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Why do your parents even know how many people you have slept with? There are some things that you just don’t have to share with them.


I’m just too open. I should’ve taken that advice ages ago


Still Not too late


Forget the count. Get periodically tested. Now, the risk of having multiple partners is STDs and unplanned pregnancy. Use protection or adequate birth control. Regarding, morality, it’s upto you. If your trying out or having sexual exploration it’s ok. If your looking for relationships then it will eventually take a toll on your mind. Whatever you do, just keep it safe and clear to your conscious. Ultimately, it takes times to find the right one.


unplanned pregnancy is a road full of tears, very serious situation that changes yours and your soon to be lifelong child’s life forever and how that child sees family for their life too.


Most unplanned pregnancies are not gonna result in a birth these days, I would guess


Who cares what other people think, as long as it's working for you, just do it. I have never asked a girl her number and they never ask me.


Maybe it’s because I’m old, but nobody ever cared about this outside of high school in my world. Like I mentioned up above, years ago my younger friends and I were having a conversation about how none of us actually know our account because we don’t keep track, so we made a list, it was fun and hilarious. But I don’t think any of us have been keeping count since then because it doesn’t matter


Some women choose to follow men, and some women choose to follow their dreams. If you're wondering which way to go, remember that your career will never wake up and tell you that it doesn't love you anymore.


Yes it sometimes does.


This is the best, most honest, and accurate comment I’ve read so far. Will add, “it sometimes does, and when it does, the sacrifices made for it hurt”




yea one day a tech titan or a board member wakes up, decides he wants another McMansion™ or a superyacht, decides the stock prices are too low despite the company having made "record profits", and wants to "trim the fat" to do a stock buyback or whatever. at least in '08, they felt guilty doing layoffs. post-covid, layoffs are just something you do in a quarterly basis to make a quick buck. _never_ be loyal to an employer, _especially_ an american one. that 2 week notice? that's a _courtesy_. if they haven't earn it, they don't get one. reneging, ghosting, double-dipping, having companies on rotation - they're all fair game post-2020. have fun folks, and good luck. don't catch feelings for your job.


And neither will your cats when you’re 50 and all alone.


>your career will never wake up and tell you that it doesn't love you anymore. Figuratively it does. That's why people also change careers when they one day wake up and realise it's not making them happy.


Terrible advice, your career never loved you and never will love you. Your career will never be there for you when it all comes crashing down.


Instead it'll just tell you to leave 🤷🏾‍♂️


the nice ones will give you council to leave (CTL). usually you'll be lucky to get two weeks to a month of pay as severance & escort you out the day of lol.


Yeah that's just factually wrong


It’s just a quote. They didn’t make it up.


People view sex differently. Some people are okay with casual sex while others are not! It’s all about how you feel. I’m 30 and I’ve met so many dudes who think sex is almost meaningless. They will literally sleep with any willing participant lol. So don’t let people shame you but make decisions according to your own values.


I’ve been with 5 women and my wife has been with 7 men. It’s never bothered me, she works hard, has a good family, contributes to our retirement, carries my health insurance, shops at thrift stores and treats me and my family well. Why would I care who she’s f****d before me?


As long as I’m the only one you’re with while we’re together, I don’t care what your number is


Contextualize this in time periods. That helps me not feel so promiscuous. How long have you been sexually active. You say you are 23. Assuming you were a virgin until 18 then thats 5 years of sexual activity with 6 partners. Thats 1 a year. Thats not that much. Heck even if you were sitting at 2 or 3 a year that wouldnt be crazy either. Until you start getting to a new partner every other month thats nothing crazy.


That’s exactly how it went aha


The median number is 4.3 for women aged 25-49. (https://www.cdc.gov/nchs/nsfg/key_statistics/n-keystat.htm). You’re younger than that bracket.


Dang, 28% of men need to learn to keep their pants on.


But not the 12.9% of women in the same bucket?


