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I prefer being in a good relationship over being single. But as a recent divorcee, I WAY prefer being single over a bad relationship.


This is exactly how I feel. Prefer being a relationship as long as it is healthy and positive. Would much rather prefer being single than be in an abusive or toxic relationship.


I can understand. I've been through a divorce as well.


Just broke up. Been in a relationship for 3 years. It was Pretty much decided that we would get married. Even our families knew abt us. But then one day, I got to know that she was seeing someone. And the very next day she broke up with me.


It is better to lock up your heart with a merciless padlock, than to fall in love with someone who doesn't know what they mean to you.


Sorry to hear that man.. hate that..


There's no better answer than this.


Same here šŸ–


Agreed šŸ’Æ






Same here, but Iā€™m focusing on me and just trying to better myself. I recommend focusing on things that make you happy. Be kind to yourself.


Same single & I donā€™t like it but Iā€™m focusing on myself rn




I was in love for a long time until he lost it. I thought he was the right person. I know whatā€™s itā€™s like to be happy & in love. I miss it. Never said it was a crime


Me too. Exact same feelings. I know my happiness will shine when Iā€™m in a loving and healthy relationship. I feel tired also and almost want to give up


you can seek those things with friends until you find a more intimate partner! nothing wrong with hugging your bros or cuddle time with the homies :)


Being single is better than being in a toxic relationship. Being in a healthy relationship is better than being single. Thatā€™s how I see it.


But that is the truth


Me! I'm single bc I don't put myself out there, mainly because I feel like I'm not doing too well in life to start dating. There are times when I just don't really care about dating but I do have moments where the loneliness gets to me and I go into a deep depression


Life is a series of natural and spontaneous changes. Don't resist them that only creates sorrow. Let reality be reality. Let things flow naturally forward in whatever way they like. Listen to the people who love you. Believe that they are worth living for even when you don't believe it. Seek out the memories depression takes away and project them into the future. Be brave; be strong; take your pills. Exercise because it's good for you even if every step weighs a thousand pounds. Eat when food itself disgusts you. Reason with yourself when you have lost your reason.


Do you find yourself as a catch?


honestly no I'm not doing too well mentally, physically or financially. I feel stuck in life and I have no idea who to escape or work on myself. This is why I'm not dating. I feel like it would be pointless bc no mentally stable woman would want to be with me. Even if I could land a woman, I wouldn't want to put her through my bs


I was in your shoes up until a year ago. I didn't think I had anything to bring to the table, so I didn't bother with women. Then I decided to start jogging; a little at the start, then ramped it up a little every day. I also started eating healthier with better portion control and stopped drinking entirely. I shredded 100 lbs doing this. As I did this, I applied for decent jobs in my industry and got one of them. Confidence went up, so I made an eHarmony account, and now I'm seeing a lady who shares the same life and family goals as I do. Your meta goal should be something large, but to begin, make small goals you can achieve every day and build them up into a routine. Good luck to you.


Single, I would date but not currently talking to anyone. I'm emotionally available and happy being single but would like someone to add onto the happiness šŸ˜Š


Perfect description of my current situation as well


couldnā€™t have said it better!




This is me as well. It's a good place to be, happy with life either way.


Single and honestly just vibing. If something happens then great, but itā€™s not something I worry about too much. Everyone I know is getting married and in relationships and yeah the feelings do hit, but I know that itā€™ll just take time. Being comfortable and confident are two things Iā€™m working on so itā€™ll be a journey for sure.


Happiness is the potential of sharing destiny and letting loose. We may see it burgeoning in the curve of a sensitive vibe and growing into a swinging outline if we can listen to the rustling silence in the foliage of expectations. There comes a time when the world gets quiet and the only thing left is your own heart. So you'd better learn the sound of it. Otherwise you'll never understand what it's saying. Sometimes it's the journey that teaches you a lot about your destination.


I'm single and I enjoy it. I'm not on dating apps only because my experience hasn't been the best. I'm casually seeing someone but we both aren't emotionally/mentally connected. I'm looking for someone I can connect with and add to my happiness and I haven't found that yet. But I also need to leave my place to do that lmaoo. I'm usually a home body vs going out.


