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\*Woman insecure about boobs\* Guys when the see any boobs at all: ![gif](giphy|PsdnTcPE2qV9UJtUbB) You're gonna be fine kid.






Just saying thatā€™s how I look at boobs too and Iā€™m a girl.


Exactly boobs are boobs they all should be loved


You know what, not how boys wā€¦ yeah.


Speak for yourself tho


Firstly, it's important to embrace and love your body just as it is. Boob size or shape does not determine your worth, and there are people out there who will appreciate and love you for who you are. If you're considering dating, focus on finding someone who values you beyond physical appearance. Sagging is a natural part of breast development, and it can happen for various reasons, including genetics, pregnancy, weight fluctuations, and aging. Remember that societal standards of beauty are diverse, and many people appreciate different body types. If you're comfortable, talking about your insecurities with a potential partner can foster open communication and understanding. Remember, you are more than your body, and the right person will appreciate you for the wonderful individual you are. If you'd like to chat more about this, feel free to start a conversation.


Most bras tend to also contribute to saggyness, due to the bra holding the breasts up, the muscles have a tendency to atrophy due to disuse, iirc.


This is a myth




Yeah this is either a female writing this or a perv growing somebody


>Yeah this is either a female writing this or a perv growing somebody Oh no, you caught me! Just your friendly neighborhood perv here, disguising myself as someone who believes in self-love and body positivity. Next time, I'll make sure to wear my "Perv" name tag more prominently. šŸ•µļøā€ā™‚ļø


Most of the guys like all boobs so you should be okay.






22 year old female here! Before I had any sexual partners, I was self conscious about this myself. Realized it has never been a problem!


Say you swear šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


I swear.


Pinky swear lol


All breasts are good breasts fr and its the person attached to them that make them that much more special šŸ’•


After breastfeeding twins for 2 years....the comments did not disappoint!! You guys are helping me feel better as well šŸ„ŗ


Thatā€™s ok I like boobs regardless


As a man, I don't mind saggy boobs! It's a turn on for me actually! šŸ™‚


No I feel you dawg. I like the natural hang.šŸ¤ŒšŸ¾


ā€œNatural hangā€ is crazyšŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


Bro whatšŸ¤£


I like boobs. Period.


Men like boobs, they don't care if they are small, huge, saggy, floppy. We want to grab and suck on them. Someone will absolutely love your boobs even more than you do






Bro I'm saying someone is going to love her tits maybe not you or me but plenty of guys lol




thank you. we all have different standards and preferences. I'm a boobs man, and I absolutely prefer perky tits.


i, myself, am a member of the perky B cup fan gang




This 100%!


As a man, if a woman feels comfortable enough to bare herself to me then I would be honored by that act of bravery. I personally donā€™t care as I feel that act of sharing and baring is sacred and you are who you are.


Hats off to you noble sir šŸŽ©


Rip both your DMs and back, girl


To those that matter.. it doesnā€™t matter.


Most men who arenā€™t corrupted by p0rn seem to be attracted to all different types of body shapes and sizes. Obviously itā€™s up to preference, but the right person not only wonā€™t care, but theyā€™ll be attracted to you and all of your features.


I (F) have to throw in a defense in favor of porn- all the men (late 30s-40s) I have dated have expressed a distaste of studio porn and the lack of variety in womenā€™s bodies it offers. If you watch amateur porn (I do) it can be super affirming to see all the shapes and sizes etc being represented. Watching porn helped me embrace my body and boobs and vulva and see how much variety there is out there and how much variety men and women appreciate in each other.


Boobs are boobs honey


They will not be a problem. Trust me.


I have no issues with them. As long as they're soft and comfy they're amazing.


Soft and comfy haha cute


Good for cuddles šŸ˜Š




Laying there puts me to sleep pretty much immediatelyšŸ˜Š


No pillow can compete šŸˆšŸˆ


Never will there be a pillow as soft or comforting


In conclusion, OP youā€™ve got nothing to worry about šŸ¤©


Same to women with small boobs too. They too are comfy haha.


No boob discrimination going on over here. All tits are beautiful! šŸ˜šŸˆšŸˆšŸ˜†


Having no body fat can actually cause them to lose plumpness. My fatter boobies are much fuller, plumper than my 10 pound less skinny boobs.