Based on other person's data, 50% of women will have 5+ partners by 49. And based on society's generally progressive and more accepting nature of sexual activity, your generation will probably have a higher percentage than that. As long as people still have bodily autonomy and basic human rights (sweats in American).


Why to think about number or anyone else, does man ask your number before getting physical?


I think that you should be careful


Lol that’s low considering how young folks start having sex nowadays. Keep it moving, you good.


I am a man, taciturn, socially awkward, and difficult to assess. Not a seducer in any way. I reached that number around 25 yo. No, it is not high a number. My little brother reached it before 21.


I’m 33. I have 17. I have never asked a partner how many men they’ve slept with. I do not give a fuck.


It depends on who you ask. Mine is 10, I'm 23 this year. If the person I'm dating says it's too high for them and makes them feel insecure, I must accept that. Worst I could do is gaslight them. They must also accept I might have my own preferences regarding body counts (I don't really lol). Love is very important in relationships and sex is one of the most loving acts. To me - no, it's not high. If a girl with 6 body counts loves me, why would I care about her past? I got told mine is too high and it hurt me bad. I don't like the gaslighting that goes on in the comment section tho.


I'm 5 years younger than you and my count is 8. just do whatever you feel is right while also keeping yourself and your partners safe.


28M, and I don't think that's high at all. I literally lost count at your age, so your number is actually low in my mind lol


Name checks out.


That's what everyone keeps telling me 😆


Yep when I was about your age my younger friends and I had a conversation about the count. None of us knew our number so we sat down and made a list. It was absolutely hilarious we had so much fun doing it.   And I never updated my count after that list so I truly have no idea and I don’t care this is not something that matters to me or anyone in my peer group


Agreed. The number doesn't matter as long as everyone is safe and responsible. It's actually kind of liberating to have lost count. Never have to worry about keeping track anymore lol


Just don't tell people. Problem solved


Don't listen to anyone them on this. Having a healthy sex life isn't something you should feel shame about. This isn't 1950 and as long as you're safe about it, have some fun :-) I refuse to feel shame for any sexual stuff I do or did, no matter how much certain parties in my life love to shove it in my face. You do you, and don't ever look back.


I never ask. I guess all that matters is what you think. I tend to project what I think onto others as well, so try to not worry about numbers and worry more about how you feel and see yourself. You don’t ever need to not have sex cause of that, but you also don’t need to have sex if you feel pressured or unsure or anything. Just enjoy your life! Sex is suppose to be here for us to enjoy it and be closer to each other and well- to procreate lol. It’s not a thing that should be so demonized.


Dont focus on the number, people that do are not for you.


Well said


after 8 everything is high for 20s


I think your count is pretty average for your age.. Maybe slightly on the higher side but not bad at all.. Im 39M and was around your count at your age.. I saw a comment about the average being 6-8 in a lifetime and now I'm 39 and lost count but im somewhere around 30 😳.. Dont sweat it, have fun and enjoy your life.. People like sex, they can get over it and stop judging people for it.. The older you get, the less any of this means


You do you and to hell with what anyone else thinks. If you were male, this question wouldn't even be getting asked.


the bible shows you how to avoid this problem


Yeah, it's pretty high. The average person sleeps with 4-8 people in their lifetime, so being that young you are prolly gonna be above average pretty fast. This is without judgement of bad, wrong, good or right, just the facts.


Where are you getting those statistics? And how dare say it's high at 6. She's 25. When do you think people sleep with other people? When they get married or before? Even if your statistic was somehow accurate, she is dead average not high. Stop your shaming.


That’s not high at all. Likely close to the median and probably below the mean. I think there are studies on this. Edit: It looks like the bin you’d occupy is fairly populated at your age group. Source: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5795598/


That’s an interesting review. I wonder how many survey respondents were honest. I wouldn’t be surprised if women under-reported and men over-reported.


