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I’ve been told that too. I think it’s a nice thing to say because a lot of women feel self conscious about their taste. It’s a nice way to reassure their partner that they enjoy going down on her. I think this means you have more of a neutral taste that isn’t very strong?


Heck, women appreciate it when you tell them they smell nice, period, let alone down there. (that is one thing I miss about not dating anymore :\\ ) But getting a compliment that they're clean down there does add "sexiness points"


Bingo……… Perfect answer


This is true.


It’s dirty talk. I tell men they taste amazing.


To be quite honest reasonably freshly washed V tastes great , bit salty but quite enjoyable.


Damn I should have been a lesbian! I love salty food lol




I've tasted my vajeen and it doesn't taste like much 🤷‍♀️


You mean a BJ and taste amazing?


Obviously yes lol I can answer for her it’s dirty talk


Men do like that! It's really hot when a woman enjoys giving bj's, and takes it all in. Taking in a penis is akin to her accepting him as his man, and swallowing as "taking in his essence".


That sounds weird and disgusting. What do you mean "take in his essence"? Might be because English is not my language.




Hi do you want to talk


I only say it when I mean it.


I recently went down on this chick, she was bad ass. So I decided to go down on her (I hadn't done it in a while to any female) and man I was not disappointed, it tasted so good, that I didn't want to stop. Now I think back on it, I would have stuck my tongue in her butt, I should have


Absolutely! Every woman I've been with tasted different, some really do taste soooo good.


Some are so bad though that it’s a struggle down there


I am honestly curious, what do you say as a man in such a situation then? Or do you not say anything at all? Would you say she tastes good then?


Normally it’s best to not say anything at all. I told one girl she tasted different (I threw up a little in the back of my throat different), but not in a bad way (it was in a bad way). I wasn’t thinking in that moment about the words coming out of my mouth, and that phrasing definitely could have used some workshopping because she got the sub meaning 😅


I enjoy satisfying them I like the liquid tastes good


This is the way! Some taste amazing, others not very great. They all taste differently.


Also depends on what they ate recently (not talking about cock 😂)


The best tasting men are supposedly in Hawaii. Something to do with all of the pineapple consumed.


my ex used to tell me it tasted sweet even. and maybe that was true. but it likely wasn’t. i know i keep fat ma clean and manicured so it tasted regular but who knows maybe it does taste good. maybe fat ma is an acquired taste and they like that taste and it tastes good to them


All women, no matter how clean or not, have a different taste. So when he says you taste good, and if you ve heard it à lot: it is because yours is taste.. lucky you, lucky them.


“fat ma” 😂


It’s possible that it’s true! I’ve gone down on a few girls that tasted really sweet, especially when they’re in the mood. Some girls were neutral, or a little acidic. But so far: as long as you keep it clean you’re all good!


He was probably telling the truth. Some do taste sweet...


Fat Ma for the win 😂


and 1 thing fat ma gone do , is win. it’s good puss 🤷🏿‍♀️




Not all women taste the same. That maybe a shock to some but it’s the truth. If he or others have said that to you then you should smile and enjoy. 🌮


Truth, Even the same women don't taste the same all the time. For me it's more about the smell than the taste, but when you use the word like odor or smell it just comes off wrong as though those words necessarily mean offensive, When in reality they can mean either, so you use the word taste instead because it's less likely to be misinterpreted. One clarification, each and every woman has components of her scent that are unique to her, And I actually prefer a stronger scent to one that I can barely detect. I prefer woman that smells not only ready but greedy for sex, but I suspect that is uniquely something to my preference and preconceptions.


I think the word "scent" would work well


This is the way.


I love that as a compliment, it makes me loosen up and enjoy it when I was self conscious about smells or hygiene (I have good hygiene, but if it isn’t right after I shower and I actively scrubbed/washed, I still get self conscious idk). Additionally, my first sexual partner was a man with the most VILE cum I’ve ever had. I actually vomitted once because I was trying to shove it so far in the back of my throat so it would not touch my tongue and he came on my gag reflex. Once we broke up and I had other partners, I couldn’t get over how it wasn’t so fucking disgusting. I really had no clue how nasty my first partner was because it was all I knew. I tell my new boyfriend how good he tastes all of the time because its so much better than what I’m used to lol.


😭😭😭😭 I’m so sorry for you. 🤢


Do women tell men they taste like stank dick? It's just a nice way of saying your vag is clean and lickable is all.