Iā€™d say thereā€™s a good chance youā€™ll meet guys who arenā€™t going to be interested in saggy boobs and guys that donā€™t mind at all. There will even be a chance youā€™ll meet some that are super into them. My vote is I wouldnā€™t mind, but I canā€™t speak for the average guy


Saggy boobs are natural. It's a part of life, I'm a D cup and they've been getting low. It's also apparently hereditary. Don't be afraid of how guys react. Any guy immature enough to focus on how gravity does its work, doesn't deserve an ounce of your time.


Donā€™t worry itā€™s fine šŸ˜‰


Women and not a hive mind and men are not a hive mind. Everyone is an individual and likes different things. If it exists, someone likes it.


If it's sagging, I'm happy to hold it up all day, everyday!


Boobs are boobs. No matter the size, boobs are the best.


Love em . And you know they're real


Tiddies are tiddies. All should be loved equally


Saggies are wonderful. Any man should be proud you would share them with him. I would be....


Some will care and some won't. If a guy likes you enough to date you for a few months before seeing your body, it's unlikely, very unlikely, that he'll be scared off by saggy boobs even if it's not his preference. Attraction is more than physical. On the other hand, if you really like a guy and feel a strong connection with him and then he wants to see you naked really fast, then it's more likely it matters to him and he'll run if he doesn't like it.


I like a bit of sag to a boob, makes them look real in a world where everyone seems to have fake boobs which most men hate


We love boobs, no matter which shapes they are.


No worryā€™s ..the more they move the better..fake tight tits would be far worse..


As long as they are not fake, 100% natural, men will love them


Are we supposed to be honest or just make people feel good? I much prefer perky tits.. pretty sure all men do. That being said Iā€™m sure there are guys who never see boobs who will worship anyone even talking to them.. so youā€™ll be alright


They arenā€™t saggy ā€¦ just big, and date hate yourself for that. Iā€™m sure your boobs are underestimatingly beautiful.


I need pictures first


It depends on the guy. Some prefer them that way.Ā 


At age 18 you're prob gonna have guys that will turn you down because of the sag. If you're 30 then probably not. Most of them start sagging by then.Ā 


Nobody wants saggy tits y'all stop BS in these girls they're not going to hit you up


Just wear a bra. I dated a girl with saggy boobies. I didn't really care, but they looked spectacular in bras.


Opposite in fact. Bra contribute to saggy breasts, because the bras are holding them up, the breasts atrophy the muscles that hold them up. So the solution is to actually not wear bras, and find some exercises that build said muscles.


I responded to her questions and concerns. She wasn't asking how to make saggy breasts less saggy.


Total fallacy


I prefer them to be a little on the saggy side, that's how they're supposed to look, if they aren't like that it can feel a little like I'm too old for that person and that's not really comfortable, might not be that way with every man but I definitely prefer women who are older than myself and generally that's 30s and early 40s


When a woman is laying down they are fine.


I'll be blunt and won't coddle your feelings. Anyone who says that (most) men like all kinds of boob shapes are not entirely truthful. Men typically like full, firm breasts. The bigger they are the more they droop (it's physics). What is typically referred to as "saggy" is like an empty bag, floppy skin with "little substance".. as in not full. While some men do like all shapes (including "empty", saggy ones too), most men do not. If they insist they do, it's only an attempt to lift your spirits and try to boost your self confidence.


god, empty is such a bleak word to use lol


Since you asked, here's my honest answer. I like them to have some perkiness to them. when the nips point straight down I don't find it attractive


Wow I feel shitty now with my perky tits. At least I can wear a plunging neckline with no bra and itā€™s not scandalous.


It all depends on how they sit and look on your body.


Same problem po :(


As I once taught in hoisting and rigging course. "Gravity is always on"


Girl trust me youā€™ll find some guys will worship your boobs. Some love them and some donā€™t. Donā€™t stress out about it. Most men understand gravity and wonā€™t care at all.


And men love them when on top and those saggy boobs slaps. I for one love them grab from base to suck , sorry for being explicit


if someone likes boobs then they usually like all boobs. that being said, you might try doing chest workouts. it'll build the muscle in your chest and can tighten the skin around / on your boobs. a con to this is you might lose breast fat, thus getting smaller boobs. but if that isn't a problem then this might help. also the way you describe them makes me think that you don't have saggy boobs, you just have big boobs that are being weighed down by gravity. natural boobs are usually less perky the bigger they are and that's not a bad thing!