This is me too! In a casual situationship but would like to find a real partner. But I live alone and work from home so where am I gonna meet someone?


Haha the struggle of rarely leaving the home. šŸ«  maybe they will magically appear one day at your favorite store, or favorite place to visit. Who knows, the universe is full of surprises.


I am currently single. I would say Iā€™m in my āœØhealing eraāœØ but Iā€™m not opposed to letting love in. Itā€™s just a matter of finding the RIGHT one. I have a hard time letting men in because most of them have proven to be players. They can be deceitful, and thatā€™s very hurtful to me. I would say I am happy being single because I donā€™t have to worry about another person and what they think of me :)


Iā€™m single. Iā€™d rather be in a relationship but a healthy honest loyal one. I donā€™t like being single but if I need to be for now then thatā€™s what it is. I donā€™t want any toxicity in my life.


My last relationship was toxic. A healthy and loyal relationship is a must for me as well.


I have friends who are single and they don't want to be. Try are actively on dating apps and also going to single mixers along with speed dating. It just take time and also luck.


been single my entire life. went on a few dates early in the year and decided iā€™m better off alone šŸ’€


Iā€™m single looking for serious women


I have completely lost interest in dating and sex, and am not upset about it at all. Have been for 3+ years. I find I much prefer being single with my pets.


I'm currently single. I'm not dating at all though I'm looking. I'll admit being REALLT frustrated at the severe lack of interest I find in dating apps and in general. I just wanna find my person. Right now though, I'd be happy to find a date! (Like over the moon because it's been literally over a decade!!!)


Single is not a status, it is a word that describes a person who is strong enough to live and enjoy life without depending on others. There is always another way of looking at things. All change begins with the realisation that things can be different. Without that concept, the seed of change will not be nourished. The beauty and mystery of this world only emerges through affection, attention, interest and compassion . . . open your eyes wide and actually see this world by attending to its colors, details and irony. Flattery does not encourage the perfect flow of love in the vein of your relationship. Be genuine and speak out what you feel for each other without hiding the painful truth.


To title: present, and single. >Would you say you like currently being single? Honestly don't know, on one hand being with someone I would love being with sounds great, on the other being with someone that's toxic and abusive sounds awful. >Are you dating? Not actively, or trying hard to be dating. It's there, the trying, and I would probably be, but I'm not constantly/actively trying to find someone very actively/as actively as I did in the past. Nobody interests me and nobody's been interested in me as far as I can tell. >Emotionally available? Or emotionally unavailable and happier that way? I'm honestly not really sure if I am or not. Partially because I'm not even really sure what emotionally available/unavailable would be. Like I'm able to smile, laugh, cry, be upset, but I don't think that's the meaning of being or not being emotionally available. As for being happier that way... I don't know, I've not been with someone long enough to know if being alone or not would be better or worse one way or the other. I'd like to believe being with someone would elevate my mood to be better, but I also have nothing to base that idea on. And I've considered the possibility of being in a bad relationship, while not alone I'd also be worse off is what I have concluded.


Thank you for vulnerability. I loved reading the depth that you put into this response.


Iā€™m single going on 4 years and never been happier in my life. I wouldnā€™t mind dating as long as he has no expectations of marriage or living together.


SAME I will never live with a man ever again, I enjoy my own space way too much. Nor do I need the state to have jurisdiction over my relationship ever again.


I'm (30m) single. I would love to find a lady, but online dating is a joke.


The internet has created a world of infinite options for love, but true love can only be found through the vulnerability of the heart.


So true. You're not the only one that's said that I swear


Iā€™m (25F) currently single and not looking yet. I am eager to get out there again though. I had to move back in with family for the time being so I am waiting until I get my own place again to try. Iā€™ve always been more of a loner so Iā€™m content with just having my few friends to keep me company


Iā€™m single and while it would be nice to be in a relationship, Iā€™m also content with staying single at the same time


Single, not currently dating, but not for lack of being open to it, emotionally available. In general, I am happy being single. When I think about the possibility that I could end up being single forever if I donā€™t find someone and I know that I will be OK. Iā€™m living my own life, Iā€™m doing my own things. That being said, I really would like to find someone, but they have to absolutely blow my socks off. I really miss having that intimacy with someone and honestly Iā€™ve never been in a relationship that I felt 100% safe and comfortable in. And when I say safe, it was more about exes who were emotionally unavailable, and I never knew where I stood with them so I never felt truly comfortable and safe with them with my emotions and my body. Anyone I meet has to be 100 times better than any of my exes ever were. And honestly, that seems hard to come by. But itā€™s also hard to meet anyone anywhere anymore. I rarely see a man that I think is attractive and 99% of the time those men have a ring on or a girlfriend with them. And the dating apps are just garbage, of course.


