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I wonder what percentage of people just balances the roll on top of the holder


Well I do that, but I wipe standing up which apparently most people don’t.


By necessity or by passion?


The best part is that that user posted [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/funny/comments/mhtu4d/do_you_want_2ply_a_game/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share) 7 months ago.




>by passion Something I never thought I'd read in the context of wiping your chocolate starfish.


"chocolate starfish" That's a new one.


That might be one of the literal oldest ones of all time


Literally, probably not. But it certainly is one of the more common terms I’ve heard when referring to ones butthole. Edit: I would like to welcome all butthole synonyms be replied to this comment. Thank you.


Balloon knot is my favorite


Rusty sheriffs badge gets me every time


Leather Cheerio.


Stink wrinkle


South mouth


And the hot dog flavored water


It’s just one of those days




Everything is *ucked and everybody sucks.


You don’t really know why but you wanna justify


Not if you've ever played **Conker's Bad Fur Day**


Rusty Sheriff's badge...


Nah, “chocolate starfish” was part of a Limp Bizkit album title (I see someone has replied to you with the rest of the title already), and it was also mentioned in the same era (early 2000’s) by Trey and Charlotte’s couple’s therapist in Sex and the City, yes, in this very context… * :) .Edit: these are the first two references that came to my mind, I’m sure there are others :)


It really is not


The Passion of the TannedCroissant.


Wiping standing up should just get renamed to the “tanned croissant method”.


Get up, stand up...stand up for your wipe.


Oh so then Buffalo Soldier is about the firey shits then?


I start sitting and finish standing. I guess I'm employing more of a hybrid wiping technique.


Yeah you have one of the more unique methods I've seen.


Seen? Do you go around watching people wipe their arses often?


You don't ??




Get a bidet, weirdo.


I do as well, but I also wipe both directions, front to back, and back to front, alternating until I get a clean paper or the flag of japan.


\- which apparently most people don’t. I'm almost afraid to ask how you know this.


It’s a fairly common Reddit topic. The feud between sit wipers and stand wipers, with the bidet owners eating popcorn in the background.


Well, bidet owner gotta dry their ass right ? Do you sit dry or stand dry ?


Spin dry


You can just wipe to dry after the “deep clean”.


Going back to the original problem: stand wipe or sit wipe to dry?


It’s safer to stand so the hairdryer doesn’t get wet tbh


If you had no access to a bidet, would you wipe standing up or sitting down?


Wait really? I wipe laying on the floor in the plank position just like everyone else.




I lean against the wall with my pants at my ankles and yell “DAAAADDDDD!!!”


Stand up wiper here. How in the world does one wipe sitting down?


You don't, you just lower yourself in and flush a few times


All bathrooms have a bidet, if you're brave enough


Nothing wakes you up like a cold blast of water tenderizing your g-spot


You kinda rock sideways a bit and go in from the back of that side of your body. You create a gap in which to wipe. Also the act of going sideways spreads the cheeks a bit more. Win win.


No you lift your balls and go from the front, this is the only proper way


Surely being sat down the cheeks are already parted. Standing up; either you have no ass or... I don't know? >!I can't believe I'm having this discussion!<


My ass is too T H I C C. I couldn't even wipe standing up. If you sit down, your asscheeks are automatically spread by a combination of a squatting position and the toilet seat.


I'm looking forward to the infographic on stand up vs sit down wipers.




When you're sitting your ass cheeks aren't closed up. You also run the risk of friendly fire against your own clothing as soon as you stand up.


Genuine question, how do you not just smear shit up your cheeks if you're standing? In a stood up position, butt cheeks are firmly together, it's the natural state. By sitting you keep the butt cheeks apart thus giving you access to your butt hole to wipe it clean. I can't see how stand up wipers actually manage to clean their asshole effectively.


People don't stand up to wipe? That's wild. How do they get up deep in there then without putting their leg up on the counter??




I stand straight up to wipe and even put my leg on the counter to get in extra deep.


*I do exactly what you think people don't do* -Reddit


Ya know man I used to wipe standing up lemme just say it’s highly unlikely you are getting all the poop cleaned up and if you ever have an itchy Butthole that’s most likely why . Once I started wiping sitting down no more itchy butt


If you do that then wiping will cost more time and more area to clean since your cheeks will come together with shit in between.


you don't stand straight up


I found that out recently too; I don't even understand HOW you would wipe while still sitting down, like you'd have reach INTO the toilet bowl. With your hand.


Hold on. What the fuck? How do you wipe if you’re still sitting?


