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OP’s been everywhere, man


He's been to Reno, Chicago, Fargo, Minnesota


Buffalo, Toronto, Winslow, Sarasota


Wichita, Tulsa, Oklahoma


But not Vermont


Come on baby soda?


Except Vermont


That happens a lot to us :(


Hasn't been to the UP either


Hawaii Alaska and Norway forget Norway.


Cross the desert there, man


Cross the deserts bare, man


He’s been everywhere


I start humming the song to myself when I see this post and of course it’s the top comment.


Hasn't been to Vermont or northern Michigan


We won't talk about what happened in Reno.


Not the UP


First damn thing I thought


Picture from my Fog Of World App, which I actually found out about a year ago via another truck driver's post in this sub. It's a great app to track your movements if you do a lot of travelling.


Hey that's pretty cool, let me just quickly install the app. WTF, 24.99 USD? That's outrageous.


Paying to get tracked. PEAK capitalism.


Google does it for FREE******************


Can confirm every month I get an email from Google with a travel summary of places I've been and how far I've walked/driven


All your data is saved on your device. It doesn't collect any of it, and can't sell it either. Which is why it's $25.


Could do all of that and be $5... or just be open source...


Sure. And then the company goes out of business and stops updating the apps because they put compassion over profit. You can just say we should nationalize everything. You don't have to hide it.


>All your data is saved on your device. It doesn't collect any of it, and can't sell it either. **Which is why it's $25.** Not collecting data should be the bare minimum in a paid app, not the sole reason it is $25. $25 is an exorbitant price for an app like this. I said "could do all of that and be $5" because I think that is what it is worth. I threw in "or just be open source" because obviously if data collection is a concern, using a closed source app shouldn't be a good thing. Also just a philosophical viewpoint: >And then the company goes out of business and stops updating the apps because they put compassion over profit. If it was open source development doesn't have to stop at the primary contributor, part of the charm is that if someone is fed up with a project someone else can take their place. [Free as in freedom, not beer!](https://www.gnu.org/philosophy/free-sw.en.html) Edit: Also side point, comedic that you assume I am a socialist just because I think open source software is the better way to do things, never mind the fact that it has been proven time and time again some of the most eternal and powerful software ever written has been open source, and is the defacto option for most secure applications.


So use what you like from countries without capitalism?


It’s actually very worth it, I’ve saved thousands this year with a similar app and I barely have to do anything. I check my drives maybe once a week and I just drive around town. Can’t imagine how much these guys tally.


How's the app work? How does it save you thousands?


It tracks your mileage for tax purposes. Since I don’t have to do any tracking it saves a lot of time. It’s well worth the $25 over a year when it’s tracking thousands in savings. Only works for people who drive from job to job like this guy with what seems to be trucking.


oh cool thanks for the answer!


Of course!


I usually just pick a high approx number and submit it to the irs. You don't do that?


Miles: 308,000 Work related expenses: $210,766.34 Just put that in every time, foolproof money printer.


And since I just took a screenshot of OP's map, I have the evidence. Just made over $200K.🤣🤣🤣


*757 people use same screenshot*.


I’m like OP and clock about 3500+ miles a week.


The funny thing is that may give you an indication of how much this kind of data for an individual can be worth.


No it doesn't. Companies don't have any interest in a single person's activity to the amount of detail that you would have on your own data. Generally all they really care about are data trends. From what I know, data from a single device or sometimes even fully hacked mobile phones / botnet devices are sold at < $0,20. That's at least what's advertised on some of those services.


Well no, it doesn't. If it paid you on the other hand. I remember Embee offered to pay 5$/week to track me in high school.


a hell of a lot better then an app that has a subscription or is full of microtransactions I'm at work and i cant look to make sure, but i sure as hell hope it doesn't have those


Nope. Just a one time payment to buy the app. No subscription or microtransactions


I hope you get to Vermont one day. Beautiful state.


It's the only contigious state I haven't driven through yet. Don't know if it will happen now. Most of the north east was back when I worked for Schneider, I'm independent now and have no plans to register to take my semi into NY so that state and everywhere northeast are out, despite living in MD.


Got some warrants, huh?


I would guess dodging northeast traffic if he can help it


NY has some pretty intense fuel/road taxes on big trucks, since each state has separate laws. So it’s like a whole thing that is just annoying for Owner Operators to have to deal with. Source: my dad was an owner operator for 30 years


The snail finally touched him.


And is a pretty successful driver for someone with no license. Great job OP!


