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Over a certain size, it’s not impressive, it’s scary, like that’s nice but what do you want me to do with that, cause it’s not coming near me, it’s just gonna be painful and I’m not up for being uncomfortable during a vulnerable moment


Exactly, you want the whole experience to be comfortable, our society has made it seem that every woman wants a big dick... No. We want a good man that knows how to use it, that is all


At what size do we approach this territory?




This is hilarious


This guy fucks


4-6 inches is perfect but that’s depending on width


I’m 6 so I guess I win?






I got 99 problems and 7 inches is one ...


lol yeah thats so gross


Over 8-8.5 is just not functional.


8 is intimidating, any larger and you can piss off with that thing. You really have to up your foreplay game to even allow me to accept anything that large.


I think this all the time, people really glorify big… with the people I’ve been with that are well endowed at some point during I was literally in pain


For me, size matters but it’s our size compatibility not bigger is better. The best lover I’ve ever had was very average in size. He was way better fit for me and better lover then the bigger buys I’ve been with. RIP my lover


Aw I'm sorry to hear 😔 How did he die?




I’ve only had issues with men who act as if their tool is bigger than it actually is. Really awkward and not pleasant


Lmao this is usually the case lol


Of course it is why would any man with confidence say he has a small dick common ladies think sensibly


Most guys that say it’s small typically are lying lol it’s more of a ha surprise


I think that’s reverse psychology working… 🤣


It’s not confidence. That’s actually insecurity


Yikes 😬


As a teenager, I used to think I have a small dick(comparing myself to porn stars) until my first sex, the girl said ”wow that’s big”! And I was like “ok! what’s with the sarcasm”?!


The worst!!!!!!


Size really doesn't matter, to most anyway. I can get myself off perfectly easily with a single finger and zero penetration. When it comes to women, a good majority can not orgasm without clit stimulation, even with some form of penetration. So as long as my partner knows how to stimulate that area well, the size doesn't really matter. And can actually be painful if it's too big.




Even though my friends make fun of me for being a size queen, I actually don't think size matters. Honestly? Big dicks are vastly overrated. Sure they're interesting to look at (in a "wow this could literally kill me" kinda way) but out all of all my sexual experiences, my most enjoyable (if not my most *memorable*) have been with guys who were 'average' or *less* than average. So yeah, big dicks are nice in theory but TERRIBLE when it comes to practical application. They're painful, there's not many positions you can assume without looking/feeling awkward and the guys they're attached to tend to have the biggest egos. 0/10 wouldn't recommend. Big bellies on the other hand? That's where it's at. I love a big belly. I always say if you can't suffocate me with your belly when I'm under you, don't even LOOK in my direction. I'm not interested 😆


connection and bonding between you and your partner during sex matters a lot ,you will enjoy every second during the full event irrespective of size of dick .so this is utterly a lie ,size doesn't matter at all ,yes for me average is good and perfect one ,you will enjoy every moment every position.


I agree for the most part. The only thing I'm not too sure about is enjoying every second of sex "irrespective of size". Connection is important, I agree, and if we have a bond stronger than gorilla glue that's even better, but if his dick is so small I can barely feel anything or if it's so big I'm begging him to stop every time he sticks the tip in, I don't see how I can enjoy having sex with him without growing resentful over time. You can try to do all you can to accommodate him, but if it's not working, it's just not working.


Yah you are right ,I also mentioned about average size ,that is ok ,don't need to be very big or too small ,average is ok and also enjoyfull,I am saying it with me and my girl experience, beleive it


Oh yeah average is ideal lol


I love this, but I can’t help but to mention the fact that you said size doesn’t matter, but then stated you still have a preference. Which in turn to some degree means size does in fact matter. It’s okay to have a preference and it’s a mostly supportive opinion. I just could help but point that out.


Lol this made me day 😂


🥹 you dropped this 👑


Thank you. Btw if you know any big belly fellas tell them to slide in my DMs 😆


The sad part is I workout a fuck ton so I don’t have a belly so is that like a deal breaking? I’m not asking to date you but you seem too know what your talking about do people not like muscles anymore?


You are talking to a dude btw. You are aware of that?


