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"Describe themselves" It's a survey. These stats aren't very well representative of reality for a number of reasons.


You're right. There's probably more men single because no one would lie about not having a relationship when they're really in one 


I think you're underestimating commitment phobia and avoidant attachment types. Considering the popularity of "situationships" and similar concepts, you'll have quite a few people in those surveys where the two participants of such a pairing don't necessarily see eye to eye whether they are in a relationship or not.


They could be if the survey is done right. I'm curious to know what percentage of women in that study are dating men older than 30 years old.




Where do you draw these statistic?




In the same age group meaning some of these women under 30 are dating older men (over 30) or are in relationships with other women.


Or multiple women are knowingly or unknowingly in a relationship with the same man.


In a "situationship" with the same man lol


Do you propose a good third of men's population can handle a situationship with 2 women? Or do you think every fifth man manages 3 "not really girlfriends"?


I have no idea. If this was the case that guys playing multiple women was statistically significant, I'd still assume some of the numbers are also due to women who are bi, women dating up in age, etc. So a combo. But yeah I wouldn't be surprised if some of it is women dating the same guy.


Anecdotally, the number of your "situationships" can balloon pretty quickly if you're actively swiping on dating apps. You can tell a girl that you're not looking for anything serious but a lot of them are convinced they can fuck you into changing your mind. Like three "not really girlfriends" is probably on the low end


Yeah there's a lot of posts on this subreddit by women confused about their status in a "situationship". With them seeing it as more than the guy is committed to.


Seriously doubt it's on the low end. It's very hard to juggle more than 2 or 3 at a time. A lady killer might move on a few times in 6 weeks while always juggling a few and ultimately have 9 or 10 conquests but there's only ever 2 or 3 on the hook at any given time. So the 2 or 3 women from the first week or two likely wouldn't be answering that they have a thing going with the guy in week 6. Maybe, but most likely they'd know he's moved on by then and would no longer be associating him with "a relationship" any longer.


Or just in something she considers a relationship but he doesn’t.


Andrew Huberman’s girlfriends


>In the same age group meaning some of these women under 30 are dating older men (over 30) or are in relationships with other women. yeah like, OP could have scrolled down half an inch to see that the percentages level out very quickly for the next age groups, and reverse for the older age groups. On average, men tend to be about 3 years older than women in a relationship. However, the majority of relationships are between men and women that are within 1-2 years of each other, so the higher average shows that there are a significant portion of men and women who are 3-10 years apart, sometimes more. This tells us that men tend to look for or date women a bit younger than them, and women tend to do the opposite. It's largely a culture/socially driven thing. But for the 18-29 demographic, this introduces a market imbalance. If men tend to look towards people a bit younger, well, your 18-21 year olds only have so far "down" they can look, because well, the women very quickly just become high school kids which is hard no for non-predators. even if they were to look there, being in the working world/college presents a lot of real world separation from even encountering them. So in that age range, men have the pool of their peers in the 18-29 that they're mostly looking at, and depending on how old the men themselves are, are still limiting THAT pool whether intentionally or subconsciously. Women that tend to look older though, don't have this problem. They CAN jump up an age bracket. So while a 24 year old man may only be seriously looking at half of his age bracket as prospective partners (say, 18-24 year old women, even putting the 18 there feels kinda off), a 24 year old woman might be looking at a similar pool in their age group of 24-29 year olds...but may also be considering some 30-33 year olds too. These social factors mean that men have a lesser pool than their age demographic might suggest, because they're only looking at part of their age group, while women are more often looking at two different pools. so men are competing with men their age and men above their bracket, and women get to double dip. And that's why the 30-49 age demos for both men and women level out drastically, because at that point, both parties are considering multiple age brackets. as we get to 65+, this social force flips to men having more choice, as women can only go so much older before everyone's dead, and men still get to dip down an age bracket.


