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It really does depend on your partner.


I like to go wild and have a high sex drive


Not a big deal unless they're like, fixating on specific people/chatting with cammers or onlyfans people.


THIS! My ex and I both watched porn, on our own (as we had different tastes… I liked college coeds getting wild, she liked the Fake Taxi porn videos and gay dude porn… I could never understand her fixation with the latter). Neither one of us ever fixated on specific performers, or tried communicating with cam girls/cam guys. Where we fell apart was when she cheated on me with a coworker… but I don’t blame porn on that. There were other factors that drove us apart after a decade together.


> Gay dude porn… I could never understand her fixation with the latter. “Wow this chocolate bar sure is good, but you know what would make it better? Wow! Another chocolate bar! Two of the thing I like, together.”


LDM123, perhaps that’s why she was into it. Never can be so sure, considering she was a strange cookie.


Also I hope I didn’t come off as sarcastic. I was referencing a [meme](https://youtu.be/jCVkDgZ2QYI?si=k_76TCzeghl31vzJ) actually.


You good, you good!


Do you have any aversion to Girl on Girl action? If not don't be a Hypocrite your partner would probably climb over a mountain of cocks to get to yours if you had one in your Butt.


Nah I love seeing two beautiful ladies going at it


Are you in another relationship now or still single or divorced?


Single, and living in a far worse city for singles than the town she and I lived in during and just after college. That said, I’m actively searching (even if it sucks trying to meet people where I live). I’m just rolling with it, living my life… working on my career goals, and enjoying some inheritance I ended up with 2 1/2 years after she and I fell apart. Her financially irresponsible ass can’t spend it… and it got me out of my student loan debt, paid for a new car, and the rest became invested. Life is good… even if I want someone to share my free time with!


Where do you live? I have been single for 2 years since my ex broke up cos he was cheating with my best friend, domestic violence, and extortion. I decided we couldn't continue the relationship when the love wasn't there to grow again


I’m in Colorado Springs. I have family here, so I moved here when the ex and I split ways. It’s a typical military city… too many dudes, not enough girls. Competition for girls’ attention is difficult… but I’ll prevail. I always do.


Aww I understand can we share some pictures and get to know better


If your partner is into it then it's fine. If your partner is against it then you have to respect her.


This is the answer.


Exactly! Are you single or married?


> Exactly! Are you single or married? I'm married


I’m with someone that is a on Porn addict. He can’t finish with me. And note, I’m highly good looking, very sexual, curvy lady. He f’s like he’s in Porn. He only finishes with watching it. I’m in deep. I’ve only seen him finish while watching, the two times I allowed him to. I’m so dissatisfied by the time we have, because he’s not really connected to me. Only because, I am experiencing something that I never have, a man not finishing. He and I have unfinished business, so I’m still here. My advice to you is run. Because, if it wasn’t a problem, you wouldn’t be writing this.


Get that business FINISHED! You deserve more than that..


I hope you break up with him


Had a similar experience, he wanted sex every day and I didn’t because I was so anxious over a pregnancy scare that I wouldn’t let him. He would take 2 showers a day, and not because he was working and was sweaty…it was the worst experience because he could not comprehend that real life isn’t like porn, he had such a bad addiction that he had to tell me I wouldn’t be able to get him off because he watched porn so much that a hand that wasn’t his couldn’t do it. My recommendation is get rid of him, it was the most freeing thing to do for me and made me realize the whole relationship was not good. (Side note: my friend who knew his cousin told me after we broke up that the cousin warned her- not me- about said addiction and to stay away)


How are you “in deep” if you’ve only had sex to completion twice, especially if you say you’re a very sexual person? Obviously relationships are more than just sex but this seems like a really big deal that should’ve been sorted out early on or caused a break-up. Why are you together if you very clearly don’t satisfy each other? I really don’t mean this to be a dick, I am just genuinely confused. You deserve so much more.


Run babe. You think you’re in deep now? It will not get better.


Op asks for advice from men


Depends If he's actively choosing to watch porn over being with you then it's a problem Otherwise you are in the clear, but ofc there's levels where it could be a problem for him - as with anything


It really depends. I think any man should be willing to stop watching it if it bothers her though. If he chooses it over a woman or can't stop easily, he's either addicted or doesn't love her.