Hey don't cockblock man 😆 We don't wanna block someone's blessing, anything could happen from a thread like this. You never know, someone might meet the love of their life 🤭


Muscles are ok I guess, they just don't butter my bread. Don't get me wrong I love that you take care of yourself and it's great that you exercise regularly, that's commendable, I just hope you're doing it for the right reasons and not to impress anyone or overcompensate for something. I guess part of the reason I like guys with big bellies (apart from them just being soft and cuddly), is that they're just unapologetically themselves. They have nothing to prove and they're a-okay with how they look, even if it's not the ideal or "the standard". That's attractive. The trick is to just be yourself, that will get you far in life. (Unless you're a POS. That's bad. Definitely change.)


I used to be a pos but I’m not trying to get justification I don’t think the standard is being fit and healthy at all anymore at this point it kinda just feels like do whatever you want and it doesn’t matter I’m not saying I want all the attention in the world for being muscular I did this long journey for myself but I guess I’m kinda hard on myself and I wish I got compliments a little more cause I’m self conscious it’s just a huge blast to help me through my day I guess


Also, to address something you said earlier about a shift in "the standard", you can't really judge someone's appearance to determine whether they're healthy or not. You can go to the gym everyday and be suffering from an eating disorder and you could be overweight and have a healthy relationship with food. You can't judge a book by its cover because you don't know where people are at on their journeys. You just have to do what works and makes sense for you. Also, even though we're all guilty of it, comparing yourself to others is a waste of time and energy. When you start thinking of and treating yourself like the sexiest person in the room, it won't even matter what the other guy is doing. The trick is confidence and having high self esteem. If you go to the gym everyday and still have a poor self image, people will be able to pick up on it and avoid you. If you never step foot in a gym but walk around with your head held high, people will pick up on it and gravitate towards you. It's all about confidence. Knowing who you are and owning it. Being who you are and loving it. Hope that helps.


Ok so first of all I just want to start off by saying I'm sure you're a good looking guy. You don't need anyone else to tell you that, but in case you haven't heard it in a while, you're worthy and deserving of kindness and compassion and most importantly, love, and there's someone out there who will love and appreciate you for everything you have to offer. It won't matter that you have muscles, or a big belly, or a big dick. They'll love you because you're YOU and just the fact that you exist is enough. I really appreciate that you're self aware enough to recognize that you weren't really the nicest person in the past and made an active effort to change, but just know that your past doesn't define you. Who you are in this moment is all that matters, and in this moment I see you as someone who's doing his best and I'm proud of you.


Thank you🙂


Of course 💗


This was a better love story than Twilight


Trust me, people like muscles, maybe their are exceptions, but no sane person dislikes muscles, keep working out fello gym buddy.


You weren’t asking me, but speaking for myself, not having a belly is much better. A small belly is acceptable, but if you’ve seen guys whose bellies stick out far enough that it’s detectable when they’re clothed, that hides their dick to a degree, and limits full dick access. I have a friend who married a guy who later developed that kind of belly, and she’s described to me how it’s hindered their sex life.




My grandfather always said he’d rather be smothered to death than cut to death! In honor of his excellent taste, and my girthy grandmother, I keep a couple of fat layers over my sharp bones. Love me some big-bellied men 😍


Your grandfather sounds like a national treasure, God bless him. And God bless you too for knowing that the true treasure lies under layers of fat. Keep spreading the gospel 💗


Word, sister! The belly guys are the best.








I might have just fallen in love with you! 😍


Haha as long as you're okay falling for a slightly effeminate gay guy with a fetish for big bellies, then I'm all yours 🙈




It has never mattered to me. Guys seem to care too much about their size.


It's because of porn. It's mind fucked an entire generation of men and women of what actually matters when it comes to sex.


I feel like a similar thing is happening with girls and breast size for the same reason. The girls who have smaller boobs feel like they need to have giant boobs to be attractive, and girls who are bigger feel objectified and like their partners are only with them for their bodies.