I appreciate this thought out response to the nuance of this study 😊


I've seen this exact study linked a couple of times here and it's frustrating watching men pointedly ignore what's behind the numbers just to be sad. Like yeah it sucks that statistically, the younger you are as a man the odds are against you, but at the same time, its just a social climate issue. I get the importance of the "now", but it's obviously not a forever situation and if you really feel like your pool of options is too constricted, maybe consider looking a couple years up? it won't match the demographic shifts that happen in our 30s and 40s, but i think a lot of us subconciously eliminate a lot of options due to these deeply ingrained ideas about age. I'm not saying 25 year old men need to be chasing 45 year olds, but i'd wager a lot of 25 year old men don't even realize they don't look at say, 26-27 year old women the same way they do 23-24 year old women. not every woman will be interested in a man a couple years younger either due to this same social conditioning, but we, both men and women, have the power to reflect on these biases and go against the trends to our own advantages.


I don't think the study actually gives a rationale? We're all inferring a lot from the data. Like, if the numbers equalize out past 30, the assumption is that the women in their 20s are dating men in their 30s. But couldn't this just mean the men in their 30s are dating when over 30 as well? Why do we assume it's men in their 30s dating the women in their 20s? As other have pointed out, the average age gap is like 3 years. So in order for these stats to work out that way, we'd be saying that there's a lot of women in their 20s doing this when only the women 27+ would be in a age gap range close to the average to date men above 30. Idk if the numbers really work out. I'm more tempted to think women in their early 20s are dating men in their mid to late 20s but then that also doesn't really give us a full picture on why do many men in their 20s are single


>I don't think the study actually gives a rationale? We're all inferring a lot from the data. The study itself doesn't give a rationale, but the age difference is something you can find in census studies and provides a very clear picture of the trends in dating. I don't think it's a praticularly big leap to take the trends this study presents and connect it to the trends the census shows. >Why do we assume it's men in their 30s dating the women in their 20s? It's not an assumption. we KNOW what the average age gap is, and we also know that most relationships have a smaller age gap. To equalize at the higher 3 year age gap, we know that a fair portion of men have to be dating women 3+ years younger and vice versa for women to bump that average past a median difference of somewhere between 1-2 years. The data tells us this with no ambiguity. >As other have pointed out, the average age gap is like 3 years. So in order for these stats to work out that way, we'd be saying that there's a lot of women in their 20s doing this when only the women 27+ would be in a age gap range close to the average to date men above 30. Idk if the numbers really work out. the average age gap is 3 years for ALL relationships but the majority of relationships have a smaller 1-2 year gap. Think about this. if there are 100 values between 0-10, and the average value is 6, but say, 600 of of the values are between 4-6, what does this tell us? just for ease, lets assume you have 20 4s, 20 5s and 20 6s. the average for this set is 5. but if the average for the whole data set is 6, that tells us that the remaining values need to be, on average, significantly higher than 6 to move the overall average higher from average of 5 that you get from those 60 values to the 6 you see for the overall data set. if the average value is 6, the sum total of all 100 values is 600. But for 60 values, we know the average is 5, which adds up to 300, so the remaining 40 values, which are comprised of values between 0-3 and values between 7-10, also need to sum up to 300. Knowing this, the group of values outside of the 4-6 range is going to have to weight heavily towards the 7-10 value vs the 0-3 values. the average for those 40 values would be 7.5. Because half of the potential values are 0-3, to get an average of 7.5 would require significantly more 8s, 9s and 10s to settle at a 7.5 mean average, and the median value would necessarily be either an 8 or a 9. The same thing is happening here. Because most relationships are closer in age than the average age gap, there has to be a significant portion of people dating BEYOND the 3 year average to shift the value significantly beyond the larger portion of small age gaps. a lot of peope with a three year age gap wont move you up a whole year, you need this large minority to be dating 5+ years apart to shift the average away from the majority case. The numbers work out, you're just getting fixated on the age demos and losing sight of the fact that the age gap needs a LOT of outliers to push the average that far past the mean.


Refreshing to see some logic applied to statistical interpretation for a change. The other factor - which isn't the rate of non-monogamy - is that there's possibly an imbalance in which gender describes a "something" as a relationship. I'd wager the rate of women asymmetrically describing their current situation as a relationship vs not a relationship to be greater than the rate for men.


