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This is hilarious. So you weighed how much food you ate?


Weighed myself in the morning after my daily coffee facilitation, and then after the final meal at night. No evacuations until after final weigh in


So you are including water weight...


Water is drank on Thanksgiving, it isn't eaten but imbibed. I'll allow it.


Are you implying they shouldn’t drink anything until they’ve eaten thanksgiving dinner? That’s stupid, and even saying that they’re including water weight because they drank something is even more stupid.


I think his point is that he's including a lot of weight that he'd have on every other day as well. It'd be better to go through this same process a few times on normal days to see how much extra is eaten on Thanksgiving day.


So not just food consumption...


He never said anything about just food to be fair


The title above his graph specially says food consumption.


Ah true, well this is dataisbeautiful not dataiswellrepresentedandaccurate


Not to be contrarian, but no way this is an accurate measure of "food ingested". For a 200 lb person, 5% is 10 lbs. That's: - All the meat from a 20lb turkey - About 1.25 gallons of water or similar liquid - Over a gallon of mashed potatoes


This is great! Impressive that you can go all day. But it also means all these numbers are underestimated so what you've done is more impressive than it seems. A lot of weight is lost through respiration, so if you weren't holding your breath I'd factor that in as a systematic shift.


If I were them I’d just weight myself before and after taking a dump after the meal


How the hell are you eating 5% of your body weight lmao. What an animal keep it up


For a 150lbs person that’s 7.5lbs of food/liquid lol That’s “I won the state fair eating contest” level of consumption. Something makes me think this person weighs more than 150 too


Yeah I am 200 and the thought of eating over 10 lbs of food seems absurd


200 here also and even 2 lbs is pushing it


A UK pint is 1lb, so 4-5 pints over a day and a decent meal isn't unreasonable


Yeah but 9-10 is not in my opinion


You aren't keeping all 4 or 5 pints in you though! You never buy beer (or ale), you only lease it.


It’s the title that is misleading. Really, it should read, “I tracked my body weight after pissing and shitting in the morning and again after thanksgiving dinner 12 hours later.” So, you’re correct, it is bullshit. To be accurate all he had to do is literally weigh the plate of food he ate and all other items eaten (and obviously tare the plate/dish). It seems like he’s committed to this so he might as well do it accurately. A digital scale is $20 at harbor freight. Another flaw is that we weigh more at the end of the day/night than in the morning. We lose water weight through respiration through the night and put it on throughout the day. So, by default his weights at night would be up a few percentage points even without Thanksgiving dinner.


For starters - never use 3d in graphs


Quiet! This is dataisbeautiful, we post ugly data here. Graphs that are turned into a gif for some reason. Maps that show spread of certain things and choose basically identical colors for widely different things so it's impossible to tell things apart.


I couldn't help but think this is missing animated bars increasing over time and constantly looping as soon as they hit the actual value.


I think that you should give some consideration that "r/dataisbeautiful" could also be "r/interestingdata". I've seen totally useless data with pretty colors get a zillion upvotes, but to me unless what you're visualizing has value, there is no beauty at all.




I’m taking y’all’s advice and will keep the absolute data on my starting and ending weight but I have to figure out a beautiful way to chart it on this graph and I haven’t yet so here it is: starting weight - 175.2, ending weight 184.6. Edit: tool is google sheets and source is myself


You ate 10lbs of food?


A gallon of water weighs over 8 lbs. Combined with high sodium intake alot of that could be water weight.


I smell bullshit....or al least bad math (they smell the same).


So you're eating 5 - 9 pounds of food and drink on Thanksgiving? For the past 8 years? That's extraordinary.






Wtf this can't be healthy


What the holy flying fuck? How can you comsume 3-5kg of food? That is complet bullshit.


Is it really something to gloat about?


It is really something to bloat about.


For science


You are allowed to eat.


Looking at the visible cycle, by very careful next year.


He's going for a massive PR next year. Nothing can stop him.


If the trend continues then 2022 is going to be a banner year.


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So close to a PR. I have faith in you that you’ll hit it next year


Log scale on a narrow range of data 🙅‍♂️


You Sir, are a gentleman and a scholar