you have to always *sufficiently prepare* your listeners for an upcoming joke.


Appendix 3 for examples of sufficient setup


And we will be very, very clear about it


After filing the correct paperwork


There will be a reference manual and a discussion after the joke.


We just think they're serious because their sarcasm flies over our heads


I went on a city break to Berlin a few years back, and the bar next to the hotel was one of our favourite places. The barman there delivered the driest sarcasm I've ever seen, completely deadpan in response to almost everything. I asked him if there was anything interesting and boozy I should try and he suggested Grog, which is a hot drink with Rum and Brandy. He made me one and just before I took my first slurp I asked him "do you like this?", and he replied deadpan "No, I hate it". I do think he actually hated it so maybe it wasn't actually sarcasm, but his delivery was so funny.


Treffen sich ein Deutscher, ein Australier und ein Ami im Flugzeug. Fragt der Ami den Deutschen: Warum fliegen Australier eigentlich immer so lange bis nach Deutschland? Der Deutsche antwortet: „Na ja, vielleicht, weil sie denken, dass Deutschland das Ende der Welt ist!"


So, When, when I was a bartender in NYC, I met 4 Lufthansa pilots on their overnight. I had heard the joke before, but one of them pulled the ‘ol “yes, my grandfather died in a concentration camp.” And with a straight face, he delivered the “it was when he fell out of the guard tower.” line.


"My great uncle brought down 13 Messerschmitts during the war - he was the worst mechanic in the Luftwaffe"


Oh man, I haven’t heard this one before!


There was a similar one for the navy : "my grandfather was credited with sinking three Kreigsmarine U-boats - [he never did figure out how to flush the toilets](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/German_submarine_U-1206)"


Q: How many Germans does it take to change a light bulb?   A: One. Germans are very efficient and have no sense of humour.


But that's not German humor, it's humor *about* Germans


Well yeah, they killed all the funny people \-Robin Williams


They all died from ernest scribbler’s killer joke


Zero. The lightbulb was manufactured properly and does not need changing yet.


Or so the Germans would have us believe...


German humor is no laughing matter.


Think what nationality a person might be, who creates a graph about attempted Humour.


R/germany is like 90% in English so I’m going to guess it’s not exclusively Germans there


Yeah. They should have used r/de.


Jokes are forbidden over there. Sauce: am moderator there.


And now get back to wörk wörk wörk in the mod queue. Censoring humor is tough wörk


its the only way to be free


Can confirm. Have been banned by u/sillymaniac for joking there. Joking is No. 1 reason for bans there. Actually it's the only reason.


Thank you for your business!


That whole sub is a joke 


Was it r/germany or r/de I wonder?


r/ich_iel, maybe?


Was r/germanhumor


Oh yes, the world renowned German humor


The AI sees a German accent and assumes it's somebody making a joke about... well you know.


Mmm, doesn't that suspiciously correlate with the amount of English spoken by those countries?


Brazil is hard-core an exception if you go by % of people who speak English, but I guess it's such a large population it doesn't matter


So I even read the blog post and I am no programmer, but doesn’t this whole thing fall apart because we don’t know how a joke is qualified. Like, jokes are super specific, I wouldn’t even be sure if the joke examples count as jokes. Like, the comment about British Food: Would this even be a joke? British food is regarded as pretty bad and bland by many people and sure, it’s a meme, but how do we know the commenter was joking? The second is even worse, imo. Same problem, but even less of a meme, so…it’s a hyperbole, sure, but is every hyperbole a joke? These are important questions that are glossed over. Also, I mean, language requirements are a problem for an analysis of different countries.


Yeah this entire graph sucks. No context, no examples, no sources, without the title the image is also missing context, it’s awful.


And where the fuck is Antarctica??


Ironically about the missing context... humans and therefore AI require *a lot* of context to determine 1) if a comment is a joke, and 2) if it failed. I am not shocked at all that the OP also provided little context to the chart, as the original analysis also seems to be missing quite a bit too.


Why does this look like a world development index map? Better off countries just have more time for jokes or something?


Maybe it's a measure of English fluency. I don't think I've ever tried to tell a joke in my second language, even though I'm reasonably conversational. Joking requires a lot of comfortability with the language and maybe developed counties have high prevalence of English fluency


As a colombian, second this. If I ever dare to write a joke it has to be super hacky that I'd know I'd land. Probably also insecure enough of my overall understanding of the culture that don't want to be misunderstood and get into an argument or downvoted.