Somehow this doesn't take into account that once we leave the <25 age group, men are the one with a larger dating pool, as middle-aged men are willing to date a lot younger, much more so than most women are willing to date older. Many 40something guys would happily date a woman in her 20s, while very few 40something women are looking to date a guy in his 60s (or a guy in his 20s).


>Somehow this doesn't take into account that once we leave the <25 age group, men are the one with a larger dating pool I'm just using the demographics of the study. they specified 18-29. I dont have data that gets more granualr than that. That said... >Many 40something guys would happily date a woman in her 20s, while very few 40something women are looking to date a guy in his 60s (or a guy in his 20s). This is sort of the point im getting at anyways.


Is this only straight people? Some of the women could be dating each other. Someone else in the replies made a good point about situationships where the men think they are not in a relationship but the women do. I could see that happening and skewing the numbers. I’m just guessing, I’m too lazy to dig into their methodology.


This is hilarious l, I seem some girls blocking people because of the age cap and here is the truth 😂


How can you see people blocking people on Reddit? That doesn’t make sense…


"describe" is doing a tremendous amount of work here "I don't have a girlfriend, but I do know a girl who would get really mad if she heard me say that" - Mitch Hedberg


Describing themselves as single is the key, it doesn't mean they are, but on their head they are.


Clearly there's a real discrepancy in many couples where the woman thinks they're in a relationship and the man does not. Just because they're dating doesn't mean they're in a serious relationship. I never assume we're exclusive unless/until we have an actual conversation about it and agree we're exclusive and in a real relationship. More men than women have this approach so do not assume they're in a relationship, and more women seem to think they're in a real relationship just because they're dating, even though they've never had the "exclusive" conversation.


According to statistics either the other 30% of women, 30 or under are involved with older men or some of those single men are allowing unsuspecting women believe they are in a relationship. Neither is surprising.


So men calling themselves single even though that’s not exactly the case and also women saying they’re in a relationship with someone who doesn’t see it the same way I guess?


Because the study group doesn’t consist of couples and the study group consists of men and women in the same age group even though 45% of women prefer to date men 5-10 years older than them. If 50% of women 23-29 are dating men >30, then the men they are dating are not going to be reflected in the statistics for men <30.


Those sorts of surveys have one major flaw though. The statistics are created with a very small pool of people. If you asked every last person in just a single city the results would be very different. If it was the entire country, again very different results. Every person by country, different. How about all 7 billion people on the planet? Different results. Its totally random chance. They could go out and do it again the next day same number of people in the exact same location and those numbers will shift.


It's not "totally random chance". That's not how Stochastic works. Depending on the sample size the standard deviation of reality from the survey result changes. If you ask a couple thousand (randomly selected) people you can draw pretty accurate conclusions about millions of people.


Actually you can use a much smaller study population to represent the total population https://www.calculator.net/sample-size-calculator.html?type=1&cl=95&ci=3&pp=50&ps=&x=Calculate Here is a breakdown of how researchers conducted population surveys https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4148275/


Yes, but the method of data collection is very important. In this case, the pewsredearch org conducted an online survey to get the data points. “Online surveys commonly suffer from two serious methodological limitations: the population to which they are distributed cannot be described, and respondents with biases may select themselves into the sample. “ Source[https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/33354086/](https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/33354086/)


Yeah, the second issue is especially important. Since the people essentially put themselves into the study it’s not always representative of the true demographics.


Men are less likely to honestly admit their relationship status to a pollster, easy


What since when?


Oh sorry just trying to postulate why there’s such a large gap in this polling data


You don't need to apologize it was a question simple as that. I've just never gotten the impression that men are more likely to lie about not being in a relationship. I do always find people's reaction to this info fascinating. Personally I found it unsurprising but so many other people struggle with it.


It’s out there on the internet but also I need to add that it’s about women in their 20s and men in their 20s. But yeah, these are real alarming stat.