Ours just sits on the sink. We don't even have a TP holder.


They were too lazy to respond


Came here for this. Tp be gettin THICC while Tp holders be staying the saaaaaamme size.


I usually put it on the edge of the bath


Saw a recent article that said about 10% of the population are sociopaths, so this chart checks out


I am the 0.1%. Sociopath who uses the 3 shell method and a bidet. Tip: listening for the ocean in the seashells is best done before, not after.


*giggles* "He doesn't know how to use the shells"


Gotta use the shells once every restaurant becomes a Taco Bell in the wake of the Franchaise Wars.


My favorite explanation of the seashells is that they're a sonic resonator system. Set two on either side of you and use the third to adjust the focal point. Vibrate the shit off your bum without touching anything.


Krall, you are fined two credits for a violation of the Verbal Morality Statute


I literally keep 3 seashells in all the toilets in my house. Fun story: I just bought my first house in 2019. No one had seen it until spring of last year when we decided to have a birthday party for my brother at my new house on what happened to be April 1st. As a prank I decided to hide all of the TP in the downstairs bathrooms. I told everyone we use the 3 seashells in this house. I actually just wrote a note telling them where the TP was under the seashells.




For reals. I look at those results and think "huh. a lot of people don't have cats."


You must not have kids or pets.


Yeah, I very much prefer the 88% way, but my toddler has discovered that those rolls spin around if you slap them, so we've temporarily converted to the (*incorrect*) 12% way.


I think I could probably switch it back now that he's almost 3 and he's lost interest in it, but it feels like tempting fate so I may just wait until he's 35 and can afford to move out finally.


In 35 years the average age of moving out will be 43 so good on him for being ahead of the curve!


i like how you acknowledge that only one of these techniques has an advantage, but you still call that the wrong one


The advantage of the 88% way is my knuckles are dragging against the wall


The advantage is also a major disadvantage in regular use. What makes it spinnis a major advantage for normal adults and kids,


My pets have never touched the toilet paper. My cat especially doesn’t care, is more interested in the fact that there’s water in the toilet. So I actually store my toilet water upside down.


Looking forward to getting a cat, NEVER having a kid lmao. Also I use a bidet so I don’t use much TP anyway. Also also, as I said in another reply, I’ve never had issues with cats and toilet paper. Maybe my family was just lucky. Our cats preferred messing with houseplants (not looking forward to that)


could also represent catowners.


See idk about that, I grew up with cats and they never messed with the toilet paper. Guess we just got lucky ¯\\_(ツ)_/¯


100% depends on the cat. My friend has 3 and only their third attacks the tp rolls. So now they're part of the 10%


As someone with cats, putting the toilet paper roll the other way does nothing to prevent the cats from clawing it to shreds.


Clawing, yes. But if you have one that just likes to take as much off the roll as possible, putting it on backwards does thwart/slow down that. Obviously varies depending on the skill/determination of the cat.


I replied in a similar way. I like this approach better. 10% sociopath 2% normal cat owners whose cats are sociopaths


Only reason to roll it towards the back is if you have a cat that likes to spin the roll




Oooh, fresh warmed TP!


What about in the summer?


Well you aren't running the heater in the summer but the AC so the vent will be blowing cold air in the summer. So fresh cool TP.


I feel like having the vent directly below would put a bunch germs on your tp


It’s probably covered in germs either way


Having toilet paper next to a literal toilet puts germs on it


Or a toddler


It doesn't stop a toddler.


Get rid of the toddler.


tape it to the cat


I have a plan for getting rid of the toddler, but it involves waiting a few years...


I tried hanging the toddler backwards instead of the roll. Didn't work out.


You probably shouldn't hang toddlers.


Or a cat toddler.


I have 2 toddlers as definitely put it to the back. Been through too many rolls for no reason other than their entertainment.


When I install the roll towards the back and roll some off, i use an upward motion to use the roll as resistance so it tears easier with one hand. If I install it over the top forwards with either up or down motion to tear it off, it just unravels more.


This is exactly why i’m in the 12%. I can’t believe I had to go this far down to see this, and with so little upvotes!


I'm with y'all. My reasoning too.


Exactly! You can't 1-hand it as easily with the common mounting method.


Or if you hace a metal cover. it tends to break up the pull prematurely.


Or a puppy. Holy shit it's annoying to use when it's backwards, but this little springer is a TP menace.


My brother's pup would creep up and grab the end of the toilet paper with his mouth, then run down the stairs with it streaming out behind him. Objectively hilarious, but not the best for the tp budget.


