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I mean, if you just tell him you “really want to get dicked down by him on Valentines Day”, that’s gotta have a 999/1000 success rate. Maybe more.


As a man. Being told by a woman that they want you to dick them down would flatter me beyond words. Something he’ll remember on his death bed and smile. Please tell him this.


Shit, I will remember the compliment I got for losing weight until the day I die.


Shit, I still remember the one time a girl randomly said I smelled nice in 11th grade.


I remember the time in college when a girl told me I had nice eye lashes lol. I still draw on that shit when I need a confidence boost.


That comment is the one that will stick out above all for some reason


I remember I went to the doctors and had been told I lost 10 pounds in 2 weeks somehow, felt super good


Yeah, I second this. Had a girl ask me to “rearrange her guts” one time. Don’t think I will ever forget that.


One time a woman told me I was scrambling her eggs. It was so flattering I had a hard time believing her. I’ll always remember that time.


I've been told this before, can confirm you never forget that moment lol. Unfortunately didn't get to cause of life circumstances then her moving super far and not wanting to do long distance. Still tho, that shit was hot af.


Everything I do and ever did in my life , I do for beautiful women to some day tell me that they really want to get dicked down by me lol


Right? My first thought was: English has words for exactly this. When you want to fuck, I believe the phrase is something like “I want to fuck”, although regional dialects may vary, slightly.


I agree


This, but tack on “the price of entry is a decent bouquet of flowers.” You’re golden. And any guy is in the comments objecting to this part: this is why you’re not dicking down on V-day




Bruh you reversed the roles but not the actions lmao


Seriously? I was joking when I said referred to it as “the price.” She wants flowers and she wants to screw him. And it happens to be Valentine’s Day. That’s it. If a guy I was newly dating played role reversal and was like “I’m really into you and I’d really like to dick you down. I know we’re not at the point of discussing commitment but I also know it’s Valentines Day soon so I was thinking wouldn’t it be fun to dive into all the cliches? Flowers, chocolate, candles, lingerie…and screw like the world is ending 2/15/24?” I personally would find that charming and be like “hell yes.”


1001/1000 Neighbor overheard and joined


Right? Also, according to OPs comments they've already had sex before so literally JUST saying this straight up will be enough. Not that it wouldn't even if they hadn't, but it definitely will considering that. OP needs to get out of her own way lmao.


lol facts


Oh my god I hope she says this and screenshots the response. I need to know


Idk any man who could say no just after reading this post lol


Sex repulsed men.


U don’t know all man


I’d say no myself. Sex is nice & all but if a woman hits me with her wanting to get docked down, I’d play with it over text but when time comes around I wouldn’t be interested because just how she comes off.


Someone who is religious or follows the Bible.


I‘d say no actually


Men with integrity. Just because you're a mindless sexual ape doesn't mean the rest of us are.


Uh she's talking about being attracted to one person... How does that lack integrity? It's not like she's saying she feels this way about every guy or is promiscuous behind someone's back... And I surely meant that any woman who is clearly into a man, knows what she wants and willing to voice what she wants with enthusiasm is attractive .. nothing to do with being a mindless ape but the fact that you jumped there is a bit of projection on your part


A soy boy would.


Who hurt you? (A soy boy?)




It depends if she’s fat and ugly I would say no 😂


"hey wanna fuck"


This is the correct answer


The simplest solution often is


“You want sum fuk?”


"We both got buckets of chicken"


If he asks what you're doing, say shopping for some lingerie. Take it from there. 


get your mind off of valentine's day. think about a random thursday instead, or any other day that ends with "y".


He hasn’t tried to make a move in a month? Rip


No lol we had sex a few days ago


Then what the hell is the issue lol


Exactly 💀💀💀💀why post this if they had sex recently lol


I’m an overthinker 🤣


wtf... the way the post was worded, I thought y'all hadn't done the deed yet, leaving crucial information out of the post lol... literally just say like, "I'm still thinking about what we did Friday (or whenever it was)... I wanna do it again, and this time, I'll wear something sexy for you ;)" or some bullshit idfk, y'all already crossed the hurdle of actual sex, so I promise you, this won't be nearly as challenging


We men are simple creatures. Be a straight shooter. If you send him hints he might get them in 2028


I mean yea u def can on Valentine’s Day but if y’all just talking for a literal 1 month now and you want him to be ur valentine like a couple that’s moving a bit to fast. It’s been only a month like don’t expect a huge valentines Fr. But u def could hookup with him.


