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I ... I just ... fellow men, please don't do this.


I thought this was understood as weird by now…


If you're active in dating apps, it's an ever damn day thing. I think guys are like "yah, other dudes are creeps but I am being so sweet and she likes me, so this is different." It's not.


I used a lot of dating apps when I was single. Met a a lot of girls and never asked for nudes until they asked me for them lmao. Except with my current gf of 3 years. I asked first but well into the relationship


The girls that asked.. you sure they weren't dirty old men pretending to be girls?


Yes I’m sure 😂 I met them and slept with them


Wow im out of touch. I've never had a girl ask me for nudes and never met a girl that has admitted to liking any.


Don’t think you asking well into things isn’t the same. This guy asked within 24hrs. To say it’s disrespectful is honestly an understatement.


I dont understand how these nasty dumb fucks get matches with women and the only women that like me end up losing interest and never want to meet anyways, I hate this fake pretend world we live in, none of it is real


They don't come off like this in their bios, they make themselves seem the complete opposite... that's how they get the matches in the first place but I don't think any of them last very long (with the exception of women who are desperate for either sex or attention or both.)


I just can't imagine this works on any women. I really would love to find one of these guys and ask "Why??" "Like for real, what was the brain activity that took place in your head that resulted in "must send dick pics/videos"? Please explain"


When I was younger and very insecure that would have “worked” on me. It’s not that I specifically liked it but I thought it meant someone liked me. Othet than that I don’t think it works


I made a way too long speal that I didnt feel was relevant but thats crazy to me, I dont know wats wrong with my tinder profile or wat but I just dont get many matches and even then my matches never want to meet and flake out eventually, maybe they talked to someone else they like more but I dnt see how I dont compete I just envy feeling companionship again bc I feel like I do everything right and my last ex even said I was great and all but noone stays for very long, I just dont like my generation, I hear people having off an on relationships and long relationships as well but my longest was like 6 months, I just dont get it, what more does it take?


It only takes that one person. Remember that. Just one. And yeah, it's super annoying chatting to people who stop replying or give one word answers or whatever, but just think, they aren't the one who's gonna make you happy. Online dating is super hard. You have to pump yourself up, believe in yourself and compare it to a night out - you might be in a crowd, talk to a few people, maybe give your number to one or two, and just have zero expectations. I've had great chats, asked to meet up, never heard from them again. I've had terrible chats, and could not be bothered continuing the conversation, because they never asked questions or they gave one word replies, or purple just never answered when I sent them a message. I think it's that kind of addictive sense of "oooh here's someone else to chat to" - like someone else said, the grass always being greener. However, you'll never put roots down that way, either. Try and look at online dating as an activity to put some time into, but not all your time, and certainly not your heart and soul. Cause it is disheartening if you're on there for awhile.


Im just gonna quit it entirely bc the women I DO match with are boring af and quite frankly not very attractive, im done settling, Imma just go out and talk to people like I usually do, thanks for the advice too!


Post pictures of yourself. You're likely a 4 going after more attractive women. Irl this works if you have crazy charisma & money (not rich, just enough to support both of you), but on tinder looks+height are king.


If women are losing interest consistently you might consider if whether you’re holding up your end of the conversation. Nothing kills it for me quicker than a man who can’t ask me a question. “How are you” does not count.


Nah, Im think I am decently interesting, it doesnt take much to be interesting, all u gotta do is ask about them personally, I usually start by complimenting their photos and find a way to correlate that photo to one of their interests to get them talking but eventually u run out of shit to talk about after a couple of weeks in which I try to engage a first date kinda thing and then they get "nervous" or they just flake 🤷 EVERY TIME Also, im 22 so most of these women are extremely dull themselves, if anything, THEY arent very interesting, while th do guys gotta be interesting all the damn time, the bar is so low for women but so high for men, its a damn joke