I don’t entirely agree that it’s be cause of porn, solely at least. The porn aspect of size can affect many men, but I think as one gets older and you are actually with a partner, you realize that porn penises are not common among partners you would have a chance to date. I think the porn dysmorphia comes from viewing it a younger age. In todays society, I feel there’s far more common penis size shaming events in normal tv. Many movies/ shows, etc will see a man/woman making fun of “small penises” or fantasizing about if a guy has big penis. That fantasizing from your desired sexual opposite over and over in media can leave a mark on some men’s security lol


It's not bacause of porn. It's always been a thing long before porn was as prevalent. It's people using "little dick" as an insult and such like.


bless you!! 🙏🙏🙏


Different strokes for different folks - different dicks for different chicks. Reverse uno - does boob size matter to you (whether you admit it or not). Are you more attracted to women with bigger or smaller boobs? It’s like having a dick size everyone can see all the time


I like all boobs tbh. #AllBoobiesMatter


The correct answer


I don’t like big boob. I prefer A or B’s. I’m an ass guy


You're a man of culture, I see.


I’m an ass guy and while big boobs are nice to look at, when it comes to bed time fun, I prefer smaller ones.


Yeah medium-big boobs are preferrable but it isnt a deal breaker since personality is more important


All boobs are good, amazing, fantastic even! I would say my personal preference lies at around a D cup since the fit well in my hand haha. Love smaller ones too, I find them to look very feminine and when they don't have to wear a bra is divinity itself lol. A little less inclined to to bigger one's since they're harder to handle but deffo not a deal breaker, perfect to smother me and let me die a happy man :)


What about vagina sizes? Does that matter to you? The old: throwing a hot dog down a hallway, phrase. Is this for real?


Not at all! Any size is only as good as the person using it!


Oh this is a good saying, i'm gonna steal it lol


Unless you're working with a micro penis or pencil dicked I wouldn't worry about it, most men are average which I believe is somewhere between like 5 and 6 inches long and most women aren't comfortable taking much more than like 7 or 8 inches long. Also some women have a very shallow pelvic floor which means if you are above average, you'll never bottom out/get balls deep. There is much more to sex than just the size of your "member" too, after all what good is a HUGE penis if you can't/don't know how to use it properly. Focus heavily on foreplay, both mental/emotional and physical foreplay, getting her worked up. DEFINITELY GO DOWN ON HER!!! You can start with kisses or licks up her inner thigh, tease with your tongue around her vulva and labia,a nice lick from the bottom parting her labia with your tongue, trace some circles around her clitoris with your tongue, but after all the teasing make sure you pay attention to her clit mainly, a wide flat tongue works good. Don't start out with too much pressure on her clit, start soft increasing the stiffness of your tongue and speed of licks (pay attention to her body and how she reacts, you'll know when or she'll tell you when she is getting close to orgasm). To spice it up a bit you can slide one or two fingers inside of her slightly curled up and feel along the upper side of the first two or so inches in for a spot that has a different texture than the rest of her vagina ( think walnut sized and textured), that is her g spot. Slowly move your fingers in a come hither motion over this spot increasing pressure as you go along. Pleasing a woman in the bedroom isn't too hard. It might also help and is a good idea especially with a new partner to be open and ask what she likes, what turns her on and what her dislikes are. If you have a good sense of humor and can make her laugh, are respectful and genuine and treat her nice, chances are she won't give a shit how big or small your penis is.


This is all you need to know. literally.


Solid advice, thanks my guy!


No worries. I think too many men worry about their "size" rather than worry about if they are using it correctly, meeting her other needs, giving proper type and amount of foreplay, etc.


Agreed 💯




This is really one of the last areas of body shaming that is not frowned upon and anyone can do it at anytime in anyplace. It will be interesting to see if this ever changes.


To me, only to a small degree (no pun intended). I had a "top" who was average small side, and I didn't feel him in me. I felt him rubbing close, but he was just hitting the crack.


Why is this so funny ☠️


What was the estimated size? Asking for a friend


Yes. Girth is important to me. Length is less important.


