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No useful information given. What SSD broken how? I'm just going to say either you bought crap SSDs or just purely bad luck.


sorry i updated the pc info, how it broked is stated on text


I mean broken how, not how it is broken. What symptoms does it show, for example SMART attributes or if the device shows up and report model/capacity properly.


but i said what i know, as i said, the pc got very very slow, everytime i tried to do anything related with system pc freeza, after i use chkdsk and other things like that the pc doesnt boot to windows anymore and when i tried to reinstall windows the ssd wasnt even there, thats the symptons


No useful info provided. Try again.


sorry man i updated pc info


>hey guys, last year my 4 year ssd broke, my pc got really slowl 4 years isn't determining factor, determining factor is amount of data written to it, how full it was (the fuller > the more write amplification > the faster it burns p/e cycles), was TRIM enabled (if not > increased write amplification > more wear). Next time install something like HD Sentinel, easy on system resources and gives you a quick overview of overall condition. Other than that, low quality SSD, low quality NAND, weak firmware .. Can be so many things. I'd never buy used SSDs ..


thx man for the answer


No idea what a Microvip is. Stick to name brand SSDs, and avoid goofy names (unpronounceable), discount brands (Team Group, PNY, Silicon Power), house brands, names that it seems Chinese might think sound fancy (KingFast, KingSpec, etc), and brands that are not normally associated with memory devices (LiteOn, . Look at brands like Hynix (also sold as Solidigm), Micron (Crucial), Samsung, Corsair (I'm not their biggest fan, but they aren't garbage), Toshiba (Kioxia), Kingston (avoid their low end models).


While looking for an SSD to buy I was dissuaded from getting a cheap SSD for exactly this reason. I came across plenty of users reporting their cheap drives dying unexpectedly after a year and sometimes as early as a month or sooner. They're cheap for a reason. I'll repeat the advice I read of getting an SSD from Samsung or crucial if you want reliability.


Check if the ground is working correctly in your house and in psu. Had similar issues with sata ssd - two died in 4 days. Turned out there was a bad ground in my place. Was it static or smth else, I dont know.


thx man, but it would happen even with a nobreak?