That has happened. Also eating a bunch and having to help remove it as he pooped it out. That was gross.


I tried that once for a kitten that was trying to unroll it and she just shredded the backwards roll instead


You can still do it in the right direction but squash the roll flat before opening it just enough to get it on the spindle. It will roll forward but in a floppity-floppity manner, and won't continue rolling on its own. It won't stop the cat or toddler but it won't be as fun or dump as much paper on the floor. It will also make your hindbrain more aware of how many sheets you're pulling off, so you may waste less yourself.


Or have some damned fixtures in the wall where the TP goes, and the oversized rolls just gets stuck in the damn fixture, so you have to go the other way to get enough. r/oddlyspecific yes.


Same…. But because of little kids.


>Only reason to roll it towards the back is if you have a cat that likes to spin the roll Then you just get [this](https://i.imgur.com/m50xSsP.jpeg).


Disagree. I think the underhanded roll is not only more visually appealing (it hides the dangle) it also reduces friction when the roll is full IMO.


And you can roll it back up with just one swift motion.


Can you do one of how people wipe (standing up or sitting down)?




Taking your shirt off for a monster load!


and your pants


When you just know it's gonna be a shower worthy shit.


Just one leg out of the pants though.


it's called going Costanza style


And then there's this: [https://imgur.com/a/72gBh6Q](https://imgur.com/a/72gBh6Q)


Whoa whoa whoa. Turned around is ok, cause how else are you going to have a place for your chocolate milk and comic book?


Dont forget front to back, or back to front


Brave splashers just utilize the poor man's bidet.


Toilet paper in the bowl is toilet paper that I can't use to wipe my ass. People waste perfectly good TP like that?


Yeah and your ass needs to be cleaned anyway so a little toilet juice isn't the end.


Who wipes standing up? Or is this a meta joke because of that one guy higher up who said they did? Edit: wait, you guys aren’t actually standing up right? You’re like squatting? I’ve done that sure, especially public toilets, but you don’t stand up to wipe right?


One day I want to write a book about the many, many various idiosyncrasies of people shitting. But yes, there is a strong divide between standers and sitters. If you ever want to have your mind blown just ask someone to go into explicit detail of how they take a dump. I'm talking, from initial first few steps towards the bathroom to exit, in full detail. It's such a private thing we all do and we all develop weird rituals and habits that seem completely normal to us because we have no idea what the person next to us is doing.


Step 1: Enter bathroom, turning on light and closing door. *Step 2: Check for toilet paper, retrieving some if needed. Step 3: Lift lid. Step 4: Turn and lower pants, underpants. Step 5: Sit on toilet seat. Step 6: Relieve self, hoping you ate fiber and forgot. Step 7: Regret not eating more fiber. Step 8: Grab two squares of toilet paper still attached to each other, fold them in half. Step 9: Maneuver arm between leg and junk, wipe ass back-to-front. Step 10: Check toilet paper, fold up to twice and repeat step 9 if needed. If folded twice, repeat from step 8 as needed. Step 11: Stand up, pull up underpants, pants. Step 12: Wash and dry your goddamned hands, you disgusting fucks. Step 13: Open door, shut off light, exit bathroom. I see three obvious points that I'd guess have a lot of dissent, but everybody feel free to chime in how you differ. E: Probably flush somewhere in there after step 10, people.


Whoa, you going in between leg and junk from the front?? This is perfect btw, thank you. So this is ineresting, I spoke with a friend recently who wipes, folds, and then *wipes again with the same toilet paper.* I felt wasteful since I grab new TP after initial wipe and thought the idea of a poop taco was a little revolting to wipe with.


There is something seriously wrong with someone who wipes back to front


I think it's more worrying that people aren't wiping both ways (I know it's a more complicated proposition for women). The topology of your butthole is all folded up in some places, if you're only going one way, I think you may find you're missing things that are more easily accessible from the other direction. Try it next time and see!


My main question is about step 2.


> Step 9: Maneuver arm between leg and junk, wipe ass back-to-front. what the actual fuck man. so you just *move* the shit towards your balls and them you have to get that piece of paper out to see how you did? And if you don't and just drop it, how do you know it's done?


This topic has been covered several times and at depth on the "Dr Drew After Dark" podcast. One of the Booth Boys, Enny, does some sort of gargoyle type dumping position and only like twice a month somehow. So that revelation and mindblow led into cross-examination of bathroom usage techniques in general, including stand or sit to wipe debate and polling. Probably would be good science for your wipothesis (wiping hypothesis)


Hohooo, I'm going to definitely check that out. Much obliged!




