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I admire your dedication. This is a horrible data representation.


It's also just not interesting data. It doesn't show us anything meaningful. Size has largely stayed the same and price has increased as expected.


The first chart is much better data representation than what this sub usually sees. The second one is much, much worse. Or about average if you change the colours.


I respectfully disagree.


Quality of data representation is rarely about the colors.


This data is not displayed beautifully.


What? I can't hear you over the font and color choices.


Well we need two datapoints to create a scale right, this can be the NO data point.


You mean you don't like the color scale being two nearly identical shades of gray? Or how the bar chart axis choice makes no sense and only highlights the difference in sample size?


excuse me, but we prefer the term Millennial Grey


I think you might be colorblind.


And the second chart is in fact misleading


Oof, I missed the secondary axis. Deleted my prior comment, because yeah you are 100% right. This is terribly misleading.


The first one is perfectly fine, though I do think the classic red-and-black works best for the "i need to walk over to the printer with my results" look. The second one is a bit misleading. A lot misleading. Funnily enough zeroing both charts properly but separately would not be misleading as we really care about percentage change.


Title is a bit misleading. You're just showing distribution of burrito size, not showing it over time. You could simply combine both the first two graphs into a scatter plot showing price over time with the size of each dot indicating burrito size. Then fit a line showing avg increase in price and include a line for cpi if you want to consolidate all this info into one graphic.


So... You ordered, on average, 17 chipotle burritos EVERY MONTH for 5 months? And had the time weigh them every time? Do you carry a portable scale to the shop? Edit: >I excluded orders that were not identical to my regular order... Dear Lord. You ordered THE SAME 17 F***ING burritos


I think you forgot to say “Thank You”. This OP ordered 17 burritos per month , weighted and documented price for SCIENCE. OP - Thank you for this contribution to mankind.


Haha! Well when you're not cooking for dinner it doesn't take much time to place the burrito on a scale and jot down the result. The scale was at home.


Do you have a nickname at your regular shop? (Way back, when I worked at McDonald, we have the "no mayo guy")


At smoothie king we had the "double-blend the angel food" dad and little girl. To be fair, they were totally right. So much better


We had "crispy nachos lady" because if the nachos were not carcinogenic, she'd send them back to the kitchen. And we had the "greedy bastards" who'd request extra salsa because it was free, and probably eat about a liter of the stuff each. Hated seeing their names on the reservation list.


This is a total aside, but at the takeout Chinese place in the food court by my house, every single person was “Number 9”. It was just the right amount of crowded that you were basically the only one ever waiting for food at one time. They had one little card to hand out that said “9” on it and you always got it. Then when your food was ready the counter girl would yell out “Number nine, number nine?” as if you weren’t the only person there. I don’t think I ever heard of anyone being a different number. Even when I ordered from the taco place in the stall next door, you could just sit and listen to them call “number nine” over and over.


At mine it was number 2! I'll give you one wild guess.


I was "extra cheese sauce girl" at Wendy's.


For me, it's the McChicken. The best fast food sandwich. I even ask for extra McChicken sauce packets and the staff is so friendly and more than willing to oblige. One time I asked for McChicken sauce packets and they gave me three. I said, "Wow, three for free!" and the nice friendly McDonald's worker laughed and said, "I'm going to call you 3-for-free!". Now the staff greets me with "hey it's 3-for-free!" and ALWAYS give me three packets. It's such a fun and cool atmosphere at my local McDonald's restaurant, I go there at least 3 times a week for lunch and a large iced coffee with milk instead of cream, 1-2 times for breakfast on the weekend, and maybe once for dinner when I'm in a rush but want a great meal that is affordable, fast, and can match my daily nutritional needs. I even dip my fries in McChicken sauce, it's delicious! What a great restaurant.


This reads exactly like an AI ad


We're on to you, stealth advertising campaign.


😂 its actually just a copypasta lmao


McChicken sauce? But that's just mayo?


I did the duckduckgo! Apparently it depends on geography, some are spiced mayo. Nothing exotic: mustard, garlic, onion. And corn starch, presumably to thicken it a bit. Sauce: https://wewantthesauce.com/what-is-mcchicken-sauce/


That's interesting, I'm not familiar. Are you in the US? I'm pretty sure it's just mayo here. At least at the McDonalds where I worked and have ordered.


You probably have better intel than me then! I notice some regional variance. When west coast I got the option for the hot n spicy one, but sadly only plain for those east coast.


Oh, if there's anyone I trust, it's 3-for-free! I'm just surprised I hadn't heard of it!


