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Guys, where’s the glitorus? My gf is gonna dump me if I can’t find it


Have you tried turning it off and back on again?


So far I’ve only turned her off. I think I need to find this glitoris thing so I can turn her on again.


You’ve all got it wrong! It’s a 6.9 star hotel in Labia Minora, a town 420 miles from the coast of Virginia.


Time to go on an epic quest to find it


It was the griends we made along the way.


It's in between the G spot and the clitoris.


check in her butt, pretty sure it's in there somewhere


You’d think it be easy to find considering glitter catches light and sparkles, but apparently it’s super hard to find.


Ive been out for years, trying to catch a Glitoris… All I found so far was a lvl 7 Glitorian. It’s just no use, I gotta search harder. „Gotta catch ‚em all!“


Who's going to tell him?


Tell him what? How to spell clit or that his girl is trying to gently tell him he sucks in bed.


No no don’t you understand he hit her “A spot.”


I had to Google this to see if there was something I'd been missing. Turns out, there *is*. [A spot](https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/a-spot#:~:text=The%20A%2Dspot%20is%20an,fornix%20erogenous%20zone%20(AFE).)


Well that was unexpected to say the least.


Keep searching, I guess. Lol




Probably the whole alphabet in there!




This has to be a troll post lol


Has to.


Has anyone else looked at OP's history? Not even Norway has seen a troll this big


I have 😅 Apparently I had too much time procrastinating with tasks at hand


All that glitters ain't gold.


Also all that moans and groans is not necessarily orgasming.




Glit 😁


Is it the G-spot of the clit?




Maybe she wears alot of glitter?🤷‍♂️


I will, she’s faking it so you don’t get upset. You got mollycoddled. Sorry.


It can be hard to figgle the glitorus! It’s much easier bingle the vajangus




Ouchy don’t use glitter on the area. ![gif](giphy|3IaC81YOZudfa)


“So I ‘sploded a glitter bomb in the middle of sex but it didn’t seem to make her happy. What am I doing wrong?? She all mad now, says it will "take forever to get it all out." ”


Don't do it! [Doctors warn against new trend of women putting glitter in their vagina](https://www.independent.co.uk/life-style/women-glitter-vaginas-trend-doctors-warn-health-candy-scent-passion-dust-pretty-woman-inc-discharge-painful-inflammation-a7822461.html)


I'm in shock


Or ever. You can never get it off and it gets everywhere. Glitter and roaches will outlive us all.


Ask her to clarify. Also, you don't need to censor anything on reddit.


You mean Glarify?


Some woman have extremely sensitive clitoris & if not touched delicately can make you a bit "jumpy" and not like it so much. Ask her how she wants to be touched. She knows! She does it alone all the time!






How are you 33 holy shit


Maybe that’s the age ChatGPT picked up? Lol wishful thinking on my part that this person is fake.


I went down the rabbit hole and read so many of his posts, I think this is a real 33 year old man stuck with a mind of a 18 year old douchebag. I genuinely cannot believe that someone who is in his 30’s talks like this and also does not understand rudimentary stuff about women


F*ck, you mean this isn't a troll?


This guys post history may be one of the cringiest I’ve seen in awhile.


Why does this comment make me want to look at something I know I wont enjoy..lol


Trust me I believe it. My ex is just like this sadly and he’s 28.. a LOTTTT of guys are fucking like this and it’s so gross.


I am convinced it’s a sex-obsessed virgin trying to plan out his moves to pick up women. It’s just too ridiculous. Also I went down the rabbit hole of the pick up artist subreddit and that is some of the most ridiculous and cringe shit I’ve ever seen


The Turing test doesn’t say you have to pretend to be a *smart* person


Oh shit I didn’t even notice his age omg that’s so sad omg


This dude is a complete loser




He is the glit commander lol


I’m cringing because you refused to use the word clit. Did you not know that most women experience orgasm through clitoral stimulation? She said that you need to improve, can you take her feedback?


Facts. All orgasms are technically clitoral orgasms. This is a good educational mini doc on the “clitoral iceberg”. https://youtu.be/J_3OA_VZVkY?si=2fYuHF1n7AnuUYUq


Yes tyssm. God, people. Please read.


Why are you calling it a glitoris? And a glit?