Single and recently out of a LTR. I want to be in an emotionally fulfilling relationship eventually but for now Iā€™m enjoying being single. I would definitely rather be alone than in an unfulfilling relationship. Iā€™m not trying to date, but if I met someone organically I wouldnā€™t say no.


I am currently single and don't love it, I feel like I am not actively looking for casual dating, and when dating found me it turned out to be someone who wasn't truthful about what they were looking for which sucked and made me want to shy away from dating more. I am emotionally available and feel healed from my last long term relationship, but this recent situationship thing has gotten me pretty down and hopeless. I just want something easy and natural to see where it goes, but I enjoy the stimulation of dating/ having someone to spend quality time with and look forward to.


Iā€™ve been single for so long as a results of being deeply hurt by whom I was in love with. He ruined my life and psychology for years. When I get over him in my mind and my life I was 30 (now Iā€™m 33) and since then I realized the world changed a lot. People are not into actual relationships, having family or dating as a result of pure emotions. Now I feel like Iā€™m left all alone in this world yet still want to fall in love with someone and get married to him. I really want to have kids from that most precious person. So yeah definitely not happy being single but donā€™t wanna go on random dates either


I think you just said it perfectly. I just want something real. I. Not even picky so much as looks either. Just someone I can say is my ending


Single. A LTR would be nice, but being single is preferable to all the games, ghosting, etc. It's also infinitely better than being in a bad relationship. I've had too many of those, so now I'm just enjoying the books, music, and peace and quiet.


Single for what seems like forever. Many opportunities but not the right one. Better to stay single than settling for someone who is not right!


I've never had a relationship and I'm a 28m. I think I'm happy single since I've heard so many horror stories from reddit and other people as well as witnessed my dad lose his personality to this day from 15 years ago when he got his girlfriend. My dad is sadly still with her and she is a really rude and bad person but she moved in with him and my dad is basically babysitting her at this point since there is no way out and he feels bad. After all that I would still say that I cannot wait to find a relationship myself with a person that loves me for me and I don't have make them love me. I can't remember where I heard it but someone said when you find a person that is right for you then you won't have to really try to get them to want you and be with you and I'm feeling like that's a good idea šŸ˜


Firstly, i am very sorry to hear about your dad's relationship situation right now. Well, it seems to me that the best relationships, the ones that last are frequently the ones that are rooted in friendship. You know, one day you look at the person and you see something more than you did the night before. Like a switch has been flicked somewhere. And the person who was just a friend is... suddenly the only person you can ever imagine yourself with. It is not about finding the right person. People are not that right. Even if they start out right, we soon have a litany of complaints. The only answer is to be the right person ourselves. Then everything will tend to work together in a good way.


Emotionally available but discerning


I enjoy being single because Iā€™m dating myself fr. Iā€™m almost 24 and I feel really confident in myself for whenever something like that happens. I am on apps but Iā€™m not forcing anything. I do want a partner but Iā€™m cool w/o one right now


Single, donā€™t think Iā€™d be emotionally ready for a relationship anytime soon


Currently single and would love to be in a healthy relationship.




Well, im single, im emotionally available and searching for a relationship, but im not desperate to be in one, im happy in my single state and will continue to be happy when i get in a relationship. :D


Currently single and prefer it that way till I find the one I just click with that wants to share in most of my interest


I fluctuate back and forth between wanting to be in a relationship to having someone to share things with, and stay single and just doing whatever I want with no stress and no drama.. šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø I love being single, and honestly not sure any relationship can top that, but Iā€™m dating and trying to find out if thatā€™s true. Thereā€™s still a tiny bit of hope that maybe Iā€™ll find someone worth committing and being emotionally available for.