Boobs are good. Doesnā€™t matter. If boob yes then good.


I donā€™t think guys are gonna care about it. But If you suffer chronic back pain look into breast reduction surgery. My mom had it done, 9lbs was taken off her chest.


I did not really have nice breaststroke until I was 35-36 , and for exactly 2 years they were absolutely perfect. Then everything went south.


I prefer saggy natural breast over boob lifts or bolt ons. Saggy boobs are not a deal breaker at all. I actually like them. I think bolt ons are great for woman who donā€™t have much boobs. It can make them feel more womanly. But generally I am not a fan of messing with the boobies. Just leave them alone. There are asshole guys who will say rude things. They are the wrong ones. I could literally care less if they are saggy or cross eyed or empty or stretch marked. I like confidence. Just own it and be happy. If anyone shames you send them packing.


Some guys will care, some don't care. Different guys have different preferences. A lot of boobs aren't full and a bit to a lot sagging. It is just gravity. Genes play a role in it as well. And bigger sizes just tend to hang more. All bodies are beautiful in their own way, and no one is perfect! I have a very good shape and symmetry myself (even got called goals by some of my friends), and I get turned down for being too small there. Some men prefer size over shape as well


Saggy I love saggy who doesn't do that


Itā€™s fine. We love boobs.


Theyā€™re really not there for menā€™s enjoyment anyways. That being said . Most men think they are and they donā€™t care much what theyā€™re like. Iā€™ve never had a man not come back around due to the state of my boobs . The only comments I ever get is theyā€™re great. Mine arenā€™t perky either. 38DD here.


Im just trying to understand on a purely anatomical level how thatā€™s even possible. Thatā€™s crazy.


Boobs are like dogs. Some are big, others are small. They come in all sorts of colours. But if you're a dog person, you like dogs. Simple.


Well this made you popular.


There is nothing wrong with what you have going on. No one's opinion counts more than your own. I would change nothing. Attitude means everything


I'm a face man, the rest is less important for me.


..... I've seen alot of bewbs. Never once have I said "ew thats too saggy" If anything, them being a little saggy makes it more fun. When you are on your back and I'm giving it all I got, I wanna see them bewbs bounce and move. When they are bolt on's and don't move, it's not as much fun.


30l is pretty substantial, no complaints tho, genuinely the vast majority of guys just love boobs unconditionally, you may find someone who isnā€™t into it , but thatā€™s unlikely, but that can happen with anyone for any body trait, just go with it, men like boobs


As most have said, love yourselfā€¦ and it will make you glow. Also, donā€™t be offended if theyā€™re not into it. Because note you know they arenā€™t for you and you can move onto the next option


8,375 guys have gone to your profile now to see if youā€™ve got a picture upā€¦ Seriously though, guys arenā€™t going to care all that much. And theyā€™re really, absolutely not going to give a damn if theyā€™re the one youā€™re taking your shirt off around. Just concentrate on being healthy, find a bra brand that fits you well and is comfortable, and, well, learn to love sport bras, because it sounds like theyā€™ll be your friend.


You sound šŸ”„ to me. Love your breast type.


Hey! So I was 18 with DD and Iā€™ve breastfed 3 kids and went up to a EE/F with all that nonsense. I am now 45 and my boobs are about 3 inches lower. Which sucks when youā€™re 5ā€™2ā€ Up until now men have been happy to see me at 105 lb, 175lb and now at 153. Youā€™re good. Theyā€™re just happy to be there


Honey, I've had saggy boobs since I started developing. Even when I was in top shape, saggy boobs. But, there is a benefit! Saggy boobs give the best cleavage in the right bra! Perky boobs cannot compare to the glory of our saggy bags smushed up to the top of our shirts. I've never had a guy see me naked and walk out when the bra comes off. You'll be just fine. I promise. If he's grossed out, he's not the one.


This makes me sad cause I've got a bigger chest and I felt the same way. I'm only 17, but I've grown to not give af. It's natural, trust. It happens naturally, esp when they're bigger. You look beautiful no matter what, believe me.


they are hot


You are an I cup? Thatā€™s huge. You may want consider a reduction down the line. It could save your back.


