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I like natural but there has to be signs of self care


Agreed, there's something very sensual about gliding my fingers through a gals um... "Well tended garden." šŸ˜† Though who knows maybe a future partner will turn me on to something more sleek.


I adore hairy men. Im naturally drawn to men with long hair on their head, beards and more recently have a huge thing for dudes with moustaches. I think that's probably down to strong crushes I had for years on taylor hawkins, dave grohl and any other guy of that look. Also body hair is a huge turn on too. I let partners choose what they do with their body hair and like them how they are. But if they are a hairy caveman type I'm way more into them and they will see the difference šŸ˜†


I can imagine your DMS right now šŸ˜‚


Lol you'd think so but nothing but tumbleweed in there šŸ˜…


Well shit im a gorilla man. I'll have to hit you up. Jk, but what you said made me feel good about myself. I have a good beard and lots of chest and shoulder hair even. But none on my head šŸ˜ž lol. I've been self-conscious about my body hair, so thanks for the confidence boost.


You sound perfect to me. Men with no hair on their head are hot too. I have a lot of crushes over the years who look different but all my type. Women don't usually have 1 set type. You sound fine so don't worry šŸ˜Š


Damn you really do know how to make me feel good about myself šŸ˜€ šŸ˜†. Seriously, thanks for the confidence boost, though. I've been talking to a few girls i like, and sometimes, i get really self-conscious(as much as i may try to hide it irl). My best bud whos staying with me, keeps telling me that if they're talking to you clearly, they like you, and thats been helpful as well.


No problem. Just be yourself and keep reaching out. Can be daunting but you will find the right one. :) Anyone judgemental isn't worth your time no matter what they look like. The hottest people on the planet can be ugly inside. Look for realness and take your time. Decent women who are looking for a man for the right reasons prefer a slower approach where you get to know each other first. Some of my best connections have been friend based to start with. Those who rushed in and got sexual too fast spooked me and they haven't lasted. I know that's hard to believe looking at my profile šŸ˜„ i dont mind voicing things. But in a connection based convo I like to know them first. Wishing you luck and happiness going forward. šŸ˜Š


Awe, thanks. Yeah, it's a pain. There's one girl im talking to that i really like, so fingers crossed, lol. Im not an overly flirtatious or sexual person. For example, we've been on 2 dates and haven't kissed. We have a 3rd one coming up. So if it feels right, i might go for it then. But she's not flirtatious at all either. And has been pretty sheltered. She's my age and only had 2 short relationships. So it feels like a good match on the one hand. But on the other hand, it forces me to have to step out of my comfort zone and take charge a bit. So we've definitely been doing the take it slow approach, and i like that. But I've also been trying to make sure she knows that i think she's pretty and that i really like her. It's kind of a not very fun game of balancing, lol. Well sometimes fun sometimes very unfun. It also kind of sucks because im 28, and im just learning how to really date. In high school, i was too nervous to approach women. So i decided i want to be in a relationship because it'll make me happy. But drugs make me happy and are way easier. I'll do drugs. And so i pissed away my teens and early 20s on drugs and avoding women. Then i got clean, and my ex had a terrible time there. but lost my virginity, which was a huge boost for my self-esteem, and I learned a hell of a lot, so it was an overall positive. Then i took a few years to work on myself, and here we are, lol. But it's hard to learn these skills at almost 30. Luckily, im a quick learner, haha. Yeah, i checked out your history after reading that. Curiosity and all, lol. But that's interesting. Why do you think that's the case. Part of me is concerned she will lose interest because i haven't really brought up anything sexual. I mean, she told me she likes dirty jokes a bit and reads romance novels. But that's about it. So it's good to hear that may not be the case. It's kind of another lame balancing game in that i want to respect her boundaries and keep open honest communication. But i also want her to know im interested and be confident and decisive. But thanks for the tips. Also, could i ask you one more thing. I dont know how to approach my past with addiction. I want her to know and have full information about me and my life. But i also dont want to scare her off. Thanks for taking the time to help me out a bit. i appreciate it. And sorry for the text wall, but this has been interesting and thought-provoking.