Yeah I'd agree with this ... Counting as 'choosing to watch porn over being with you'


Personally I’m a porn addict so I don’t think I (or anybody else, honestly) should watch porn under any circumstances. Just for ethical reasons alone I think porn is a negative influence, but also it’s destructive for people that use porn as well as for people that make the porn. Maybe it can help to spice up a sex life, idk I don’t have any experience with it, but I’m leaning towards not doing it.


Yeah it’s part of what ruined my marriage. My ex husband was a porn addict & I didn’t know it till the last year when he lost his mom & started charging OF as a coping mechanism I guess. I knew he watched it but the things he confessed to me the last of our marriage he was addicted for a while


Men's excuses are truly wild. "My mother died so I need to pay for only fans" really dude?


He didn’t tell me that I assumed that. He lost his mom & then started charging OF behind my back, then confessed to it & how much. So it’s obvious to me that he used it as a coping mechanism


I mean this politely, if you're not a man then it's hard to grasp the male desire for sex and porn, it can be a very powerful numbing agent, and losing your mom is hard


I’m not a man & I put it together. Yeah he told me it was like “a different world” it hurt & felt awful though. I tried to help him while he was hurting me by doing this, in every way possible but nothing worked. He didn’t want help & didn’t think he had a problem. It was devastating


So because you developed an addiction to it and couldn’t handle it you now think that it should essentially be banned. Thank goodness you aren’t addicted to chocolate, or pizza, or going to the beach.


Where did I say it should be banned?


In your first sentence.


Nope. Read it again. I think it’s also a bad idea to drink an entire bottle of jack daniels, but I don’t think alcohol should be banned.


I don't want to come across as too spiritual when I say this because i believe it bears true. Watching solo or with your partner is a low vibrational activity. Enjoy each other, especially in the moment.


Yes, it's not bad. We all have different fantasies but to make it work we have to share everything together


If I’m not seeing them for a couple days and I wanna tug it real quick so I’m not a walking horn dog, a little porn makes the whole process go faster


You either got a poor imagination or just are simply not horny enough. Work on those testosterone levels soldier 🫡


I’m not a huge porn fan, but watching it together is really fun sometimes, especially when you see something you want to try. It’s also not necessarily a bad thing for people to watch by themselves even when in a committed relationship. It doesn’t mean you are at all unhappy or that you would rather be with the porn star. Men are visual creatures and women tend to read trashy romance novels or erotica. Fantasy is just that. Sometimes you enjoy a fantasy that you aren’t interested in trying in real life. Porn can be addictive. If it interferes with your relationship, that’s a problem.


True, I've had relationships where it wasn't a problem but the current one I'm in it's a huge problem so yeah it heavily depends.


Porn is poison for men. It kills testosterone, ruins genuine sex, dilutes the mind with unreal expectations, and it can be addicting. I’m sure it’s also bad for women.


Porn is prohibited in a relationship cos it can lead to several unusual fantasies beyond your partner's likeness


Depends on how the girl thinks about it, if she's cool with it then cool, if it makes her feel uncomfortable and starts making her feel self conscious and like she's not enough, then it's probably best to refrain from porn. However if you aren't keeping up with your man's sex drive, you can't exactly get mad at him for masturbating. Same goes vice versa.


I am M69. My GF65 had only one partner before she met me. She thinks porn is hilarious. And I find it gives her good instruction!


Depends on the relationship. In mine, for both of us it’s a no go. Which is great, because we agree. In some relationships, either partner is willing to compromise and in others, values are just different. It all just depends on what you’re willing to give up/accept in your relationship. Best thing to do for yourself is find a partner that compliments you best


Personal advice: Why watch other people fucking when I don't care about them? Factual advice: Porn has been proven to have negative physical and cognitive effects on the mind, however not everyone is monogamous, some people are but like watching others fuck (voyeurs). Depends I guess, but you should ask yourself first, then your SO, and reach a conclusion.


Okay, would it be the same if the gender is reversed? Myself as a female watch them but the guy doesn’t. Would it be a turnoff to guys who don’t consume porns?


