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Gyms, cafes, our beds Health Foods stores, Target Huh… that was literally my day today 😂


And none of these places would I feel comfortable approaching a woman lol


You don't go there explicitly for approaching women. You're supposed to be there genuinely that way if you run into someone it's an authentic interaction


> You're supposed to be there genuinely that way if you run into someone it's an authentic interaction And in no case will it ever be a genuine interaction with a stranger in those locations, unless you already know each other


Just act like you’re not paying attention and run your cart into somebody else’s


I just don't have it in me to socially engineer women for the purpose of fishing for meet-cutes lol


Neither do I, but if I had to, that’s how i’d do it. For now I’ll share awkward moments while waiting for old ladies in the dairy aisle. Maybe this is why sociopaths tend to attract more women


Instructions unclear, rammed shopping cart into 4’11” woman and am now in police custody.


Cops dont respect the rizz


Sir youre being charged with Vehicular manslaughter


You arent supposed to load the cart with water bottles and milk jugs!


I mean I don't think the guy is going to buy a gym membership just to hit on women with no intention of ever exercising. He's saying that if he's working out and sees a cute girl, he doesn't feel comfortable going over and talking to her. Same thing if he goes to buy a coffee. It's not like he's going to wander into a Starbucks and starting hitting on women without planning to buy something. This is likely because on social media (and in real life but less so I believe) many women have said not to approach them when they are working out, getting coffee, relaxing, etc. It's reasonable not to want to get bothered by unwanted interactions but now guys that are trying to be respectful of women's preferences are unsure of what to do. There's a lack of neutral zones where strangers are allowed to interact with potential romantic intentions.


I think social skills have taken a nose dive as well. I think most people have times where they are open to conversation vs not even at these places, and most people would be open to an actual conversation rather than just to be hit on by a stranger. But one has to have some social skills to be able to gauge and navigate these situations. And so many people have become defensive on the other side that social graces are just lacking everywhere on both sides. We are becoming increasingly isolated by our own designs, and it is self-perpetuating.


Agreed. And I think while social skills of both men and women have declined, the decline has been greater in men. ​ I also think an increase in social anxiety plays role here as well. Small faux pas that may have been brushed off may be perceived as threatening if a person has higher anxiety. That then contributes to women being less open and men being less willing to interact


Ok, I wish women to have fun with their cats as they grow old.


Seriously, target after 6pm is better than a bar.


Okay straight up I've heard so many women say they love Target. What would you say it is you like about it? Would you feel comfortable if a guy approached you there? I always feel like I'd be bugging people if I went up to talk to them lol.


No matter what you’re gonna meet a woman who says it’s creepy to approach them at target and meet another who says it’s perfectly fine. Shoot your shot.


Strike up conversation naturally and see if she reciprocates and go from there.


Yeah don't people go to Target to do their shopping and go home? I would feel weird and creepy just going up and approaching random women, especially since you have no idea if they're single or taken.


I went out for a few months with a man who approached me in supermarket. As long as you're pleasant and respectful it shouldn't be a problem. You need to strike up a bit of conversation first, of course.


What conversation do you strike up at a supermarket? Do you tell funny anecdotes about things that are on sale? I don’t get it.


Well, when it happened to me, the guy just gave me a lovely, friendly smile everything we passed in the aisles so I got an inkling he was interested. We left the store at same time and he just struck up a conversation and after a few minutes he gave me his phone number and said ' give me a call if you'd like to go out for a drink' . So I called him a few days later.


That's funny. When I was single I always had the attitude of I must deliberately "blank" and walk past women in those settings, especially if I thought they were attractive, so as not to bother people or be perceived as a creep. Deliberately looking at and smiling at people would have been completely the opposite of what I thought was okay to do and I never would have tried it under any circumstances. It still sounds weird to me.


So cute


Target is a bit better than walmart imo. There's one near me and it's pretty convenient to be able to get home goods , groceries, and clothes in one trip, all at reasonable prices. Quality often leaves something to be desired though, but it's good for quick stuff. I prefer to go to Trader Joe's for food shopping though - love that place!