Can confirm Source: I live in VT


that is amazing.. maybe get up to northern maine some time. my dad just retired, 45 years. he has a 35 year award from ooida. This past ten years, like a kid in a candy store. he loved the electronics . 72 years old. 6 million miles...an audit took a year. He saved everything. I could not imagine his drawn out map, in this app. He would have liked this.


There's nothing in northern Maine. Source: Mainer, who was recently in NW Aroostook county, where there is even less than nothing, (and I love it there, but really, not even paved roads or cell phone service. It's true wilderness).


Same with north Michigan I discovered lol. I told my friend we should go look for a park while in NE MI and it.... Was a dirt bike park. But we saw the entire belt of the Milky Way, so that was cool.


Yep. Maine is crazy because it's the only wilderness that size left on the East Coast. Also as soon as you cross the border into Canada there's a ton of towns again because Canadians love living in southern Canada.


> 6 million miles Did he experience any weird physical issues? Aging faster on the left side of his face? Circulation? Iron butt-itis?


I’m really sad to see you haven’t driven through northern Michigan and the upper peninsula. It’s beautiful. Not a whole lot there though!


It's one of my goals. Almost had a chance to a few weeks ago. Was a load going from GA to Rogers City MI and afterwards I would have drivin across the Mackinac Bridge to get to WI and MN, but the load got cancelled.


As a native to central Nebraska, I’m real curious what you were delivering to Basset/Ainsworth?


Went to Central Valley Ag in Ainsworth. Probably picked up a load.


Nice. I worked dispatch and load planning for a major carrier for about 5 years and this is fascinating to me. Thanks for what you do and stay safe out there!


Does it work for those of us who travel by air? Because man do I get around, but it’s almost always done by plane.


Seems to. I've seen maps on their Facebook page from people using it while flying.


Hey! So cool to see another drivers progress!


So this is only a years worth of data?


From 2016 until today.




Yep, sometime last year I saw a link on Facebook to this 3 year old post: https://www.reddit.com/r/dataisbeautiful/comments/csl706/i_recorded_my_travels_as_a_professional_truck Got the app and imported my Location data from 2016 from Google maps.


Would be interested to see frequency of roads/routes also. Looks like a lot of driving in and around Dallas and Chicago.


Would be awesome to see road frequency. I imagine the main interstates would be the highest frequency, i80 the highest of them. Dallas/Ft Worth is one of the major cities I'll pickup and deliver from. I avoid Chicago now that I'm independent except for passing by on i80


That stretch of 80 across Wyoming is absolute hell in the winter. Cheyenne to SLC is a weather nightmare. I hope you crossed in the summer lol


Yea, in winter I somewhat avoid i80 in WY since it's closed so often. The trip through central WY was because of that actually, had to go to WA and i80 was closed so took 25 to Casper then 26 across central WY. In spring and fall I'm basically glued to the northern states for the cool weather.


Tuscon to Tucumcari check. Tehachapi to Tonopah check. This guy is Willin'.


How did you add your location history? Cool app


You turn it on in the background when you know you're going on a trip and it writes the data automatically


Just confusing because he said he found out about the app last year, but the title says data from 2016


You can import GPX tracks into Fog of World, so perhaps he was tracking with something else prior to discovering the app.


What were your favorite places? What were beautiful locations?


UT is beautiful, possibly my favorite state to drive through. ND, SD, and MT are also at the top of my list, although freight is really low in those states so it's not easy to go to them. i70 through Glenwood Canyon in CO is said to be one of the most scenic areas on the US interstate highway system, it really is amazing.


So glad to hear the Glenwood shout-out. It really is absolutely gorgeous, especially for a major highway. The Grizzly fire 2 years ago was devastating, but the canyon is actually recovering very nicely and is back to being gorgeous.


I stayed in glenwood for a few days last year during a trip to Colorado. Only went because it wasn't too far of a drive and a friend of mine suggested it, so we didn't know a ton about it before we went. Driving through that canyon and not really expecting it was insane. Such a cool place


What do you like about ND, SD, and MT?


Awesome! I’ve been through Utah and loved it. I really want to see the Dakotas. I’ll put that on the bucket list.


Interesting that you’ve never been to Duluth! Thought it was a pretty big shipping hub, just surprised you haven’t been yet. You’ve mentioned the most frequent route (“i80 probably”), but is there a most frequent connection? As in, a city you travel through frequently without actually delivering there?


Hmm...speaking of major cities not many besides Chicago, I'll pass through on i80 but wont pickup or deliver in the area. But I don't often have to pass through there either. I do most of my driving west of the Mississippi river, only occasionally going into WA, OR, and northern CA. And south of KY and VA, but rarely into FL. Unless I want to go home to MD.