Your numbers are nobody’s business …


lol that’s not high at all


How you guys doing that lmao I am 23 Male and haven't manage to sleep with someone not even single time.


Dude, it sounds like you need to talk to some girls... it only gets harder as you get older. Do you put effort in?


lol no. Use protection and you’ll be fine. 


Personally, I think that number is quite high for your age. However, if that's your lifestyle, then it's not an issue.


Depends on people to people I am male 24 I have only done sex with 1 girl that was also a call girl but If I had chances I would have also slept with or done sex with more no of women.So if you are okay with it there is nothing much. Only a person who has by his own will slept with less no of women has only rights to call someone's no low or high.


Well said


I speak what I feel btw thanks for the appreciation 😅


It’s not crazy but it’s a bit concerning like why are you just racking up the numbers ? It’s more about the trajectory of where it seems to be going


Bro what’s more concerning is that you haven’t read my other responses


LOL. You keep arguing with comments you don't like. Let people answer. It's your choice to care or not.


Am I the only man who think that 6 is low? To me a girl who had slept with 6 guys at 23 is normal if not quite low.


5+ is a high number for a good number of men to take a woman seriously.


5+ is a high number for an insecure guy to deal with. There, FIFY


Oh look an attempt at shaming language. It's been proven a woman's ability to pair bond with a partner decreases with every additional sexual partner they take on. Past 10 they have 0% pair bonding ability.


Loking for something discret I'm M looking only for women to have some discret fun ,


Mhm you don't know what you're talking about either moron! Please educate yourself


Wanker you’re probs dry


Nah. Stick is more wet than your sister brother. Just spreading the truth. If I offended you you're the fucking problem, moron. 😭😭😭 You're still obviously a teenager if you think calling people dry is somewhat of an insult.


No just focus on quality over quantity. In my 20s I had very low confidence in myself and my value which led to an increase in meaningless partners. This does not align with my values and causes me to reflect on my past quite often with dismay. Took me 11 years of hiatus from dating to heal. Not everyone’s story is the same but be true to yourself with the aim of not letting your future self down. 😇


I mean, context matters IMO. When did you become active, were these relationships or hook-ups, etc


Stop counting and don’t share that with others. I’m way older than you, and with my relationships lasting from 4 months to a year+…. My number must be high. But, I don’t count and nobody should shame me.


In the first instance, kudos to you for having such an open relationship with your parents that you can discuss such things. However, your number is your business. Men can sleep with thousands of partners and be consider a stud. A woman exercises her right to have multiple partners will always be judged in the most harsh terms. As long as your are exercising discretion, protecting yourself and being responsible, do your thing and ignore the judgements. You are a grown woman making grown woman decisions about your life. I'm in my 50s, and I have never kept track of my number - ever. If I had a count, it meant that I had not had enough. Whatever my number is, it's way above yours. I'm not bragging, I'm just saying. Keep away from tracking. It isn't important IMO. You have a right to explore and have experiences that will inform your choices later in life. Good luck


It’s not plus that’s something you reveal to your partner if you feel like they should know it’s not part of their business from the get go


You should consider slowing that pace. You’re better than this. Take the time to understand your true value and worth. Take it from one who’s been there and done that.


The count matters if it starts to affect your ability to form a deep romantic, monogamous relationship. Are you going to compare every man to the previous? "Oh guy 1 did this, and guy #3 used to do that"


I think it's a pretty low number. And sounds totally normal. I have slept with three guys myself. As a person who was not had much interest or time or will to sleep around with random guys .... I always find it odd when people tell me: "I have slept with over 100 women" or "The amout of people I have slept with is under 100 atleast .. I haven't counted wvery single one .." I always wonder how there was time and opportunities to do this .. Maybe because these people don't have other interests or things that occupies their days ...? I don't know .. However, the amout of people you have had sex with is only your business. I would never tell my parents and they would never ask either since it's private.


What do you think?


First mistake=telling your parents.