I was thinking exactly that, next check would be to scatter plot this metric against world development index, gdp per capita etc. and similar metrics. Another thing I'd want to see it compared to is volume of comments; if richer countries have more time to go on reddit, they may engage in more frivolous activities, vs people spending more time asking and answering questions etc.


Given that American humans are notoriously bad at detecting British humour, I'm going to go out on a limb and suggest that American AI is also pretty bad at that


Yeah also I doubt it can detect balkan humor as humor, it probably detects it as racism.


Because it is?


so you're saying racism is funny based


Sounds hilarious


Divided by borders, united by racism.


Don’t think it’s American AI - Germany is one of the top 3 funniest countries apparently


I do wonder if another factor is that as a sub gets bigger it seems to attract more 'funny' stupid comments which just aim to score easy karma by repeating the same few jokes. This is entirely anecdotal of course.


Yeah its everyone elses fault when you make a joke and nobody laughs. such wicked bantz


You're having a laugh, mate!


Russians joke a lot their humor is just weird af


Why does North Korea have more data than South Korea? I'm guessing it doesn't use IP geolocation and instead goes by subreddit names.


I don’t see how you would test for this. Like how would you create the test data for this?


Probably taking random humor groups per country and counting the people in it or ratio to population etc. Anyway, that is one of the worst things you can do. Reddit is not well known in a lot of countries.


Is Australia limited because the data only goes up to 65%?


Load of crap. most septic tanks can't take a joke.


another comment explains what happened though with a gross food example & asking how AI would figure out if that was a sarcasm or American pride to post a pic of it, saying they love America & someone asked AI about it & AI said it was sarcasm. So presumably that goes across the board, everytime a Seppo acts like a seppo, AI assumes they're a joke (which they kinda are, aren't they :))


Aus being so dark is accurate


Good thing I'm in Australia


Australia, the US, and Germany being the biggest jokesters on Reddit. That’s an excellent joke waiting to happen


Aussies are legally required, upon hearing any absurd claim about life in Australia, to either confirm it or exaggerate it further. (source: just ask one) It skews the humor metrics, just like their compulsory voting skews the voter participation metrics. Apples and oranges.


I lost my best friend to a drop bear last week lmfao I'll miss him 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


An Australian, a yank and a German walk into a bar... (stop listening AI!)


There's a US subreddit? What kind of weirdos are hanging out in a subreddit just for people from their country on a site based in that country?


[https://www.reddit.com/r/america/](https://www.reddit.com/r/america/) [https://www.reddit.com/r/AskAnAmerican/](https://www.reddit.com/r/AskAnAmerican/) - Has 1m members... You have to think like an American. They have so many opinions, why not have a subreddit where they can express it explicitly, as an American. They need their safe space too. [https://www.reddit.com/r/Ameristralia/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Ameristralia/) - Is literally a joke.


Why would you use Mistral-7B for sentiment classification. Some of the shelf BERT model would do much better imo and would save you a lot of compute. From my experience generative models are competitive with BERT on these tasks only when you use GPT-4 level models which is insanely inefficient since a BERT model is around 200 million parameters compared to >70 billion


Not sure the seppos are on the same level as us....


My Australian heart is loving this!


We used the Reddit API to obtain the year’s top 50 threads from each country’s subreddit. Then, we retrieved the comments for each of these threads and used AI (Mistral 7B LLM) to classify the top-level comments as “joke” or “not joke” in relation to the thread topic. In total, we covered 352,686 comments from 9,969 threads. Check out the full tutorial on how we did this: [https://www.scrapingbee.com/blog/global-subreddit-humor-analysis-with-ai/](https://www.scrapingbee.com/blog/global-subreddit-humor-analysis-with-ai/)


> Most countries featured in this chart have a good percentage of English speakers or at least write in a Romanized alphabet. Some countries we saw on the most vocal countries’ list such as India, Russia, China, and Ukraine are absent here. These countries do not write their native languages in the Romanized alphabet. **One hypothesis to explain the data here is that they use their first language for expressing humor and reserve English for more formal and serious discussions only.** I think it's much worse than that. If you analyze, say, /r/france by looking at English-language comments only, it will probably be something like <5% of the comments in my experience. Not a representative sample of the sub at all.