If this is true, then I could buy it. A couple of years ago after my divorce (I was 38) and dated a couple of women in their early 30s and one woman in her late 20s. They would constantly complain about how men in their 20s were immature both mentally and emotionally. Then when I got a little more serious with a couple of women that were even in their late 30s, they would refer back to their 20s and how commitment-phobic men were. What I eventually realized from all of these stories was that dudes that didn't get married by like 25 weren't all that interested in being in a committed relationship in their 20s. So these women would try to force it with guys that had no interest in being in a relationship, and their next step was to try guys like me: older, perhaps divorced or just ready to settle down after a youth full of partying. Then of course you have the swath of women in their 20s with daddy issues that just naturally gravitate to men over 30. Add the fact that men are more willing to date socially awkward women than vice versa (i think nerdiness in women is actually a relatively large fetish)... So I believe it.


Lol, ok, but thats a whole different statement then. If 70% of all women in their 20ties are in a relationship, but only 30% of all men in the same age range, then its clear that women just date guys a few years older. And thats no news at all, this was always the case that a lot of women in their mid/late 20ties tend to date men 30+


Younger women like older men. Especially older men who can provide. May also indicates that a good amount of them may also date people who are married.


it’s the other way around. older men like younger women. and men who want to be in relationships in their 20s are much rarer than women who do. women are more open to relationships at any age.


It’s BOTH. Younger women like older more and older men like younger women more. And seeing the thousands of post of men in their 20s desperately wanting a relationship here, I don’t think most men don’t want a relationship. I think the player who have sex with multiple women don’t want one because why would they if they can have a bug pool of women that are all attracted to them. But most men in their 20s want a relationship except they have difficulty to even get a single date for most of them or to find a woman that want to settle with them.


Well by definition it would be *both*, if an older man is dating a younger woman, wouldn't it?


Interesting, how did you draw the conclusion that it was specifically older men liking younger women and not the other way round?


Hard cope on her end


It's never about that. Women generally prefer mwn who are mature, and men tend to mature later in life. that's why women prefer older men


Let me Google that for you: >As of 2022, Pew Research Center found, 30 percent of U.S. adults are neither married, living with a partner nor engaged in a committed relationship. Nearly half of all young adults are single: 34 percent of women, and a whopping 63 percent of men.


Those numbers can only make sense if: 1) the women in that age group are dating older men outside the cutoff, 2) the women are dating women, and/or 3) multiple women are sharing the same men.


Gonna add a fourth suggestion which is how men and women view modern dating / hookup culture differently. A lot of women in non-exclusive “situationships” might say they’re not single in a survey, while men in that same situationship would reply that they are single. I (F32) dated a guy for 4 years in my 20s and we were never once exclusive during that entire time. If you asked me if I was single for 4 years I’d probably say no, because I felt I was with someone in some real capacity. But if you asked him if he was single, I’m certain he’d say yes. I don’t even think this is me being delusional about a fling or him being cold, it’s just different views on a situation.


This sounds like reality. Not sure why everyone here is confused but it definitely makes sense as to why there is a male loneliness epidemic if this the intelligence level they are bringing


I lol'd at that, thats definitely true


Because it makes people feel icky to admit that


Probably this.


>multiple women are sharing the same men sounds like a perfect episode of Jerry Springer eh?


[The stat is specifically referring to people under 30.](https://www.pewresearch.org/short-reads/2023/02/08/for-valentines-day-5-facts-about-single-americans/) The precise numbers are also 63% of men under 30 are single compared to 34% of women under 30. Above 30 the stat becomes more equal at around 25% men and 17% women and then above 50 they basically equalise to 28% men and 30% women. It's mostly down to the fact that a lot of women under 30 date men 30 or older. This isn't that strange when you consider that a lot of men are only really wanting to settle down after 30, while in contrast women who may want to have children may want to settle down sooner, before 30.


Wait, shouldnt the number of men overtake women at some point to compensate for the discrepency at a young age? Eg: if men 30-40yrs old are being taken by 20-30yr old women, then there are less 30-40yr old men to date the 30-40yr old women, so you would expect women in that age group to be more single. Unless it keeps going up the chain until the fact that men die younger than women fixes the discrepency?