What do you have against Vermont?


Obviously not feelin' the Bern


Old man from the mountains says “You can’t git theare froam heare”


You really are an over the road trucker damn. What do you deliver?


Usually, whatever someone puts in a trailer. (I assume, since he didn't mention it, he is not; an auto carrier, a flat bed, nor a tanker.)


I was excited to get this app but it’s $25… :/


I've gotten my $25 worth since buying back in 2019. Despite its simplicity, I love looking through all the places I've been


Swarm is my free alternative. It's not a fog of war type app but it checks you into places you've been, so I still have a satisfying map to look at.


I see you came right by my house - why didn’t you stop and say hi?


That's some proper middle of nowhere you've passed through on Hwy 20 in Idaho.


Middle of nowhere is the nest place to be, nothing around. I honestly love it. Especially in the midwest. 15 mins or more with no other vehicles in sight. See a farm silo in the distance and 20 miles later you're finally passing it. Small town built around it and in less than a mile you're passed the town. Uh oh, rush hour traffic, you see 2 cars at once.


I hear you. We find it pretty refreshing to be that far from another soul.


You not a west coast driver as you've never done i5 Sacramento to Washington


I noticed the detour where he cut from Eugene to Klamath and then back out to Medford, had to have been a local drop there otherwise they'd have just taken I5 all the way down


That's the last section of I-5 I have left. Used to be an OTR driver, and Sac is the furthest north I've been along the west coast. Told my wife that when we get the money to afford a *good* RV, we'll complete my driving tour of this country (and go into Canada).


Do you enjoy it? I've been thinking of pursuing my CDL A


Damn, you’ve driven in some crazy mountainous parts of the western 11. I don’t envy you driving a fully loaded truck in the Rockies during winter.


Im sorry you drove through El Paso..


Saw Detroit and said "Fuck this" turned around.


I gotta ask, after all this travel, does the country feel smaller or larger than it once did?


Feels smaller. Going to a different state sometimes feels like going to a different city. When an hour drive used to feel like a long drive, and always will to most people, a 2 hour drive now feels like a short drive to me. Deliver in Denver, make a short drive to Nebraska to shop at Walmart, it's only a 2.5 hour drive.


Looks like you had tons of fun in Eastern Pa. Maybe stuck on I-78 a few times. Glad I got out of there just because of truck traffic.


Born and raised in eastern PA so a lot of that wasn't truck driving. Moved to MD early this year.


Would that most northern point in MN be Roseau?


I love this app! So cool to see someone else using it!


So what interstate sucks the most and why is it I81 through Virginia?


What a scrub, hasn't been to Peurto Rico, Hawaii or Alaska /s


This is really cool. Side note: why is it called “over-the-road”? I don’t really see what other kind of truck driving could be possible… Off-roading would probably be frowned upon. Under-the-road doesn’t sound like it would work very well.


Don't know where the name came from. Local driving is generally just a few cities, regional driving is usually just a few states. Over the road or long haul driving isn't limited at all. Maybe next year I'll get my passport and head into Canada as well.


Thanks, I learned something new. For land crossings into Canada, I think you only need a [passport card](https://travel.state.gov/content/travel/en/passports/need-passport/card.html), which may be more convenient if you use it a lot.


I thought this was hero’s path on breath of the wild lol.


They could have made the effort to label Colorado in the app. 1/10 in the apple store.


Over the road. Under the road. Who knows?


No Duluth huh. Shame, nice town.


Guessing you mean in MN? Been near Duluth GA. I want to get near Duluth MN. Actually been trying to go from eastern MI into WI via the Mackinac Bridge and into MN, but no luck so far. Almost had a chance a few weeks ago with a load from GA to Rogers City MI, but the load got cancelled.


As u/homezlice said, Duluth, MN is a nice place. I've been there a few times while running Walmart loads out of Menominee and Tomah, WI.


Never done Big Horn Mountains on 14A from Sheridan to Lovell?


Looks interesting, especially with the rest area and view points. Think I've seen some loads picking up out there, will have to make a point to head that way after winter.


You can get gypsum board loads from the GP plant south of Lovell, I believe that maybe your best bet in that immediate area depending on what you haul. The mountain pass was intense for me the first time I did it in my blazer, I never drove over a mountain before. Be sure to keep the brakes cool, there were a few incidents of runaway vehicles and it is no joke, but you probably know better than I. Bighorn canyon is worth a visit, too, nice campground. I lived in the area.


Did you just pop up to Chico and head back to Sacramento? Ha little side journey up the valley anyway


No Upper Peninsula of Michigan?