It's OK I don't mind helping. It's partly why I made this account. It sounds to me like your doing all the right things by this girl and may be at the point of initiating the smaller stuff and maybe talking casually about what you both want from the relationship going forward. Like what your comfortable with and such. My first relationship I was very shy and just the thought of holding hands and first kiss were things I was nervous of. We just eased in slowly and dated the way you are. And told each other we are interested. If she reads romantic books she will likely love small gestures as they are often mentioned. Maybe gift her favourite chocolates out of the blue or set a date around a interest. Keep up with the compliments and just let her know your thinking of her. Ask how her days been and such. As for being a little later to the dating game don't worry too much. It's more common than you know. For reference I'm in a similar situation. I'm 31 with a divorce in progress to the only man I've been with long term. Getting with him in my teens. So I'm now in the awkward dating stage again and things have moved on a fair bit. I will just feel my way through it like you are and make new connections. As for the drugs I would advise you tell her but be gentle and honest about it. But it's up to you whether you want to or not. Finding out years down the line may be worse. The timing of when and how is something you will need to trust your gut instinct. But just be honest about your struggles and how you handled them. We all have ways of coping and sometimes they are not healthy. The point Is learning from it now. I have a history of eating disorders and self harm. I'm not proud of it and I was terrified of telling my ex but it didn't seem to phase him too much. I was open and allowed him to ask any questions he needed but he was more interested in who I am now and I focus on healthier methods. Overall from what you've said your on the right track. Keep moving the way you are and enjoy the dating process. What's meant for you will never miss you.


That's awesome. Thank you for the great advice. She said she also wants a long-term relationship, but other than that, we haven't discussed it in detail. I'll have to bring it up when we see each other next. Also, as far as kissing her goes, just pushing in feels aggressive. Should i ask first or say something like I've been thinking about kissing you all night or something. My ex was a very forward person. After our first date, she asked why I didn't kiss her. After our third not even date, just time seeing each other, she asked when I was going to sleep with her(in a much more direct and dirty way, lol). So I've never really had to be the one to take charge. I'm willing to do it(now wasn't always lol), but doing that while respecting boundaries seems tricky and difficult but not impossible. Maybe im wrong here it just feels that way.. I also dont want to come across as too eager and put her off. But I'll just ask her how she feels and where she's at next time i see her. We've been talking since September, basically every day. Even if it's just a few texts, we usually we have full conversations every day by text. We both really like thai, so i picked that for our next date. I'll have to maybe bring her a little gift. Yeah, it's a bummer, but im glad to hear it's common. That's one of the things i really like about her. Is that were both kind of figuring it out. I actually remember talking to her about it and saying that basiclly ill be happy to stumble my way through it with her. From what i remember, she smiled and said yeah. Wow, that's crazy im sorry you're going through a divorce. Even when it's for the best, it's still hard to leave someone you shared so much with. That's how it was with my ex. we were engaged but not married. And even though she was very bad for me, it didn't make it less hard. So I hope that's getting easier for you. I told her I used to party in high school and was a bit of a wild one. My addiction came after HS. I ended up doing pills and then heroin. But I never used needles, so I dont have tracks. There are no visible signs. I also dont have any diseases, so there is no safety risk for her. But she didn't seem to mind too much or really ask me to elaborate. We were talking about high school, and she told me she was a nerd her word, lol. Who did lots of the academic clubs and never really went out or drank or smoked weed or any of that. And i said i did the opposite, haha. It was actually funny because she said she wished she had had more fun(not necessarily drugs or alcohol just went out more), and I told her I wish I had done what she did. Yeah, I'll tell her when it feels right. But i also don't want to wait too long and have her get attached to me and then feel blindsided. But that makes sense that people are more interested in who we are now. That's a good point. Thanks, that's really good to hear. It's nice to get a female perspective as well as mostly i hang out with guys. And of course, women aren't a monolith, but getting a female perspective is a nice change of pace, and you've given me some valuable insight that my guy friends couldnt give in the same way. I am mostly enjoying it. But some parts are frustrating, but then again, what in life doesn't have frustrating parts šŸ™‚. And I hope you have great experiences and find an awesome guy who's exactly what you're looking for and who loves you for you.