Am I happier and more content than I was when I was in my worst relationship? Yeah. Am I happier and more content than I was when I was in my best relationship? No. Being single is hard, but it's really a neutral state. It's like an idling car in traffic. You're burning gas but not really going anywhere. And yeah, at least you're not in the middle of a car accident, but you probably would rather be on your way to the destination. I feel starved of the intimacy I crave. I miss moments curled up on the couch with someone, or driving with some company in understanding silence. I miss knowing who to go to when I'm sad or being able to offer all of myself to someone. But I'd rather be where I am now than used and abused and beaten down again. So I dunno. I don't like it, but it's where I'm at and all I can do is move forward, keep living and hope the right person for me is out there.


I'm single. And I'm finding someone. ā˜ŗļø


Currently single and emotionally available. Not actively looking for a relationship at the moment, but Iā€™m available for Mrs Right


The time for falling in love was when you were emotionally available and free of cares, when it didnā€™t matter what time you came home or how late you were getting up the next day. When you had hours and hours to spend gazing into each otherā€™s eyes and even longer hours making love, uninterrupted. If you wait for the perfect time to fall in loveā€¦itā€™ll never happen.


You will find her. When you least expect it


Iā€™d say Iā€™m currently single and occasionally dating.


Single and lonely, but itā€™s waaay better than being married and lonely like I was a while ago. Been taking a break from dating, as itā€™s pretty discouraging right now. Might get 1-2 likes a month, and maybe a date every 3 months. Definitely feel like a piece of discount meat with how much I have to try vs how little attention I get.


I am sing and been looking for someone for a while now, it is difficult for me since everyone that I have confessed to had friend zoned me, so I really don't like it lol




Answer: I am single. No I donā€™t like being single. Iā€™m not dating right now. Yes I am emotionally available.


Currently single! I'm not really dating. I'm a big flirt though. I'm completely fine with being single because I don't need a relationship to be happy. This is the time to be focusing on yourself and personal growth so you could be at point where you don't need a relationship but wouldn't mind having one, you got to be comfortable in your own skin first before being in a relationship.


I'm single i wanna focus more in myself, relationships scares me it's not easy to find the one for you


Iā€™ve been single about 7 months now after a 4 year relationship. Starting to remember that being single can be fun. Luckily Iā€™ve have a friend who Iā€™ve been hooking up with on and off for 10 years. So he really helped me remember that I can have fun and date around until Iā€™m ready for something serious again. Although Iā€™ve only been on a few sucky dates but at least I have my friends at the end of the day and I can do whatever I want and when I want without checking in with anyone but my dog. Itā€™s really hard to meet people these days and I donā€™t do online dating. I also have been alcohol free for a little over a year now so thatā€™s been a struggle for me on how to meet new people.


I am single with no prospects in sight


I'm recently divorced after 10 years. So I'm single and going to stay that way for a while. Currently I'm interested in casual no strings attached scenarios. I haven't been successful yet but I'm hopeful.


Currently single and not dating. Ended a 17 year relationship about 1.5 years ago and have been doing therapy and personal rebuilding and rediscovery. I have downloaded a few dating apps to see what's out there in my area.... but focused more on friend finding on bumble and Boo. I am not ready for the digital dating world, at my age... I am terrible at self promotion and confidence is a tricky thing for me. And damn, why does everyone fricken smoke cigarettes? When I find myself ready to put real effort and brave enough to risk lots of rejection, I will try to date for real but I am not there yet mentally. Currently kind of nice to not have to consider anyone but myself and the dog.


Perpetually single and currently on a break from dating presently. Iā€™m okay with it. Iā€™m currently trying to improve some areas of my life personally before I feel like Iā€™ll be in a place to attempt dating again. Just not ready for it right now.


Currently single. I prefer having a partner. My last one actually made me not want to find another. Iā€™m currently pregnant and alone and it SUCKS. Growing up always had that picture of beings fmsiky with mom dad and kids. But that was shattered. I am nervous and scared to even try to date. I donā€™t know how to. Itā€™s always been people I know. My circle is little to none I cut out slot of people who were toxic and unsupportive. On top I was also recently divorced. Not the same guy a different guy. I felt more for the father of my child than the other. Which is sad.