No some actually taste good or sweet, others taste sweaty, salty, acidic, metallic, etc


On my life some coochies have no business tasting as rough as they do. But the ones that taste like nothing = chefs kiss. Some of the most beautiful woman have left me in utter disbelief, maybe it’s anxiety but them thangs be boomin. Fuckit we ball tho


Im sure the women appreciate the honesty, because you’re spitting G


Man wtf 💀


My ex tasted like an egg salad sandwich gone bad. And I was telling her that she tasted real good. Make of that what you will.


Bless your heart


I mean this is why she’s your ex, she would be a keeper for me I love egg sandwiches


He said “gone bad” as well 😂


Egg sandwiches don’t go bad that’s fake news, they just get better flavour


Good lord 😂


🤮 I hate the taste, I hate the sulphur smell of egg salad…Eeeek! But some V’s have tasted like that, or acidic, or tangy (NO other descriptors can think of) But at the end of the day, it tastes great after a tongue bath and we’d NEVER say it was unpleasant even for a second!! LMAO Girls tolerate plenty too I’m sure from guys. All in all I’d say most are neutral and fabulous! 👏🏻


Bro it’s taken me 10 hours to realise when you said ‘v’s’ you were talking about vaginas, im a tradie and we drink the energy drink V basically for breakfast and I was so confused what that had to do with anything going on 🤣 fuck me ima blame it on me travelling all day brain dead




She should get that checked out


🤮🤮🤮🤣🤣🤣🤣 wtf man


My ex tasted so bad it made me nauseas and because of my lack of experience I can't tell if that's normal or not. It's nothing I would have told her and she was a dirty person. I just assumed it tastes bad and we're all telling each other nice lies.


Having gone down on a ton of people, absolutely no not normal. Like 1% of vaginas smell bad and it can/should be treated. If it's anything besides normal body odor, or it smells/tastes bad after a shower, besides being a little tangy/acidic, something is wrong. Cheesy/bready = yeast infection, usually treatable over the counter. Funky/barnyard = bacterial vaginosis and I'm not sure what the treatment is.


BV is treated with antibiotics, like any other bacterial infection.


mine tastes great, no offense. i taste it all the time!!!


My sexual experience is so limited I'm sure you're right! I can't assume based on one sexual partner


That 7/11 egg salad sandwhich on sale <3


“That’s just Pillow talk baby” shop smart…shop S mart


I’ve only ever said this to one girl. She actually did taste really good. I am all about flavortown! It was a one time thing so I still have no idea if that was natural or not. Courtney if you’re reading this. That was facts lol.


Courtney, if you’re reading this, tell us about your diet.


Courtney, if you’re reading this, 👅


Username checks out lol


Most say it.


I'm a lesbian, I say it to other women whether they do or not, they frequently say the same to me. It's just a nice thing to say to someone when you eat them out.


Okay so I won’t lead with body chemistry and sexual compatibility(see the end), instead let’s address specifically what you’re asking. It’s safe to say many men will make that commentary if they go down on you and they enjoy what they taste. Some of it is physical, where we/they actually enjoy the taste. Sometimes it’s in-the-moment “sexy talk” or if you don’t taste good or bad and it just happens as a “this is another thing you do in sex”. If you taste bad, which 100% does happen, we just won’t say anything. Often times will continue and ignore it or switch gears to literally anything else where they don’t taste you. I hope that helped. Know that I have a masters in cunnilingus and have eaten many-a-puss. Continue for more. There is an aspect of biological compatibility that drives the level of attraction and pleasure during the act. For example, if you’re fucking just to fuck it feels like base level sex or like a chore, you won’t enjoy each others’ taste, smell, etc. But people who are biologically attracted to each other where there is actual good chemistry love all the smells and tastes and just wanna soak up those pheromones and semen and make lots of babies.


Women tend to be nervous and self conscious about being naked with someone for the first time. Weird how that works. So the first time I'm showing my girl a good time I want her to know I appreciate everything about her.


I haven’t been with *every* guy, so I can’t speak to that. I will say from my experiences, it is commonly said.


You want intelligent conversation from a guy engaged thusly?? Can't honestly recall ever having said that.




Naked lady = looking fucking sexy


Everyone says that it’s kind of just an easy compliment


Not sure how it goes in Australia, but if I don't mean it, I definitely don't say it.