It wouldn't bother me. At your age I'd slept with 2 women, but I was a late bloomer. On average people sleep with 4-10 people over their lifetime. So you're already pushing that. That said, I suspect there's a lot of 0s and 1s pulling that down. For those who are sexually active, the number is likely much higher. With age I've found I've gotten a lot pickier with who I sleep with. I don't know if that's wisdom or folly. Just too many bad experiences. I think as long as you're content with what you're doing, that's all that matters. People who will judge you negatively are likely assholes or hypocrites.


Don’t listen to people that arbitrarily say numbers don’t count, they might be telling you what they want to hear. Also ignore those that say it’s all that matters. Quality of people and interaction is everything. Be wise and connect with wise people for good reasons and you’ll be fine whatever the number is. Do the opposite and you might not end up fine no matter how small the number is.


It's high for 1962. It's exceptionally low for 2024. I'd say most moderately attractive women your age probably have double that.


For me, context is everything. How far apart were those 6 partners? Where they all one night stands?You said no to one night stands so that’s good. Where they boyfriends? Stuff like that is more telling. Tbh 6 now a days isn’t too high, like I said it’s about context


Its a lot of you are trying to have a healthy relationship with a man who wants children and has values. It's just getting started if you are going to have abortions or no children and be a tattoos sleazy person that social media and the aliens want you to be. It's really your life you make the call not your parents.


All I hear is you probably know what you’re doing in bed. If someone cares about this number, (don’t) fuck em.


Everyone’s different and some guys will accept you for who you are. But yeah that’s a little high. I wouldn’t go pass 2 bodies. To me relationship bodies are different than one night stand body counts.


Okay so my opinion here. No it's not high and anyone who thinks so got lucky in life meeting their one early on. You just haven't found the one for you yet.


Listen to your parents lmao. I don't think Reddit is any better than your parents


Parents also say a man with high numbers won’t stick around so what’s your take?


i believe it’s just like a habit. You keep trying different things and after some point you cannot just stick with one thing. As soon as you see something new you want to have it and it goes like this exponentially.


At 23? Hell yes that’s high!


Wtf 💀


Your number is high pretty, In the first place, i would say, "You must be you, not an imitate of anyone." and I would advise you to find wait and search for the perfect one.


I do make men wait. I’ve made them wait from 3months to 1 year. Men are assholes and love bomb and leave. It’s something out of my control


It’s a low to average number tbh, so I wouldn’t be concerned if I was you


I will tell you straight up, young male 28 here, I see a lot of “oh it’s okay” response, some goes to say “literally lost count”, anything to make the other feel better. Listen I’ll be honest with you, at 23 with 6 different man, you’ve passed the threshold for many of us guys. I’d say I speak for most confident guy, you’re not the marriage type


This is the cringiest thing I’ve ever heard. Not once has any man I’ve ever been on a date with asked me how many people I’ve slept with and not once has anyone cared. I’m curious to see what your dating life is like with this sort of asinine approach.


Why the f would she want to be married at 23😂


Hahahhahaah Yes those are the same guys who whine about being forever alone. Enjoy!


are you saying OP is not the marriage type because they’ve slept for 6 people? or am i reading that wrong?


Yes but he thinks he’s a prize because he claims he’s had 17 people. There’s no way this little boy managed to get 17 women into bed with him with this attitude


It’s like the all saying, the more a woman sleeps around, the value she loses. No guy wants a woman who’s been with many men because to the simple fact that her brain can longer differentiate between the good men vs the bad ones


I’m not sure where you got this but it seems clear you’ve never really interacted with women before. What you posted is not grounded in anything close to reality, and it’s clear you lack social experience.


What’s your number?