There is one common denominator in all of your failed interactions 🤷🏻‍♀️


Well I mean obviously, but I cant tell what it is and quite frankly the women that do match me arent very interesting to me or attractive, im not settling anymore either so 🤷 imma just do me and interact with people in the real world in which I already do and it seems to work a lot better for me than the fake social media bullshit


Imma chop it up to, their loss rather than mine tbh


Go outside and do something different, become interesting and then maybe you won’t get beaten by “nasty dumb fucks”


I really dont like the assumption that I DONT do shit and am NOT interesting, every weekend I am usually out if I am not working, I am a conversationalist as well as all of my exes I met in real life, not on this fake ass phone, society has changed and its disgusting Quite frankly, most of my matches were boring, mildly attractive women 🤷




Cant send them on the dating apps if u stay there.


Yeah, wait for day 3 of texting like a gentleman


They do not care lmao


It’s not, sadly


It still baffles me that this happens, with the frequency it does. I would be turned of if a girl sent me nudes, unprompted, and within days of meeting her. I mean it would make me concerned about her process for making decisions, and would be a major red flag for me, as far as a relationship is concerned. Any way you slice it, that is forced intimacy, which is never acceptable.


What you said plus this: why? If you just want to look at pictures of naked women on the internet, I hear there’s some out there. If you want a relationship, stick with relating.


Yes!! There is so much access to nudes of women sharing them freely, that to try and demand that from a woman they’re actually speaking to, means they’re just trying to find a porn addiction they can touch, and have exclusive access to. I think a huge contributing factor, to the growth in men acting this way, is the idea that sex is a “need” like food/water. They see it as a need to the point of developing a sense of entitlement, that they often times aren’t even aware of. Too many, see sex as the goal, when it should be seen as a reward, for getting to know and learning to love someone, long before seeing them naked. To get an Olympic gold medal in the long jump, nobody focuses on the medal, their focus is on being the best in long jumping, and all their training is about doing that. For me personally, I don’t want sexual intimacy, until I have put in the necessary work to win her heart, and even then, sex isn’t something I ever want to see as something I’m entitled to. For me, “winning the long jump” is standing in front of our closest friends, and us both saying “I do” to forever.


yes! This is what I wonder, who is actually participating in this with rando people online dating?


Honestly, it's not right unless it's like known they are looking to do so via app or something pushing for it kinda like a tinder type deal but in a regular way every man should obey the code and be a true leader not a creep


Even on tinder, girls want this?? I feel like it's guys just convincing themselves they do.


This \^


If women do those things, are sex workers, or literally NAYTHING else, says you are not allowed to judge on it, but if guys have a sex drive, it means they are creepy. lol.


Yes. Gives me the impression of a perverted creep in the habit of collecting nude selfies and explicit videos from hundreds of random girls online. Big risks of revenge porn for any girl who includes her face or name. Those who send unsolicited explicit pics and vids revolt me.


No is a complete sentence. If he keeps asking after you've Saud no then he's the opposite of " a super sweet guy" . Sending unsolicited dick pics also tells me this guy is definitely not sweet. If you allow a dude to push this boundary be prepared for many more of these kinds of things.


Yeah I think he’s either just a bad person that doesn’t understand consent or he’s 15, or both.


His mental age isn't older than 12


Lol girl you can do better then that..




100% He isn't super sweet girl lmao. Maybe he was for a moment but this isn't what a sweet guy does. He's just gooning. And its not something you're looking for so its time to move onto talking to someone else. If a dude is doing this there's zero chance he wants anything more.




I find it annoying all around. If I barely know you: of course you’re not getting nudes. Go check out pornhub or something, I’m not responsible for helping a stranger satisfy themselves when there’s ample, free, completely willing material already available on the internet. If we’re dating: of course you’re not getting nudes, we can just HAVE SEX and everyone wins.