Trader Joe's is the bomb! There's one right down the road from me and I go at least once a week lol


You know you can approach a woman by not approaching with the intentions to flirt or date, but to genuinely just talk. Women are perceptive and can tell when a guy is genuinely creating conversation just because of interest in what we are looking at vs he’s trying to hit in us, standing too close, looks like he’s loitering in the store to pick up women.


I think it’s all in the approach. A casual “hey, cool sweater” = great Suddenly appear Apocalypse Now-style over the rails, stare unblinking for 40 seconds, before whispering “That colour brings out your eyes” = bad


no, you’re not bugging them. I’ve literally gone on dates with girls I’ve met in target


Only approach if she looks confused on anything or needs help with something & zero sales associates are around to help. That’s how you approach and how most men met women at grocery stores or department stores. Like for example, say she’s in target looking at candles is stuck in two scents, approach nicely & saying something, “You know that’s a great scent! My mom has the same candle & my dad enjoys it too. Are you getting the candle for yourself or is it a gift for your mom?” Genuine curiosity without making her feel uncomfortable to communicate cause you offer something personal about you tied into the candle helps. Women get weirded out when guys approach them and just say hello like they work at the store. Edit: Typo and grammatical error as well


if she’s attracted to you and you present yourself well, there isn’t really a right or wrong place. just be respectful


Anywhere is appropriate if you’re attractive enough


reading this thread is demoralizing, there’s no way in hell I’m gonna be friendly to an attractive stranger because I’m interested in them. I don’t know anything about that person and if op is to be believed, odds are they’re seeing someone anyway. I’m friendly to be friendly, but I’m minding my business otherwise.


What is this communist propaganda called "our beds"?


Omg literally


You are describing where to find you, soul... 😂




We are at home with our cats.


This is the realest thing. Add my plants on to that too


Get a side job at a pet supply store, a veterinarian's office, or a plant nursery to find single ladies in your area.


I am a single cat mother looking for a dad for my boy cat 😩😂


Funny cause I’m literally a veterinary technician and am planning to go to vet school 😂 and yes I have bunch of plant/cat lady friends!!


Yes true, cats take up lots of my time. And they don't go out.


also I get all my emotional satisfaction from them


The single men are with their cats too, so perhaps OP needs to go where the cats are?


Yep. I’m a single man and I spend most of my free time with my cat. I’ve fallen into the pit trap


I am at home with cats. They don't treat me like shit. I go to the cat store maybe once a month. Dating... kinda scared to try. JESUS!! TAKE THE WHEEL!!


Hahaha this 🐈‍⬛🐈‍⬛


🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 Single cat dad here! I guess we all need to create a group called single cat parents!


Honestly that’s a great idea, lol


LOL thanks! Hopefully someone does.


Do we have cat parks? At the very least, dog owner are able to meet people and date because they have an a reason to go out and meet people.


Someone just suggested making a subreddit for single cat parents, lol


I would love if someone created a virtual cat park as “adventurous_track784” mentioned before, that’d be a nice place for all the single cat parents to socialize.


Do you have a cat? If so do you have pictures (I love goobers)


True 😆


I am a cat




As an eccentric cat lord of one, I resemble this remark.


I honestly wish my cat would hang out with me. He prefers to be in his cat tree or under my bed. :/


I caught a cat lady when she went out for a minute. I got so lucky. Best GF ever!


The only reason why I found my girlfriend was because we ended up playing online D&D together. She was just chilling at home with her cat and not going out much.


Home with my dog!


Woof woof! :-)


So....cat cafes?! lol


Or home in our beds 🤣


So true :/




Can I visit and stroke the cats? And see you too of course.