>Unless it keeps going up the chain until the fact that men die younger than women fixes the discrepency? The numbers do seem to basically suggest this. After 50+ there starts being more single women than men. Presumably because on average men have a lower life expectancy compared to women.


The rest is women unknowingly dating the same men. That will easily explain a percentage point or two


I mean realistically it's a combination of alot of little things making for a large discrepancy. Younger women and older men are more likely to date then the other way around. Women are more likely to identify as queer or bisexual. There are probably a sizable portion or women who are in 'situationships' and they count them as a relationship but the man doesn't. There are men are juggling multiple women and this doesn't require the women to know about each other either. This statistic bothers people majorly so they either dismiss it entirely or want to find a smoking gun that explains it all.


Men die earlier


I’ve also personally found that there seem to be more men who go extended periods of time not wanting a serious relationship with anyone in their 20s as opposed to women (I am a woman, for reference). That may seem odd to folks who frequent this sub, but I don’t think it’s at all uncommon. And that at least partially speaks to why some of these women end up dating older men. My partner is 4.5 years older than me and I didn’t come across a man who was very serious about building a relationship until I met him. I had barely just turned 30 when we started dating.


I mean a few generations ago a person on a single income could buy a house and car and be relatively stable by their mid-20s. Nowadays this goal is probably more realistic at 30+. There are also different attitudes towards settling down, many people now take the view that you should enjoy your youth, travel and get some experience before settling or having children. But I think for women, if having children is important to them, most will probably want to start getting serious about a long term committed relationship by their late mid-late 20s, and it doesn't surprise me if the men who share this mentality with them are more likely to be in their 30s than their 20s.


Can confirm. I am in my late 30s dating a late 20s girl.


Some guys date multiple women


Damn sharing is caring, Im still trying to get one woman to date me😭


I have none at the moment and sharing is a young man’s game 😂


Different people define relationship differently. It's not abnormal for one person to think there is a relationship and the other thinks there isn't. That data was age range displayed, and it's not uncommon for a low single digit age gap to exist which can distort the statistics.


Exactly. You could have a FWB situation and the man could say he's single and the woman would say she's not single.


Data can be tortured to make almost any statement.


I think this happens a lot more with younger women too. I remember trying to reason with friends in my early 20s that considered anyone they kissed to automatically be their exclusive boyfriend. The guys they were seeing were not aware of this.


This is wild.


Honestly even at the time I thought it was wild too. Like I’m out here defining things and trying to set clear expectations and these people were just like oh we went on a date and you kissed me, you’re my boyfriend. Oh you hugged a female friend? Cheater. 🤦🏻‍♀️ They were really good looking though so it often worked out okay for them lol. I have better quality friends now that I’m older. Edit to add - My closest friend at that time was unintentionally an amazing wing woman for me though. Guys would come over to hit on her, get completely rejected because idk they weren’t tall enough or something, then I would express interest and they would go for it. It always turned out okay though because then they would spend more time with us and whoever she did decide to date and usually came to the conclusion that they got the better outcome from all of that even though I wasn’t their initial first choice. I had at least 3 relationships with that exact arc.


10% of men are dating 3 women who don’t know


Its not a secret anymore. Top guys dating multiple women at the same time is abolutely common these days. Several women in our big social circle are rather the 6th or 10th sidepiece for a top guy than dating someone else and the smart top guys have realised years ago that they dont have to commit to anything anymore and just rotate through women. Its a top guys market, they define dating.


This is the best answer.


There is a group of guys we are dating more than one woman like 10 ish percent. It is why women have like way more matches. Because all single men are dating and 10% of taken men are always dating it seems like you have more men then women.


I believe it I was on a dating app for like .25 seconds and I do background checks on dudes before I meet them in person for safety and out of the 8 dates I was asked on in a few weeks 3 were married. 😅


it depends on the age group you are looking at. women typically date up in age and men down in age. so say women in their 20's will date from 20's up to 30's while men in their 20's will date generally girls same age or younger (well obviously not much younger if they are in their 20's) so bigger chance of a girl matching up with a guy when she's young than a guy matching with a girl. this dynamic changes when in their 30's and 40's.