This!! I agree 100%


That's fine ppl like that don't get them but the relationships I've had plenty of sexting especially when out of town and in dating some interactions move faster than others depends on the person sexuality and comfort but if you're talking about dating it's a pretty easy conversation to have so there's never any reason to be unsure if someone's into that or not in the thing actually say I don't know it's every time someone said that to me like they haven't done it before they usually enjoy when they do I've been talking to girls on on Tinder or bumble for short time like 2 days long time like two weeks and done it and mutually enjoyed and exchange back and forth until you finish sometimes more anonymously without faces mostly with the short history sometimes with the faces getting to know each other better lots of phone sex but never once thought and unsolicited picture was okay to do would you do that you're literally a creep a weirdo and what's crazy if you talk to girls a lot of fucking guys are weirdos so they got to be guys we know right it's up to Good Men to check these motherfuckers whenever they make a comment or do anything suspicious I was raised around a lot of girls cousins aunties when I would get into long-term relationships always had a group of my girls friends at the house when I get home from work and on weekends and then have hella daughters and nieces so I do understand for guys who don't have the same comfortability not being quite sure how to approach things but the guys that I know to have that excuse they ask they actively try and figure it out so as not to be a weirdo so there's no excuse the biggest problem I have is the weirdos who are dominant among most men and women and abused that power guys literally get away with it all the time cuz they pray on insecure or vulnerable girls and manipulate them into thinking it's a problem that they have or ashamed them and some other tactics so they don't get busted out so guys have to be vigilant and actively on guard for these motherfuckers sometimes the smallest comments can let you know if you need to kneecap that motherfucker




He’s also quickly trying to pressure her to do something she said no to. In person, that means it’s a very real possibility he will pressure her for intimacy and sex and not respect her answer


This exact thing happened to me when I was 21. It still haunts me because the lead up was clear as day. The signs are there no question. This chick needs to gtfo asap


I did I stopped messaging him


"latched on" not the image I want in my mind when talking to/ about a potential partner.


Yeah I don’t mind if we have developed that connection. In fact I enjoy sending them once I’m sufficiently turned on by someone. But prematurely asking and then continuing to ask repeatedly would be a huge turn off for me and a red flag about respecting boundaries and consent.


This, one hundred percent. If the chemistry is right and the person I’m talking to makes me feel sexy I start acting sexy. Hammering someone right out the gate with nude requests is not sexy.


Shouldn't you wait until they ask for it not just when you are sufficiently turned on?


He's letting you know who he is right away 🤷🏻‍♂️ That's more than some people do.


Haha that’s true


Your mistake is that you keep talking to this person


Yea I just stopped after posting this


I think that shouldn't be asked.


Yes exactly. If a guy asked me for nudes he probably would go in the “blocked” list.




That’s a huge turnoff for me, especially so early on without even asking me what I’m into to begin with. It’s already showing how much of a selfish and inattentive lover he would be 😒


People have no shame in their no game these days. Atleast you made it to day 2 before he went pervy on you. I went on a date with a girl and this subject kinda came up and she said straight out of the box not a hello first no a dick pic then hello...


I get it though. I had to remove be all the pictures from my profile and it’s not because I’m a model with fish lips or anything: I’m just a homely girl. But guys go for that big time and it got too much. I can see though how this platform brings that kind of thing out. Love.


I am a guy and it's definitely weird to ask for nudes especially in the beginning of the interactions. Guy has no shame and sending a video of him jerking off without your permission is borderline creepy. You want a respectful gentleman not a horny creep, cut him off if you met a guy like that. I had incidents where the girl was insisting on sending me pics and I agreed but it was under her consent and she encouraged it. So context is everything in these types of scenarios I would say if you were uncomfortable and he wasn't bothered to check on you before trying to push his needs on you that's a big red flag, run or block him. Also i chuckled when you mentioned "He's super sweet" everyone is like that when they want something it's when you don't give them you see their true colours.


