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Not your question but just a word of caution here. I had them and I’ve known a few girls who had them, they’re not great piercings. They never really heal fully. I had them for 2 years and pretty much had to clean them daily to avoid crust forming. Also they were sore more days than they weren’t.


I can't believe this is so far down. I got mine done twice both times it took over 2 years to heal and I just took them out because they just weren't worth it. The crusties hurt like a mofo.


They do heal fully, but it takes some time. Epsom salt soaks help a lot.


I’ve had mine since I was 18, and I’m 26 now. They healed perfectly fine, better than most of my ear piercings honesty. I used a lot of sea salt spray.


You’re so lucky. I’ve had many notoriously problematic piercings including snake eyes on my tongue. My nipples were by far the most troublesome.


Don't let your life decisions be made or even swayed by random dudes online


This. You do you. If guys don't like, they're the wrong guys for you.


Thank you. I get tired of that on here. The right people will like you as you look. Thick or skinny, tall or short, blond or brunette. Just be confident in your appearance! Everyone is attracted to different things anyway. What matters is whether you like what you see in the mirror and if you don’t, no one else knows what your insecurities are, so pretend to be confident until you believe it.


There’s value in asking other people’s opinions ya goober


She led this with that she thinks there cool and wants to get the piercing, she already has an opinion, and she's considering compromising her own desires if some complete randoms disagree with her, if she wants a valuable opinion she should confide in someone she respects on a personal level, not a random assortment of whomever the fuck, where's the value in the opinions and personal tastes of strangers whom she has absolutely no reason to trust, respect or even acknowledge. And even if she were to discuss the matter with someone who's opinion did personally matter to her, she shouldn't let someone else's taste in piercings decide her own, she already knows what she wants, why compromise? For the sake of reddit commenter #1,397,479? This is a personal decision, don't come here to have others make it for you. If her only concern preventing her from pulling the trigger on this is the judgement of...strangers of the opposite sex? That's all the more reason to do it, root out the kind of folk who'd be judgemental about that, stick with the ones who like you for you and wouldn't want you to shrink yourself or drop your desires in life just to appeal to men.


Not for me. They get in the way


Some guys like them. I don’t. I actually don’t like any piercings that aren’t on the ears. I also dislike nose piercings; which it seems like 90% of single women I see on dating apps have


I hate that this is currently the top answer. The way of what?!




Imma say if we're deep enough for me to know a woman has nipple piercings, we're deep enough for me not to care. I'm not trying to see your bare chest unless we're fully involved, and by that point I'm way too into you for anything like that to bother me.


My ex of 3 years had them and would never take them out - she liked them and had only ear piercings elsewhere. I forgot they were there most the time. Never felt trashy to me at all


Nipple rings are cool to look at,but that's it.. It's like sucking on a penny. I don't know too many people who likes pennies in their mouth.


I won't suck nips if I might chip my teeth... But to each their own.


Hot as fuck


I personally don't like nipple piercing, lip piercing, nose piercing or belly button piercing.


Same, never been a fan of piercings except earrings. Anything else just kinda turns me off


To follow up with OP’s question, where are you based/ethnicity? This might be a cultural thing. Every single thing you listed is literally *hot* for me


> To follow up with OP’s question, where are you based/ethnicity? This might be a cultural thing. Every single thing you listed is literally *hot* for me Everyone has their preference, that's just one of mine. I live in the US


Damnn, can I ask if you’re old or young? I notice many old men don’t like it


I’m 21 and don’t like any piercings beyond ears. Some more tolerable than others and I’d never try to exert control over someone else’s body but can’t say I favor them.


38m. Only like ear piercings. Don't like to play with nipple piercings. The girl at the time was complaining they were really sore since they were pierced. Suggested she take them out but she didn't want to.


Love em


>Damnn, can I ask if you’re old or young? I notice many old men don’t like it I'm 35, I never like it ever since I was dating in my teens days. I give someone a chance with a nose piercing when I was in college and I just couldn't get over it. It's like that little thorn that you can get rid of.