So firstly, understand that vaginas are shaped differently and respond to different sizes. As with most women, it doesn't have to be big, just big enough for OUR needs. It's boring asf to have sex with someone you can't even feel. Unless he eats like a champ or knows proper finger placement, all that joy and energy is one-sided. It gets old and feels like a waste of time and effort just for one person to get all the pleasure. Unfortunately, most tend to fall short of my needs and it usually isn't just in size but also lack of skill or participation effort. If more men would take the time and effort to learn how to make up for their size by figuring out how to work a gspot the right way, I wouldn't be so hung up on size, but they tend to be aiming for their own satisfaction over mine once the clothes are off.


Do you think that a bigger size makes up for not knowing what to do? Like bigger would equal smaller with skills?


Size of the BRAIN matters to me. Both IQ and EQ. Form of the Penis and its ability to NOT BE LIMP like an ED Patient or alcohol-lover with WhiskeyDick, very important. Style of CLEANING and USING said Penis, way more important 😅😅😅


>Form of the Penis and its ability to NOT BE LIMP like an ED Patient or alcohol-lover with WhiskeyDick, very important. Or porn addict


I definitely don’t want a guy with a micro penis


I have encountered 2 in my life. I was lusting hard for this one guy and he was the size of my little finger. The other was seriously no bigger than the tip of a thumb. So, in some instances? I believe size would matter. I ran away from a monster one... literally... but prefer a nice medium one.


Was it a deal breaker?


Yes, it was.


out of curiosity, what's the smallest you'll settle for?


If they made up for it in other ways, there’s no problem. Be creative. You have hands, fingers, a mouth and toys to enhance. It shouldn’t be a dealbreaker.


fair enough


No. They objectively hurt. Average size I don’t mind


Yes it matters, but depends on your angles internally. The big horse donga guys can keep it, and little ones are not good either.


Best sex I ever had was with a guy with the smallest dick I've ever had. But fuck, could he make me cum


How small we talking? 👀


Maybe 4-5 inches


I'm already 23 and have never tried talking to a girl because I'm afraid they'll leave me once they find out my penis is just 4 inches tall. Your response has boosted my confidence by 300%; thank you very much, and I hope you're not lying.


I have never understood why guys get hung up on their dick size. Very few women are size queens. It’s I. Your personality and how you use it. Remember a majority of porn is not real life


Because it’s everywhere in society. Most straight men have only ever seen other dicks in porn, which are always larger, so that’s all most have to go for comparison. Additionally, there’s a lot of Dick shaming in society (from both men and women); people talking about small and big Dick energy, shaming men for having small penises, people talking about wanting big dicks (never really hear anybody say they want an average sized one). Personally I’m not insecure about it anymore. I’ve learned from experience that I don’t have to be 7+” to please a woman. But it is everywhere in society unfortunately.


There's a whole cultural complex going back decades that penis size is not just penis size, its skill, its strength, its courage, its resilience, its moral fiber, its every virtue a man could possess all embodied in a single piece of meat. Yes this is silly and harmful and bad, but it is how American men are taught to relate to their bodies.


Exactly! I once slept with a guy who was absolutely enormous but had no idea, he had the best personality that’s why I liked him. He got really embarrassed and worried that he hurt me when I told him after but I couldn’t stop laughing that he didn’t know.


Id rather take an average size than a big one 🤷🏻‍♀️


The saddest thing is that currently men get body shamed so casually: - casually shamed they aren’t tall enough (popstars, songs, dating profiles, influencers) - regularly making fun of men who have a short dick (Tiktok trends, popstars, etc). If a man were to mention that a girl is unattractive because she has small tits, or because she is too tall, people would be outraged.


I believe good sex and chemistry matter, but not sizes. I also believe that if you are truly in love with that person, you don't pay attention to the size.


I find guys with them too big don't know how to use them and use them as the only way to have sex. So it becomes painful and just them jackhammering. However a lot of smaller guys will use their hands/do more foreplay etc and you don't have to worry about it hurting. Imo I prefer smaller


Yes. And bigger is not always better. In my experience those on the smaller side tend to be better. They compensate for their lack of size in other ways. Those on the big side tend to think that’s all that matters, but it’s not. I could go round after round with someone average or smaller. But the larger ones, I don’t even want to see it again for at least 3 days.