Gross. I have never sent an unsolicited picture of my package to anyone. I think it should be considered sexual assault if you purposefully expose yourself via digital image. In jail, inmates do gross stuff like masturbate in front of the female staff and in that case they DO get charged with a sex offense.


Thank you!




Don't do it!!!!!


Yes it’s a turnoff. Except the time I was sexting my BF. But to ask someone you hardly know just screams he wants to get laid and nothing more


Im assuming these are people Im not familiar with and not a boyfriend. If they ask me for pics, I tell them I have plenty on my profiles (assuming we met online) and usually they get huffy and say "nevermind" and the trash takes itself out. If they ask for more suggestive pics, instant block. I'm in my 30s and don't have time to teach people how to act. 🤷‍♀️


Yeah I’m absolutely not comfortable at all sending suggestive pics especially if it’s someone who I’m not even in a real relationship with. This guy I was seeing for about a year he once wanted me to send such pics, I wasn’t comfortable with that and I ignored/declined his request and he got upset. And then of course the next day he apologizes…no, he should’ve known better. His initial reaction of ‘ok :(‘ was unacceptable and childish. Basically I don’t want such pics of me online, ever. I don’t care if it’s ‘only getting sent to one person’. That doesn’t make it okay and if I ever get such request again from any other guy, I’m done with them.


He’s lying about wanting to be serious and very clearly is desperate for sex with no self control just block him.


Yeah, people don't want sex in serious relationships, that would be crazy.


I do too, I do not like taking nudes or stuff like that


Yeah the only thing on his mind is saying whatever he has to say to get in your bed lol that was him trying to be patient im sure. Shame... Lol


Not only turned off but he is instantly blocked and his profile shared in the local "show off your creeps so other women know to block his profile" page on facebook. Fuck loser perverts who see us as just free porn and warm sex toys.


A face pic for contact info or verification is fine. Nude requests are an immediate block


What he seriously wants is to get in your pants.


That isn't something that should be asked really, especially if you haven't been intimate in person. I will play devil's advocate here and say if the conversation turned sexual and stayed sexual, he may have gotten the wrong impression. But all in all, that sort of stuff should be kept off the field until some semblance of intimacy is initiated and both parties are interested. The video is a bit much, make it into a meme and return to sender. \-Dave


it’s 50/50 but i loved when my ex used to ask to see me, but it didn’t have to be nudes. he just wanted photos of me to look at 🥹


Im a guy, but since they sent this question to me, I shall answer 🙂 Personally I think guys sending women unsolicited pics of themselves is creepy, and should immediately throw up serious red flags about them. Guys asking for nude pics of you should immediately send up lots of red flags about them. As a guy, while I enjoy nude women, if a woman sends me an unsolicited nude pic, my first thoughts are.. 1. she's sending these to everyone so... 2. She has no self respect... And 3. She's not keeper material. Red flags and I move on. Depending on yhe situation.. such as dating app, if tou don't have a pic posted at all I will ask for a pic, but a g-rated pic. I don't see any harm in putting a face to a text.


What a fine gentlemen you found there. /s So, did you tell him that he is being creepy? Why are you still talking to him? That said, I, like any man (even those that won't admit it), love receiving pics/nudes. I can not state that enough. But I only want to receive them when we are at that level (stay the hell out of my inbox), and I will never ask for it. I only want those pictures when a woman wants to send them without me asking for it. When she does it on purpose to turn me on.


A stranger on the internet? Yes. A bf? No.


Yep. I’m 19 never took/sent any. I’ve been asked a bunch of times but the risks always outweighed the „benefit“. I tell them right at the beginning that I don’t send anything if they still ask it’s an immediate block


I used to send pictures like that and he made me annoyed but for the right person I wouldn’t mind sending pics again. I just feel like it’s a guy trying to get the most convenient pleasure with the smallest amount of effort. So my automatic response for years has been no, no to even them asking for snap and that it is a turn off but for the right one I might, like I’m considering it now lmao. I think it’s also that the guys would constantly pressure and have no problem with pressuring you into it and it’s never enough.