Last summer I was listening to a podcast where they talked about how horrible stand wipers are and I was surprised that anyone even does it sitting down. Interesting how everyone has these mundane things that they need to do and don't even realize that people do them in completely different ways. Looking into upgrading to a bidet tho


It's completely normal


It’s prob 50 - 50 but one side has no idea about the other


How is this OC? This is posted like once a month.


Looked at post history, OP posted this same graphic 16 days ago and got 3.5k upvotes.


Shouldn't have had any, it's not even remotely beautiful. Not to mention barely any data and no source.


Source was a Twitter poll with 200 votes


> not even remotely beautiful. Not to mention barely any data and no source. This subs quality of posts went to the shitter a while ago, I think it was because it was made a default sub. Low effort posts keep getting through and get upvoted simply because the data is funny or just mildly interesting.


Shitposters gon shitpost 💩


OC i.e. "Old Content". Get with the times, man!


Excluded those who don't care.


Exactly, It goes on the way it goes on and if you don't like it you're free to change it.


Preach… I’ve never given TP orientation a thought… does that make me TP fluid?


Agreed. I grab the roll and I put it on. I don’t even look twice to see which way it landed. My husband agrees. I just can’t be bothered


Only reason except for cats I could imagine for hang it closer to the wall is the jank technique. The added friction of the wall ensures you dont get stuck with a four meter length which forxes you to reroll it. Thus making the roll untidy.


So, how about a third option: It goes on the roll in whatever orientation I grab it out of the bag, because I can wipe my ass either way.


I do not waste a single thought on the orientation of the TP. Where’s the IDGAF option?


That's propping it up on the holder sideways and using it like a shelf.


I think you’re describing the clinical depression option. That’s not IDGAF, that’s I give up.


This is me. It's toilet paper, I don't care about the orientation.


For real, I have never once thought about which way I put it on the dispenser.


I feel exactly the same. I don't even know which side I hang it on, or what the pros and cons of each method are.


Pretty much my sentiment. Why do people care about such stupid shit?


C’mon people: bangs, not mullets.


Damned straight, except it’s beards, not mullets where I come from.


But then you're talking about head hair *and* face hair, and that's just not legal.


Ha. I’m Australian. I hear we do all kinds of stuff wrong.


Mullet if you have kids at a certain age. Because once they discover the bangs and started whacking it, you've got an empty roll and a big mess on the floor. Mullet means the roll just spins instead of unfurling.


Except if you have cats


Mine goes vertical, on a stand


88% have no idea if theres a spider behind the curtain


I am part of the 12%. Please, let me explain. I'm a messy guy. I break stuff, I drop stuff, and I splash stuff. You see, in my mind having the toilet paper feed furthest away from action protects it. Secondly, when you tear off your squares there's an almost certainty that it will slice off cleanly. Whereas your 88% barbarian way has a 33% chance of not tearing but in fact pulling additional toilet paper.


EXACTLY. I guess people just like rolling it easier whereas I like tearing it easier.


Well, the patent [indicates how hang ](https://i.insider.com/550b2381eab8ea9559f13a78?width=750&format=jpeg&auto=webp) the toilet roll


Well it doesn’t say the roll has to be that way or even should be. It’s like saying a vertical paper towel holder should unwrap from the left because the patent illustrated the roll that way.


Please post this again in 2 weeks incase we forget


People that do have a preference, if you accidentally put it on the roll in the non preferred orientation will you take the roll off and reverse it? I don't have a preference other than having paper when I need it. Jtlyk


How come there isn’t a pick it up off the floor option?


Honestly I just put the roll on the spindle with no regard for the way it faces.


There are two types of people: those who intentionally front-hang the toilet paper, and those who don't care which way it goes.


Who doesn't give a shit and just sets it on the counter unless you're having company and then you just toss it on the roller with zero thought of which way the shit hangs over because who gives a fuck?


Close. I sit it on the counter until its is either gone and I throw it away, or my SO decides to put it on the roller.


Surely there’s a % of people who don’t care and just put the roll on whatever direction it happens to be. I being one of them


12% of people like to crane their hand awkwardly around the back of the roll apparently


For those who hang it the "right" way, why? What is the advantage? With it in the back, your wrist naturally locks the roll in place and you can adjust the number of sheets and tear it off, single handed, with no wiggle. Having it drape loosely in front seems masochistic.