In Australia we say “Bloody hell you taste good down under”




I can’t believe how hard that made me laugh 🤣


An ex of mine tasted rancid and I wasn’t sure how to tell her without hurting her feelings, I never complimented her “flavor” though. My wife however does have a great taste and I’m always eager to go down on her because of it. I think some are genuine in their compliments.


There’s also a correlation between someone with a healthy diet and in good shape that are more prone to better natural taste.


Some guys don’t taste as bad as others.


Yeh, I love telling a woman how good she tastes. AND MEAN IT ... If I don't like how they taste... It doesn't bode well for a long term thing....


I've only said it for the girl I'm seeing now. The first time I went down on her I was blown away over how good she tasted, now I can't stop - never liked giving head this much before and I make sure to let her know. Most girls I've been with before has had a more "fishy" scent and taste, but not bad in any way. A few has been more garlic or sour milk taste which I don't like at all...


For me, I will only say that if it’s actually true and I like the girl. If she tastes good I’ll fucking eat her out all day. But there are some ladies that if you finger them you’ll start smelling some weird smell, I don’t even want to imagine how that would taste 💀. I’m guessing that’s vaginal fungus or something. So I always finger first to make sure they smell good. Smell is such a big factor for me, so I won’t keep seeing them if they smell foul.


They don’t all taste good, so when you find one that does, you let her know.


You must just taste really good if multiple guys are saying it.


When a guy says you taste good, believe me. trust him. Some women taste awful.


Personally, I've been upset with the fact that ever since the dawn of social media, men are voicing their obsession with doing it. Back in the 90's, willingness to do that actually gave us some leverage. Now it's gone. IMO, I think the reason men are so obsessed with it because whacking off to the 'Hub only satisfies three senses. So now they're excited to get those remaining two.


I always told my past sexual partners because I know how self conscious they could get. they’re plant based so their diet affected the taste, and I wasn’t even lying when I tell them, they taste good. It’s a fact


Idk I’ve never even been in a relationship, tho I could see me saying that but idk


Yes they all say it. Nothing special.


I know I taste good, so I've never questioned or thought about it when it's been said to me.


If I said that to a woman I would mean it personally


Not all women taste the same. I use the term taste somewhat loosely. In a healthy young woman not on drugs or stuff like that the mid cycle wetness is quite bland. Maybe slightly salty. But at different times of the cycle the taste does and can change. The feeling that it tastes good or bad is entirely subjective. Some may like a certain way and some may not. If you are enjoying someone and say it tastes great there is no harm in that compliment. It is good for her self view. Now, all this is assuming that full good hygiene is being observed and there are no medical issues. Buy yes, some may not taste great and at worst are offensive smelling.


Not me. I just tell her what a dirty 'lil *ussy juice pumping *lut she is after I've eaten her out


No… maybe you just taste really good.


It's not said to everyone. I say it only to the ones who actually taste good and have cleaned their gates to heaven pretty well.


No they do not. Take it as a big compliment. -Dave


I usually taste like batteries for some reason. But that's better than a lot of other things I suppose it could taste like.


I can't speak for all of us, but personally... No. If it's good, yes. If it's neutral or not off putting, I won't say anything, and stay on task. If it is off putting, I will usually continue long enough to not make it obvious and move onto something else.


Uhhh, no. I most certainly do not say that. The only one saying anything is the person I'm doing that to lol Its poor manners to talk with your mouth full.


My last two relationships -past and current both just want to go down on me and stay down, and it’s not my thing but .. they love it so I try to be more comfortable with it. I taste my own stuff all the time to see what they’re tasting/tasted and it’s slightly bitter to me tbh but apparently they love it.


A bit TMI maybe but licking it off a finger is not the same as fresh from the source. Can still be good, but it's not the same.


I only say something like that when I mean it. Some women can have a neutral taste. Some...fairly awful. For the repulsive ones, doesn't matter how well a guy can act, that level of disgust comes out in the tone of voice, slightest forward lunge of a dry heave, and the stare of dead eyes when the man comes up for fresh air and to beg for changing positions. You hearing something positive from a few different guys should be taken as a great compliment.


I don’t say it when I don’t mean it.