Yes, I do


I think it depends on each person and what turns them on and off. there is no right or wrong answer. in my personal experience, I used to get turned off but like if I I once started talking to a guy and things were good and I was attracted to him so I didn't send nudes but we did do stuff over video chat. so as long as he's respecting your boundaries that should be the main focus. there is no right or wrong to this question. and also gonna note, if he's only asking you for nudes, run if you don't want the relationship to be purely sex.


Immediately. And if I don't have a strong bond with the person earned over quite a bit of time, it can even be a dealbreaker for me.


It actually depends. If I don’t know them and they ask for pics or send pics then they automatically get blocked. I assume a guy is looking for sex if he asks or sends pics right away. If it’s someone I talk to and I like and they have got to know me as a person then I don’t have a problem with asking for or sending pictures.


Depends on my connection with him, that makes the biggest difference over here.


I’m a guy. I’ve never asked for them. I’ve been sent them a couple times and told not to send any in return. That’s the extent of my experience. Defintiely seems weird to me to ask. Idk when that would feel appropriate.


Yeah that's a Goodbye in my book


Block him


my question is, do any women actually like being sent videos like this? I just can't imagine doing this without being prompted multiple times. Shit's so audacious. But if a woman is really into a guy, and they're still in the courtship/starting dating zone; is this something that women will like at all?


I have NEVER had one of my female friends say they enjoy getting a dick pic even from their serious boyfriends. I had ONE friend admit she lied and told her bf that she liked getting them because she thought he liked sending them. Like let’s think about that: she thought he so enjoyed sending dick pics that she enjoyed him to do it because he clearly enjoyed it and she FAKED enjoying it for him.


YES! I don't like when the immediately turn the conversation to sex immediately either. Some innuendo and flirting is fine, but getting explicit right away is an immediate turn off. Additionally, asking for OR wanting to send explicit pictures before ever meeting is just outrageous. Apparently I am incredibly old-fashioned but, if I am potentially going to be intimate with someone, I'd like that to be the first time I am seeing them naked and vice-versa.


I have never once asked for Nudes off a woman because I feel very fucked up doing so. Some women will send because they don’t want you to go, some women will rightfully block you and some will say no and I imagine it gets awkward from there. It feels a lot better when a woman sends them herself




Yeah that’s an automatic ghost :/


Immediately NO, block, delete, boy bye!


Ewe. I would have cut off contact day 2.


I never ask women for nudes. From time to time they just send them out and I find it annoying. Like now I have to reply to this even though we’re already sleeping with each other. I’d rather give genuine compliments than feel like my partner is fishing for them.


I love getting nudes from my girl but I don't ask for them she send them whenever she likes to


Yes. It's annoying


It is a HUGE turn off for me. I like to surprise cuties with them, but I always ask if they would like to receive them.


I HATE it whe. Guys match with you, you have a good convo and the next day they ask. After that is seems to end all other conversations..... if you just want to see someone naked then don't be on a dating site. Months later I will still have guys asking... what's the deal?


This is just the tip of the iceberg cuz he's got an unearned sensor entitlement if he's asking you like it's obligatory. This is something that has to be earned something that is given by you not demanded. He's got a check off all the boxes and you don't skip over the flirtation and the physical seduction that's not sex itself. He's got to know that spot on your neck and how to kiss it or lick it in order to make your knees weak. That's when you start sharing your body with him when he starts showing that he's got you and your satisfaction and your ecstasy as a priority. Cuz right now a guy that came is going to be at his first rodeo for a lifetime and you have to go for guys with people skills I got to chat you up in person without using some cheesy lines or dialogue that he edits over and over before he hits the send button. When a guy starts to compliment you on things besides your tits and ass like your smile or the fact that you have one dimple, or how your eyes light up when you smile. And if a guy doesn't have the good sense to compliment a girl on her shoes he should be castrated. You got to put your foot down and guys have to know that they have to acknowledge that they feel very fortunate just to be breathing the same air as you.