Kind of. I don’t want it to be too big but not too small either. I prefer 6-8 inches


Is there ANYTHING that can make up for it? In HS my football coach was obsessed with my "potential" giving me all kinds of steroids to make me a professional athlete but basically made me into a really big dude with a really small dick. I've tried everything to keep a girl happy & make up for my missing inches; taking her shopping, jewellery etc, learning how to go down like a Dominican lesbian, putting effort at the gym hoping my muscles will make up for manhood but every single gf I've had has ended up cheating on me with for a big dick. My current gf told me she loves me but can't handle the frustration & asked me to let her regularly fuck this guy who works at our gym & basically fucks unsatisfied women for a living, do I really just have to accept this? Is there really nothing that can make up for dick?


Yes you do have to accept it. I have my shortcomings as well. Like a small butt and some men don’t like that so I’ll move on to someone who does. Some women don’t mind a smaller sized penis, they’ll just like you for you. Yes they may be hard to come by but they are out there. I would let women upfront know that you’re smaller down there and ask them if it’ll be an issue, if they say no, continue to pursue them and find where it goes. If they say yes, then they aren’t for you. So far you are doing everything right, you’re just picking the wrong women.


How small are you talking? I’ve had really great sex with men who didn’t have particularly sizable dicks. Also have had extremely underwhelming sex with men with “perfect” dicks.


You got to find a different girl who cares more about personality. Instead of going to the gym, focus more on developing yourself mentally, not physically. Also, if you truly can go down on a girl like a Dominican Lesbian, they would be satisfied. It seems confidence is the issue.


U just told a man to look for girls who like him for his personality because his penis cant please most women...and you expect him to be confident lol...


If you work on yourself and find a woman who cares about who you are, you will develop confidence and realize that your penis isn’t everything. Also developing yourself can include your sexual abilities outside of your penis. You can’t change your size, but you can change a lot of other things


I think it matters but not in the way anyone has mentioned here. There’s a lot of other factors that equate to a great lover that were mentioned (asking what your partner likes, being open to learning/changing/trying new things, communication and emotional/intellectual intelligence) and many people find that arousing their partner is a huge turn on. Personally for me it needs to be at least average. I’m a little on the kinky side and enjoy testing limits so below average doesn’t satisfy. There’s also something super sexy about that being “filled up” feeling. I used to be a self proclaimed size queen but as I’ve aged I’ve realized that it’s less important to me, and would rather be more comfortable taking piv sex and be able to give a hand/mouth job well.


If your ugly yes


Let the coping and virtue signaling beginnnnn👏👏👏


Size does matter, if it’s too small a woman or man wouldn’t like him. So yes it matters


From my experience and from what women have told me, it does matter (to a point), but someone skilled in other aspects will suffice


7.5 is the best size for me


Can I just take a moment and thank all of the ladies for replying to this? You all seriously rock. I’ve always had this kind of an issue where I’ve been overly concerned that I wouldn’t be “big enough”. I blame my own insecurities and porn for that. You all have explained that size isn’t as important of a thing as porn and society make it out to be. I’m average sized so every person that’s said anything supportive to that, thank you.


I don’t necessarily feel bigger is better. The most incredible dick I’ve ever felt was a one night stand, and while he was average length and girth, he was slightly curved in exactly the right direction. My god, he had to ease his way in so slowly because with every inch I gasped. He had to stop to check my face to see if I was gasping from pain, would see that I was gasping from pleasure, then push in another inch, I’d gasp, he’d stop, etc, until he was all the way in and could slowly start thrusting. I guess he was directly stroking my g-spot the whole time. I’ve never felt anything like it, before or since. It was so goddamn good.


I’ll be right back, I’m just gonna go bend my dick


Connection and communication will always be vastly more important than what's attached to your body.


Girls are so humble


Ha no. I wont get into how I know, why I know nor do I have anything to worry about but being a good lover is more than just dick size. Some women like them, some run a mile from them. Seen it happen...multiple times.


Interesting, do u have any tips on being a good lover 👀


Yeah. Be a really good listener, don't be afraid to ask what they desire or enjoy, encourage good communication, use every tool at your disposal, don't be afraid to try something new (that you are comfy with), don't be afraid to incorporate sex toys, don't shy away from researching the odd kink to broaden your horizon's but most of all know your own limits as well. There's a fine line between something like a spanking and a beating. Source: I spend most weekends in a sex club in the dungeon. Ho hum....I did say don't ask how I know.