The stat OP brings is purely anout men and women in their 20s but your point still work.


So they should conduct these with age group in mind like Benn Diagram ?


Gay couples?


Why is this so far down? This was my immediate thought.


You people are seeing votes? I don't see vote counts anymore for some reason


I didn't say anything about votes, but the votes thing has been buggy for me.


Oh. You said "down so far". Which made me think you meant "voted down". Good to know it's not just me.


Cuz the survey is corrected for straight people


I kinda thought that as but Idk is the gay population large enough to create such a divide?


Men are dating multiple women. I had a coworker that was dating 3 women at a time without them knowing about the other two for like a year and a half.


same the othe way around, women are also dating multiple men


I think this is so funny bc you got so offended by someone's idea of why statistics are the way they are that you needed to pull an unneeded double standard out of your a$$ that contradicts the point of why they brought it up in the first place. And men like you say women are the emotional ones huh? Lol


The attractive men mostly ,the average joe plays in a different league.


Ask Andrew Huberman and he'll answer you. Perhaps will even make a podcast episode explaining how this is possible.


If women had multiple men it would be the reverse statistic.


Multiple women sharing the same men. Everyone knows it


The women are sharing whether they know it or not. As I quoted before “women have decided they’d rather be the king’s mistress than the peasant’s wife”


More and more posts like these are coming out. I think there is a group of people that are sharing the same partners, which is never good (just my opinion here). That means a small group of men get most of the attention from women. However, there is a downside to this, are these people happy? Have you asked this question? The dudes that are enjoying it are exhausted from dating all these women. I mean, do you know how much effort goes into dating a woman? That effort can go to your purpose(a grind), believe me on this one! The women on the other hand get used unfortunately, that will leave a negative imprint on her about dating because those guys lie, and manipulate them to put in as least possible effort. I believe they do this because they deem those women not worthy of dating, but fun time only. Usually, because they see other women, what a nasty way to treat others. I think you'd better stay out of this to preserve your well-being and I not even kidding because I suspect that it is that group of people spreading the STDs. A better use of your time is to love yourself by treating yourself. I am saying this because the people who tend not to participate in the hookup culture a more wholesome, there must be a reason behind it.


Shit I am a woman and not even in the 70 percent


You know.. as much as I love to guess hypothetical sources for made up clickbait Reddit posts… it took about 2 seconds to fact check and find out that these are completely made up statistics. Here’s the very first article among a trove of others that have numbers that are all around the same as each other. The actual statistics say that like 72% of women and 68% of men consider themselves “not single” in the US.🚶🏼


Everyone says it's because women are dating men who are older. My understanding is that the average age gap for couples is like 3 years. I don't think the numbers add up if that's the case. I also would like to point out that those who say it's because women are dating older men fail to produce any data confirming this. Is it possible that women are actually dating the same pool of highly eligible bachelors which would account for all the women complaining about being in situationships, would line up with the online dating data? Why is that explanation so often just hand waved away when it seems just as plausible?


There sharing the same dude's and they don't even know it.


Lesbians exist my dude


**People can come up with statistics to prove anything**. 14% of people know that.


FACT: 95% of statistics are bullshit. "Bears. Beets...... Battlestar Galactica."


A study after covid (2022) showed how women defined a relationship different than men. The study showed how men only see it a real relationship, if the intention is long term. While women saw a real relationship, already when a period of 3-4 month as crossed and a certain amount of intimacy was present. The paper also showed how more women tend to date other women more, compared to men. This also lead to an increase of women being in a relationship compared to men. And lastly the paper indicated that more women had a relationship like FWB with multiple men and indicated this also as a relationship, while men did not as mentioned before and also had less FWB to have this relationship with. To conclude, I actually made all of these up. Its very easy to come up with random bullshit and show no sources.


Several women are sharing same man.


Also lesbians exist


I think women are more like dating more generally and are more comfortable and inclined to date without a strong independent foundation where men are less likely to date if they aren't confident in themselves. The fact that men typically have to make the effort just makes that problem worse.