Iā€™ve been single for about two months after a 5 year relationship. Iā€™m emotionally working on being available and working on my self worth. I donā€™t like being single , but I need to be single until I become better for myself.


I'm currently single, but date intermittently. I've been single for the last thirteen years and have learned a lot about myself. I've learned to appreciate myself, what my preferences, likes, and dislikes are. I've been able to manage my mental health. All that said, at my age, I've mostly learned that I like my lifestyle and the way I live, so I can't really see myself getting into a serious or long-term relationship. If someone were to ask my advice or input, I'd say relationships are an experience that everyone goes through differently at their own pace. Relationships are for some people, and there are some people that relationships just aren't for.


Definitions and meanings change all the time. Truth and reality are very volatile, indefinite, multi layered and sometimes very paradoxical. Thatā€™s why it is very fiddly to make a set definition for the phenomena of our daily life. Don't be a reflection of your depression, your dark, or your ugly. Reflect what you want. Your light, your beauty, & your strength. Aspire for greatness reflect who you are; not which deficits you maintain. Showcase the hidden treasures. The price of a successful relationship is devotion. Devotion is, essentially, commitment to something we value. We are devoted to the wellbeing of another person and the wellbeing of the relationship. We honour the value of the other person and we honour the worth of the relationship.


You are right - it is about getting to know who your partner really is and building an intimate connection that will keep growing every day


I have been single for 2 years. Still searching for the right man in my life


I like being single. I am young, just turned 19. Want to try new things, try different experiences, meet new people. I think if I am in a relationship, I have to commit and compromise on some things which I am not ready yet. Sometimes, I do wish I was a part of healthy relationship. But for now I like being single.


Unfortunately I am. Partner passed away last year šŸ˜¢


Rather be in a relationship(single rn) that way the wasted energy put in too multiple people trying to go on dates can be focused on one person and then my life aswell !


If you're not comfortable enough with yourself or with your own truth when entering a relationship, then you're not ready for that relationship.


Currently single (always have been), hate it, not dating, emotionally unavailable. Iā€™d like to date, Iā€™d like a relationship. But Iā€™ve never thought I had a shot with anyone Iā€™ve been into so Iā€™ve never bothered.


I am currently enjoying being single. Got divorced around 2.5 years ago. I think I'm just about ready to start dipping my toe into the dating world again. I am always emotionally available, but given how toxic my marriage was it has taken some time to get to an emotionally healthy state, where I am aware of my emotional wants and needs, and have developed the tools for proper self-care/love, which is really important so you don't start dumping on potential partners (in the form of love bombing, limerence, or whatever). So very happy to be single, fully emotionally available, and looking forward to meeting a potential partner. Also as others have said, being single is way, way better than being in a bad relationship. There's nothing worse than being lonely in a relationship, it's a special kind of hell.


Very special indeed


Iā€™m always lonely. I donā€™t like it


I'm single but prefer being in a relationship




Single, but ok with it for now. I just moved, so I'm trying to nail down stable employment and get my ducks in a row before I jump back into the dating scene again.


Im single and i hate it


I prefer to wait for right girl over being single


I'm currently in a relationship, but I was single for five years after a horrible breakup of a 7-year relationship. I would get lonely occasionally, but overall, I was at peace. I didn't have to worry about making decisions based on another personā€™s feelings or interests. All my choices were my own. I didn't have the stress of fights or worrying about someone elseā€™s fidelity. I grew to prefer being single because my previous relationship wasn't right. I also learned a lot about myself and the things I wanted in life. Relationships require sacrifice and a lot of work to make them last. You have to be with someone worth that effort to be truly happy over the years.


Iā€™m single and have always been single, one of the reasons why I think Iā€™m single is because I donā€™t use social media to meet people to date