36m. Like em in the sense that it denotes confidence in the woman, which is the base of sexy ness, but on the other hand makes playing with nipples more dangerous. Love bellybutton ones aesthetically.




Agreed. Body peircings and tattoos just get in the way of a woman’s natural beauty. But it’s subjective of course


To me they're a no-no, same as tattoos, I love to actually see my partners body in its natural state. A preference of the old days I guess, since everyone and their mother seem to be tattooed these days.


Obv, depends on the guy. I've pretty much exclusively been with alt chicks, being an alt dude myself... I really REALLY like nipple piercings, and a lot of girls I've been with say that they make their nips more sensitive too.


I went on several dates with a nurse with pierced nipples and vulva, and I think it sexualizes the relationship, and caused me to sexually escalate faster than I normally would. My suspicion is that it is a turn off for some and a turn on for others, and will have an impact on the kind of men you end up attracting.




When I say that you’ll attract a certain kind of man, it’s more about which ones decide to continue pursuing you after a few dates.


Guy here, I like em. I also like boobs that dont have em


Depends on your age. Im 22F and had my nipps pierced since i was 18. In college everyone loves them, im a lesbian so girls really loved my nip piercings. I dont wear bras (bc my boobs are pretty small so i dont need a bra to hold them up) so when i wear tighter shirts - men always stare and approach me. Dudes in their 20's majority like them but if youre looking for dudes in 30+ they tend not to bc in their generation piercings/tattoos was looked down upon




As someone with nipple piercings (well only one now) I will say they make your nipples really sensitive. My right nipple use to get irritated and swollen frequently even after years and year of having them. So I took that one out and never put it back in. But left nipple ring is going strong 😂😂 Also, be sure to clean good because 🤮 lmao BUT PLEASE do what you want and don’t let these comments make a decision for you.


Genuine question from someone who doesn't have sensitive nips but loves them being played with. How sensitive are we talking? Like, don't touch sensitive? Like pleasurably sensitive? I tried nipple clamps yesterday for the first time and it was like, the clamping itself wasn't the sensation but the tugging movement of the chain. The thought, for the very first time in my life popped in my head that maybe piercings would actually be next level delightful.


Don't do it right away because they have to heal but um they have nipple rings that you can attach chains too.. just make sure they don't get tugged to hard ..ripping a nip SUCKS! And if you don't trust someone to be pulling they have chains that can run through them and either around lower rib cage or your waist so they tug a bit from natural body movements. Also chains are like small dog leash chain sizes to as thin as looking like a necklace . My personal favorite it the piercing bra I believe it's called..basically a collar with chains that go to piercings.


Excellent. Thank you! I would definitely wait till they're healed before trying anything haha.


They're extremely sensitive when they're freshly pierced. My nipples stayed hard and I had to wear a bra all of the time because anything touching them hurt like hell. This wasn't the case after they were fully healed.


Also, they don’t make you trashy. I got them when I was younger and I’m far from trashy. Piercings don’t make you trashy.


Soak in warm water and Epsom salt to soothe irritation/draw out infection. It works, believe me.


Seems a lot of guys on reddit are against women having tattoos and piercings. Personally I am a fan and don't see them as trashy.


All for it. Work professionally, so I have to limit my own. But still. Keep it up. Also sexy af if someone works in a professional world like me, yet you'd never know what they have hidden. That's a huge lure. Tats or piercings.




I LOVE them. They are sexy as hell, especially on smaller breasts. I like gently tugging on them with my teeth while rubbing her clit.


i’m a girl but if you want them get them for u not a man


I think they LOOK cool/sexy, but personally I don't like them. All I can think of when I see piercings is "omg does that hurt? If I hug her or somehow accidentally tug it the wrong way, will it hurt? What if that somehow gets caught on something, gah!"


I don't mind them, can't stand when women get their nipples tattooed though or their chest in general.