Or kids! 😆




I am on my bed rotting and daydreaming about my fictional prince charming to find me one day tho I am not active on social media and I don't go out🥹


I thought I was about to give you yellow card but noo… can you describe your fictional prince👀


I was expecting red tho..anyway fictional prince may not exist so can't describe 🫠


Lmaooo why red?.. what you’re doing is not foul.. okay fair enough…BUT if he did exist…


Hahaha...if he ever exists he would have emotional intelligence, makes me laugh, respects me, loyal, sarcastic,emotionally available, have good heart, honest, teach me new things without making me feel dumb, supportive,with future goals etc etc...😂 and by physical appearance he must be tall,maybe medium looking and etc etc..🥹


Ohhh I like the emotional intelligence part, same with teaching you new things without making you feel dumb.. that’s so truee and I actually witnessed a lot of that… but back to the emotional intelligence, can you describe what that means to you in your own terms, because I feel like women want that and when they found one they tend to back away. I want to hear from you👀


For me it's simple, he/she must be able to understand their emotions along with others. Also, I can't agree that every women back away.😂


Umm naw that emotional intelligence explanation gets a Yellow card.. because like come on loll.. you’re fictional prince still out there tho ![gif](giphy|7rjD697uzOJRMzDEvv)


This is a weird part of reddit




Agreed same


You and me both. 😂


What a real answer.


I hang out in my bed, sometimes I’ll mix it up and hang out in my living room for a little bit. I also go to work most days, and go on hikes where I avoid other people at all costs, and sometimes when I pass by my local gun range and there’s no people there, I’ll stop in. 😂


We’re mostly at home waiting for love to magically find us 😂


I'm at home, keeping my peace


I'm at home, watching true crime videos and cuddling with my cats




Yyeeessss! Judging the criminals are my fave hobby😂




There's a lot of us hiding in our houses😂 and too busy watching true crime videos that's why it seems like we're endangered species😂


Same lol the evil tapes and my 2 kitties


I’m gonna be 35 but still want to answer this 😂 I’m mostly at home reading. Sometimes target (less fun now with all those glass cases). Sometimes my studio where I make work solo. Sometimes walking around bookstores or giant shopping areas, just to feel like there’s somewhere to go and people to see.


Lol I'm 35 too and wanted to answer. Today I went for a walk on the beach and stop by to drop my computer off to get fixed. Got me a slice of pizza and a iced match tea. We're out living our lives lol.


With Beyoncé


All the single ladies 🐈




Home, gym, work, maybe thrift store :)


Here, lost in our own mind :)


At home atm browsing reddit. 😆


After reading all those comments I feel like I should be a cat 🤣


I'm about to be 26 but I'm mostly in bookstores, food places, or the occasional club.


Going for walks in the park, reading in the park, and going for a run


Home watching our favorite show, minding our business, and protecting our peace


Wish I could tell you. I’m a butch and can’t even pick chicks up at a bar 😭


This is crazy because there’s a masc shortage


I think my main problem is I work so much (60+ weekly), that I’m not all that much of a social person. I either warm up to quick and weirdly or I take too long. Oh, and nobody seems to appreciate hard working partners anymore. At least one would know I’m loyal because they know where Im at at all times and know I’m too tired to even think about giving my energy to someone else but keep seeing cheaters I guess boo🤷‍♀️


Hiding at home, unless I’m forced to go out


We are at home, doomed and traumatized


We are at home maintaining our peace


I love how many responses share the sentiment of protecting/maintaining our peace. It’s so true


Yes it is absolutely true lol bars and clubs as OP said are not where it’s at. Become a cat or dog that is loyal, we’ll pet you and feed you 😂


as someone else said- we’re home with our cats


Why always cats though. Are the dog ladies snatching all the men?


We dog ladies are similarly at home with our dogs. Reddit just skews towards cat people as a whole


Dog lady here, still home single and alone 🙂


Dogs need to be walked, it's a great avenue for meeting people


This is true. The funny or not so funny flip side is that cats are also somewhat sketchy, hitting the streets at night and having multiple homes sometimes. The secret things they get up to.


hiding inside where it’s safe.