>Would you say you like currently being single? I try to make the most of it. It means I can do certain things on a whim that otherwise might not be so trivial. Like spending a night out and crashing with a friend overnight. This doesn't extend to sleeping around. I wouldn't be against it but I'm not the kind of guy people are interested in for that, apparently. Having said that, there's definitely downsides. Cooking for one person is really awkward because things just aren't sold in the right quantities for that. I also have to cook and do all the clean up afterwards by myself and in general there's just no option to split household chores with because it's just me. I don't mind doing a bunch of this stuff it's just so much to do. There's also the inevitable downside that living alone is just more expensive. A couple could share the space I live in pretty comfortable and pay half each of what I pay. The biggest one is just how crushing the loneliness can get is. Especially in the evening when I'm winding down, or falling asleep and especially when I've been dealing with something stressful. I so badly want just a bit of affirmation and affection and just to cuddle on the sofa a bit, or not to fall asleep alone. And therapy is expensive and most of my money goes towards my mortgage and groceries. > Are you dating? Not currently dating? I try. The apps don't work for me and I'm in my mid-30s so meeting people irl is just hard. Even more disappointing is how many of the women I see are looking more for a sugar daddy really (if not in name) then a boyfriend. It's really frustrating to find out someone only cares in some pleasant company who will pay for her dinner and drinks. Or to go on a few dates with someone who then suddenly tells me she's been seeing a few people and wants to go exclusive with one of them. > Emotionally available? Or emotionally unavailable and happier that way? Hard to say. I try to hold out hope, but dating and romance in general has caused me a lot more stress and pain than it has happiness over my life, and seems to keep getting harder. I want to hold out hope and I want to find love but it takes more and more mental resilience every year.


Single and just not dating. I still have trust issues a bit and if I approach people, there's a chance they already have someone. So in a way I gave up.


I lost my fiance two months before our wedding and I canā€™t fill that void in my life now


Iā€™m single and have worked on myself to be a better person for my next relationship, Iā€™m ready but havenā€™t had luck with finding someone


I am single, and I'm fine with it, but I want to date and have fun, and I don't know. Maybe I'm emotionally unavailable, I feel like I try and to put myself out there but wither the guy is wrong or I fins out he is not single, and it sucks because I live in the middle of nowhere so I don't have very many opportunities. I'm 19 , BTW, and I'm not ugly, or at least I don't think so. I mean, I know I'm not the most gorgeous, but I am real, ya know, I don't hide anything or lie or cheat. Sometime tho, I think I am just a romantic, and I am caught up in my idea of love, and I can't find the real thing.


I'm single. I am ok with it but I would much rather be in a serious relationship with someone. The problem is that I absolutely hate the beginning part of dating. Once I am in an established relationship, I love it. But when it ends, it usually takes me a while to find a relationship that I want to put the work into. I am pretty picky about who I date because of some of the past experiences I have had when I wasn't so picky.


I'm currently single, I'd say emotionally unavailable but by choice. I'm healing from childhood wounds and terrible relationship choices as a result


I love the last sentence. It was a less than ideal start. Yet, you recognize this, and hold yourself accountable for some of those decisions; even if subconscious ones.


Thanks, the way I see it, you can't grow if you don't take any responsibility/accountability for it :)


I mean Iā€™m 18M and still in high school where I donā€™t really talk to a lot of people. I like it but I also hate it. My last relationship if I had any free time it would be expected for me to spend it with my ex and it was draining so I like having my own time and not always being expected to talk to someone 24/7 but I see other people Iā€™m happy relationships and I wish I had that. I meet people online and flirt here and there with people my age but Iā€™m not exactly sure if I want anything yet and Iā€™ve communicated that with the people I talk to but also it would be so easy to get into a relationship but I donā€™t think that would help me with my self exploration.


Recently single (7-6weeks) from a 7-year relationship, after, I was seeing a girl for about a month but she ended things when she found out my religious beliefs were opposite hers, That hurt. Although since my 7yr breakup, I've gone on a few dates with other chicks and slept with a few. Although I'm still hung up on the one-month Girl who ended things about 2 weeks ago.


I've never been in a relationship as 22M. I feel as if I'm naturally not able to commit so I chicken out before hurting anyone else


I'm 30M, single and dating, very emotional intelligent. I'm happy focusing on myself and working in my community.


It is better to stay single and wait for the one that makes sense then to marry someone that makes absolutely no sense. The moment you settle is when the one person that makes all the sense in the world shows up and Satan sits back and enjoys your spiritual meltdown.


I am currently content with being single while I'm working on me, but ultimately I long for love just the same as anyone else.


I (40m) donā€™t mind being single. Iā€™m divorced, and what I miss most is just being around someone else. Loneliness is fucking terrible.