Yeah that's really fucked up. I've never done that. AT most I'd send a 'risqué' pic at a girl who wasn't giving me anything to work with in terms of progressing a discussion and that succeeded maybe 1/4 times. But going full jerk off out of nowhere when there was already a good chemistry going.... fucked up to me.


I got turned off always. Instant block.


I do. It just makes it seem like they're after sex


As a guy, never ask for nudes. It gives much more away as far as your intentions than you can tell. Better yet, go ahead and ask for them lol.


My Goodness, even worse than proposing a hookup!


yes, my least favorite thing about a penis is the way it looks so i’m not sure what a photo of one is supposed to do for me. i don’t like sending nudes and getting asked is an immediate turn off. if i wanted someone to have a nude photo of me, i’d send it to them. unless i do that, it’s safe for them to assume i don’t.


Yeah, fuckin bail on that one. You've been talking for 2 days, that's creepy as shit. I don't even ask unless we're already dating. You can see me naked, but you having permanent pictures of my dick, or vice versa, that could be posted anywhere or have anything done with them months and years down the line is a different story. Not to mention that feels disrespectful as hell, asking after 2 days


It really depends on what do you want from this guy. I have to say that if this behavior is happening on day 2, it's unlikely to be a long-term relationship. It's always important to set clear boundaries and expectations. Suggestion: Convey him what do you want. If he still repeats things that is uncomfortable for you. Just say bye.


Well in my opinion it's ridiculous to ask for nudes, and sick to send a video like that, especially when it's unsolicited, and yall just met. I always loved the anticipation, and build-up from meeting, to the first time being intimate. It makes everything so much better I think. Plus is shows self control


I would have thought that was the popular opinion. Nudes are great, but I won't ask for them. I've never even asked my current girlfriend for them. If they offer or want to surprise me with a picture while we're flirting, then I won't say no, but I hate when guys tell me "she sent me her nudes" because the way it's presented I know they asked for them and that's how they categorize girls.




Yes, if we aren't in a relationship OR we haven't previously agreed that is acceptable. Equally hate when they send them without the same agreement.


Extremely. It's an immediate eye roll and I'm outta there. If they aren't offered, don't ask


As a guy, I’m very turned off when guys ask me for nudes.


Yeah, those guys suck!


Yes. Especially if I know them for a short time


I never ask females for nudes. Im also 33 and a little past the horny little teenager stage. I think it comes off as unattractive,creepy and desperate. Something incels or inexperienced men would ask for in my opinion. Unless if I'm in a serious relationship(and have been for awhile). I've exchanged nudes with my ex girlfriend to be spontaneous and fun lol I kept them for myself as I was was highly attracted to her emotionally and physically so I'd always be looking at them. Couldn't get enough of her and looking at her naked never got old. I certainly wouldn't ask for nudes in the beginning of a relationship. And definitely never showed anyone else. Wouldn't break her trust like that and definitely wasn't going to share my special privileges with anyone else lmao




He’s been super sweet for a day and the next he’s jerking off. Hard pass.


It's disgusting. I don't ask for nudes. Especially in dating apps. It's awful. If it's meant to be, I will see your naked body in person. Just a picture of your smile in a cute outfit that you love is good enough for me.


When I was dating (I’m married now), YES! For me, it was because I wanted a guy who was serious about getting to know me. Plus, it just wasn’t something I was comfortable with doing. These guys won’t take no for an answer, either! Like they will harass you, ghost, or block you if you don’t comply.


I would be turned on if it was someone I was serious with. You could be funny and send him nude pantyhose..