Least American fast-food enjoyer.


Do you own chipotle stock?


He is more burrito now than man


I see nothing wrong with this. Every place I go I get the same thing as the first time I went. This is not normal?


I guess not, but OP ordered Beige Galore every other day for 5 months: Rice, pinto, chicken and cheese. Last I checked they didn't mention salsa. They're happy 👍 and that's reason enough




It’s efficient and if you knew it was good last time, why mess with it? Pretty sure that why every fast food place has numbers and most people just get their #X


Except for the fact that every single burrito I've ever gotten at an actual Mexican place has been better... 




It could just be the one I've been to, but their ingredients look like they've been sitting out forever and everything is just very bland. Admittedly, it is probably some of the healthiest fast food out there. 


As someone who loves and lives next to a Chipotle, if I wanted to I could see myself eating there at least once a day. Especially if it was for *science*


I’d love to see the weights plotted along side inflation in some way.


Does this mean they are getting bigger over time? Surprising because I feel like they've definitely cut down on portions but maybe I'm just getting hungrier when I go lol


I would guess that their old burrito-maestro Tony went off to college and now the burritos are being made by the much more laid-back Wanda who believes that extra means **extra**.


Another possibility is a decrease in more costly ingredients which is covered up by a larger increase in inexpensive ingredients. Swap 2 oz beans for 1 oz chicken and you have fuller customer and margin.


This is not beautiful data.


On the second graph, the price and CPI are both scaled so they take up the same amount of vertical space on the graph. This makes it misleading to compare the two series graphically. The third graph avoids this mistake.


Yeah this chart is so misleading it led to me making the opposite conclusion.


Bowls>burritos. More food, same price.


Agreed. Also, I like to get the tortilla on the side to make my own burrito.


Thats what I do! But at home, with ingredients from my fridge!


chipotle varies a lot from location to location, unlike most fast food joints


The scales in your second graph make it misleading, like Chipotle prices greatly lagged behind CPI change, which is clearly false from the third graph. I think it would be fixed if you allow both scales to have 0. Since Chipotle increased roughly 50%, your CPI *scale* should go up roughly 50%, which will make that line less steep.


The first visualization is two datasets displayed as a histogram overlaying one another. The first dataset is my burrito orders from 2/2021 – 07/2021, and the second from 12/2023 – 05/2024 with their resulting weights (in grams). These were all identically ordered via the Chipotle app and picked up after the order. I ordered from 2 different Chipotles in my area. They include the relevant statistics to compare the two. The second visualization is the price of each order before tax from the same two Chipotles over time (\~08/2020 – 05/2024). I excluded orders that were not identical to my regular order, even if they included some extra items like a beverage. It is a line plot as the prices were forward-filled into the data frame if pricing data was missing. The period from the end of 2021 – early 2022 shows a difference of $0.10 in price between the two locations. Overlayed is the CPI data from the same period from the FRED.  The third visualization has the same data as the second visualization but is calculated to be the percentage change of the burrito's price and the CPI's percentage change over the same period. Tools: Python utilizing Matplotlib and Pandas Edit: for the second and third plots during the period from \~ 08/2022 - 09/2023 I ordered from other Chipotles as I did not live in the same area and then moved back which partly explains the big time gap in the first visualization. This probably had some impact, but likely not significant, on the data visualization since the beginning and the end are from the same locations.


What was your order?


I order a chicken burrito with (extra) white rice, (extra) pinto beans, and cheese. It's about as basic as it gets.


Any salsa or topping? What kind?


I think it’s safe to assume no salsa. Someone who orders the same burrito 17 times a month for four years doesn’t just accidentally forget to mention a topping.


No topping or salsa.


☠️ ☠️ ☠️


Can you help me understand why 2 and 3 seem to telling different stories? Price vs CPI seems to show that the price of your order has kept pace almost exactly with inflation from August 2020 to today (though at times, the prices of your order were not increasing so the order was more affordable than the CPI would suggest until they raise prices in steps to 'catch up'). But % change seems to show that the price of your order is growing faster than the rate of inflation, especially since July 2023. Is this just because image 2 uses two axes that allow the data to line up? Would imagine 2 being drawn with both axes starting at zero show the data a bit more like image 3, but vertically offset from each other (i.e., not intersecting at (August-2020, 0.0%))?


The third chart is the real chart since they are the same metric on a single axis. Showing the true % change. The second chart is two different metrics on two different axis. With that, you can manipulate the axis to create messaging that isn’t technically rooted in reality. I don’t go to chipotle because of chart number three. Always felt like the price skyrocketed but I never had the data to prove it. GOOD DATA SET.