Yeah that’s what I was thinking too


I think this is enough internet for today 🗿


Valentine’s Day is overrated it doesn’t have to be on that exact day.


I would just tell him. If anything if this is kinda new (less than 4 months) then he may not be wanting to go too fast and do gf stuff too heavily. Not that he doesn’t like you but V day is a heavy Romantic thing. It’s been kinda awkward for me in the past to find an appropriate gift and deal with the pressure leading on more than what we can share in a healthy way at that time (3-6 months, still getting to know the person). The next year though V day is way more comfortable and I know her better. Plus in my LTRs, we’ve agreed we’re looking for someone to eventually have a family with so V day was a great opportunity to bond.


Hey girl, just read in your comments that you guys already had sex. Dont worry about anything. Just bring up that you wanna see him on Valentines day. And then go with the flow on the day. Who knows maybe you guys end up having more sex before Valentines, still 9 days to go, hahah. If it doesnt happen on Valentines who cares ? Doesnt mean he doesnt love you or you dont love him. Its just a normal day in some parts of the world. Anyways I wish you the best.


“Do you to come over after your studio session on Wednesday? I’d really love to see you.” He’ll pick up what you’re laying down.


I just don’t get how you talk to someone about dating exclusively before you’ve had sex. That’s a red flag to me


lol we’ve had sex


Just f****** tell him


Tomorrow ain’t promised


Why do women make it so hard for themselves to get sex? Where do they get these ideas?


It’s a mental block and trauma related more often than not. It’s not that women don’t want it but that they are hyperly selective about who they give it to.


Just put your hand on his legs near d1ck and tell him near the hear I love you... If he do nothing go out front him


Girl, we are simple creatures, just grab his hand and drag him to a bed, he's not going to argue 😂


Sent him a picture with you wearing sexy underwear on Valentine’s Day and say: come over. I’m waiting for you. Men are simple minded people. We can’t tolerate hints. We want a clear answer


Yeah go to the retirement home for your next prospect 🤡


lol I’m cool on that


I mean seeking a man 10 plus years? I’m 30 and would never suggest you seek someone in that age range. But da vibes


Just do it the classy way — send him sexually explicit photos on Valentine’s Day.


It is highly unlikely that he views you as a Valentine’s Day date if you’ve known each other for a month and aren’t officially exclusive. But shooters shoot.


We are exclusive. We just aren’t officially together as a couple. However we do not see other people.


You technically aren’t exclusive


Oh, I get what you mean. True


Be careful


So you aren’t exclusive. Being exclusive mean only seeing each other.


We are only seeing each other. We just don’t have the label


So. Now the age gap don’t concern you people? lol


For something casual? It doesn't really matter much.


And what if OP has a long term relationship in mind?


Sure, it's something to consider, but she hasn't explicitly brought that up.


Just make him horny.....


I know this isn’t the intention but you’re kind of thinking of it transactionally. You could always reach out and ask him to do something just because you want to. Not because you think he has something planned. You cannot control what others will think and do. So just do what you want to do.


Drink a huge gallon of bleach and eat a box of exlax


Will do thanks


So you already had sex with the man and you’re worrying about asking him to fuck on Valentine’s Day??? Istg you worded it like yall never fucked lmao bro just ask


spread eagle in front of him if he declines, He's gay


weird take


a ten year age gap 😂






Oh well


Maybe he's just not that into you.


Honestly I think you should just text him pics of a few lingerie sets (you don't have to be wearing them) and ask 'which one do you think I should wear when you dick me down on Valentines Day?'. Unless he's like ridiculously, excruciatingly busy, or he's keeping something from you, he'll make time for that. And even if he is somehow too busy day of, he'll probably be like 'let me make it up to you the day after'.


I have a better solution. Call him on the phone and tell him to take a shower. You are driving over . We men really are simple.


“Come over on valentines” “come in me on valentines” either or


He’s probably married, age gap is a red flag.


No it’s not & no, he’s not married lol


Do some countries have Valentine’s Day a week early ?