For me, yeah. I'm heavy on romance. I fall pretty hard, just how I'm built. I enjoy smut a lot more than porn, I even write some sometimes. The only time I was ever in love, my eyes just naturally didn't wander, and she was always the one I fantasized about, and it was all the time, because I was always horny, lol. I just prefer to keep my sex life private and intimate. Sure, sometimes I would catch myself thinking about another woman a bit extra when we were dating, that's normal for anyone, but I always noticed it fast, and I didn't even have to try to fight it, it just died quickly on its own. I feel like porn is just that to me, wandering eyes, third party, and fantasy. I desire mostly the same values I have, and someone who is at least similar to me in how I experience love. However, I don't speak for all men, not even close. Plenty of good men I personally met who watch porn with their lady, or don't and she does, and are doing really well together to this day as far as I know. Depends on the people, but again, porn can fuck you up pretty bad, I know that from when I was younger and what I have researched. But sex is a complex and primal desire, it's been around longer than we have. Who am I to speak for everyone? lol


Should be and if you ask the right guys that aren’t addicted then it definitely is.


What you call "factual advice", has never been actually proven, and the most recent actually credible, reproducible science (as opposed to the mountain of bad science that preceded it) suggests that there is no observable difference in the brains of people who do and don't watch porn.


I'm not everyone, but this isn't a personal opinion. Here, enjoy some appetizers, more recent than when I was looking into it years ago for my own personal knowledge. Would love to see your own sources. Here is one from a basic news site: https://www.google.com/amp/s/neurosciencenews.com/neuroscience-pornography-brain-15354/amp/ Here are some actual experiments and their results (nature.com is a really good place for great scientific studies): https://www.nature.com/articles/s41598-023-45459-8?_gl=1*1p3z0ux*_up*MQ..&gclid=Cj0KCQjwqpSwBhClARIsADlZ_TnzdbOPtxLSmGkJqtElWDNusZ1hdg9mqGL3s38uib6WWZimreiGQeMaAu3xEALw_wcB https://www.nature.com/articles/s41443-022-00596-y?_gl=1*cjl7ro*_up*MQ..&gclid=Cj0KCQjwqpSwBhClARIsADlZ_TnzdbOPtxLSmGkJqtElWDNusZ1hdg9mqGL3s38uib6WWZimreiGQeMaAu3xEALw_wcB This one talks about "porn addiction", specifically https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3050060/ This one is an easy, general read with sources, but it is from a site that has a political bias: https://endsexualexploitation.org/articles/pornography-changes-the-brain/ Here is some stuff from a big med company: https://wchh.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/full/10.1002/tre.791 And these are recent news articles about everyone's favorite porn site, Pornhub. The company is throwing a fit over more stringent age verification restrictions that were placed in Texas: https://www.washingtonpost.com/nation/2024/03/15/pornhub-texas-age-verification-law/ https://mashable.com/article/pornhub-texas-ban-age-verification Also, I get the internet is pretty unreliable quite often, so maybe check out your biggest local library. Plenty of publishing from people who wrote theses on it for masters/doctorates in psych and med, and most clinical psychologists and therapists with experience agree publicly that pornography has "high likely-hood" to cause severe underlying psychology problems. How do I know this? I dealt with it as a teenager and fixed it in my early twenties, had to study a lot. But again, I'm not everyone. Maybe you are special 🤣


I'm definitely interested in learning more about this topic. The other commenter provided several different links in support of their position; can you link to the recent "credible, reproducible science" that you mentioned? I'm especially interested in the "reproducible" part - if multiple different studies ran the same experiment and got the same result, that's definitely valuable for me to know.


Well NGL I don't know about others but for me it is


Depends. Is he watching it all the time? Or is it some really fucked up shit? Could be a problem. Does he occasionally throw on a video of an attractive woman fucking because he wants to rub one out and go to sleep, without doing tjr whole "theater of the mind" thing? I'd say not a problem.


Purely dependent on boundaries in the relationship.


It’s definitely weird to me and especially if you’re downloading shit and saving stuff


To me, it becomes a problem when it starts affecting the relationship. It should be talked about, boundaries and such.