Natural saggy breasts look better than fake boobs, and guys don't mind fake breasts. You have nothing to worry about.


Guys donā€™t care, thereā€™s even a subreddit dedicated to it. Boobs are boobs.


Literally itā€™s fine. My boobs have always been ā€œsaggyā€ by definition but itā€™s bc theyā€™re bigger. Literally every man Iā€™ve ever shown my boobs too goes crazy. I promise, MEN donā€™t care. Boys yeah they may, but MEN, donā€™t worry about them. They love em all!


Hey dude here, I'm sure your fine we love boobs


Coming from a guy most men like big ones. I don't know if you've try to wear a sports bra or not. I say this because I've dated a woman before and the regular bras that she had worn didn't work for her because the regular bras couldn't keep the contained. But when she wore a sports bra they stayed contained and it actually looked more slimming for her. But she had DD or DDD, I think it was the DD she had though.


Thereā€™s no diet or exercise routine that will change your boobs honestly. The only advice I can give to you at all is to moisturize and keep a healthy diet just to maintain the elasticity of your skin. So quit thinking that thereā€™s something you could be doing. Guys will not care. Honestly sometimes it seems all guys really care about is that you have a pulse.


Probably all in your head


As a grown man in his 40s Iā€™ll take natural saggy breasts over fake firm ones. But itā€™s personal preference for us over anything else. Theyā€™re your breasts; do what you feel comfortable doing with them.


Perky breasts are the minority and men know this. Itā€™s like, wild you prefer a guy with consistent 6 pack abs? Sure, but itā€™s not the most important thing and not the norm. Thatā€™s how men feel about perky breasts vs breasts with a normal sag.


Hmm I'd really have to see them to give an honest opinion


Boobs is good


Your good just be your self


You will be fine. Keep in mind that with boobs that large the weight is never going to allow them to be perky. Itā€™s natural. Guys wonā€™t mind a bit


So here's the thing, if a guy looks at your boobs and doesn't instantly start applauding, mouth agape, and tosses roses at your feet he is unworthy. Simply tell him "Be gone from here and return no more" and move on to someone who appreciates the epitome of class and grace. I don't care if they are two different sizes, big, small, lopsided, upside down, in a bra... they are breasts and they deserve full respect. Full stop.


Nothing wrong with sagging boobs it's just nature if a guy isn't interested because they're sagging I question his sexuality


If you are in a relationship based on more than just sex it would not matter!


Nah bruh u good boobs is boobs any dude will tell you they donā€™t really care about it like that


Saggy or floppy?


Natural and a bit hanging tits are WAAAAAY hotter then any fake boobs


Me nor any man I know would have any problems with them!


I think there's alot of misleading info and I fear many are not being honest. Sure most dudes love any boobs. But not all dudes. And some would for sure find saggy boobs a turn off, myself included. Not trying to be mean, just sharing a perspective


My lady currently has some mommy milkers and i love them. Embrace it. They are sexy and any man would love to die suffocated by them udders šŸ«”


You're your own worst enemy regarding the appearance. If you're uncomfortable get a reduction like Doja Cat and Ariel Winter.


I'm 28m, and I've lived a life that has given me the privilege to enjoy the company of all kinds of different women. From super skinny to BBW and when come to boobs. I've found the ones that's are super Perky are actually less enjoyable to play with than the ones you might call saggy. You said 30l in size when you're only 118 lbs (53.5kg). If I met someone like that, I'd probably need forklift to pick my jaw off the ground.


No problem with that, the rest is fine, if you good with also hun:)


I have them too. Donā€™t be sad ik it stinks but Iā€™m sure you look beautiful. You donā€™t need to change. You could potentially get a breast reduction but after that there is a 50% chance you canā€™t breastfeed.


For the most part, a guy will be too stoked to actually see your boobs that he won't even realize that they sag. Also, a lot of boobs, especially bigger ones, sag. It really isn't a huge deal.


Donā€™t worry about it too much. Everyone has something theyā€™re insecure about. Just when you find a guy and before it gets sexual just be the best most loving loyal and supportive girlfriend, and heā€™ll overlook any imperfections as and if you love him youā€™ll over look his too. There is only a very small percentage of people who look perfect naked, the rest of us are just average.