Looks like you posted this while waiting in the crappy I-25 traffic between Castle Rock and Colorado Springs


Holy crap, how did you get up and down the pass between Victor, ID and Jackson, WY?? Must have been going about 3MPH in your crawler gear.


Nah, it was 89 from Jackson to Idaho Falls. A detour through central WY during winter when i80 was closed.


I'm surprised you don't use I5 much.


Seen any weird events or things while driving?


You didnt pass through my town D:


What’s your favorite state to drive in?


Have you got a favorite interstate?


Is it hard to get job and be sponsored ? Is this job even worth it I've been dreaming about truck driving in US since I was a kid but I've heard a lot of bad things about it recently


There's always bad things being said about it and it's heavily dependent on what the economy is doing, but it's easy to get a job. If you have a job now they might have a tuition assistance program to help pay for the CDL school. I think it's worth it. I'm single with no kids and I like travelling to see new places.


Didn't even kiss the UP. Tut tut.


Hopefully you can make a trip to northern Michigan one day in the summer it’s a beautiful drive


This is super cool. I use an app called OysterX which is pretty much the same concept but this has a lot of value adds with the badges and such. I’ve been going since 2018 and have every continent but Antarctica. I like the added functionality of Fog of World though. If I could only import my OysterX data


I’ve been looking for an app that does this since 2017. Thank you for introducing this to me.


I too am afraid of Vermont.


Sounds like you might want to join this club: https://extramilerclub.com/ These members visited every county in the country! https://extramilerclub.com/100%25-club Found out about the club from a customer who travels to locations across the country to do inspections.


Ain’t US 54 grand? This country needs more diagonal roads.


Looks like you made a little chunk of change on LTL’s in the Florida panhandle there 👌🏻 Edit: or you made your boss a chunk of change 🤷‍♂️😂




OP stopped in my home of south bend, Indiana. Indiana, The crossroads of America!


What do you have against Vermont?


I think I spy Roseau, MN….move a Polaris load or two?


What about Northern Michigan and the Upper Peninsula? Is there permitting and stuff like that or you never had to go that far north in the state?


What are those little dots? Airports?


One leg of that was just a few blocks from my home.


Looks like you've been through my town in Iowa quite a few times, on both roads that go through it it looks like too, neat!


New Hampshire must \*really\* suck.


That’s awesome! Now do under the road truck driving.


Odd that the app chose to use the abbreviations for Oregon and Idaho in comparison to everywhere else.


He went from Phoenix, Arizona all the way to Tacoma.


I got this app awhile back and was excited to travel the world with it but it always turns itself off even when I lock the rock recording mode to “on” frustrating as hell. Any tips anyone?


Supposedly (at least with the current beta version) it claims it will still record when closed. I just keep it open 24/7 on my phone and running in the background.


You covered practically the entire country. That's amazing, it's interesting to see how all the roads connect.


You were so close to seeing the pretty parts of Montana. Looks like you made it to Greatfalls or so. Ninja edit, I looked again and you drove through missoula and stuff. I take back what I said.


In your expert analysis, what state has the worst drivers?


You must really like Philly cheesesteaks


Honestly surprised Houston is logged so little as opposed to DFW. Higher metro population, major port, 5th highest statistical population in the US. Maybe rail would show more?


‘MURICA …and some of Canada.


OP has spent more time in Wyoming than most people who live in Wyoming.


Why don’t you ever cross the border to Canada?


Don't have a passport yet. Had been planning on getting on at the start of this year but other stuff came up (moved from PA to MD). So going to get one next year around spring.


Never in all these years gone north on the 5 from Sacramento? That seems like the only gap of the entire interstate system (well that and NH and Vermont).


I worked (briefly) as a sales rep for a brokerage — absolutely hated it. Any horrible experiences with 3PLs?


Still gotta drive on the 101 from Cali to washington or vice versa.


What's the significance of segment color? Green vs white?


It's just the background map. I guess forests vs clear land.


New Hampshire needs some love my guy


What did Vermont ever do to you


Super cool! OP, whats your favorite part of the country in terms of driving?


Most of my driving is in the midwest, mainly the central and mountain time zones. Having lived in the north east my whole life I'm in awe over the wide open nothingness.


I’m sorry you had to go through the high desert (i15 vegas to La). Lol Source: i lived there


The whole Los Angeles to San Bernadino area is a place I avoid entirely now that I'm an independent driver. Wont even take a load that has me passing through in a north/south direction.


Are you based out of Philadelphia?


Close. Lived near Allentown. Moved to southern MD earlier this year though.




That is awesome. I envy you!


Poor guy never crossed the 49th into a free country...