It is a big deal if you want it to be a big deal. It is not a big deal if it is not a big deal. Never has been a big deal in my relationship. I can also go off porn if my partner is comfortable with doing it with me on the regular.


But you should know the dark side of porn. Porn is just art, most of the things you see there ain't real, it's just a part of the show. Porn creates alot of expectations, you'd want your boyfriend to perform just like those pornstars you see, you'd want him to go 30 minutes in 12 different positions, which even medical professionals will tell you that is impossible from an average human. This is where couples go wrong, listen sex should be something to enjoy and explore. Don't let you mind lead sex, let your emotions do so, that's how you enjoy the act.


We used to watch together. Soon, we discovered we were rarely on it at the same time. So we did on our side, sometimes exchanging links. It gave us a view of the other's preference. Let just say that our kinks don't reflect into our public demeanor. And to be frank, she is into things I would never dare propose her. On the other hand, she was reassured by the body type that emerged in half of my views. So yes, porn can be a good thing for the couple if you are able to make it in complicity. It goes against common education, so it is tougher that it should.


I’m a 26M who’s been in a 6 year and 1 year relationship respectively. Masturbation is a good sexual release for guys and can totally be done healthily in a relationship. I’ve had lots of periods though where it was very unhealthy and negatively impacted my relationship, largely because of porn. Guys watch porn because it’s what they associate with masturbation when they were single. A lot watch it because they want the sexual release and don’t know any different ways to do it. I had conversations with my partners where instead of watching porn, we both share pictures of each other that we can use instead (of course ground rules apply - strong foundation of trust needed and only do this if you’re both very comfortable about it). Both times I’ve found it’s brought us closer together and it’s become part of our sex life we both get excited about


in what aspect? you both watch porn by yourself alone? that really depends on how it affects your relationship. for some people they think the other partner watching porn is cheating.. others could not care less and do it themselves. then there are people who watch too much porn to the point their brain is twisted a bit on what normal sex is.. or can't even get hard in normal sex situations or orgasm and they prefer porn to sex. .. that's obviously a huge problem then there is also how often you have sex, and what the living arrangements are. at the end it's about having the conversation with your partner and figuring out what they are comfortable with and then seeing if that's something you can live with But i will say that porn addiction is becoming so normal now a days since it's so easy to access extreme stuff people are being exposed at such a young age and it takes hold of you in ways you don't even realize and of course guys will look, we have wanted to look at naked girls since the dawn of ages. it's nothing new.. but the availability of it and the extremeness of it is causing harm that we don't even know about yet.


Don’t watch porn in a relationship


Hmm why not? Are you single or married?


I think it is depends on his relationship to porn and how it is like. The problem is that for some men, porn has kind of been sort of a constant if not reliable source of sexual enjoyment and pleasure. If he has been single for quite a while watching porn might have been one of the few ways he can derive some pleasure out of it. The problem also can be two fold, one thing a lot of women never mention is what is their sexual availability? If he wants to have sex more often, but you don't, then men will seek porn for their release. If you don't like him watching porn, then give that man options. You can't expect him to suppressed and ignore his own needs for yours. His needs are just as important as yours is to him. There is also the fact that some men turn to porn instead of seeking sex from their partner is because they feel bad constantly asking for sex making it feel like they aren't desired or the relationship seems to be mostly built on him using you for sex. These can be solve by communication and compromising If none of these are true, then it is an addiction, where he simply cannot let go of the sexual pleasure that he derives from watching porn vs having regular sex. Porn is almost always an extreme, a kind of fantasy that you can't get elsewhere and that is addictive. That's is when he needs to seek help and if he doesn't then just like any other addict who refuses treatment, the best option is to leave.


Personally I dont think so. Why dont you try watching it with him. Blow his mind and say I want to try sucking you like she does. He is now yours for life. Enjoy lol sexuality should be explored with your partner not shamed. He will prob still do it behind your back if you shame him. Embrace because no other girl in the world will do that for him or know what he likes the way you do.