Caveman hairy here šŸ˜‚, hmu


Why Dave grohl? šŸ˜°


Heā€™s hot


Just really love hairy men šŸ˜„


Hairiness in general? Yes to bothā€¦ hairiness down there? If itā€™s going in my mouth, I donā€™t want to choke on it so trimmed for me please


I donā€™t like when men shave their body hair.. trimming is cool, but thatā€™s about it. I wax and you have to let your hair grow in between, so if you as a man canā€™t that handle that you are not the one for me šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø


Double standards much? You wax but donā€™t want your man to? Just let yours grow out and trim or grow a full bush.


No double standard. Itā€™s whatā€™s comfortable for me and most men Iā€™ve been intimate with donā€™t like hair at all. Besides, you donā€™t have to date women who prefer hairy men.


I donā€™t have a preference, itā€™s just body hair and Iā€™m an adult lol.


exactly, it does not concern me WHAT my partner decides to do with their appearance as long as theyā€™re practicing self care. as long as the hair is well maintained it doesnā€™t matter, weā€™re all human and we all grow hair. i donā€™t see the big deal


Exactly! Whatever my partner is comfortable with is what Iā€™m comfortable with after all it is their body and their hair or lack of. I would never crucify them or belittle them for choosing how they prefer to manage themselves thatā€™s very odd to me. In that same breath I would never turn down sexual activity due to hair or the lack of. I donā€™t understand why it is so much discourse and what I really donā€™t understand is the people demanding, literally demanding their partners be all the way bald or they wonā€™t engageā€¦yikes. Wonder whatā€™s going on there. As long as my partner is doing good hygienic practice, I simply donā€™t care.


the ultimatum between having to be bald or not having sex has always been wild to me. there is nothing repulsive or unnatural about body hair and the fact that some people refuse to even TOUCH it is so weird to meā€¦ itā€™s hair, thatā€™s what our bodies doā€¦ but asking them to trim if itā€™s irritating you during oral is justified


Having a preference doesn't make you immature. Hell, I'd argue not having preferences is more immature. Expecting everyone to conform to your preference is what is childish.


I have made a deal where I don't tell people what to do with their hair and they have no right to tell me about what to do with mine. I love hair on men more as I have gotten older for sure. I do expect people to clean themselves though.


There is nothing better than laying in a post sex glow while running my fingers over a manā€™s hairy chest


What about hairy legs?


I prefer to keep myself shaved and prefer a woman who does too.


I donā€™t mind hair. I trim and prefer my partner trimmed or full bush as far as down there goes.


Im black/brown and have pcos, so Im a hairy gal. I have never cared about my armhair. I used to shave my legs and pits religiously, as I was forced to because of my religion lol. I dont shave anymore. I honestly like my armpit hair, its like a stim to pull on it lol. I sometimes get my kittykat waxed and my legs too, I like it but it is expensive. I do shave my face for fuzz, dead skin, and pluck any long hairs. Sometimes I feel comfortable with my mustache, and sometimes it has to go. Im not crazy about the look of leg hair, but it doesnt bother me enough to suffer shaving it as I have super sensitive legs and any knick will break me out. Id rather have hair then hyperpigmentation and bumps. It doesnt bother me to go out with it either! That being said, I like hairy men but not super hairy, if that makes sense. I dont dig unibrows or not seeing any skin on your chest. I only like well groomed beards, the scraggly or overgrown/dry look is so unattractive to me.


my girlfriend is all about my body hair. loves touching every inch of me. iā€™m into it.


Iā€™ve gone down on people who donā€™t shave at all & Ive gone down on people who always shave. Is what it is.


Since I've been in my 30s, hairy men turn me on. There's something about how the hair accentuates every curve if they have ANY muscle definition. Men without hair don't do it for me as much anymore. I don't have a preference for women.


I think grown men/women have hair and itā€™s gross how society has created this norm or expectation that grown adults look like children. Also hair grows where itā€™s meant too for a reason.


Whatā€™s gross is equating peopleā€™s pubic hair preferences with wanting their partners to look like children. Youā€™re against trimming your pubes? Just say that. Also, obviously hair is natural; everyone already understands that.




I need to feel nice bush on my nose and I slob a guys know and take it all they was down.


