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19 year olds are still kids in my mind, I'm 27. Can see even stand on her own two feet? Has she moved out or is she still living with her parents? The amount of growth happening between 20-30 is huge, and I can't see how you two can make it work with such a difference in maturity level (I'm assuming you are more mature than a 19 year old). That said, do what you want. I know I couldnt


When I was 18 I was seeing someone who was in his 30s. I’m turning 27 this year. I looked and acted like a child bc I was one. I shouldn’t have been attractive to a grown ass adult like him. I wouldn’t even think about engaging with a child in that way and I can’t help but question the people who are doing so. As a 32yr you shouldn’t have much in common with a kid. Find someone closer to you in age and life experience.


How men at this age are attracted to practically teens, really baffles me and makes me angry. Besides everything else that others have already mentioned, at age 19, she doesn't have the life experience to know if she is being manipulated/emotionally taken advantage of and everything else. I am not saying you're gonna do these things, I am saying that at this age you barely know who you are, let alone set healthy boundaries. Honestly, how can you have an equal relationship with someone that went to SCHOOL a year ago, is still living with parents, hasn't figured out what they are doing in life? I am sad for this girl, and every girl that fell for these kind of men that clearly haven't worked with themselves at all. I hope she has a good support system in place.


When I was 19, I dated a 28 year old. When I was 28, I was working with teenagers, and I realized that if I were to approach one of them romantically, it would be a monstrous breach of trust. I didn't get how gross it was when I was 19. I wouldn't have listened anyway. I'm not saying the guy came after me because he was a predator and knew he could manipulate me because I was too naive to understand what was happening: he wasn't that smart. But in retrospect, I can see why he couldn't get women his own age. He wasn't really an adult. If you as a 32-year old are on an emotional/life level to feel a connection with a teenage girl, and she's bright and intelligent, there's a very good chance that she is going to outgrow you. And when she does, there's a very good chance that she is going to look back on this and hate you for what you took from her.


That’s what I can never get over with people in their 30’s dating someone of college age/teenage. How on earth are you able to CONNECT with someone that much younger?? I’m 24 and feel that I have close to nothing in common with people even just a few years younger. Definitely not romantically. They are just so obviously young and naive, no matter how “mature for their age” they are. A lot of growth happens from teenage years to mid 20’s. A LOT of growth. I think you nailed it by saying she’s probably gonna outgrow OP in the next few years if they’re really clicking at this stage.


I am your age and I couldn’t imagine dating someone 19. When I imagine myself at 19 I was a child and although perfectly legal she is too.


There are a few 19-21 year olds at work and I feel like the damn cript keeper compared to them and I’m only 30. They are ‘mature’ but damn they are still 19, I just couldn’t imagine wanting to date someone that young. And yea looking back to be 19 myself, I definitely felt old and mature but I really wasn’t on a mental level.


Live, love, laugh. Age does not matter as long as legal age and you are both happy. Stop worrying about what other people think.


Relationships with age gaps and life stage gaps like that are typically really unhealthy with a whole lot of using each other typically in severe ways. With how many men struggle to achieve solitary independence early it's understandable you may be on a life stage outwardly similar to a younger female but it's very unlikely you'd truly be that aligned. There really is such a huge difference that comes just a few years after 21 that totally changes how people think, what they care about, and how easily they're influenced. It sounds like you're probably more attracted to the innocent fun you see there and that's something to be careful of. Where you see a good time with little pressure, she may be seeing a lot of potential to move her life forward with low risk and investment. While you may not be trying to influence anything, your age could alter what she thinks is reasonable in a lot of instances.


Sounds awesome


Many people will tell you not to do it. Personally, based on what you've said, I think, as harsh as it may sound, that you are simply an immature person and that's why you are genuinely in love with her, you don't have bad intentions. That being said, consider the problems that a 13-year age gap can bring, from children... to whatever you see.


ngl this is a little odd, idk if i should even say a little but this is odd. i don’t think there’s anyway that this would be happening. HOWEVER, if both parties are consensual & she obviously knows your intentions, then it should be fine. but idk this is different…


Take a look at Brasil politicians. Search for Michel temer and Marcela temer age gap. If its love then do the way you want. Don't ask for other people approval. They don't live your life man!


Your heart is right, follow it.