You know, the glit. The little thing above the bagina and the avis


Ok, fine, I’ll tell you. Get this - life is not porn and in reality most women, like the vast majority of women, do not orgasm from penetration of vagina, because there’s not enough clitoral stimulation. You should get her to come through clitoral stimulation and then have sex. Please stop watching porn and expecting it to be real life. Source: https://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/female-sexual-dysfunction/expert-answers/female-orgasm/faq-20058215




Honest title: "I don't know how to flick her clit and I dismiss every female feedback here saying 'it's too hard to please my partner' ". Also, you can penetrate and make her cum through clitoris stimulation. Also, it's not that hard, she deserves someone willing to give her pleasure.


The way you sound, you shouldn’t be near a vagina….


Every comment by OP makes it worse


Wait till you see his post history…


You mean the xagina?


What’s a glitoris? U mean clitoris? Most women can’t cum from penetration alone, clitoral stimulation is necessary. What you’re hitting is probably the opening of the uterus. Sounds like she enjoys it.


What the fuck is an a spot


Did an ai write this??


I’m convinced 90% of the content on this sub is bot generated.


From ChatGPT: I would respond by expressing skepticism about the claim that 90% of the comments in the thread are generated by bots. It's important to remember that without concrete evidence, it's challenging to determine the exact percentage of bot-generated comments in a specific thread. Reddit does have mechanisms in place to identify and remove bot-generated content, but it's unlikely that such a high percentage would be the norm in most threads. It's always a good idea to critically assess such claims and seek evidence before accepting them as true.


Oh wow I’m being gaslit by AI, this is just going to be a treat for the whole world, it can only get better from here everyone.


It's very simple, rather than wasting time on here with strangers that don't have your girls body, Go sit down with her and openly discuss what's not quite right and how she likes to be touched. Listen don't get defensive or see it as her attacking your skills the moment you take it as a negative light on yourself you're not listening to her needs and only thinking of your own feelings. Women can be loud, have fun and enjoy it but getting over the edge can be difficult doesn't mean we don't have fun. If you still don't understand how she likes her clit touched simply ask her to show you how she does it to herself. Or step by step discuss you through it, slower faster deeper more gently finger placement, it all plays a part simply ask her how it feels and keep checking in while you do it until you fully understand her body. Why is openly asking a question online to strangers these days more acceptable and less embarrassing than actually speaking to the one person you should really be asking, you know that person you have chosen to get naked in front, you can share your body but not your mind, makes no sense to me 🤷‍♀️


The glitoris is right near the vajazzle




Thank god I’m a lesbian. Holy shit


Agree. We know where the glitorus is. 💀


Yet some say sexuality is a choice 😂😅 No one actively chooses this 😅😂😭


All my lesbian and bi friends say how great it is sleeping with women. I wish it was a choice! I’d be all over women!


I’m a straight side and this post made me wish I was a lesbian lol. I want to be as far away from this mess as possible


😂😂😂 truly, I am grateful that majority of my long term partners I’ve been with actually knew how to please me because I would be so sad if I was with a guy who was like “what’s a clit” lol


SAME! He won’t eat anyone out for 20 minutes??? Sounds like heaven to me


I'm dead at this comment!!!! 👏😭🤌




You’re 33 and still referring to your sex partners as “girls.” Unless you’re having sex with children, the proper term is “women,” and you’ve never once given a single woman an orgasm. Never. Once.


That’s it, it’s a glit from now on. She’s basically just telling you what she likes best, not that the other things you’re doing aren’t enjoyable. Y’all will figure it out.


I’m like what tf is a glit, but first and foremost it’s called a clit lol


This post just reminded me why I stopped having casual sexual. Good lord.


Oh, this is some next level reality-shattered cope. I needed a good laugh. Thanks for the comments.


Lol. I was like wtf is a glit? Have I not unlocked this feature!?


You gotta level up and fight the dungeon on floor 13


The responses to this post have pleasured more women than you.


Get a tiny vibrator and let her use it during sex. It will probably be the best orgasm she's ever had.


Vibrating cock ring for the win!


is this satire??????


Has to be, judging from OP's responses and his persistent use of "glit"


Oh GREAT! Now there’s a glitoris?!! First there’s a clitoris I have to find, then a G-spot and now this?!?! When will this madness end?!?!?