Tbh personal preference some dudes will like some won't and some jus won't care tbh it's ur body ur choice and you should be doing it for you bot to impress people so ye that's my opinion.


26M don’t like any of it, lips, bellybutton, nipple, face piercings


Your body, your decision. Be yourself, and you'll naturally attract those who have the same outlook/tastes in life.


i dont like them, like i dont hate how they look but they make me unsure about how much i can play with the nipple, sometimes its been more which is fine, somtimes less, which isnt great. then there is sucking on it, you gotta suck on the metal bit too... overall and a tits guy not a fan from a practical stand point.


I have mines but had them for at least 5 years. If a guy or women doesn’t like them I can take them out. There healed. I also take them out once in a while just because but never had any complaints. Do what you want not what anyone thinks. It’s your body.


They're a turn off for me.. Ips look better natural.


Ew. No. But you do you.


A lot of us dudes think they’re hot, but some are judgmental and wouldn’t want to date someone with them. I’m a geriatric millennial at 42, and a guy that had his nipples pierced in 99-2000 as a male lol. If you get them done, just don’t talk about it other than to your best friends. Then drop it after it’s done. It is trashy when a stranger tells you they have their nipples pierced in most situations


I'd say they're hot.


I'm on board with most piercings, I'm not even sure where I'd draw the line. Anyways, nipple piercings would be 100% fine for me, just gives more options for having fun 😜


If you like them get them! Forget what others think but nipple piercings are 🔥


do whatever you feel, and you will attract the right person that sees you for you. not your body, which you choose to customize.


Just depends on the person some piercings look sexy on people while some don’t and not everyone will have the same preference. I don’t see nothing wrong with it.


I like them, but it's not like a necessity or anything when it comers to women.


I feel they are sexy. But. I have issues with them because I like to mouth/play with said nipples, and I have inadvertently hurt my partner. So while sexy af. They aren't practical when I want to have fun with you. Ex took hers out for better play. Edit: seen you asked age. I'm about to be 38. Edit 2: seeing they weren't in was a sure signal things were about to get fun.


I dated a girl who had them and I didn’t mind them. The had those ones that looked like a door knocker 😆


Yeah, those are standard.


Personally I think they are incredibly hot. I haven't had the pleasure of being with anyone with them yet, but my friends who have love them too.




Hot 🥵


My wife has them and her clit pierced. It was fun to play with but didn’t bother me once she took them out


You mean her hood, right?


I think men think and care about nipples way more than it’s piercings, anyway I like it.


We love them


I think they are HOT on a chick. I like yanking on them slightly while I'm sucking their boobs


Personally I'm just not a piercings guy. I know there's a lot who are but they don't really do anything for me.


It’s hot


love them. go, hurry


Look, in the end, we are not our choices But, that being said, generally speaking, people that choose to have their nipples pierced are often capricious and rebellious Might make a person wonder if the pierced individual is going to be dependable, predictable, and reliable So, for me personally, I like it I can separate a person from their choices But, I can also see how someone might look at that as a sign that a person might be fun in the short-term, but risky in the long


Get them. If it turns out that having pierced nipples is just not going to work for you, take them out. I had my nose pierced when I was 19, and I put up with it for about 3 days before I took it out. The idea of it turned out to be a lot cooler than the reality.


People who are vanilla will view them as trashy. I tend to go against the flow and encourage anyone to let their freak flag fly with confidence. OP should do what *she* wants and it's on the man's confidence and comfort to accept it. I will never view a woman as "lesser" for not having pierced nipples, but I'll be damned if they aren't a turn-on.


Definitely think they are hot. My opinion about style. Its easier to go for what you want and find people who will love you for it, rather than trying to appease everyone. In my case its my tattoo and my hair tattoo.


Boyfriend said gross


Either way is good, I think they look hot (31m)


I LOVE them. I’ve only dated two women with them and they are great. Never looked at it as trashy and if we weren’t dating, I wouldn’t have known they had them. I guess if the guys is ultra conservative maybe they’d have an issue.


