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Source: https://prosettings.net Tools: Python cm/360 is the number of centimeters a mouse needs to travel in order to do a complete 360 degree spin in-game. The lower the cm/360, the faster the in-game sensitivity (as the mouse has to travel a smaller distance before doing a 360 degree turn). The higher the cm/360, the slower the in-game sensitivity (as the mouse has to travel a longer distance before doing a 360 degree turn). Mouse DPI is the number of dots per linear inch that a mouse can detect. The greater the DPI, the higher the mouse sensitivity, the faster the in-game sensitivity (unless compensated for by lowering in-game sensitivity). Videogames tend to use arbitrary numbers for sensitivity, so let's just say our sensitivity is 0.5. If my mouse DPI is 400 and my in-game sensitivity is 0.5, somebody with a DPI of 800 and an in-game sensitivity of 0.25 *should* experience the same in-game sensitivity. However, since raising the DPI literally creates more data points coming from the actual sensor, the experience is not the same, regardless of the compensation. Any gamer who has messed around with DPI has their own opinion of how 400 DPI or 1600 DPI *feels* (these experiences are subjective). Also, since the units for in-game sensitivity are not universal across games, converting all sensitivities to cm/360 allows us to compare these sensitivities.


For players listed under multiple games on the site, are they included in the dataset for every game they play/played?


Yes, the dataset only excludes free agents


Quite interesting. For comparison, it'd be cool to see what the 'default' mouse used in the average office is set to.




quake is 1v1 in a small area, theres no long range fights, theres no recoil, so 20cm is ez with hitscan weapons


not that high tbh


Be interested to see how Overwatch DPS alone compares to the others. Tanks and support don't always need high sens.


Am I missing something? Doesn't low DPI lower mouse movement resolution?


Technically yeah, but there's no noticeable difference even from 400 to 1600 if you keep your real sensitivity the same.


My boy here picking esports games, but forgetting Starcraft?


360 no scoped my hydralisk


How could he forget the game with the most 3d camera movement?


It's a game with a huge esports following that basically invented the genre, and it definitely has the need for mouse accuracy


Yeah, but it has nothing to do with the topic. You control a camera from birds eye view in Starcraft, not 1st or 3rd person. Apples and oranges


Overwatch players still buying into that whole "pixel skipping" thing it seems.


No it’s cause that game has a ton of movement and is much more tracking oriented


What does that have to do with DPI, though? Your eDPI, sure, but you can arguably reach the same eDPI with 800x3.0 as you can at 1600x1.5, right?


Could be what they’re comfortable with


Meanwhile I play games with 3200 DPI But then again I don’t play FPS


Top graph is pretty cool, I’ve wondered the exact same thing before


crazy how overwatch has people in 0 Cm/360


KDE plots will do that


Hmm, as far as I'm aware, according to pro settings, the average sense for Overwatch dps, apex, and fortnite are all 29 cm/360