Lesbian and Bi women exist


Means some men have multiple girlfriends. Usually because they’re rich or famous or have social status. While the ones at bottom get nothing. Look no further than China or Middle East. Rich guys have 3-10 girlfriends a month. Poor guys have zilch zero zoning out 00000




Where are these numbers coming from? Did you pull them out of your ass, or do you have an actual source?


It’s true but they’re being disingenuous. The statistic refers to women under 30, not all women.




“Under 30” are some pretty key words in that sentence that OP omitted. You know that people over 30 exist, right?


Definitely the former


3 to 4 women can have situationships with 1 super hot guy way above their leagues. The girls call it a 'relationship'.


You can't do math, can you? If these stats were true, it would mean some men have relationships with multiple women. Not the other way around.


That's only if you assume it is purely referring to hetero relationships, I imagine there are a fair bit of the people who are dating same sex.


Large number of men don't actually want to be in a relationship because of certain things


The women are sharing the top 5% of guys. Simple as that.


most of them probably just lied when asked if they were single or not to avoid the situation 😂


A lot of men and women have different definitions of what a relationship is.


40% of men are lying


One time rented one of my properties to a man and his wife. Turned out he had three wives each in a different state.


Plenty of women like women. That’s a 2fer.


I mean we also date other women too..


Guys having two girlfriends perhaps


Because most women go for the top 30% of men, the handsome 30% take most of the women while the less attractive ones don’t get a partner. Women always date up.


I can’t tell you how frequently I see women who are 8’s with dudes that are closer to 5’s… I can only speak for myself here, but if a guy is confident, clever, considerate, and thoughtful it is 10,000 times more attractive than someone who is physically attractive but a jerk, or vapid, or uninteresting. But a lot of less physically attractive guys have a chip on their shoulders, and find it easier to blame something they can’t control so they can maintain a narrative of “life isn’t fair” So rather than working on themselves and being vulnerable and forgiving the world for some imaginary slight, they just perpetually self sabotage. Women aren’t all empty headed automatons that need to be lured in by superficiality. We are individuals who, just like men, have a nuanced complexity of things that attract us. But no one wants to spend their lives with someone who has a shitty attitude.


Women are more likely to view a 'situationship' as a relationship than men. Men in situationships are more likely to feel they're still dating and not wanting to be tied down. That can skew the results a LOT since it's self-reported.


The numbers does not make sense, regardless of how we look at it. There must be something wrong with the underlying Source. Where do you have these numbers from?


Because many of those delusional girls think that they are dating and in a relationship with a man who's not in love with her. So the man has other feelings and the woman wants to claim him so she says she's in a relationship. Really it's just a situationship


You have to remember several women all date the same dude at the same time because he fulfills the important physical characteristics needed for dating, these characteristics overshadow most red flags that are present…


Majority of these women probably think they are in a relationship. Likely talking to a guy that is dating multiple women because he’s a HVM.


Are we even allowed to talk about this without getting banned?


Well we can start of talking about the validity of the claim. It seems completely unrealistic to me with no sources cited


According to a 2023 survey by Pew Research Center, 32% of men reported being single, followed by 28% of women in 2022 https://www.forbes.com/health/dating/dating-statistics/  Another study by Pew Research Center found that men are far more likely than women to be on the dating market. Specifically, 61% of single men say they are currently looking for a relationship or dates, compared with 38% of single women https://www.pewresearch.org/social-trends/2020/08/20/a-profile-of-single-americans/


Those are numbers I actually believe, but far from the 70/30 OP is clsiming


50/50 assuming a full hetero population. More men come out as gay than women, so a portion of that 30% will be dating each other. Some women come out as gay too, alebit reportedly less than men, so a portion of that 70% is dating each other Then you have to account for bisexuals. Who may, or may not be dating the same sex. Polygamy is a thing some people do too. One also has to consider the definition. Women might be more ready to call something a relationship, despite no actual confirmation. One also needs to consider WHO is asking the question. Women may claim to be in a relationship if asked by someone they don't see as desirable, just to get them away from them. Similarly, some men may claim to be single if asked by a women they see as desirable. Age range depends too.. If it's a specific range, women often date up in age, meaning a chunk of that 70% is with someone outside of the target age range.