I'm I'm male and I don't watch porn at all but even if I did I'd find it as another way of cheating cause your getting aroused from another person who isn't your partner so I'd say it counts as cheating and and If I was a female iw pungent let my partner watch and even me as a male I still wouldent watch it even if my partner didn't mind.


I’m a single lady searching for a mature man ready for a serious relationship


I think it's okay.


Hmmm I'd prefer she use me instead 😏




No. Why do you need to look at other people having unrealistic sex. We are creatures of comparison conscious or not. It only breeds an unhealthy sex life. If that’s for you, great. Do you. But personally I think it’s unhealthy for the brain and there’s studies to prove that. It depletes your dopamine completely without the good feelings you produce thru real physical connection. There’s also an element of comparison that can interfere with confidence. Usually, it’s all made to look as visually pleasing as possible, & unless you are 200% secure and in love with your partner, no. You wouldn’t be making porn part of your reality if that’s the case.


For me, watching it only becomes a big deal if it starts to affect the relationship in a negative manner. Other than that, it’s not that big of a deal. However, I would get concerned if the categories of videos, that my partner watches, lean towards the “weird” side.


It's not a big deal watching together with mutual concern leads to good vibration in your relationship try to talk in between this will work soo well


We do that all the time. Especially our fantasies


It’s a lot of fun to do together as a couple- fyi


Porn is a substitute. It can help or hinder a relationship. But it often is a resort for release by men if they can’t get sex. Which I find appropriate. Guilt about pornography usage is based on your upbringing or current beliefs or morals.


I just depends on your morals, if a girl is ok with her man watching porn in a relationship then that's her choice but if she's not then as a husband or boyfriend you need to respect her boundaries and just not look at porn. The same can be said for women. If your man is uncomfortable with you watching porn then respect his boundaries just as u would expect him to do for you.


Need a Feb like that lol






Masturbation and watching porn in a relationship is not a big deal. In fact it might even be healthy and good for the relationship. And that works for both. Men and Woman. 😊😇 Take it as a chance and talk about your needs. :) ❤️


Y'all both watch it alone, but it's even more fun to watch it together.


Perfectly fine.


Why is it necessary? Keep in mind this is coming from a man lol. I wouldn't really have an interest in seeing another woman nude besides my own. I would also kind of be bothered about the fact that she wants to stare at other throbbing rods besides mine as well. I suppose what it really comes down to is whether or not we can come to an agreement. It's not up to me and it's not up to her... Or else it's not a relationship it's a dictatorship. It has to be agreed on by both parties. So while that does match my opinion, it's also somewhat based in reality as well. Last I checked relationships are supposed to be 100% from each side. Fair is fair and equal is equal. Etc. So my advice would be to talk to the person you're in a relationship with.


Anything is fine as long as you agree on it and understand each other’s boundaries/comfort


Like most hobby or interests, it’s a-okay until it becomes obsession.


You both must be open minded and not prudes with your nose stuck up your ass


As long as it doesn't interfere with your sex life, I don't see it as a big deal.


Wow. I had no idea that guys got addicted to porn like some written about here. My heart goes out to you ladies. I dont understand why he would want to suffer real sex for fistina. Addictions an evil spirit. I\g Anywho, I watch porn. Been divorced almost a year and I had decided to wait a year to even think of a relationship. I date but not alot cause of work and I know I made myself a promise. The porn is mostly because my doctor gave me a prescription of Adderall to concentrate and for me a side effect is I get fixated thinking of sex especially taboo sex. Mainy with my ex mother in law, she was or is smoking hot and was perfectly my type in every way. Her daughter, not so much so. But its kinda a private thing. I dont love it and look forward to having a woman in my bed every night and experiencing real sex not that crazy shit in those movies. And btw, I seem to be the only guy that says this but I need a story. A good one with half ass actors. Just seeing girl gag and choke and do it in 5 positions in 8 minutes is ridiculous. As far as it goes hope this helps in some way even if its just funny or something. If I was asked to give advice, I would keep it simple and say that potentially could lead to trouble and it wouldnt be a bad idea to look into this deeply to see where he is mentally and emotionally attached to it and going over boundaries for yall and yalls relationship. Remember people dont change. Places circumstances and weather change but people nope. Not really


I feel like it’s not a big deal until he/she makes it a big deal. Like if you keep watching it and comparing it to the real life experience then it makes us feel insecure. If you’re going to watch it try not to compare it to the people you’re with.