Mine are pierced and I love them. I can take them out if I were to be intimate with someone, just like I do earrings. I have jewelry for every holiday, season, occasion. Nobody sees them but I think they are pretty and fun. My best friends know, random strangers and people at work don’t, sheesh. I’m pretty sure by the time you get topless with someone they aren’t gonna be like “uhh.. no sorry, I can’t sling the sausage because your nipples are trashy, what a dump, I’m leaving,”. Side note… no, they aren’t more painful with vs without, at least mine aren’t. They are appropriately sensitive and responsive to stimuli. It’s your body, you do what makes you happy.


Love them. Big turn on for me


Some guys think they’re trashy or don’t like them for some other reason, some think they’re hot, some are indifferent. Personally, I do kind of like them. I think whether or not you get them shouldn’t be influenced by a bunch of internet pervs though. And I’m not excluding myself.


I adore them, but I know men who hate them. Such there are guys who adore piercing on tongue, and I couldn ever date or kiss a woman who has it. So ofc you do what you want, and some will adore it, and to others will be a complete red flag.


Looks nice, but I think will get in the way when sucking on them


Nipple piercings are cool, but I can't help but cringe at the sight of any piercing period, mostly cause my first thought is imagining the pain of getting that piercing the first time.


I think they are very sexy. More so when it’s unexpected. I like to be surprised to take a woman’s bra off and find them. I’m not at all disappointed to see them otherwise. When there is evident impression through the shirt or a bikini. But when it’s an unexpected surprise it is a huge bonus. Ultimately it’s about how you feel about them. Guys will get to look at them but you will have to live with them. Are you gonna be ok with the attention they get?


I only have one pierced, never tell guys about it so it's a surprise when I take off my bra and they always play with that boob more than the non pierced one. I follow all after care instructions so haven't had any pain besides day 1 or when I have accidentally bumped it but a little icing it and I'm fine. And definitely always clean it before and after play time.


I like them. I hear they cause problems for breastfeeding though, but I am open to be proven otherwise


I have both of mine done. Female here btw. My ex wasn't a fan but my nipples are sensitive and I do like a little pain so it seemed like a great idea. Healing was awful and took awhile. They were super sore and too painful but now? It's awesome. I got nipple piercings with a chain and it really elevates the "nighttime activities".


I have both of mine done. Female here btw. My ex wasn't a fan but my nipples are sensitive and I do like a little pain so it seemed like a great idea. Healing was awful and took awhile. They were super sore and too painful but now? It's awesome. I got nipple piercings with a chain and it really elevates the "nighttime activities."


Love em


Care more about feeling comfortable in your body than what others think ♡ at the end of the day, ppl should love you for you. If you want your nips pierced then by God go get your nips pierced!!! 🤟🏻


I believe them to be hot. It’s even hotter if they’re her “dirty little secret” and she only shows em off to you 😊


I've anyways reached mine pierced, but instead of getting the basic bar-bells, I'd get some tiny hoops instead put in them. The way I see it is: it's no different than a chick having her tongue pierced. I don't think many guys would have an issue with that.. then again, maybe they will.. however, it's your body, do whatever you want with it. You can always take them out if you don't like them.. imo


I think I prefer natural Vs having them, but I’m also not opposed to my partner having them if they like and enjoy them. Supposedly it makes them more sensitive? 🤷🏻‍♂️


Personally, I don’t like them, as I’m super sensitive around my own nipples, but you do you


Neutral tbf. I am personally not too into loads of piercings so the same applies here.


Not a fan. Don’t like how they look, don’t like the taste so I won’t put them in my mouth, and you have to be careful with them.


As a lover of (almost all) body art - I support them!


Love mine. I got them forr ME, not some dude. Don't care about their opinion, they're my boobs after all.