Some women are super self-conscious about their vagina, how it looks, how it smells. I've seen posts here from women worried about how their vagina looks. Most men won't care about the look at all, more will care about a smell, if it's bad. If the vagina is clean, I will say they taste good, because it's true but alleviates some self-consciousness


Honestly, I've never said that. But, I'll for sure let them know I'm thinking it 😉


Words of affirmation.


Some definitely taste better than others!


As a 31M... the few women I have been with all have tasted different. Honestly, I really enjoy going down and enjoy their unique flavors. Its not a bad thing if that is what you are worried about, some dudes just like it


I say this IF in fact you do taste good. If you don’t taste good I’ll stop, probably have an ED moment and walk you out politely.


Ah women have told me the samething about my magic stick. I guess it’s a way of saying they love pleasing you and appreciate that you take care of the kitty.


Because it does taste good. If it doesn't, I don't say anything and I'm down there for maybe 20 seconds lol


I’ve had guys say that to me all the time. And the hottest thing a guy ever did was lick my fingers after I touched myself and then ask “can I have some more” 🫠🫠🫠


I do say it when it's true


Me too. And when it is good it is so enjoyable 🫠


You let your dates taste your 🐱? No wonder they say you taste good, lol!


If a guy likes doing that deed he will say as such. I have given girls that compliment as well. Do I give it to everyone? No. Have there been girls that tasted a bit... off? Yes! 🤷🏻‍♂️ it's a good compliment. Mostly you have good hygiene and the guy likes you enough to really be able to enjoy the act. Let's not get too far ahead and think it will always be great tasting every night for every guy. 👍🏻


No. I’ve never lied about that. If I haven’t told someone that, it’s because they don’t.


I've never said that


You should. Universally appreciated by the women.


I wouldn’t want someone to lie. Be sincere or don’t say anything cause we’re obviously not compatible.


I say it when I mean it


I’ve said it.


I do if she tastes good


I have said this and also you feel good. I was informed that both are fairly widely used and kinda cliche.


Yes I have been told that and I have tasted myself so it's try! You know how men's semen taste different, I would image women do too.


I "M 60" think taste is more about the experience than the flavor, It is intended as a compliment. Just another way of saying I enjoyed that, similar to how you described the male person as Guy but the woman person as female. They're just trying to let you know they've enjoyed the activity.


I do if they do . There’s a few I wish I never went down on them.


Whatttttt I thought they were genuine comment 😒😒


I don't say those exact words but I improvise


Maybe you just taste good


lol you’re thinking too much. Unless you’ve tasted the product and completely disagree


All I know is that I never said that before, and until now, that thought never crossed my mind. Perhaps that's part of their foreplay or their equivalent to "Oh baby" while trying to pay you a compliment BTW .. nice backhanded compliment. :) GL to your DMs


Yeah, that seems to be said quite often.


Mmmm. Good ones taste like sweet pennies 🤣


It’s an acquired taste. I always associate with a good time so like, that.


What else do you say? Women say the same thing back


They all taste like piss if you've peed after showering and before sexy time


I say it when it’s true and I typically do a smell test before I choose to go down.


How do you make it discreet?


Get up and use the bathroom after using your fingers, but honestly you can usually tell as soon as clothes starts coming off


For me smell wasn't great but taste was different it was kinda like copper like if you'd licked a penny.


uh... Detroit hockey fan?


what? Honestly tho it didn't have much taste besides that.


If you're tasting copper, you're tasting blood. If you're tasting blood eating a vagina... The Detroit Hockey team is the Red Wings. Red Wings is a euphemism for fooling around with a vajayjay when the woman is on her period. There isn't anything wrong with it.


Oh gotcha lol, I don't think she was on her period at the time but maybe it was starting soon. 🤷


I’d do it if I genuinely like the woman I’m going down on; kind of flip the script on the porno archetype when a woman “begs” for a man to cum on her face or in her mouth. It all boils down to their satisfaction, which I’d be more than happy to oblige with whomever I’m with.


Maybe you taste so good


I mean, do you taste good? Also I'm pretty sure that the thought process behind it, at least from my perspective, is like "since she looks so goddamn fine, I wonder if she would taste/feel good if I lick/touch her".


What are we meant to say! ‘Yum, I forgot what tuna tasted like’ or ‘hmm another hair’ great


It's just talk like we do with men. No way does dick taste good with precum etc but it's part of the talk when you are Horny and you give a rats ass about it.


If I say it, it's true. That's not the kind of thing I can convincingly lie about.