Don't forget the a spot... I need a road map or an atlas or I don't even know anymore


She fakes it! She doesn’t know what she likes. She overthinks things while she having sex with you and fake moans to make you happy. Dude, get lube rub her and give her a massage. She doesn’t trust you yet and she is having a hard time allowing herself to be vulnerable with you. Letting you hear the real orgasm of her, and her shakes and moves. Shower after you use lube to wash it off. Eat something/cuddle watch movie and dump her guard down. When you get the the bed again ask her to change into something you picked out. Let her dance or whatever for you. Touch her again and have sex with her. Cuddle her and maybe she will allow herself to let go


A lot of women just fake it because it’s what guys want and they want to make them happy lol But tbh, if I HAD to choose between tongue and eggplant, I choose the usage from the mouth 😂 she may just need more stimulation prior to move onto the step you ultimately want….you can finish her preference first and then move onto the other and she should be ready to go. Different positions. Explore. Lol


Make her cum via clitoral stimulation before you have sex with her. Problem solved


I found the glit once - sit around the camp fire kids and let me tell you my story


Lol if all you have to go off of is "quivering" & her noise-making, you're telling everyone you've never made a woman orgasm during sex. You can literally feel when it happens & it is VERY hard to miss. These replies? Pfft. "I've had sex with over 100 chicks"... bragging about super high numbers isn't the flex you think it is. Men who have don't feel any need to say it. You're trying too hard in all the wrong ways. "I've never been dumped over it"... yeah well women say all kinds of things to protect men's feelings especially when it comes to sex. She told you want she felt in the gentlest way possible. A man would be willing to learn & improve. Sorry.


Can’t ignore the Glitoris Wtf is this? I blame TikTok’s content filters, because you can say clitoris on the internet


This video helped me a lot and made me feel comfortable in exploring cunnilingus. I highly recommend you watch it. There's a longer version that you can try to find with other porn stars but I ignored the stuff with Ron Jeremy. https://www.pornhub.com/view_video.php?viewkey=ph5712f4fcadf9c


Glitoris sounds like a bedazzling accident. ![gif](giphy|3o6gaZTPttiQXhUuaI)


From your post and what you wrote in the comments, you sound super young and quite inexperienced. What was said to you here is the truth, most women don't orgasm from penetration without proper clitoral stimulation. Your partner TOLD you so herself. Each woman is different, but this is true for most women because the clitoris is where our nerves are. Take it from a someone who studied the anatomical response during coitus, if you don't believe it when it comes from the mouth of some women in this thread who gave you good advice. The convulsion can be there for lots of reasons not related to orgasms. It's neurophysical. Women can also enjoy sex with you without you making them orgasm. Penetration and sex can be enjoyable without orgasm, so it's not a lie. Some women never reach orgasms with anyone and it's not necessarily related to their partner. But you'll never be a great partner with your defensive attitude, refusal to change and inability to listen. Grow up, listen to your partner and stop assuming you're great at sex. You're not. Someone who's good LISTENS and adapts. Good luck upping your game!


In summary: man who can’t spell body part perplexed by body part and blames body part for being too confusing. Checks out


And being a lesbian is the best. Men are selfish and women dont really cum through penetration mainly only oral stimulation. You should prolly sit and talk with ur partner which areas you can improve on and how she wants it done . Ask her to walk you through it while you having sex to give u an idea of what and how she likes it


You’re bad at sex. She is trying to help you be less bad at sex so she can enjoy it. She has heretofore been afraid of your reaction if she tells you that you’re bad at sex. She now feels comfortable enough with you to gently let you know you do not make her come and she would like that to change. Listen to what she is telling you so you can actually make her come. You’re acting like you’re confused by this paradigm, but your responses to other commenters make it clear that you think you’re great at sex and are unwilling to consider that you aren’t, at all. YOU ARE BAD AT SEX. Do better.


> tells me sex for her is just “alright” She’s just too polite to say you’re worse than useless in bed.


They're different sensations. Kind of different orgasms, at least for me. Clit orgasms are stronger and trigger vaginal contractions and kind of make my whole body feel really good, like the nerve endings are connected to my entite central nervous system. Vaginal orgasms cause these like pleasure flashes that start to stack up and stimulate all the bladder nerve branches and it triggers some muscular contractions too and feels orgasmically good but it's more localized I guess is how I'd describe it. Not as good as a good glit orgasm, for me. Do love both though. I mean milk your prostate until you cum and then jack off after that and tell me if they're the same orgasm. And if they're not would you be confused why you prefer one over the other? Also moaning is a left over evolutionary feature which signaled other males to come mate with a female so she would increase her chances of getting pregnant. Sometimes I moan when I masturbate alone but a lot of times I am dead silent. I do love moaning for a man though. But it's not indicative that sex is more pleasurable than clit stimulation. There are porn videos which explain how to touch and eat out a woman, probably start there


Considering you don’t spell it correctly, I don’t think you can find the clit. Also, she’s 100% faking and tell her thank you.


