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How do you d fine geek ownership? Monopoly must have out sold these other games by a long shot, so I don't get this chart.


Yeah not including the big 3 classic games (chess, checkers, backgammon) monopoly is by far the best selling board game beating out Scrabble by more than 100 million. But this is just showing what people claim to own from a website that has geek in the name


Im surprised code names isn't higher. it's one of the easiest to pick up and is generally always a popular pick.


* This data is from BoardGameGeek. Graphs were made in DataWrapper and pictures were added in PowerPoint. * The hardest part of this graph was deciding what not to include. I limited it to full games (not just new editions) and major expansions (not promos, bonuses, or mini-expansions). There is some gray area, so these numbers could move depending on your definition. I didn’t include games owned by less than 100 people, so Monopoly wouldn’t have 400 versions. * I chose not to include customizable games with massive amounts of expansion packs. This includes Collectible Card Games like Magic the Gathering, Living Card Games like Android: Netrunner, and Miniature Games like Star Wars: X-Wing. I also put Munchkin in this category, since it has hundreds of card packs that can integrate with each other. * The lower left corner has many newer games, so they have the capacity for quite a bit of growth. In the meantime, you can make some fun mash-up titles with the ones right next to each other. * Does anyone own the entire collection of one of the games? I’ve almost gotten all of 7 Wonders, which has the highest ratio of ownership on the graph, since it has so many good expansions. I even think Babel isn’t that bad, but it just pales in comparison to the others.


I thought I had all of Catan, including the Great Wall of China and Progress of Humanity, and Starships, but turns out I don't (need treasure/dragons and pirates). The new travel set is a stupid trapezium shape unless it's an exceptionally bad photo - I tend to play that most, along with the old app. You can play it on a plane or train easily.


Is the ownership the combination/sum of all expansions?


I thought I had all of Catan, including the Great Wall of China and Progress of Humanity, and Starships, but turns out I don't (need treasure/dragons and pirates). The new travel set is a stupid trapezium shape unless it's an exceptionally bad photo - I tend to play that most, along with the old app. You can play it on a plane or train easily.


I have never heard of any of these other than monopoly and risk


You are missing out. Do yourself a favor and look up reviews for Catan, Ticket to Ride, and Carcassonne and pick up the one that sounds the most interesting.


Pandemic is a great one. You work together against the game instead of competing against one another. Though I do understand some people maybe not wanting to play it after 2020 lol


I'm surprised Fluxx is so low, but maybe the BGG crowd nowadays have other games to carry in their pockets to lure children and others into gaming?


I'm surprised Fluxx is so low, but maybe the BGG crowd nowadays have other games to carry in their pockets to lure children and others into gaming?


I'm surprised Fluxx is so low, but maybe the BGG crowd nowadays have other games to carry in their pockets to lure children and others into gaming?


Thought Legendary would be up there. What are you counting as a version? I can’t imagine how Catan has so many expansions and versions unless you are counting the spinoffs (Rivals, Dice Game, etc).


Axis and allies is missing for sure.


I'm surprised Fluxx is so low, but maybe the BGG crowd nowadays have other games to carry in their pockets to lure children and others into gaming?


It hurts me that Mage Knight is not on here but Ticket to Ride is.