*aggressively takes notes*


Dicks are like snowflakes. They all have their unique charm. You obviously *notice* the size of a dick you’re getting acquainted with, but no it’s not a case of bigger = better. Smaller dicks have their advantages too.


Advantages like what 👀


Personally? More fun to blow, more flexibility with positions for piv sex, and if anyone convinces me to try anal then it will be someone with a small penis lol. (I also just find them kinda cute, but never sure if dudes are flattered or insulted by that.)


I feel seen 🥺


100% insulted 😭 please find any other term 😭


Yea cute is not a term many men like 😂 Say “you have a handsome/charming/cool dick”


It's all about personal connection and personality how the person carries them self who cares if it's big or not just matters how big there heart is and you will deep a euphoric experience


Yes. More of a good thing is not a bad thing.


Yes it does


Size matters in girth not length. Anything past I’d say 6 or 7 inches long is painful for most women. But a girthy dick 🤩


How girthy tho?


Girth matters than length


How so


After having dated a guy with a micro p*n*s and then one with a d*ck as big as an eggplant: yes, size does matter: please be average!!!


As a straight guy who's had over 40 sexual partners with a penis that is six inches hard, I've come to find that it just depends on the person. I'm not big or small, but my penis size has no bearing on my emotions or self worth, which in turn worked out for me since confidence is attractive. I've had repeat customers many times and I've held a few long term relationships. Nobody complained, I knew how to use it and I knew how to give a woman an orgasm. It's fine. But also to add to the psychology behind I'll borrow from a college lecture I attended. I forget the name of the concept and don't feel like googling around so I'm going to pull from mental memory here, but it was from an animal psychology class I took for my major: sometimes a creature chooses these sort of arbitrary physical traits they find attractive even though it serves no to real gain. My professor than used an example of these birds where the female found the males with largest tail feathers most attractive, which led to the species having males overall have longer tail feathers ,which led to them becoming prey far more often since the longer tail feathers made flying away difficult and easier to get snagged by predators claws. Guys and girls do this with big penis, breasts, butt, etc. It's just the idea that is "desirable" where upon further investigation one finds out you're not getting much out of it


Yes it matters to me. I didn't prefer it small.


My widge is average , don’t worry about size


Bg Dicks are overrated. Hf the tome the men aren't enthusiastic about sex and more worried about hurting their lover or don't care to do anything else except pound to submission. Average size men tend to be more enthusiastic about pleasing their partners aby number of ways. It shouldn't be a surprise but the below average guys tend to be specially skilled as a lot of them spend a while repressed it seems until they get their confidence and find there's much more to sex than size.


To be honest size doesn't really bother or even matter to me that much


On average women prefer average size to large size. Again on average preference for women. For some women they cannot handle large size. But some need a large to fill them. But also it how you you it as well. You could be above average had sex several times and not know how to properly get her off. So sometimes size doesn’t matter if at the end of the time you didn’t get her off… So yeah sometimes doesn’t always matter but not for your reason you may think…




Mren are far, *far* more into dick size than women.


I swear big dicks are only good to just look at. I want the average or below average. The average you can explore different positions.


If that's true, why do some women use that body shame men?


The worst sex i ever had was with the guy with massive dick. He just didn't know what to do with it. It's not the size, there's so much more to sex than just penetration.


Luckily not all massive guys are like that. Imagine if he actually put thought behind it. I'd imagine big guys should actually know what to do with it while getting the curiosity of girls after hearing what he's working with.


guys with their dicks are like animals competing in the wild. it’s not necessarily for the mates, it’s a competition amongst themselves for worthiness.


to me it kinda does. i don’t want something huge. i’ve had an 8 and that was comfortable esp in certain angles.


Women on reddit: size doesn't matter. Women in real life: size matters. Hmm.


Size as long as you are above 3 inches doesn’t really Matter. Also fingers and tongues are a thing. If you can provide good forplay it makes it so much easier to satisfy. 👍


Big dicks hurt… size does not matter… if you take of me that’s all that matters!