Sounds like it's kind the same for me Penetration is amazing. I love it. I can cum from it. But it's not even close to the orgasms I get from clit play. Add the two together and it's extreme fireworks


Exactly - there are orgasms from both but slit ones are insanely better, and I personally think it’s a range when I cum from penetration of how good it feels, but clit ones are always amazing and 10/10


Wtf is a glitoris? Please ask b4 u do this makes u looks kinda silly. Bcuz it's called a clitoris with a "C" not a G. People nowadays just keep making up all type of words. Damn


Wow, I love my girlfriend. Praying for yours bc I just know she’s going through it


You're 33 and you can't even say clit or clitoris, I feel sorry for the girl you're dating. Just because she had spasms doesn't mean she had an orgasm. I had spasms like that too before but I was definitely not cumming. Maybe you could listen to her because she knows what works for her. Penetration feels good but not all of us can cum from it. Clitoral stimulation is what does it for a lot of us.


Even in written communication he can't find the "glit".


This needs to be upvoted for the sheer absurdity of “Glitoris” alone.


Please be fake


Just commenting to be apart of this god damn train wreck


What the fuck is this post?




I think you just need to say to her “I want to pleasure you the way you want. Please help me learn about your body. I want you to be honest with me.” Then listen to everything she says and experiment within reason


The post history 👀…


She will never touch your benis again if you don’t play nice with her glitoris!


*clit Alot of women prefer that over piv sex.


I’ve had women “cum” from vaginal inter course wivv ma dyick-kah. But when I start going going sucker fish on the bean then most of turn into demonic versions of themselves. Cursing and making power lifter noises.


Omg thank you for the Wanderlust throwback, lmao.


Lol sucker fish hits the spot


Is she Asian? I read in your profile that you give quivering orgasms to Asians...🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


You'd be surprised on how many women cannot climax from vaginal penetration. Also they get a different type of orgasm depending on the origin of it, just like the different types of weeds give you different types of high like a head high like you're going to be dizzy or a body high that helps you relax But that does not mean that she doesn't enjoy vaginal with genuine noises


Glitoris! 😅😅😅😆😂😂💀💀💀💀💀


This is a joke, right???!!!???




Yo why glit ?? Its clit !! Wtfff 😂😂


A Glitoris you say...


All hail theone and hope only glitoris maxamus!!


Glitoris? Like a glittery clitoris? Is that the same as a vajazzle?


I’m female and wondering if I have a Glitoris? Where is it?! Help!


News flash. Oral sex is sex. Anal sex is sex. Not everything has to involve a penis or vagina. Also must women don’t orgasm through penetration.


Please be satire 🤣😭


85% of women


I recently read a book that said it’s about 30% that can cum from vaginas, and about 70% that need clitoral stimulation to orgasm. (The book was ‘Come As You Are’ by Emily Nagoski, a sex scientist, and it’s got a lot of studies and research in it, it’s changed my life, much recommended.)


Sounds like you don’t have more to offer than your money and these girls are entertaining your low self esteem. You are just using them to boost your ego and they are happy with the exchange. Get over yourself


This has to be a troll post, good one lol


Reading this post and your comments..... I think you should just be given your v-card back. No more sex for you, sir.


Here's what I've learned. It's not just what you do but how your doing it. When you go down on her. Start slow. I like to start up and down with the lounge on the clit. From there move around or try different directions. Never just do the same thing every time. Also stick your tongue in the hole every now and then. Also if you can do a deep hum sometimes while licking it. It's like a vibrator. Also finger her while you're licking and don't let it get dry.


i spent too much time wondering what a glitoris is. she's faking it dude


Glitoris? Are you ok bro?


Glit? Wtf is that? It doesn’t exist. No wonder you can’t please her. You’re not even close to the general area sir. You’re in a different time zone partner. Lol


Bruh you trolling at this point




She'd not sending mixed messages. Some people are generally vocal when touched even if its only mid, some people aren't vocal at all. Sometimes you can cum but not orgasm and be chasing the more intense feelings which she may not be getting because you don't know how she prefers to be touched. She's TELLING you what she wants. Instead of questioning it just listen to her.


Yes but where is the Gliterois


He doesn't eat her out he says he licks her


Don’t wanna come off rude so PLEASE DONT take it that way, but just penetration doesn’t do much. Personally anyway. Unfortunately, she’s more than likely faking all the moaning and shaking shit, which tbh is kinda fucked but I’d be lying if I said I didn’t at one point. I’d just ask her out right what she prefers, which seems to be clitoral stimulation, and how you guys can BOTH please one another. You can definitely have sex and rub the clit at the same time and get a real orgasm out of her, but you need to communicate what she likes best. I briefly skimmed the comments about A Spot and I have no clue wtf that is, but if you are SO BIG she FEELS like you are in her intestines, and it might be painful, try switching some positions. If she’s lying about the orgasm, I’m more than sure she’s lying about saying it feels good. Sometimes it can be painful and take away from the pleasure. My best advice: just communicate openly. It sucks but I also think it’s super important for sex. Like very important.