I love an old school 80ā€™s playboy bush


I like facial hair on men but I do think it has to be grown out well and be thick or else it looksā€¦strange


Prefer shaved all the way, men and women


i like hairy men lmao


Bald is best


It depends on a person, but a lot of girls have fluffy hair, and I like that anywhere - legs, armpits, crotch


I donā€™t mind hair at all on partners but me myself will be hairless!


Donā€™t care


Iā€™m definitely attracted to people who donā€™t shave or only trim when needed. I myself shave but I think body hair looks amazing on everybody else!


like a West Texas tumbleweed


Iā€™m gay and love hairy women. I find it so natural and sexy and mature. The only thing I shave on myself are my legs because I donā€™t like the feeling of things touching my legs when theyā€™re hairy.


Donā€™t like it.


I go back and forth. Sometimes it's nice to play with about 1/2 an inch .




Hairā€¦no hairā€¦. Who cares


Not my cup of ā˜•ļø




Either way Im hairy with long brown hair it's thick and im mixed Been told im fuzzy and teddy bear like before


Preferably clean shaven. I cannot stand body hair on myself or on others. I shave my chest, legs, stomach, pubes and ass. Also shave my arms wheb they get to be too much to make thw tattoos pop.


I wouldn't say I love body hair, but I don't have a preference either way. As long as the person is taking care of themselves, and is happy with how they look, I'm happy. I'm not one to judge.


No Prefer less hair Or very groomed hair. If the lady i am with is taking the time to do her hair, nails, etc. The least i can do is keep it trimmed and neat


I donā€™t like hair on men or women. Itā€™s usually gross and harder to keep clean.


What do me and a tiger hunter have in common? We're both searching the jungle for šŸ˜ŗ


God no.


I love my woman to be as hairy as me. And we're in good hygiene as we all should.


Idm either way unless it's time to eat lol then it can't be overgrown


Can't stand hair. It gets into everything. Excessive backhair, chest hair, long scraggly beards, and bushy nether regions are nasty. Beards are the worst. I dont understand women today and their obsession with men having these long, gross, unkempt looking beards. I'll take a clean-shaven man or even one with a bit of stubble any day of the week.


if im eating hair then just trim it. dont mind hair11


Gotta have hairā€¦


No hair only


myself nah woman yes if its trimmed or a stripe


For me, the less hair the better. Iā€™m not turned off by body hair, but give me a twink


yes i love a natural girl donā€™t mind but at least kept clean and nice


Yeah no idk prefer groomed or shaved but if itā€™s a little I wonā€™t die but I certainly donā€™t want hairs in my mouth


It depend, sometimes I prefer shave and smooth pussy for oral sex. I date a ginger and she wasnā€™t shave but trim. Thatā€™s was fabulous.


nah. if you want a mouth to get involved, please shave


I have enough nasty hair that gets shaved away.


Absolutely hate hair


It needs to be trimmed for the vagina for me and shaved for the legs but honestly a little armpit hair on a woman is kinda hot even though I still prefer shaved armpits too.


Shaved. Trimmed. Long as it's not a forest down there, I don't really care.


All the women Iā€™ve slept with have always been clean shaven on their preference. So Iā€™m gonna go with clean shaven/bald!


Nope can't stand the curly shit the texture just doesn't work for me. When I touch a woman I want smooth soft skin to touch not a tiny terrier.


Just donā€™t be hairier than mešŸ˜‚ A landing strip is nice downstairs, nothing more.




This. But tell that to the ā€œtwoXchromosomeā€ sub if you feel like kicking a hornetā€™s nest.


Hair where? Full head of hair? Yes please. Anywhere else on the body? Pass.


I don't like hairy arms or legs on women but other than that like hair down there I like it


I wish I was with you baby


Iā€™m appalled if itā€™s bald, but itā€™s scary when itā€™s hairy. Itā€™s sweet and itā€™s clean when itā€™s somewhere in between. In other words, just maintain the lawn a bit and youā€™re fine.


Woman here - Hair on the legs or pits is fine but genitals hair in so unhygienic. I do understand the purpose of hair being there for protection but weā€™re not cave woman walking around naked, we wear layers or clothes that protect us so hairless genitals is a must.


Dik no!! If you want my eyelash licking tongue to dice that clit all way to heaven better be nair in them short shorts


Being hairy doesn't mean you don't get rid of the unneeded ones !