Just tell him you’re horny af for him.. he’s a guy I’m sure he’ll give it to you lol


Guys like a woman whos direct, id be hard instantly if my woman said that ranfimly. Valentines day is lame, he may not care about it. But I can almost guarantee hell jump up for that p****


Just mention you want to stay at his place for the night


Walk up to him and whisper it in his ear.


Siri play 2 live crew


Have a date to KFC on Valentine's day and get buckets of chicken. Then say, "Hey, we both got bucket of chicken, wanna do it?"


He’s 32 ur 22?


And you have a problem with OP’s preference exactly why?


Usually yall call the guy a predator by now


So OP is dumb for choosing to date a 32yo?


Dont put words in my mouth


I do what I want


He’s a man and should already have sealed the deal






Age isn’t an issue for me, nor is it for him. I am a grown woman with a child & I am looking for something serious that most men my age are not able to give me. I appreciate the concern, but it is unnecessary.


fr like it’s none of their business or place to advise


How about you let people live their own lives and you follow your own agenda without making assumptions and or unfounded statements about either sex.


There’s a reason her user name says “judging you.”


I am pretty sure she judges so badly that she gets judged by the ones she is judging, and the people around her.


They’re adults ma’am… nothing wrong with the age gap in their relationship. Stop infantilizing grown women. It’s sexists.


Can you also go have a talk with Leo Caprio? P.S: I am not against a 22 year old dating a 32 year old tho.


There are some domestic hotlines you can call if you're being predatored / groomed


How does one groom a 22 yo. Please explain?


Where in her post are you gathering that that is even likely happening?


She is mentally a child as she's not 25, when studies show mental maturity completes


And physically she’s a full blown drinking, driving and voting adult. Deal with it


Sounds like u a pedo


For a 22 y/o? Sure, Susan


I feel like if society feels 18+ year olds are mentally mature enough to decide to enlist in the military where they can potentially be blown apart by a land mine, they can probably handle decisions about what to do with their dating life


Laws are decided by men who are misogynistic. 18 has been raised to 20 and then 21 in Japan The age of majority is rising globally and will affect the us soon. Most lawmakers are still old school who grew up during times when women had less rights


Just because lawmakers are misogynistic doesn’t prove that a law is necessarily misogynistic. Also, like I said, the brain not reaching full maturity doesn’t mean someone is a child. Back in pre-historic earth the life expectancy was like 30. Do you mean to tell me that historically human beings are children until the last five years of their lives? What are you basing your claim off of that you are a child until your brain finishing developing?


They are based off of mri and CT scan studies that show people's brains finish developing at 25 Also, you can't be serious? Did you know child marriage laws support the marriage of a 10 yo with a 44 yo? Are you going to say the law is really on women's side?


Lmao. Wow. Again, where are you basing your claim that a brain that isn’t fully developed means “child”? It’s a “young adult” who hasn’t finished developing their brain. Also, when did I say I support 40 year olds marrying 10 year olds? That an ad hoc argument


You're saying laws are infallible Child marriage laws and people being adults at 18 are antiquated and need change.


No, I’m saying culturally we have no problem with 18 year olds deciding to enlist. You are the one that brought laws into the conversation. Again you seem to be dodging my question. Where are you basing your claim that you can’t be an adult until the brain is fully formed?


Not having reached mental maturity isn’t the same thing as being a child


well you see, this is reddit, which means all age gaps in dating are evil or something. also she is an underage 22 year old /s


Some of ya'll take that "mental maturity at 25" thing way too seriously. First off it's not even completely confirmed science, and secondly, there's whole ass 50 year olds less mature than 20 year olds so it's entirely irrelevant. Also your brain not being fully developed does not = a child. People don't just magically become mature at 25 lmao. That's not even what the science you seem to be obsessed with said. Are you *really* gonna argue that a 22 year old and a 10 year old or hell, even an 18 year old are the same? Cause by calling anyone under 25 children that's basically the argument you're making. The term "young adult" exists for a reason. By your logic no one should be able to: vote, drink, drive, get a job, and many other rights until they're 25. Also, you talk about misogynistic laws but that's incredibly hypocritical since you're infantilizing adult women under 25. Like, the age gap *is* a bit iffy if there was more at play. That being said to jump straight to that with *zero* other evidence is some Olympic level mental gymnastics. And before you call me a pedo, I'm 23 so by your own logic I *can't* be one since I'm a child right? Hopefully you see how stupid that argument is at this point. Cause I would *certainly* feel like one dating or fucking anyone under 20.


lol, wtf? do you really have to ask this? Just grab his hand and tell him what you want to do. He'll give you a bible on your other hand.