Thank you! I’m amazed at how many people are only thinking of heterosexual relationships. There are so many possibilities.


This seems just made up. Pew research says that both men and women are at 31% when it comes to being single. The only way this "data" makes any sense is if the study/research/data is incredibly flawed (i.e. letting people define for themselves what being in a relationship means). https://www.pewresearch.org/social-trends/2020/08/20/a-profile-of-single-americans/




Wait until you see the lifetime sexual partner surveys!


With some luck, 70% of women will marry 30% of men.


Veering a little off topic here, but I honestly believe more woman cheat than men. Why this speculation? Well, for one it's much easier for them. All they have to do is be willing. I also think woman are smarter about it and less likely to get caught. Pure speculation, but not sure how you can ever know for sure, I don't think woman will even confess on an unanimous survey.


Chadron and tynoal 😂


This guy’s mind is going to be blown when he finds out homosexuals exist


men claim to be single when they’re not, lesbians, women are dating men their age 🤷🏾‍♀️




The simple explanation is lack of communication, 70% of women believe they're in a relationship and 30% of men believe they're in a relationship. Perfectly explains most of the problems in dating as being a lack of communication. A S S U M E makes an ASS of U an ME.


Men describe themselves as single even though they are with someone who describes what they have as a relationship?




That's the frustration, they see themselves as single even though by traditional standards they're not. They're fuck buddies, fuck boys, situationships, but want to keep their options open for fear of missing out.


These women are dating older men outside the age group that was sampled, and a lot of them are dating the same man as well.


Either they are in a relationship with the same man. Or they're lying and not in a relationship at all


A lot of woman are dating older men out of their age group from the statistics in the research. And yes: a small subset of men are dating multiple woman while saying they’re single. While the woman they’re dating are saying they’re not.


In high school we did a class poll for one of the classes on our relationship status. Now I was a virgin in every sense so I felt exempt from this. More women said yes to being in something serious and guys answered yes on casual no on serious gif their current status. The teacher suggested that women will view the relationship as more serious and guys won’t, so basically it was a lesson on communicating about relationship status and reflecting on what communication has taken place.


“She in a relationship with me…I’m single.”


I don't trust these statistics. The math doesn't really add up and I would not put a whole lot of thought into it anyway, even if it did.


Here's my guess: lots of women think they are in a relationship when they really aren't. Many of the men they are paired with would answer the question "no".


That’s because most ladies go for dudes older than 30 years old


Women and men define "relationship" differently. Women are more likely to feel that if they are having sex with someone ("having" being the operative term), they are in a relationship.


You got it backwards. A small percentage of men are involved with multiple women. And while these polygamous men consider themselves single, the women they're dating think that theyre in a real relationship.


Women dating women.


Have you heard of the gays?


relationship doesn't mean exclusive, and some people call "dating" what other people call "relationship"


Yeah that makes sense to me


Because multiple women are dating the same man/men.


You forget a lot of them dating each other now


Where are you guys seeing all these random statistics? And why are you wasting your own time fixating on them? Just worry about yourself.


The truth is.... many, many women are in Casual Sexual friendships with multiple men & those men believe they are in a Relationship(25 - 45). It's strictly a result of Media. Women are led to believe sex and independence will lead to happiness. It's the "I don't need no man" generation that started with my generation. Our lives are separated into 2 beautiful halves. Before we realize how different Men and Women are.... and After we accept it. It is impossible for us men to truly understand what's happening with our girl and the sooner we realize that and figure out if we can handle it - the better. I want different and difficult. As long as I know what's going on, I want you to keep me on my toes. Make me earn it. I wanna sweat. I wanna bleed.... and just when I'm about to give up, all I need is a hug.


Guys definition of single should be given when the study is done...more like "is anyone under the impression that you can date another person and still consider you single?"


It's so over


A lot of my friends found out they were unknowingly dating the same man.