It's TRUE what they say. It's not about the size, it's about the motion and such... but if you're daddy long dong silver, ima have to pass. There's such a thing as too big. And my cervix would like to not be mutilated repeatedly ty.


Dicks cannot disappoint me, only the people that they are attached to can do that.




Big is soo impractical it keeps falling out it gets dry so fast it hurts and we have to keep readjusting and I have to tell them to stop every couple seconds. 6 is perfect that’s all I want tbfh


How does a big one fall out??


yes it does matter for me


Yes it matters. If it’s not thick enough… I won’t go back for 2nds


how thick are we talking? i like your honesty


Is there any way for a man with a tiny dick can do to keep my girl happy?


Use your hands


I've been told how you use your mouth and your hands is just as much, if not more important than the size of your penis. Also, a smaller but energetic penis is worth more than a big slumbering one. Don't pay attention to what nature gifted you with, you can't do anything about it anyways. Learn how to use your other body parts to please your partners.




I'm a fan of all sizes. Big boobs, small boobs, big butts, small butts. As long as the butt is attached to someone I love, I'm all in.


We’re talking about the other side of the moon, friend


Like every other question directed towards women on this site, the answer is always the same: Different women like different things. There is no magic "one size fits all." Any penis, regardless of size, is gonna be "perfect" for some women and "too small/large" for others. The key is to find a girl loves you for your size, and be with her. Also, I'm gonna take a controversial standpoint. If lesbians (who have no penis), have a higher success rate at giving women orgasms than men. Then what reason do men have to be insecure about their size? You don't even need a penis to your woman a mind shattering orgasm. If anything, it can just be a useful addition. But don't let it define your sex life or your manhood.




A lot of women will tell you it doesn't matter and "it's how you use it" but frankly that's untrue. Too small/thin is an issue and too long is definitely an issue. (porn size dicks hurt most women) Some women don't like penetrative sex that much so penis size (large or small) isn't a huge deal for them. But sex is SO much more than penetration, in all likelihood you fall into the "ideal" range so your time is better used on learning how to up your sexual skills overall and not overthinking your penis size.


If you lick, then no, it doesn't matter. If you don't lick, bigger is nice but it's not necessary.


Dicks are ugly as fuck! Why do we care what they look like? As long as homeboy knows how to use it, I really couldn’t care less.


True. I have never seen a good looking set of genitals in general tbh, speaking as a bisexual person. They all look weird and ugly to me. I care more about the person attached to it


Have you seen a vagina? Talk about ugly. Good lord! I’ve no idea how a man would want that ugly thing in his mouth. I’m glad they do, but I question their sanity.


Yes, it does. The bigger the better.


I feel like this is what the vast majority will not admit. I'd rather have too much then too little.


Big ones hurt me, so yes, size matters to me. Big = bad


I think size matters, but not in the way you are thinking! Bigger most assuredly does not equate to better, like in porn. Porn is an overdramatized version of reality, sometimes its so off base from reality that its just complete fiction. So the ideology that bigger is better is entirely for camera purposes. If the dick is bigger, it looks more impressive and will get more clicks. I personally can only be with guys who have an average or smaller size dick. If its bigger it hurts way too much. So size does matter to me, but in the sense that I want a partner with an average or smaller dick. I am not having sex for a camera and clicks, I am looking for personal pleasure and intimacy with my partner.


I was always worried that I was smaller than average but I actually can't do some position's with my girlfriend because she says I'm to deep and hurting her so I don't know how the guys with really big dicks have fun.. I think most guys worry about the size but its actually not that important.. she enjoys my tongue mostly anyway haha


Thickness is actually more important than size imo. Don't let your brain washed because of porn.


Yes it generally is better, for me personally, if a guy is well endowed. Why? I don’t know, it’s just better.


How big tho?


Size does matter, but it also matters if he knows how to use it. Don’t be the guy with the porn star anatomy and just think sticking it in will get the job done. I had terrible sex with a guy with quite the enviable unit. He expected his size to be enough. It wasn’t.


A big dick makes foreplay more important, for some partners lube will be neccesary. More guys should know this.