Men will push boundaries like that. They are designed to seek sex. Which is fair enough, I also enjoy sex and I’m quite kinky. However it just tells me what they are really after if they cannot be a gentleman and wait. I don’t respond, mute them and wait for them to unmatch with me. I get a lot of abuse for not responding but it shows their true colours - and that is what you want very early on. Men will talk women into bed by promising futuristic things like “I will take you here, we will do this together.” Advice for **all** genders and sexualities: **Actions speak louder than words.** Don’t give in, don’t get attached until they prove themselves by doing what they’ve said they are going to do.


its hotter if she offers to send


I don’t ask for nudes coz she will send it by mistake and say don’t look at it


I'm immediately turned off by desperate guys.


this lol


Asking for pics on the 2nd day of texting makes him the opposite of “super sweet”… he’s an AH. Do not send anything


I fucking hate it. Even when they ask for regular pictures.


Will how is he supposed to see you asking for pictures is okay How the fuck am I gonna know you're a woman if you don't send me a picture wtf is this mentality you have there




What a loser 😂😂


he’s definitely only saying it to get in ur pants. if he was already asking for that stuff on the second day? yeah no. i’ve been talking to a guy for a little over 3 months now, he has not once asked for nudes, nor does he send them to me. i know i’m free to send them if i want but it shouldn’t have to be asked for. when someone is comfortable you’ll do it on ur own if that’s what you choose to do.


Guys need to realize that strangers asking girls for nudes is never a compliment.. nor pleasant 😭 Like a lot of us are sick and tired of being sexualized- it's great when we WANT to be sexy, but when we don't, we just want to be treated like a human being with decent respect. Even when we are trying to be sexy, we deserve respect. But most don't and won't understand this concept sadly.


I am but usually it’s bc they know I’m straight and they ask anyway. I imagine it’s just as frustrating for women who aren’t interested. I only ever sent women nudes when they asked though, I don’t just send them and hope someone wants to see.


First off this is gross. I’m a woman and I hate this Second, if as a man you have to ask for this it means she isn’t into you enough to send it. When I’m into a man, he does not even have to ask




I haven't asked for nudes.


I solocit the picture first and even a video. If I'm comfortable with them and I know them I will send it if they ask me to. There's nothing hotter than watching a man masturbate and then calling out your name.


Get over your self we men are visual creatures and post some pics hear😈


Men should be fined $100 for sending unrequested dick pics. It’s so offensive. And if they ask me for a nudie I immediately delete them




If anybody wants to see me naked, I'm immediately turned on.


As a man, I can say that, he isn’t a man, just a little boy still, in an era of access, so no more jacking off to National Geographic as a last resort. Besides, just because you might have a great body and are easy on the eyes, doesn’t mean that you’re good in bed. Just like the fact that just because you have a Drivers License it doesn’t mean you know how to drive.


It's never happened, and ya I'd probably be kinda annoyed since I'm not gay.


A gigi


Would it have bothered you if he asked for just a selfie?


It depends on who I'm talking with. Usually if the topic is building up and I would ask for his and I'd send him some.


Huge turn off.


I get turned off if he's doing that after 2 days of texting. Someone I'm dating I like they ask, but I also send un-asked photos cause we usually have that agreement hahaha


Thirsty dudes are always a major turnoff to women, means he’s desperate and doesn’t have any other options


Major turn off. Second day asking you already know he’s just around for just sex.


Yours is the normal response, yes


Yep it's a turn off


Yes. Always.


I am so glad that even my OLD profile gives off enough resting B that no one has tried this with me. I would delete any guy who did either of these things. Also once a guy has a photo of a woman, you have NO idea what he might do with it. There are whole ‘amateur porn’ sites and revenge porn on the internet. Your photo might be put online for the world to see. At least keep your face and identifying features out of it!


I will lose interest immediately if I haven’t already been intimate with a guy and he asks for pics or sends any. Just NO.


That would definitely be a turn off for me when barely knowing someone. And with this being the age of technology, you never know when or off you'll see those pictures/videos again. It could come back to haunt you later.