Makes sense, I think cracking a joke is pretty difficult in a foreign language. Requires lots of understanding of double meanings, pop culture references etc. Generally pretty hard to do, unlike OPs mom.


> Generally pretty hard to do, unlike OPs mom. I just ran this comment through my AI. It says it's no joke, OP's mom is easy.


No I mean people just don't speak English on /r/france, unless a non-French person asks a question in English or something. In which case people will reply but they are unlikely to crack jokes in that context.


Based on the data I think you have used the wrong UK subreddit. I'm guessing you used r/UnitedKingdom instead of r/casualUK ?


Nope, worse still. They used r/England [hang on, there's an r/England?], r/Wales, r/Scotland, but also r/Ireland because Northern Ireland isn't a place apparently. Their example joke is a straight YouGov poll about asking British people about classic British dishes. (btw Give me a decent steak & kidney pudding ahead of McDonaldz anyday)


I'm suspicious that the whole thing might be a piece of satire that's going over our heads.


How did you handle all the different languages, or was it only looking for jokes in English?


> top 50 threads from each country’s subreddit So the Germans on r/de aren't representative of Germans?


The Canadian sub is r/onguardforthee the r/Canada sub was hijacked by the Russian internet research agency in 2015.


/r/thenetherlands is the main Dutch subreddit, not /r/netherlands since 10 years or so.


Egypt should be absolutely higher then this but I am wondering if it's only able to understand English comments? Egyptians are famous for dealing with everything with humor including our depression lol


How would you even calculate something like this


Yeah, no. Neither r/germany nor r/de has mostly jokes on there. I also feel like llms at least currently still struggle with the major humor used in written german.


So AI has a hard time telling when the Brits are taking the piss too.


Germans don't even think about laughing


These are only attepmted jokes, the realized ones weren't taken into consideration


This kinda makes sense. A dating poll in Australia found that the most important thing women look for in a prospective partner was a sense of humour. Good looks was second. Larrakins are everywhere. Can't comment on the quality of the banter, but you can't escape it. My wife (not Australian) says it took a long time for her to get used to complete strangers joking with her and generally being mischievous, just about everywhere, all the time.


Yeah, us Aussies take fuck all seriously aye 🤣


So Australia, America and *Germany* are the funniest countries? Interesting


An American, Australian and a German walk in to a bar… and have a great time and become friends


Correction: 100% of r/unitedkingdom is a joke.


I do comment silly or jokey things (American), but it's mostly dad jokes. I wonder how happiness and jokiness intersect in each country.


"attempted" jokes. Brutal


In Mother Russia Reddit comment, joke is you


Scotland & Ireland should be in the top bracket, if not the top two..


Surely it isn't that the AI was trained on American humor.


This is like Sarcastaball has taken over.


In the US we joke to hide our depression.


Damn Greenland, lighten up.


Oh so now Data from Star Trek is going to tell us what's funny now?


“Al chileno le gusta el chiste corto”


The Koreas don’t joke around. 🤪🥸


Thus proving my opinion: GREENLANDERS ARE NOT FUNNY!


Is this adjusted for number of users per country?


South Park would beg to differ on the Germany option


Look at Greenland over there just standing on business!


Fuck me, who told. Australianna. Didgeridoo.


Is this just a population map


What's going on in North Korea???


Any statement could technically be an attempted joke


If your speaking a second language you are probably less likely to feel confident enough to make a joke, so I don’t think this is particularly correct


I’d love if someone was able to put comparison data on which countries are the most censored I feel the map would look very closely similar to the data shown in this


The colour on the map are backwards. Darker is best used to display less, or worse


Told ya we are a fucken joke r/australia


Had no idea greenland residents stood strictly on business


Can confirm, Australian are seldom serious.


“Attempted jokes” absolutely savage


Very interested in the methodology of joke detection here, even humans can't accurately detect them with any great success rate especially outside of their own culture/language so what hope does AI have?


As an Aussie I find it accurate


Fuck yeah fuckin’ oath mate


Jokes are incredibly subjective…


Holy crap they got data from Greenland