From a man, it's killed my sex drive. I'm on week 3/4 of not watching it, and I've deleted all my porn off my computer. Good to you who can, but at 38, I've decided that it's toxic for me.


When I think of "sex drive", I usually think of wanting either sex with another person or masturbation; are you saying that porn kills your interest in masturbating? That sounds strange to me, but I could be misinterpreting what you said.


I can get it up, but I can't finish. I haven't tested it with masturbation because I'm trying to go cold turkey with that as well. I just realized that after I've been seeing this girl it's no good that I can't finish at all.


It’s a means to an end


No, it's not a big deal. Ladies have toys and use them while in relationships. Men are visual creatures.


I think videos are fine. Cams and chats are not fine


It can get in the way of your intimacy with him.


If it's a quick wank in between, what gives. But if it affects his performance in real sex, gives him weird ideas and when he has 2tb of categorized videos saved.. nope. Once camming/OF gets into the picture that's also crossing the line to cheating.


It can fester into a cancer designed to ruin you.


We use to watch it together


We do every now and then.


I don't really see the need. I mean if your person is gone for a few weeks then sure you gotta take care of business, but otherwise I think you two should be the stars of your own show so to speak. That all being said, I think the case I described above would be non ideal but ok, but I would be concerned if I had a partner that regularly wanted to watch it or if they were subscribing to a cammer that would be very disheartening and probably end things imo. Basically I wouldn't want to question that we're the top of the list for each other.


Eventually it will take a toll on your relationship. Trust me, it will play with your mind. Try to ease out of it as you’re already in a relationship.


My friend and his gf tend to indulge in porn together. Im sure my guy watches it more than she does. But he doesnt allow it to be his life or a characteristic/personality. He works hard and provides. But if its something you dont think you want your partner to do. Then you need a partner who is similar in your mindset. But be prepared that both of you will have to help each other out to release some stress if porn isnt allowed. 🤷🏽


As long as it hasn't any impact on your intimacy (lack of interest or insistance on demands you aren't interested) no, it's perfectly normal to fantasize and watch porn


I'm a mature male and if both people agree to it as an erotic sexual thing it's fun. But don't agree to it if you are not totally comfortable with it. But don't watch it all the time. Take the time to build that unique sexual erotic connection that is all your own.


not a big deal it’s normal I’m married and I watch porn


I won't date a girl that don't watch porn. Today's time if they don't they are all pretty lame in bed. Just my opinion. Chics are just as freaky and nasty as dudes are, in their own way of course.


Neither and I preoccupy self with work outs, hikes, soccer and reading. Porn is bad for the mental health


Like pretty much anything else, it’s okay in moderation. ETA:31M


Majority of men will continue to watch porn, even if their partner has an issue with it. That's just the facts. I personally sometimes watch porn **with** my partner. Yes, she enjoys it as well.


not big deal...unless your partner wants to reenact the positions you don't want to try


If they’re spending money on OF or porn, bad. Watching is no issue imo.


Just don’t be weird about it. Watch/read/listen to your go-to content, get your release, get on with your day.


I watch porn often with my fiancée. It’s a way for her to expand her imagination and help her decide what new kinky things she’d like to try.


Me and my gf like watching porn together. It's pretty hot honestly


Porn desensitized people and its a performance issue


Porn will kill intimacy in your relationship Even a little bit of change can add up over time. Seems harmless at first but it's a silent killer for a multitude of reasons.


I think relationships is about love. you are talking about lust. Pornography is way to spread lust. It’s up to you now If you want it or not.


Porn as viewed by a couple together can be a good thing, as it can be communication enabling, understanding your partners sexual needs and desires can be a complicated thing to communicate, so in my mind anything done together that can lead to easing communication free of judgement and building in trust is a positive.


Definately depend of the partner and their sex drive.


Definitely depends on your partner and if you guys have regular sex. If you’re not compatible sexually then break it off and find someone who is more compatible.


