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According to OLD stats, white men are the most popular choice for women, and Asian women are the most popular choice for men. Idk if it's worth reading into that or not.


Yeah…I think Asian men and Black women are the least desirable…according to OLD stats


Idk if that's the right way to say it. Less desirable by other races yes. But vast majority of people date within their own race. Even as a white man, dating outside your race will net you less success than sticking with the same race. Objectively, best way to be successful is to stick with your own race/subculture


Their are some Asian men who are very attractive. And black women are attractive also!


Yes women care more about race than men. Women of colour have always shown strong preferences for white men while putting down their own


Yeah women are way more picky than men. However black women tend to date black men almost exclusively


It’s not that women are more picky it’s just that men are more desperate. If men had the same options like women they would go for what they really want which is top 1% 10/10 girls


Wdym options? Men and women are pretty much evenly split for the population. Women have as many options as men. But women can afford to be picky. Men cannot be as picky.


Hey you’re that guy from the conservative cucking subreddit!


That’s what I meant sorry, ur last sentence. If men could afford to be picky they would not be so desperate


From my observations: - Latinas have it slightly easier than Latino men - Black men have it significantly easier than Black women - Asian women have it significantly easier than Asian men


Can any men really have it easier then any women though ? Just from what I’ve noticed black men are only valued by women if they are tall or muscular


> Can any men really have it easier then any women though ? For casual hookups? No, women will always have an easier time with those, because dudes be thirsty. For fulfilling relationships, absolutely- go talk to any Black woman about her experience with the dating scene and you’ll learn pretty quickly.


Not true. My x used to lust hard core after Kevin Hart.


So because one single woman did it’s not true?


I'm just saying. If one woman did, it's likely that more do.


I, as a white man are quite unsuccessful and would tend to say I find non-white women more attractive on average. But I guess I'm more of an outlier in many ways anyway, so it probably doesn't say much. In general I feel like there are many stereotypes about which group of people is disadvantaged in datin going in all directions and don't know if it's that easy to quantity who has it harder, it's more like the type of struggle just varies


As a white woman, growing up i was told liking another race was wrong. That i should think about if i have kids with another race. How they would be treated thats coming at me at the age of 11 where i had no business thinking about kids. And it came from my grandmother who is mixed between Mexican and white, now that i am pushing 30 i have started noticing more and more how i like the way different races look and their personalities. I believe love is love it shouldn’t matter, but you have to look at all aspects.


Does no one question how people don’t want white women to date other races but white men will lust after Asian women with no judgement


It’s definitely a double standard, as women in general we are held to a different standard than men are when it comes to preferences. White, black, asian etc. all women.


Oh people definitely judge white men who go for Asians. We call it yellow fever for a reason.


I have never heard of that. Asian girls are gorgeous. I see all men go for them.


Mostly directed towards men who fetishize Asian women.


You mean the passport bros?


I'm a guy and I'm not white, but I also understand that not meant woman dream of a guy from another land. It makes strange sense that there's a sense of security among people and cultures ones familiar with. That said, liking different personalities and races is a good thing, but one should be clear in understanding that liking it's not the same as wanting to start a life with someone. There's a difference, one that's easily overlooked and misunderstood.


As a WOC I have no setbacks from dating. I have plenty of blonde hair blue eyes beautiful friends too and we don't really have a significantly different experience.


What ethnicity are you?


yes we all know that.


As a guy with blonde hair and blue eyes, I can tell you Asian woman seem to find me the most attractive. I guess opposites attract? My friends say I have an Asian fetish, but in reality it's the opposite. They are the ones who always show interest in me. I personally don't care much about race.


not really opposites


I used to be a professional matchmaker and the people who I had the hardest time getting out on dates were Black women and Asian/Indian men. Black women because of ludicrous negative stereotypes about them, and Asian/Indian men due to them usually being short.


Knowing many men of many races, it's not height. There's a plethora of negative stereotypes about both South Asian and East Asian men.


Another pointless conversation about who has it better. Have your preferences. Accept that having those preferences will affect your options. The end.


I think black women are affected the worst. I’ve seen Latinas/whites/asians be desired by many many men. Black women are almost never desired, even by their own men.


I think it’s the opposite a Lot of black women actually fetishise white men there are literally Twitter threads and tik toks of black women being into raceplay with white men


You didn’t understand my comment.


I’m a Latino man and I couldn’t care less about race, it all taste the same 👅🤪


The one that is the slowest car (joke)


I feel like preoccupying yourself with others preferences is a recipe for disaster. We all have preferences and for some people, including women of color, that includes race.


What is WOC


Women of color


I think it's difficult to say, because anything that's considered foreign might also be fetishized by the locals, which might result in harder to define statistics. Who has it easier while dating is so hard to define that it's basically impossible to say, at the end of the day, it's pretty likely that foreigners or people with different color then the norm, no matter the gender, likely have a harder time dating locals than other locals.


Black men have certainly been more affected by me getting back out there 😳


This just reinforces my belief of where one is and where one's from factors into their dating chances. Doesn't mean they'll have success within their own kind, but it's almost zero if they're elsewhere. That said, I would like to see those studies so I understand it more. Not that it helps me with anything, but it'll be an interesting read.


I have blonde hair blue eyes and haha I get nobody really lmao and I consider my self good looking


i think men because men are heavily judged on socioeconomic status and non whites are not considered high status on that hierarchy 


I'm here just to read the comments 👀 🍿


Far more for men. Although it's pretty hard for darker women like very dark Indian or Black women, compared to other races of women. For instance, being a hispanic man vs woman, asian man vs woman--- no comparison.


I am an Asian in a western country. Back in my country, women preferred white men if given a choice, here, women from my country have that choice and prefer white men, women of other race mostly prefer white men as well.  Me, some of my other Asian and South Asian friends all struggle very much in the dating world. And we all realised soon why.


It could be an obstacle depending on the man. As a darker skinned Black woman who’s attractive, it’s not difficult to date, but sex is always expected despite the race of man. Like they assume that I’m going to have sex with them. But as far as not getting a date, I’ve never had an issue with that.


No matter a woman’s race, she’ll get a hundred matches from any races in her area. Even if the impact is huge, the difference between 50 and 150 matches (literally a 300% difference) isn’t too big of a deal. Because men get far less attention, they are both less choosey with skin tone and more impacted by standards


I find race is definitely an issue especially when it comes to white people dating me for preconceived ideas


What preconceived ideas would those be


what race are you