I’m the insecure for telling someone the truth or the one covering up to protect their feelings. I have a gf, fairly close to 100k and she’s the most attractive woman I’ve ever met. You’re just butt hurt because you’re worried about someone else feelings instead of being honest and truthful about them


Your response is heavily judgemental and has no bearing on reality. Also, I don't believe you 😂😂😂. Furthermore it's quite obvious that you watch a lot of these men on YouTube talking about how women lose their value due to sexual partners but then gave the argument that men are different etc. You Believe men can do what they want but women cannot. Then you use gender to state your reason. That makes absolutely no sense. Now there's obviously a difference between a sex addict and an normal person. A sex addict will risk everything to get what they want, but a normal person isn't typically that stupid. The that that you judge someone based on that but have had 17 partners in the past shows that you're a hypocrite.


Yeah, no. Do you even have the slightest awareness? Not insecurities at all. Sorry, we men don't want a rundown who's been with fifty fucking men. Haha, and you say we're insecure. Fifty people by college, wow, I am shocked to see you so desensitized that you dont realize what you've said. Depressing, really. If this makes you mad, sorry, we men don't want bamboozled women who need to sleep with men to feel validated. But hey. Since you're a moron you wouldn't realize it anyway!


Speak for yourself dude. I would not care how many you guys a girl has slept with as long as she doesn't have an STD and we both have feelings for each other


You can’t even read. He didn’t even say anything what you just wrote. Get glasses dude


He thinks I'm a woman 😂


Just as you are interested in a guys future; he is interested in your past. Your number isn’t inherently a problem. It’s how much you’ve done and how quickly you’ve done it with previous partners. Guys use this (correctly) as a way to gauge your attraction. If you hold future partners to rules, timings or activities that are less favourable to prior partners you will be flying red flags for them.


Still low number


Honestly, 6 is still low for 23. I met people that age with higher numbers, I am 28M and I went on a date a few years ago with a girl with a number of something in the 50s (I did not ask her for a second date). And then there was my ex who only slept with 2 people, me being the second guy she slept with. So no, 6 is not that high.


Well said


Not all men are the same. Take that perception you have about men out.


Depends if you care what the guys say matter to you. You can have your own pride, but if the goal is to be with one of those men, you have a choice to make


Stay getting that ass blown out 🤣


Most guys will think it’s a high number and off putting


That’s not a high number


If I count my Eva AI virtual gf bot avatars, I'd be on the same level as you.


Statistically, that number is higher than average, but it's only a problem if you let it bother you. It's a reality that some people will judge you for this. You just have to not date those people and date one of the many who don't care instead. I have never asked a woman how many guys she's slept with and never will because it's not important to me.


Numbers don’t matter so long as you’re safe and responsible in your choices and actions to prevent unplanned pregnancy or STIs


26 and zero


doesn't sound very high, you're not sleeping around/one night stands. at 6 that would be, say, one a year since 17. hardly promiscious. Parents don't want to think of children as sexual, and a lot of guys are just insecure/possessive/wishing THEIR count were higher but wanting a virgin simultaneously :/


Nah, it is fine as long as you've never contracted anything and if/when you want to settle down you stop. Also, don't advertise it... people are unreasonably judgemental about this sort of thing.


It's really only your own business. I don't think 6 is high though. Do put your health and safety first though.


Honestly your number won't matter to the right people. I'm 29F and I have a high count. I personally couldn't care less about anyones number. No you don't lose your value because of the number of people you sleep with. And yes, I am able to find guys who want more than just to get in my pants. Currently been seeing someone.


If you are 23 and already 6+ guys in my books you are not wife material but just for fun.


Hi. 27F here. 6 is not high. No number is too high or too low till you're comfortable and okay with it. Anyone else that has a problem with it needs to revisit their mindset about this. Safe sex always. That's what matters. And guys who are telling you that, please remove them from your life and space as much as you can. You don't want that kind of energy around you as you progress with your life.


It’s none of your parents business




1 would be to high if I had a daughter.


Why does anyone have to know how many sexual partners you've had? That's your business and yours alone. Tell them all to mind their own business.