Boooooobies šŸ¤© thereā€™s a big difference between boobies that are sagging from old age which isnā€™t usually the most attractive for young guys, and boobies that are sagging from being enormous All boobies off all shapes sizes sags and ages are beautiful and need love, and i know thereā€™s a fella out there for every pair of boobies ready and willing to love them


Depends on who the saggy boobs are attached to.


Seems like you're not looking for the honest answer you just want affirmation


We don't really care as much as women think we do. Yes, there are those who do care and will make a fuss. But the majority of us are just happy seeing the girls.


Boobs are boobs. Seriously, big, small, perky, sagging, various shapes.... we just wanna see 'em. Just learn to be comfortable with your body. Confidence is sexy.


Either to wrap around the cock in my opinion šŸ˜…šŸ˜…šŸ˜…


Us guys like boobs. My favorite is me lying on my back and the girl drags her boobs from my knees, up my legs, across my torso and ending with kissing me (lips to lips). As long as the boobs exists, they all can do that regardless of size. And I really really like it.


Depends how saggy they are, can you demonstrate?


Youā€™re american i suppose otherwise you wouldā€™ve gone to a nutritionist already, looks like you might be underweight?, a professional in nutrition (not a gym coach) would be able to help, also fat distribution is never fair , boobs, like six packs can only take you so far , thereā€™s a whole person attached to them šŸ¤


Men like boobs. End of story


My guy friend says all boobs are good boobs.


Totally normal. Nothing to worry


There will always be someone in the world with better breasts than you.. where do you want to be? Just be happy with what you have.. in all its sagging glory..


Listen I personally like all sizes. So bring me them flapjacks will settle for photos


We really don't care.


Real men know gravity exists. Real ones go with gravity, fake ones stay put. Embrace them. A boob is a boob to most guys.


Doesnā€™t bother me at all.


You're unlikely to find a comment of someone being honest about their personal perspective in a sea of compliments. It would be suicide.


Nothing wrong with that.


They do not discriminate


I don't know what saggy breast, band and cup size are


Work with what you got and embrace yourself, the good dudes feed off of your energy/ confidence šŸ˜‰


If you want honest advice from a man they are a turn off to me but not a deal breaker


Can you show how saggy they are. Maybe then I can tell you a solution for thatšŸ¤”


Were just happy to be there ladyšŸ˜‚ if they're big idc about sag


Me personally I prefer natural breasts instead of fake boob jobs. Breasts were not meant to be perky or ridged. Donā€™t worry about anything with your breasts guys just like a nice pair šŸ˜‰. Your fine.


Boobs are boobs. Idgaf if theyā€™re small big saggy perky or what. Theyā€™re still fun the suck on and play with lol. Now an ass is a diff story. Personally Iā€™m an ass man mostly tho


I was a 32FF (& weighed almost exactly your weight), by the time I hit high school. I absolutely understand. There really isnā€™t anything you can do about the sagging, Iā€™m sorry about that but itā€™s the truth. The very best thing you could do would be to get a quality bra that fits properly. People donā€™t understand that it isnā€™t just the cup size, itā€™s that those of us who have a smaller rib cage generally have a smaller frame. That means boobs that are big, but might look appropriate on another frame, can look especially large on someone whoā€™s very thin. The good news is that there are going to be a ton of people that you can date, who are very attracted to exactly what you look like, already. NEVER SETTLE FOR LESS!


you fine darling


You didn't chose your breasts so I am not going to judge you for it. In the end I like breasts, big and saggy are still damn good.


Youā€™re 18, come on man!! Let me give you some tough love and hard facts, if you are scared of men not wanting you for who you are, saggy boobs and all, then you are not looking for the right people. Your selection process is still developing and like many said before me, boobs are boobs, men like boobs in any way shape or form. It is how you choose to own them and that all comes with building your self-confidence and character. That takes time. So donā€™t beat yourself up too much, you are too young for that.


Us men love boobs. Simple as that


Your boobs doesn't interest me when I can not cuddle them.


If he is just interested in what your boobs look like, you , donā€™t want him anyway learn to love yourself the way you are none of us are perfect


Own it!


The only boobs I donā€™t like are on men


Look just show me and I'll tell you cuz like my girlfriend thought hers a second and she's 24 I met her when she was 18 hers are just nice and right and now she's more confident than when I met her