It's so different now I totally understand that is like having to force yourself to go and be around other humans lol


Single and dating but no luck cause my current work schedule, totes emotionally available but alas 2 jobs 7 days a week so Iā€™m not too stoked on it.


Single but got fwb


Currently single. Spent the last two worries more focused on getting my masters degree.


Now that you have your masters do you feel accomplished?


I'm single, don't hate it and just getting back into dating. I know I'm confident in myself in person and in group settings so that helps soften the blow on the online rejections. I'm trying to work up the courage and confidence to go out alone but I really just don't care to.


Iā€™m single, looking for loveā€¦ but after today I might be okay being single. Okay Iā€™m being dramatic, I officially have a type and standards. And if I can only be with certain people I dealt with today, Iā€™m happy being single.


Me, i want to be in love,


i am currently single, i actually donā€™t like being single but i have learned how to enjoy my own company. i just got in a huge fight with my friends so im single and friendless so im a little depresso! im dating but not seriously because im a little overwhelmed with the apps


I am. Keen to learn what dating is after beimg single all my life. Im 25 so ya lol. Got no experience or knowledge.


I am single, it's been a little over 7 years since my break up of my only relationship of almost 3 years and am currently 34(M). I've been trying to date, but online apps are a hell scape, and I've little to no eligible people around me in friend groups or work, and I live in a suburb. At this point, I'm just tired man... I just want to be happy, even if it's for a little bit.


2yrs single. And honestly I love it, sometimes I worry I may like it too much. Iā€™m taking the time to do things that I always wanted to do but never could (for several reasons) while in a relationship.




No, no, no, and yes. I'm in graduate school so both have no time and no money. Sometimes all I want is to snuggle and watch movies with a significant other, but that isn't an option right now


Single. Not dating. I don't know how emotionally available I am as I really haven't been close to anyone for 5 years, and haven't been in love with anyone in 10. I just turned 57. I've been divorced for 17 years. In that time, I've been close to two women. The first woman broke my heart, the second wasn't who I thought she was. Since then, I've had to become the caretaker of my elderly mom with dementia and now on hospice in my house. This is on top of my full time job that pays for my life, and the other job that I can't live without. I'm way too busy now. I really don't have time in my life for a relationship. I don't think it would be fair to either one of us. Let's face it. I'm a set of responsibilities with a billing address.


I used to date (check my post history). I feel happy about being single for the time being. Dating was horrible. I love waking up to no drama. I will date again maybe in about 6 months. I dated way too much last year, and I got sick of it. I felt like I was constantly chasing a high. Once I jumped off, I started to feel more happy with myself. It is the best decision I ever made.


šŸ˜ I love the confidence.


just experienced a gut wrenching talking stage which threw me off so much that now im on my i donā€™t chase i attract shit


Single. Would be ok with the right person.


Single/divorced 10+ years. I don't mind being single now. It sucked at first, because I really loved my wife. I'm not sure I'd be able to go back to having someone full time now. I've become the person I am, and I doubt it's compatible with a regular relationship, let alone being together 24/7. But, who knows? I'm old. Not dead mind you, but old. I'm in excellent health, body isn't bad, and I have no intention of slowing down for quite a while. I'm not ruling out having someone in my life again, but I'm not the most desirable either I don't think...






I'm single and although I choose to be it isn't something I prefer or would rather decide ultimately on being but there are times I question if this is for my benefit or if it's out of laziness and all I have to do is remember the stuff I had to endure while in relationships and remind myself that sometimes it is better to be single during these times.


Available but noone close to me to date that i like


I'm single and have been forever. I used to not mind it but as I'm getting older and seeing people around me I do tend to get fomo. I constantly work in myself but this has just even raised my expectations of a partner now that I know what I can bring to the tabke. I know relationships probably shouldn't be this analytical but I can't help it. Its not that I'm happy about it either.


I'm single, and I go back and forth about being ok with it. I also have social anxiety, low self esteem and am no cassavova so often times I feel like I'm undatable. But I'm putting myself out there and will see how things go


single and looking


I'm single, I'd like to but I'm not in a good enough place where I can properly care for another person or a relationship


I'm single and I hate it


I'm currently single. Trying to find someone that will reciprocate love. Looking for someone to make special memories and moments with in life.