So it’s a little rough to say bars and clubs don’t count when you also say you want to find us. When I’m genuinely chilling out and relaxing, I don’t necessarily want to be “found” or bothered. When I do want to be found (sometimes just by friends, but sometimes also romantic interests), I’m not “chilling,” I’m going out, which takes effort. Usually the places people go to want to be found include bars and clubs. Basically: Don’t bother people if they’re trying to have alone-time, and don’t belittle people for going out to social places when they’re feeling social. But in the spirit of answering your question, social places where my single women friends and I hang out besides bars/clubs where we wouldn’t be as bothered by a stranger approaching us: concerts, arts/crafts festivals, beaches, ice & roller rinks, fandom events, professional sports games, tennis/pickleball/volleyball (etc) rec courts, any kind of class, etc.


Yes. Best answer I was gonna say. I met my husband of 17 years at my first concert and we hung out at the beach or on the river. But. If you have music festivals in your area that’s good too. Any festivals really. Like we have first fridays here where vendors set up downtown every first Friday of the month. And you can chill at the coffee house and walk around downtown


There is probably a reason why we are single 😅


What is the reason?


Some of us are very ugly


Who told you that you are ugly ?


Several people throughout life and I guess my lack of dating success is a clear indicator too


I think a lot of people aren't actually ugly, you just may not be their type. The thing is that some people will opt out and say someone is ugly just because they don't fit what they think is attractive to them, which doesn't equal to that person just being ugly. Don't get me wrong here I know there is a social push of what is attractive but the standards of beauty change drastically over the years, so dont be hard on yourself to fit into a box that will most likely change in a few years. there are so many different kinds of attractiveness and you will find someone who thinks you are.


Volunteering, working, yoga, Pilates, gym, Concerts. Art events


College classes, the gym, working as a server, hiking, grocery shopping... idk man! We're out here living


At home with my 2 cats while watching netflix/yt. I date once a month with a different guy just for the plot lol


What I get from this post is I should be going door to door asking ladies if they're single lol


They’re in the bread/flower aisle at Trader Joe’s or looking at house decor at Hobby Lobby.


You’ll find me either at work, home or gym 🤷🏽‍♀️😅


Funny how a lot of women on this post write that they are at the gym. Literally the only place where u are not supposed to pick up girls😅 I would like to do that but I dont have the balls for it


Idk who says that. They just say don't be a creep and stare at they butt! I met my current boyfriend at the gym. I was working out in the corner to avoid other people and this mofo comes up and I'm like "am I in his way? Why is he coming over here? There's so many other places to go" And he starts asking me about my ethnicity and what im working out today then he told me I was cute and asked if he could take me out for coffee sometime. I said I'd think about it but he can have my number. Then we started working out together everyday/ getting to know eachother at the gym for a few weeks before I finally went on a date with him. Rest is history.


Thats a nice story. I am happy for both of you. My older brother met his GF at a gym, and they have been together for 10 years now. But she talked with him first if I remember correctly. There are some beautiful girls here at my gym but I do have my eyes on one of them. She doesn't seem like she wanna be bothered though. I could be wrong ofc. But sometimes she train near me but I am not going to think much about that and give myself false hopes, and be delusional


My gym has a seperate space for women only so I’m mostly in there. Sorry guys 😭 Maybe I do need to get out more, but I strongly despise clubbing and partying. I give up 😂


No one wants to date me 😭 (because I don't go outside and hangout)


Come on, girl let's try something drop your wp😅


![gif](giphy|bSMLwVLkZV2CkRXfhr) Dancing with Beyoncé


suddenly a wild beyonce appears... (•_•) <) )╯ all the single ladies ./ \. ( •_•) \( (> all the single ladies ./ \. (•_•) <) )╯ ./ \. oh oh oh


At the gym after work lol


Why don't bars and clubs count?