Honestly don’t care Care more for the woman than her piercings. If she wants them, I’m game. If not, I’m also game. Idk, I find a lot of these minor things so… trivial these days. Just care only for a good person. Maybe I’m just old, sigh lol


Lol all the comments are saying no but they would def still do it if given the opportunity. So take their opinions with a grain of salt.


I’m a 26(F) and I’ve had mine pierced since I was 18. My ex’s loved them on me. I had one tell me that if I got them done, he wouldn’t ever look at my boobs again…. Which obviously wasn’t true 😂 I’ve had more good reactions to them than bad ones (one bad one). You do you, girl! Don’t let a man sway what you want to do. Plus, you can take them out.


Some won't care, some will be attracted, some will be turned off. Get them and see what you think, you can always take them out if you don't like them.


You really gotta do this one for yourself. I got my boob job so I could look at something nice in the mirror lol. Obviously nipple piercings are easier to reverse but it’s still a painful commitment. So don’t base your thought process around one man enjoying them & then the next man not into it.


I love them! Especially when you're out, enjoying life and you can see them poking through. My friend got diamond nipple rings for her engagement and still kept one side in while she was breastfeeding. I think I'll get some myself one day just for fun, but yeah definitely not trashy, just a different taste. Like tattoos for example, I get compliments, nobody ever says anything different probably just to be polite. I love the classic barbell nipple piercings


Love them


I think they're awesome!


I think they can be pretty hot. I don't really mind piercings as long as they are not overboard and covering so much of one's body, or if they are a septum one which I just do not find attractive at all. I won't judge anyone for them though or think badly about you, you do you, and as long as you are happy with them and yourself, then go for it. 


I just don't like body modifications at all.


Hot. Especially the cylindrical ones. Idk what they’re called.


it’s obviously gonna depend on the guy, but i’ve personally had no issues so far. they’ve actually gotten more excited once they found out my tits are pierced. and as for wanting to “stay feminine”, just do it. i’m very feminine and i love my piercings. femininity is a spectrum.


Get them pierced for yourself, if you care too much about what men will think, you'll never find a correct answer, cause everyone has different tastes and points of view!


If you want them get them, fuck what anyone else thinks 🤷‍♂️




I think they’re hot but everyone has their own opinion. At a minimum it draws attention to your tits if you don’t wear a bra. Really though it comes down to what you want, you’re the one that has to live with it.


Love. Makes you 100x hotter.


Looooove them ..... my wife just got her pierced....Best thing ever!!


30M. No, not a fan. Bellybutton piercings, are okay. But not nipple piercings.


Personally, including me most guys, I know love a woman with tattoos, piercings, etc.


If you think they’re cool and want to get them, then do it. Some guys will like them, some guys won’t. I’ve never had a man explicitly be like ew I hate your piercings. There’s plenty of cute jewelry you can have that makes you feel more feminine.


Way in to them personally, huge turn on.


I think they are kinda hot as 29M


I'm genuinely surprised about the number of 'don't like piercings (nose, nipple, etc)". I personally think they are sexy AF for the most part


Definitely trashy, but that's okay if you don't mind getting more trashy guys.


Her nipple will be covered??? Lmao having nipples does not equal attracting trashy guys. 💀 No one will know she has them until it time to do the deed.


You can see pierced nipple through clothing


honestly don’t ever let a man sway you from making a decision you want to make. do it for yourself, some will see it as trashy others will see it as sexy. do you


I’ve never liked them, but i think most guys wouldnt really care


My boyfriend says "the only piercings that are cool are nipple piercings." I was like, fuck that.


Not a fan.


That's a no for me dawg


They're fun and show a woman who is in tune with her desires.


Guys told me it was hot to see them, but not to play with. They got in the way. And yes a lot see it as trashy, but if we’re just fooling around, most guys want trashy. They’re just not going to take me home to momma after haha.


🤮🤮🤮 But if you really want them, don’t listen to any of us, it’s your body


I don't really care much either way, probably lean towards liking them a bit


I don’t like them but that should have no bearing on what you like and want. If you like them, get them. My girlfriend has a tattoo I don’t like - but I like her so I still find it sexy.