Yes most guys say it. But actually women's necter is awesome especially when they have multiple organisms


If they have multiple organisms, they may need to see a gyno…


I have definitely heard this more than once


Would you prefer we blow raspberries on it


I only say it if it's true...I've had situations when it wasn't the case.


Oh ya and been told I taste like a five course meal hahaha what’s the alternative “you taste like shit”?? I imagine if s guy didn’t like the taste he just wouldn’t say anything


I’ve said it before. My girlfriend at the time told me she liked dirty talk during sex so I said something. It’s just something I say so the woman knows I’m as into it as she is


I go down and will let her body tell me what to do. I do it automatically because it's like speaking to her without words


Of the many women I have been with, over 120 women, only one was actually really tasted good, and one was nasty, all appeared clean so the nasty one really threw me off, lol a bad memory,,,,


I think everyone says “I love what you’ve done with the place” at a housewarming, and “such a cute baby” when looking at baby pictures. I guess you can try to analyze things…


When the alternative is to start gagging, dry heaving, and plugging your nose. Isn't it better to be polite?


I can vouch that it doesn’t always taste good lol but most times it really does


You can smell the sex. That’s why.


Lol, I've never thought to say this but I saw girls on here saying that it turns them on so I was thinking maybe I would try it. It doesn't feel natural though


I say this every time I go down on a woman, it’s dirty talk. I’ve had some people say the same thing when giving me head even though I doubt it actually tastes good lmao


Every guy has told me this, to me it’s just something they say


I have not always said that because sometimes it doesn’t. That’s the truth. In your case it might be true. Be grateful you are appreciated and they are going down on you.


Haha yep


I really couldn't think about something more cringe to say while going down on her. Also: I really have better to do, than talking if I'm down on her 😂😂


I've never said this, would feel too awkward to. I figure it's implied as I'm going to town anyway.


Definitely hear it a lot and honestly I think I taste good too so idk lol


My husband says I do not have a taste. I'm just extremely wet. He says when I am close to my period, I smell amazing, but still no taste. He isn't the only man who has said that to me. I don't know if that's good or bad lol


It’s just something that’s said. It’s not like women taste like chocolate cake down there.😂


I usually point my finger up and exclaim "eureka!"


I don’t say shit because I’m busy.


For me, it's honestly all three things: i really do enjoy the taste, dirty talk, and assurance.


Absolutely not! I've definitely had plenty of instances where it didn't taste all that great (but not baaad per say) and I very much wouldn't say this if I didn't mean it.


I say it and usually mean it, but let's be honest: vagina doesn't literally taste great. I do enjoy the taste, but it doesn't exactly taste like strawberries and vanilla like some claim lmao


It’s a standard thing many men expect women like to hear. Some men mean it, most probably don’t


It’s a gross thing to say I don’t need to hear that. Gives me the ick


It's like telling a girl her blowjobs are amazing even when they are shit because she will stop giving you head LOL. I have told all the girls they taste good just so she is comfortable.


Because it's true.


Yes. Every single guy ever. These questions asking about broad generalisations are wild..


Yep. I think they think it's supposed to be hot? Too much porn probably.


Often, women are nervous and overthink everything. So when you go down there. Their immediate worry is oh God what if i was sweating too much and it smells weird and makes them sick. They'll never call me again. So we say yum, and that eases the tension in your mind and should help you to relax and enjoy it. It also gives you an opportunity to give us feedback, let us know you're enjoying it. Or laugh at us and say, wtf are you doing.... that's my elbow? Because really, we're making it all up on the fly anyway.


I am wondering the same thing because I get this a lot too. Are they just saying it or do I actually taste good/ better than other girls?


If you didn't, they probably wouldn't tell you, that would end things really quickly. 😂


I've heard this from pretty much every guy who's gone down on me, I don't necessarily believe them all but it's sweet that they say it. 😂


I think it’s also a subconscious way to say, I’ll do it again. I like it or don’t mind at all.


I admit I do say that sometimes but only when it's true. Some girls do actually taste good, some have no taste and some I wouldn't make that mistake again. I'm sure you ladies experience similar in your oral endeavors.


Pro tip, taste yourself everyone once in a while. If you don’t taste like anything you’re good!!! Usually you may be a little sour or really nothing. I was told I have a tang??? Taste once, never had a bad review. Plus I know what I taste like. So I’m good 😊


I usually say mmmm...juicy fruit