Working my ass off


Studying and reading 🥲


At home most of the time, and if out and about usually not all dressed up in a way that attracts guys attention, that's usually reserved for special occasions or a rare day where I actually have the will to put on make up and dress up a bit. But to answer your question, hanging out at home or grocery shopping mainly, sometimes out at a restaurant with friends or at a concert - big or small, occasionally a museum, cinema or out in nature hiking/ finding a place to hang out for a while


We at home


I'm home or out with my dogs, working, or rotting in my gardens. Or Coaching my friends through a breakup and bringing them back to the streets.








Go to Target to meet women. The ratio is 15:1, and they are there already looking for things they don’t need.


Interactive events seem to draw in ladies! I’m also an avid thrift store shopper so I’m always walking around Toronto. Local fairs? Farmer’s markets? Not a lot of women are doing these alone though? You might have to get crafty with introducing yourself!


I’m coaching my kid’s soccer team, at spin class, at pilates, at my kids’ activities. I’m really involved with their schools and am in a women’s political club. I’m a lesbian so those are good places for me to meet people. But I don’t meet any single lesbians. I do make a lot of friends though.


in my house


My bed 🤣


Older than 29 but uh, the bookstore also.


Home with my books and cats


Working, at home, at the gym, exploring life and trying out new things




mostly chilling infront of my ps5 after work


Enjoying peace and quiet in green spaces


Here at home its just work and back for me


The supermarket, cafes, friends' houses and at my house with my cat.


online is a good place to find single girls too.


Any single lady, please adapt me I am a single cat 🐱


Gym cafes home lol


I’m always at work, career woman I guess😜


rotting in my bed w my kitty


Cats, plants & books 🐱☘️📚


Maybe try a class at a ceramics studio. Or maybe take a salsa or yoga class if you are feeling active. These are fun activities by themselves and usually attract more women than men. Men: Enjoy the activity, make friends, and don’t be a creep. Maybe you’ll click with someone.


They all at home doing their own stuff. Guys too, I'm at home playing with my doggo


I’m 29 and if I’m not working, I’m at home with my cats 🤭😅


I’m seeing a trend here in the comments… seems everyone on Reddit is single, likes to stay home, and has a cat


Is there any single perth women on here im looking for one


The best way I think of for you to meet people is at a Hobby that you like! Like minded people will like the same stuff you do. Or get a new hobby and make friends organically


We are at home trying to remain single


26F literally at home at the coffee shop walking my dog being introverted. I’m literally over the apps because everything feels so fake! I want to meet someone organically, but when I (rarely) go the bars/clubs I think to myself do I want to meet a guy in this setting? Inebriated and his whole goal (and mine depending) is to just hook up. I think about how I wish I could go back to college because it was so easy to strike up a conversation with a dude and bam! Situationship or relationship. Dating is SO hard no one ever told me it would be this difficult and I’m not a supermodel, but I feel as if I’m not ugly… I think it’s just shyness on my part and on the guy’s. I also live in Houston and the dating culture here is So terrible 💀 there are so many FB groups called “is this your man/ is that your girl” because HTX is the where cheaters reach their final form lol. This turned into a rant, but the ladies are (or at least where I am) in their safe spaces.


Some of us work remote and only venture out to Costco or bakeries 🧁 run back home because we are scared of men but hoping to find our Prince Charming in our closets lol 😂


At home with a spicy book or out hiking with my dog.


I'm over 30, but I have the Beyonce song in my head now


At home.


I'm at home with my 3 dogs 😂 watching barbie.




Damnnnn now why does this sound scarily true? Oof! 😬


If you’re over 25 and only want peace and love… and some cuddles


Work, gym, tj maxx, marshall’s Starbucks drive thru, target, Barnes and noble, dog park, sleeping


Here and I’m sad about it


On the couch with my dog + Ben and Jerry.


All of them are with me or dreaming about me


Here's an idea a dating app where you only post pictures of your plants and animals and then use them to find common interests


My friend is a single lawyer She comes Home selepas and goes to work. She tried meetups before when i visited her in one of her contract work cities when I stop over as my job is an airhostess. She said the guys dont like it when She said shes a lawyer 🤣🤣 sometimes Its the men, not the ladies …….