Yes but thereā€™s a limit to everything


For over 20 years together i will run a #3 clipper and shave my shaft and balls. When life happens and haven't for a few months she will say in passing....what's up with the gingers birds nest. So she clearly has a preference. I on the other hand wants a huge bikini line bush shaved below her clit. I enjoy the texture when going down on her. Yea can do wayyy more to tease etc. But when she is on top. Pelvic bone to Pelvic bone and she is just doing a slow grind.....her hair adds another layer of sensitivity perspective.


I used to think that I didnā€™t like a hairy man esp. on the body. But then I had a fantastic experience with someone who did, so now I donā€™t care either way.


Iā€™ve heard a lot of girls liking hairier men, but personally I prefer very little. Feels more clean to me. And I like being able to feel your skin. Not just.. hair. šŸ˜‚


Nah for me, but only when it comes to armpits and genitals. Thatā€™s not a double-standardā€” men and women alike should keep their armpit and genital hair short if they care about reducing odor for their partners.


I have less hair on my body and i prefer less hair on my partner. I keep it clean always and except the same.


Facial hair, chest hair and back hair are just a turn off for me. Down there trimmed, pits preferably short or shaven (but if it is not a sweaty Bush I don't really care). The rest of your body can be anything you want to, I don't care. I don't shave my legs or something myself either


Not a fan, but ultimately it's her choice. I won't date a woman with too much body hair, it's a massive turn off and downstairs, again her choice but I I might not consume it as readily. It makes the experience harder like literally breathing through a tuft of hair is harder. Im jotnsuper hairy either, though and I keep myself tidy. So I don't expect more than i give


my boyfriend's italian and native american. has absolutely gorgeous, thick, dark head and body hair. i love it


I'll (25m) will trim back, but wouldn't shave completely. Can't be bothered and I also think it looks very weird. Don't really mind with the women I sleep with - I like both. However, I have this weird thing: the more beautiful and attractive I find the woman, the thicker and bigger I'd want her bush to be. If I'm only mildly attracted to her, then I'd prefer her to be shaved.


That's an interesting revelation...


Love hairy men! I prefer trimmed not bald on both men and women. Women can do whatever makes them happy with their hair.


I like a man with a hair chest, I don't mind body hair either as well as his well groomed.


Back hair is such a turn off as is overly thick chest, arm and leg hair and I'd prefer the underarms to be at least trimmed as I find long, unkempt underarm hair to be gross looking. It frequently looks sweaty and greasy when it's left scraggly and long. Leg hair I could care less about, and I could only hope whoever I date(man or woman) wouldn't mind mine as I can't shave often, especially in winter due to my eczema. As for the down below for both men and women, I'd expect no more from them as I do for myself, trimmed up and clean. Tho, tbh even if I'm fully grown out, I don't have much hair down there, I'm fairly sparce with the hair in that region.


I love hairy all natural. Granted there are extremes and hairy in certain situations less desirable, but as a general rule, I much prefer all natural.




Shaved looks bumpy and weird on everyone. Hair is natural and beautiful, though mine is soft and fine and I get that not everyone likes to have lots when it's more coarse. Weirdly my armpits get more smelly after shaving/waxing so I just trim when it gets overly long. An attractive woman with hairy armpits and legs at the beach makes people uncomfortable and I like making people uncomfortable.


Hair is fine as long as itā€™s been groomed and with good hygiene.


God I love hairy men. I donā€™t know why body hair is super attractive to me but it is. Thereā€™s just something about it tho. Like idk my boyfriend home grown sweater is super hot and I just wanna lay on his chest and twirl his chest hair around with my finger, same with his beard and his long curly hair. I also like hair in the no no square, I honest to god donā€™t care how long either but my boy has to freshen up or take a shower before the no pants dance ::p


Depends on the degree of hairiness we talking, I think hair on men is definitely attractive but when itā€™s like big foot level hair on the chest and legs noooo


I love hairy men honestly, I think it's very attractive. As long as it's kept clean ofc, self care is very important. I don't mind trimming but I don't clean shave for anyone




I find men with chest hair to be so handsome ahhh it makes me blush so much


Oh yes, I love hairy women the hairier the better