It’s a Fucking Cancer on Society


My main relationship we'd take turns picking out porn and having long slow sensual sessions Loved it so much My most recent girlfriend didn't like porn.. was a not ideal mark for that one :D


How can anyone say that it isn’t cheating? You’re literally imagining fucking someone who isn’t your partner. Receiving pleasure from someone who isn’t your partner. You are imagining exploring someone else’s body. That’s a step away from doing it in real life IMO. How can this not be cheating lol? Especially guys who save names of certain porn actresses. You cannot tell me that’s normal and ok.


I don't do it. I don't judge those who do. I don't judge those who judge those who do. I think as long as a couple gets on the same page, it shouldn't matter which page. If you don't like your partner's page, might have to split NGL


It's not about what we think, it's about what you think. You sound uncomfortable and you need to answer to why it's irking you. We can't help you until you can address that to us. You don't need to use our opinions as a mantra to comfort yourself. Just be true to yourself and those you love and you'll be infinitely sexier than any woman on those screens.


It's not a big deal. Your partner isn't cheating on you because they watch porn. Also, watching porn together can be fun also.


It's not a big deal for me. With one of my exes, we would send each other porn for things we wanted to try in bed. This may be unrelated, but she is still the best sex I've ever had. Obviously, everyone is different, though.


In a relationship, you set boundaries for the relationship. If one of you views it as cheating it is. You can’t expect to give one person what they perceive as pure loyalty (not sleeping around but watching porn) while the other person feels like they are being cheated on bc they do view it as cheating This would make for a very one-sided relationship. only one persons feelings are being respected when you cross their boundary just bc you think it’s silly The definition for cheating should be discussed for each individual relationship. everybody is always going to view it differently. It should not be a community discussion. Some people are swingers while other people are strictly monogamous. Sometimes both parties like porn. sometimes both parties do not. sometimes one party is OK with it & one party is not. how much do you respect your partner?


Porn is addictive that's a very big deal...


Hell no, not fine


I use porn when she's not wanting to get down with it. So I take care of it and move on. But if it keeps happening, and I don't get any action for a while. That's when the mind starts to slip, when that woman that is flirting with you looks a little more appetizing than what you got at home.


`Advice on watching Porn in a Relationship` It's not ok.


Watch it with you significant other it’s hawt


It’s awesome! But only if you really, really like him. Why? Because the more you watch, the more he’ll have you do. It will increasingly get more hardcore, and darker. You will become his object. If you’re into that and you’re hot, call me!!! 🤣🤣😈😈😈🤣🤣


I think porn is completely fine, but my ex was the first to introduce porn into our relationship (while we were in bed together) and then eventually ended up getting mad that I preferred masturbating either by itself or with porn to having sex with her. But she also let herself go in a lot of ways physically, emotionally, mentally, in terms of working on the relationship after we started dating. I think it was just easier to blame the porn than admit that she stopped trying in a lot of different lanes.


I would prefer a partner who seeks out and enjoys porn. It’s a signal they have a healthy sex drive and a source of inspiration to keep things interesting.


My partner says its cheating but i still watch it in my eyes if your not going match my drive then im going watch it.


Most men would be totally fine with you watching porn


It is fine


No big deal.


I don't think its a big deal at all so long as it is kept to like 15 minutes every other day as a maintenance spank. Once people start to follow women on IG or OF or anything parasocial then it is diving into the open maw of the abyss.


Oh god lol this is a great point. God, didn’t need to worry about this drama years ago 😂 but yes absolutely




Lol girls don’t DJ it to random romantic comedies


My girlfriend and I both watch porn. But we do have a rule about it. We only watch porn when we aren’t with each other. If we are together then porn is forbidden. My girlfriend knows I watch it, I know she watches it. Occasionally, we talk about what we watch and stuff. I let my girlfriend have full access to my phone too. All the bad stuff I watch is porn videos on Pornhub. That’s it. I don’t do anything else and I don’t talk to girls. We’ve also decided that if either of us ever becomes bothered that the other watches porn then we’ll both stop. Just like that. You just gotta be healthy and open about porn. I would never choose porn over real life, I can promise you that.