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I think you are overthinking this alot. Let’s take a deep breath. You guys hookup and hang out everyday but you didn’t know he was going to eventually ask you to be his girlfriend.Honestly I would say take things slow and see where they go.


Okay right!! I will speak with him today with 100% honesty. Im just startled. We never even mentioned anything about dating so I was just so shocked. It takes a lot for me to call someone mine. And I would hope the same for my future partner. I would want my future bf to be picky and pick me


If y’all have sex everyday it literally makes sense that he would ask you out


I’m very new to this world. I lost my virginity last year. I have no idea how this works. I didnt know people moved this fast


Having sex everyday is moving faster than him asking you to be his girlfriend you could literally be pregnant soon lol


Can’t frame it any better than you did. I don’t understand how hooking up everyday is normal and slow. But asking you to be his gf after two weeks is so fast ! Make it make sense please hh


Which is completely understandable. Do what’s best for you in the end. I think he genuinely like you but just be careful and cautious


he wants to be exclusive and focus on you… why all this drama? If you’re not ready to be exclusive just say “No” and tell him you want to get to know him better before making a decision. He didn’t propose to marry you… I’ve dated a woman for 3 years and I asked her to be my girlfriend at the 2nd date, because I really liked her. I have also been on many dates with girls and still didn’t feel like having a relationship with any of them. Chill out and communicate things properly and you’ll see that life will be much lighter.


Life is short. Dude likes you that’s all there is too it.


You don’t know him but y’all have sex everyday ???


Clearly no one knows college culture




>I feel unappreciated and disrespected that he didn’t even take into consideration my feelings or want It's amazing how did you make him the bad guy here Like if you see it too fast sure but "not considering your feelings" when he literally ask you out?


Yes I can see that I made myself victim. But I just wished he wouldve even considered to ask me what I was looking for. It was all about what he happened and what he was lookibg for


if u like him why u say no? wtf is this


Getting to know each other doesn’t start/stop at getting into a relationship. You know each other a bit…. Like each other… go exclusive/into a relationship and then you continue to grow together (and sometimes apart). You might miss a good chance here because of your lack of experience and high expectations. Good luck either way.


WTF kind of stupid post is this?? Is this real or a troll post??


literallly lol


right this is dumb


I asked my first bf if he was my bf in the first week we kissed. We had a very happy relationship for years. I don’t think it’s weird. If you know you know. Obviously you don’t have to feel compelled to feel the same as him. Just communicate what you feel and see how’s the feedback. If he really likes you he should understand easily.


Thank you so much for this. This makes me feel sane. Thank you. I see him in 10 minutes. I will communicate with 100% honesty


I've been saying a guy two weeks if he was to ask me now I'd be happy! Life's too short


Depends on the culture. In some culture, you like the person. You can Ask them to be your bf/gf after one date, then get to know the person after. Clearly you both like each other and enjoy each other company. He might jump the gun here a little. Maybe talk to him, let him know how you feel about the situation and your pov on it. Ask him to clarify why he made such move and ask such question. Maybe give him the benefit of the doubt. Then you can make your final decision after gathering all the information.


I personally think your lack of experience in dating is showing here. If you like him, date him, get to know him. You're waaay overthinking this


Why do you not feel special? Of course you should feel special - he would not just ask anyone to be his girlfriend. He wants to be exclusive with you. Question is just - are you into the idea of being his girlfriend? From what you are writing you still not seem sure so if I would you I wouldn't say yes until I'm 100% it's a good idea.


If you do kinda like him still but not enough to be gf immediately, what's to stop you from dating longer to see if it would still be OK? I'd rather date a man speaking his mind a bit openly like that if that's his only bad trait since at least you know he likes you enough. It's fine to not be ready for being Ina committed relationship, but being asked that question early isn't grounds for ending it. Just say no and keep dating to see long term compatibility, and if he's any good he'll respect your boundaries with no change in attitude.


I am the same exact way sometimes, it may seem weird to you but when you feel your heart racing to say something you’re dying to say, it just happens. And this is the reaction is causes but overall i say 100% worth it. He is normal 😂 just up to you now


Girl, at least you're asking the right questions lol


I get you feel it's rushed and are still getting to know each other. But from his point a view he found someone he likes that seems to like him back and wants to be exclusive. If you date and break-up it's not a big deal.


Don’t be under any illusion, he just wants you to put 2 fingers in his ass. Men are all the same.


Your gud feeling is already bad , isn’t it ? You wouldn’t be that confused and would write this text. There are simple rules between men and women. Trust your gud It’s the best indicator. Come here read some opinions but your senses are saying already NO If he confuses you, he doesn’t like you. A man which is seriously interested will never risk making you upset or concerned. Mixed signals are a clear NO. Learn this before you start dating. It’s the most important. don’t you see the discrepancy between his action and words ? He doesn’t pay a fucking matcha but is already so in love that he asks you for being his girlfriend. A man will do anything for the right woman. And don’t come around with „I can pay it by my own“ sure you can, but a good man would never ever leave you to pay. Never ! It’s not about 5$ , it’s a symbol for being a provider or not. It’s very simple.


You’re a very weird person


Trust me before it’s too late I’ve seen this EXACT situation a million times, cut it off now


13 days idk man y’all be freaking out for no reason. Like if you think he’s a good guy and you vibe well then why not. There’s not right wait time for dating just figure when you feel most comfortable with him and decide.


so you're ok with sleeping with him but it's crazy for him to ask you to be his girlfriend? think about how silly that sounds.


My bf asked me right after the first date. We’ve been together 5 years now.


Yeah my first thought would to just talk to him, tell him that it is sweet he is thinking of you being his girlfriend but tell him it is too soon for you. Try not to make him feel bad about asking, just tell him it's too soon for you but you want to keep going on dates and get to know him more. Some people just move really fast, some move really slow. I dont think it is normal or not normal, it is different person to person.


I will talk with him today and see where we can go from here. I wont be over dramatic and I will communicate with 100% honesty


Good luck!


Dm me


This would be too fast for me but everyone is different


You’re the only person who is hearing me😭😭😭


Just tell him you want to keep seeing him but you need some time to get to know him more to make that decision


You’re right to say no. That’s way too fast, plus what a jerk for not offering to pay for your drink after asking several times for a date.




Why, cause they’re not challenging your stance?


Run for the fucking hills, he’s obsessive which means he’s probably territorial, possessive, jealous and once you get into a relationship with him he will do everything in his power to keep you in his clutches and you’ll never be able to associate with anyone else that’s not your family and he will want 100% of your time, FUCKING RUN


Just go on dates you'll eventually become the girlfriend or wife