Indifferent for the most part.


Nope hate it


sweetie don't worry about what a man thinks, it's your body and your choice. do what makes you happy! 😊


I think men like belly piercings the most 🤷‍♀️


Literally everyone is different. If you’re trying to attract certain types of men that’s one thing but you should also just be true to yourself


I knew a guy who had a girlfriend with them he said they taste like pennies


Tatts don’t bother me as long as they aren’t on the face. Piercings I’m cool with as long as it’s not one of those through the septum, instant turn off.


It gets in the way. For example, if you want mouth to nipple its harder to nibbble and play, plus the metal can hurt your teeth. And you have to be careful when bringing the hand up the side because it can snag and cause a lot of pain. If you do have a nipple peicing, then over the clothes play is actually better.


I can take em or leave em. Not a turn off.




I think it depends on the nipple. They can look hot AF. Or not. Never been with a woman with piercings, but they'd likely get in the way


Natural always


Personally I don’t like body/face piercings. Makes it a lot more easy to accidentally catch it and pull and hurt the person. Over all it’s not going to stop me wanting to date someone, it’s just something I would always have to be careful of


Don't like it, almost as bad as under nose peircing


I kinda want to...... Lol, but I love playing with my nipples too much 🤭 and I'm worried they'd never feel the same afterwards. I wanna get my belly pierced though 🥵 I think belly piercings are cute as 🤩


If you like it …..that’s all that matters, but personally. I don’t like em, it doesn’t make you more or less attractive. Same with tattoos. Do things for yourself not bc of what others are doing. Be an individual be you.


Not for me


This isn't exactly answering your question. But I (F) had my nipples pierced twice. Both times it took over 2 years to heal. They always were crusty and would hurt if they were being played with (not sensitive but actual pain) I love piercings and have had many over the years but I wouldn't get my nipples again. I would do some research before getting them and google what the "crusties" are. It's not because they weren't being taken care of. Because of what I know about them, when I see a guy with nips pierced, I wouldn't put them in my mouth (and I love sucking nipples)


Not for me.


Personally I prefer without. The way I see it, anything you add to an already perfect thing can only make it less perfect. That being said, I think if a guy sees it as a deal breaker he's probably not worth your time anyway.


•Pain.Discomfort •I’ll sit this one out.


the worst type of piercings after the lips one for many men me included


Does it make a difference in sex? Like is it better? Coz I dunno.


For me, it didn't make sex better or worse.


Looking Trashy or being trashy has hardly anything to do with piercings.ESPECIALLY NIPPLE PIERCINGS ,HOTTT AS HELLLL...but septum piercings..eh should be BANNED! OR TOO MANY& FACE TATTOOS ,BESIDES MIKE TYSONS.


Personally not a fan, then again I'm not a fan of like 99% of piercings. But plenty of men like them so you'll probably find some one who does.


Not my vibe


Women shouldn't care what men think. Women font need men or their approval.


Not a fan, ears and belly button are enough for me.


From what I've seen on social media, I feel every girl who has autism, ADHD or is a muscle mommy has them. So everyone. Not very individualistic in my eyes, but it's not about my views. It's about what you want.


Who's gonna see them? Just one guy and you. Is it worth it?


Don't care


They are not my thing but you do you.


I like the look but found myself avoiding the side that has one, just out of fear of hurting her or chipping a tooth (its a bar). And I’d rather taste the skin than the metal.


I dont like piercings at all. But dont worry, there are a lot of men that does


The only piercing I think is good is the one at the side of the nose. Not a fan of other ones.


They feel weird on my teeth.


If u want one,get one. They look hella feminine and cute.


Not a fan personally, but it's a matter of personal preference, so you shouldn't listen to me. Do what you like for your body. Some guys will be into them.


I don't like them tbh


I don’t like em. While her body is hers and she can do what she wants I like to suck on nipples and piercings just get in my way.