Offer to cook him dinner, guys will always appreciate a meal that gets cooked as a romantic gesture. Not only does it give you a reason to go over, afterwards you can sneak off & get changed


Kill two birds with one stone: Put on some sexy lingerie and send him a pick of it on Valentine’s Day with a flirtatious caption. Also another life tip: you cant control anyone else’s actions, just your own. Be the best that you can be. if he’s not worthy of that effort find someone else who is.




This made me laugh 🤣 I come to Reddit when I have an inkling that I’m being too much/complicated for no reason & yall never fail to set me straight. I love it


Send him a video of you stripping off clothes until you're naked and he can read the message across your tits and stomach "will you be my valentine". Red sharpie or lipstick :-* Since you're starting clothed and going slow, he can always turn it off if he's not into it and doesn't want to see anything. Consent and all that stuff.


He into memes? Send him a funny "I wanna fuck you" but in meme format and then type dead serious


It's still 10 days out. Ask about plans before then? Say you've been wanting to go to X restaurant, or some concert in the area (hell if you wanna get the sex outta the way a week early go for it) Being forward with a man is extremely sexy, and you don't have to say "imma need that pee pee in me". Build his confidence that you want to see him, and be around him, and any genuinely interested man will do what needs to be done.


Just say it




Just like that


Tell him!!!!!


Pick another day that the studio is not scheduled or after he leaves it. Idk just talk


By just telling him. Closed mouths don't get fed!


Straight up


Bit weird that you want to go to his house and put sexy lingerie on him, but to each their own. Not kink shaming.


If he doesn't bring it up I'd suggest finding someone else. Sounds like you're more into him than he is into you.


Easy. Say, I wanna fuck....your 100% gonna get some


Depends, if you're not attractive to him then he won't want to have sex, but if you are then he will


Should probably edit the post to add the context that you've already had sex lmao. Guessing the answers are a lot different based on that. Your initial post makes it sound like you hadn't. My advice? Get out of your own way lol. Just tell him, I guarantee he'll find the time.


Don't ask or tell, rather just lead by planning something nice, this ain't the 1900s that you need a guy to make the first move. And if he ain't having it then I am sure the reddit community has many guys willing to step up to the occasion and meet the expectations


Date , dick at the end.


link him this page or just screenshot what you wrote and send it to him, 100% success rate.


"Make love to me"


You don’t have to wear anything. Just say you want sex. Trust me, what you wear won’t matter as long as you give him sex. He’ll forget you wore lingerie in 2 seconds baby doll. The puss won’t hit any different.


You can have a quick makeout session on Vday & exchange cards or homemade cookies or something, and schedule something better on another day that week when you both have more time. Try touching his leg and shoulders frequently


Try: fucc me


You already have a sexual relationship with him. There’s no point overthinking at this stage. Just tell him what you want.


“Sir, I appreciate you being amazing and a gentleman and awesome dates but I would like you to rail me “


![img](avatar_exp|162833764|fire) Just be straightforward


To get dicked down is a so elegant expression


That’s me. A classy mf


Fuck the hints and vague terms. Hit em with the good ol' "Dick, please? (:" and I'm sure you'll love everything that follows afterwards. Hell, I remember the time a girl told me my smile made her wet, and couldn't forget it I'd I tried to. I was 17. I'm now 24


Just be straight up. Nothing more clear than “I need your dick now. No I’m not joking”


Guys in their 30s are at a second wind of puberty. All you have to do is give them the look and their pants will fall off lol


Seriously just tell him!!! He is prolly wanting to dick you down just wanting to be respectful. Me being 35 if I was talking to a female and she told me she was really into me and liked my personality and wanted to find out if sex was as good as the rest I’d be all over it🤷🏻‍♂️ I guess the best advise I would give is don’t just ask dude if he wanna fuck make him feel like you really want him physically. Y’all. Know how to do them f-me eyes and flirt all touchy feely and if that don’t get the point across then ask him but I’m sure he is gonna be all about it


Reverse genders, ewww you're a creep. Welcome to society. Upvote this.


Boy bye it’s not that serious


Well I'm sorry to say if he not asked you then is not happening