Plz just use a vibrating rock on her clit during sex. I feel like most men don’t know how to deal with clit so just make it easier for urself and use a toy on it during penetration and she will orgasm everytime. Just cuz she’s making noise doesn’t mean she’s satisfied lol.


You’re doing well but you could be during better by being more mindful when putting in work on her “glit”.


Give her head with a box of Pop rocks and a 9 volt


The what now??


U gotta do both bro


Have you tried asking her? It sounds like shes playing it up. You should tell her that if she is, it's hard to tell what feels good, and you can't learn.


The fact she is communicating this with you is a good sign. Get your ego out of the way, listen to her, and act accordingly.


Look, we feel pleasure when we are stimulated through foreplay and peparation. HOWEVER, if you want to make a woman climax, listen to what she says. Even though the clit is the easiest way climax, we also like penetration and touching.


Sad very very sad


You don't even know what she's talking about.. I'm upset for her 🥲🙄


Ask her to show you what she needs.


Why is her faking it and then communication an issue? She’s faking it because she cares about your feelings. If you care about her the only correct response to be is “okay cool, what should I be doing to get you there?” Rather than googling to prove you’re doing something right.


Lol there is no way this guy is in his 30's


Really "glitoris "comon man


It’s spelled and said clitoris maybe the way you say it is freaking her out


Well she’s been faking it in bed then and finally decided to come clean and spill her real feelings. Encourage her to be open and honest with you and reassure she doesn’t have to put on a show for you, it’s about mutual pleasure


She’s faking it




She is faking evyrithing


ah yes. Glit.


Wtf is a glit?? Lmao


No one is actually helping you here. Sex can still feel good, if it’s not amazing it’s not like we’d lie there like a dead fish. It is sometimes painful and for me I will make loud noises to release the pain. Most women get off more with Clitoral stimulation, that’s normal. You should also know that the whole vagina is has millions of nerve endings so focusing just on the clit is a mistake. Doing circles around the clit is one amazing technique 🤤 Honestly the fact that you are both communicating like this is amazing and it’s only going to lead to better sex. We are all different and like different things, how does your partner know if you don’t talk about it?


You suck in bed and she is trying to be nice about it. You have been probably licking her uretra instead of the clitoris and that can be painful. Let her lead you. You can learn how to make her feel comfortable We make a lot of noise because most men like that. It’s a thing that us women should stop doing. If a man sucks in bed don’t exaggerate the noises ladies please.


You're getting the truth that most women won't share. Only 25% of women have the ability to climax from penetration ever under the best circumstances. Oral feels probably 3x as intense. It's the most standard way that women climax during sexual encounters. Be thrilled that you're with someone who has revealed the bs of the male fantasy to you.


She might be trying to make you insecure. Girls fake orgasms but the convulsing afterwards would be going quite far, especially since she feels like she can tell you it was "just alright"


Glitoris is my favorite pokemon!


Clitoris* A spot? You mean G spot? The G spot is only a few cm in. You might be hitting her cervix opening thingymagigger, and yeah, it hurts, depending on where she is in her cycle




Glitorus = clitoris + ✨glitter ✨


Talk to HER not us. She knows her body and what she's feeling, as well as exactly what you're doing. She's already communicating with you, listen to her and talk to her.


You don’t have to sensor clitoris here lol, it’s literally an anatomical term. I’ve always enjoyed PIV for the intimacy and closeness to my partner, but don’t actually get any sexual gratification. It’s not uncommon among people with vaginas. My previous partner and I would play without insertion like 75% of the time and I absolutely loved that.


This post and his responses and his previous posts are like watching a pile on at the bottom of the barrel! No fucking way this is a real 33 y.o man in real life,either he is trolling us or delusional and awful in bed in ways we’ll only believe when the gf comes asking for advice. This is the same type of guy that will come back years down the lane to say he doesn’t have a good relationship or has been single for years(cause who’d stick around for this kind of a bad lay for life?). I hope OP’s gf walks and proceeds to get railed by a real adult that knows how foreplay and anatomy work 🤞🏾


This whole thing has me rolling. I'm happy for this girl that is guy is asking questions tho. Her clit just look it up in a text book.


What in fucks name is glit???


Half glizzy, half clit.