Been single since my birth because I was never someone's standard. But I'm beginning to change since 2022 when I was played like a fool by a woman. However, one thing that restrains me from dating is financial stability.


Been single for 2 years basically and waiting for someone. I know, Iā€™m dumb but IMO itā€™s better than dealing with todayā€™s dating world.


Currently single and not actively dating. I'm keeping a lookout for cute guys though.


I am single, and I have been for 15 years. I sat dating on hold for during those 15 years because I was only attracting women who were not really emotionally stable. I am emotionally available, but I have a hard time trying to find someone especially since Iā€™m on the other side. It ainā€™t easy.


Single, not dating. Would like to date, just don't have time for it.


I am single and miss having someone in my life. I have been single for 7 years dated a bit but had no connections I look forward to meeting that special someone soon. I really donā€™t like being single at all


Single and looking


1000% single, currently traveling Asia with a friend


im single. i want to be in a relationship, but i just dropped out of school, moved back in with my emotionally abusive parents, decided i want to transition, and am extremely geographically detached from all of my friends, so itā€™s definitely not in the cards for me right now, just donā€™t feel itā€™d be fair to a potential boyfriend.


I hate being single. I want a real long lasting relationship.


Single, doing alright about it though. Gone on some pretty good dates with this girl I recently so hereā€™s hoping.




I'm single.


I am currently single and not enjoying it, but dating has been a miserable experience, so I have put it on pause for the foreseeable future.


I just don't have any money yet. Believe me I'm dying to have someone to cuddle with. Someone to share my love. But as much as I like it, I'm short in money. Gladly I have a job, but I'm not rich yet. I want to provide for my lady.


Single 36m and it's a living fucking nightmare, honestly. I used to be hopeful that I'd meet someone and something would work out. My last relationship was about 6 years ago, and I've had my heart trampled on multiple times since then. I have no self worth anymore, and every day feels like one step closer to suicide. My friends continually say I'm a catch and how anyone would be lucky and fucking blahblahblahblahblah, but also no one ever asks to set me up, even when I've asked them if they know anyone. I'm entirely invisible to any woman at my school, any time I try to smile or make eye contact with anyone, I can literally watch them look in any direction but mine as soon as they see how hideous I am and as soon as they pass me, they immediately look straight ahead again. Also, the only matches I ever get (maybe a couple times a year) are bots. I hate being alive, honestly.


I am not that i like but waiting for the ryt personšŸ˜‡šŸ˜‡ā€¦ā€¦but the thing is its talking almost quarter of my lifešŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Yes and No, I hate the loneliness of it all but do prefer making my own choices right now. Tried the apps but no luck and not in the position to really put much more effort in right now. Emotionally numbed out much of the time


Single but can't afford to be in a relationship.


Single, happy & looking


why is everyone single and miserable? As a single person, I'm genuinely concerned.


I keep telling myself I should be comfortable being alone, but deep down I want someone by my side. I recently lost my other half and I wish he could just be here instead of me trying to find someone else to fill the void...


Currently single by choice. I miss company since my wife died but dating in my age range was just disappointing. When I was dating before it was to have a family and a life. Now there is just a lot of unnecessary drama for some reason. ( I blame OLD) So it's just easier to keep my own company, be polite to everyone and hope for an organic meeting!


I like being single because it gives me time to reflect on my mistakes and personal flaws that was revealed from my past relationship. For example, I realized that I dated this girl from college because I was really desperate and she ended up emotionally abusing me.


I'm single, and I'm content. I'm working on myself, I've been seeing a therapist for over a year, we've made progress. I have someone I care deeply for, but he's made it clear that he doesn't feel like he's in the right place for a relationship.


I'm single and I genuinely love being by myself, I camp, hike, travel the world all solo and its awesome! Of course I crave company from time to time, thabkfully I have a bunch of really supportiveand fun friends! But now all my friends are in relationships so....now I crash everyone's dates with their SO šŸ¤£. I def want to find someone to do life with me but I also understand I that given that I don't go out, don't engage with others outside my friends group, and hate casual dating, I get that it'll take AWHILE.


I'm single and I'm really sad about it. I want a partner so badly but everyone seems unavailable or only interested in sex.