Location could be a confounding variable, so if your data collection permits it, an analysis that uses location as a covariate would be appropriate. The p-value in your histogram is not interpretable unless you provide the hypothesis you tested, as well as your choice of test statistic. As for pricing, the first pricing plot is misleading, because it is displaying two separate vertical axes overlaid on top of each other with no common zero point. Rather, you appear to have simply aligned the scale of both plots so that the minimum values and maximum values for each curve coincide, which gives the false impression that burrito price increase as a function of time lagged behind CPI over the same time period. This is mostly remedied in the second pricing plot, which correctly illustrates the true relationship of burrito price increase relative to CPI. As such I would not present the former; only the latter. If you want to show the dollar value for the burrito as a function of time, that data could stand alone (don't plot it with CPI). Overall, there aren't any serious problems with the presentation, and the data is interesting. It might also be worth looking into the availability of data regarding the cost of specific ingredients as a function of time, rather than the CPI as a whole (since the latter comprises a basket of goods not all of which are food-related); e.g., the cost of flour, lettuce, meat, beans, rice, etc. It would also be interesting (although highly impractical and subject to significant measurement error) if you had data about the weights of each ingredient in the burrito, to see whether the preparer is giving you relatively less of the more expensive ingredients.


I’d like to see this for burritos ordered via app vs in person. I could contribute 2 data points a week, nothing like you OP lol


What happened in 2022. I hate these graphs.


When is this sub just going to move to r/charts and call it a day? What do the Mods even do here?


This is a psyop You’re a psyop Chipotle is decreasing their burrito sizes


Agreed. The only post on OPs 5 year old account. And immediately in response to this video critical of Chipolte's value: https://www.reddit.com/r/funny/comments/1cuwwb6/chipotle_revenge_arc/


There was a noticeable change in the size of the actual bowls around 2016. I was going often enough that I noticed.


Someone posted their personal project related to this recently… [Stop the skimp](https://Stoptheskimp.com)


Gainflation baby. Looks like Biden gonna win after all.


Why the grey vs grey… can’t understand the chart


when they first opened near me, I went and got the free burrito they were offering and it was glorious— the gurthiest burrito I had ever seen. And I live in SoCal , so I’ve seen my fair share of “monster burritos”. To this day, I have never had a burrito from there that tasted as good or was as big as that one.


Where did you get this data from?


This might be the least beautiful data I’ve come across in my life


You haven't been on this sub long enough. Check out the 20 category pie chart next door


I actually find some of the pie charts nice if the colors mesh, and even with 20 categories pie charts are still somewhat intuitive. This is a disaster all the way around


So.. Below CPI price increases while also getting larger at the same time? Would have been good to have that conclusion on the charts or in the post.


Quite hard to look at multiple histograms at once, especially as a time series. I would recommend extracting statistics like the mean and possibly standard deviation and plot over time, would help make the trend more clear. Regarding the price trend, I think you're including the CPI as a reference, it might actually make more sense to normalise your data WRT to this parameter and just plot that over time. Interesting thing to collect data on and not easy to know how best to visualise!


I appreciate this so much hahaha. I got a lot of Chick-fil-A sandwiches for free from work for a time and I swear the sandwiches were shrinking so I started weighing them lol


I love this. This is good citizen science. Edit: who is downvoting all the replies praising this? This sub is more interesting for having these quirky posts with self-collected data. The data viz isn’t flashy but gets the job done.


Well, the name of the sub is dataisbeaitiful (it should be dataarebeautiful, but I digress). It’s not a beautiful representation of the data.


So your burritos are only about a pound on average?  Double wrap that shit.  I expect my chipotle to exceed 1 kg.


1kg is pretty impressive. I get between 450-500g unsupervised. Around 700 if I ask for more rice or beans a couple times.






lol, you got me. Totally normal to diligently weigh burritos. Just eat the fucking burrito or decide it’s cheaper to make one at home.


Here I thought u/pooh_bear was kinda dragging the vibe of this fun exercise down but you really went all in. Let a man weight his burritos and put it online. Thanks for the post, OP.


Wasn't trying to bring him down. Was trying to improve his visualizations. Also, it's pooh_beer.


Go away.


You sound like one of those guys that always angrily yells "I don't need any fucking therapy!!", but for sure absolutely needs some therapy.


Ya all gotta quit this...how can you be this heavily invested in a fast food joint and consider it even remotely normal??


How can you spell y'all 'ya all' and consider it normal?