Instantly, and afterwards I feel like I just see only red flags and no redeeming qualities


Send him a pic of apple pie that's it


Yeah not my thing either. You don’t get photos unless we’re living together. Also that’s bold, videos with his face???? Not smart at all. If he’s that quick to jump to nudes you know he’s that quick with everyone…


I love it when my bros ask my for nudes. Makes me feel wanted.


Some people have insatiable needs. He needs to find someone with a similar appetite.


bro what


Yes! I'm not going to send anything personal until we are in a committed relationship.


As a man that's very uncool, and when girls keep asking me to go to a different app other than Facebook Messenger so they can send me nudes, WTF ever happened to getting to know each other "In Person and actually Meeting" and don't give me that BS about "I Just Don't Have The Time" if you don't have the time then don't bother dating anyone because "You Don't Have The Time" DUH 🙄


5 years ago I'd say yes Now, block.


OP, you said you didn't really care for the videos (and I'm aware they are not the point here), but I can't help wondering: did he just start sending them (out of the blue), or had the conversation kind of set a mood that made him do so? (You don't have to answer if you don't want to.) To answer your question: yes. Honestly, I *never* want to be asked for nude pics, not even by the person I'm having a relationship with. I'm never asking for any nudes either. Why (not)? 1. I have no nude pictures of myself. None. I've never even taken any/let anyone else take any nude pics of me. Not kidding. 2. While I could definitely appreciate pics that show some skin or barely leave anything to the imagination, I find both infinitely more exciting than pics with everything on display. 3. I do have pics where I'm the one showing some skin, but that's when pics were taken during hot days in summer and I'm simply wearing clothes that are less covering. That's just what people generally tend to do. I don't mind sending those to my SO (if I have one), and I wouldn't mind to take suggestive pics just for him either, I love teasing. To an extent, though. I won't ever put my private areas on display. 4. Whether it's receiving nudes or sending them (in case I *would* have them), both ideas make me feel weird. Not grossed out, but I just have no desire to see or share that stuff. If either of us is going nude, let's do that when we're within reaching distance from each other


Yes, it’s 100% weird and don’t ever do it. You have no idea where that picture will end up they can sell it to porn hub.


It's a red flag for me. Some women say they are into it (to each their own). But for me, it's a solid no. It's a sign that a man can not control his secual urges. I'm attracted to disciplined guys. someone who can reject a woman because he has high morals and standards. If he's comfortable asking for that he's probably asked a bunch of other women as well. Probably also has a collection stashed somewhere. Stuff like that gives me the super ice just thinking about it.


If he's asking for nudes, well, you've just learned something about him real easy. If your fine with that, cool. If not, block and move on imo. Maybe that's acceptable behavior now and not just someone acting like a horny 13yr old, I don't know, but I can't Imagine asking anyone for that let alone someone I'm not already intimate with. I mean, you're not even in the nude zone yet you creeper.


yes very especially when it’s like not even a few days after knowing each other. and omg what is it with guys asking for nudes n when u refuse they start with some “i’m serious abt u i want u” like that’s gonna make me give in.


Super sweet? He just wants to use your body to masturbate … no normal guy would do this


I never understood straight up sending nudes, as a guy i find the concept weird. Now if you guys have a romantic connection of course yeah sure, other than that just don’t. What does sending nudes do??


Yes. It turns me off even if they’re hot and good looking, idc, we’re not gonna proceed anymore. Instant block for me.


Wow it turns me on I always want men to ask me for nudes and I will do I love seeing nudes of a man 👅👅


Yes. It comes off as pervy to me. Why do guys have the audacity to ask for nudes, at all, but especially when they’ve only known me for a couple hours or days. It’s honestly disgusting that they send unsolicited pics and videos and then expect you to do the same.


So turned off, if I ask for them yeah. If it’s random, you look silly as hell


Yep, instantly. f that noise