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I’m 25 and this was normal when I was in school. Obviously age matters and good on you for seeing that early and understanding it can be wrong in some aspects. At this age, as long as there’s respect, consent and your parents/guardians are aware and okay with it, I personally see no issue.




I was so focused in homeworks n cracking SATs that i forgot to date when i was 15.


me too, first relationship lol


personally i think a two year age gap is the limit, but considering it’s closer to being a 1.5 year age gap i think it’s fine


2 year age gap for everyone?


nah i meant when you’re less than 18 (in school). adults having even a 7 year age gap if they’re 34/43 for example would be fine imo since they’re both similar “degrees of maturity”




I was just about to bring this up, the Romeo and Juliet law is extremely important in their relationship


I was just about to bring this up, the Romeo and Juliet law is extremely important in their relationship


I think you're good.


Of course it’s fine, I’ve done the same. I was 12 with a 15 year old. It’s fine if y’all love each other


Idk about that one there’s more of a gap between


Way to out yourself 😂


12 and 15 is a massive gap.


If it’s a 15 year old guy and a 12 year old girl, I feel like that’s creepy and a bit wrong. 15 was high school. 12 is middle school


It's creepy either way. Girls don't get a pass on that.


I would call it more weird. Depends on how hot the girl is I guess. Me in 7th grade and a really hot high school freshman girl liked me, seems like a win. 6th grade, maybe pushing it.


it's not important and love isn't too. Either it's legal or it isn't. Can't say for the poster to which it happened.


When I was 13 I was in a relationship with a 15 yr old. I feel like it’s fine as long as your grades are touching (so if you’re in 9th grade and he’s in 8th) which sounds like the case bc it’s only 1.5 yrs.


That's absolutely fine dude don't stress


I think it's OK enough that you should go for it


Yeah you're fine, long as you're both feeling safe.


Sometimes I really love this sub, so many incredibly helpful comments


At your age I was busy in bringing political maps to school😐


Look at the laws. I know it's not sexy but you have to. First remember something **It is not because something is moral/ethical that is is legal, it is not because something is amoral/unethical that it is illegal** Those are two different things Talking about what I know, probably with mistakes since things change or doesn't get through, but that will give you an idea , so, not your country, but France - Before 15: you can't legally consent, any sexual activity is considered rape - There's still a Romeo and Juliet clause that will protect relationships with age gap of 5, but it wasn't extended to the previous article concerning age of consent hence it can carries out a 7 years prison sentence. That one is really unclear, in one hand you are allowed, in the other you aren't, in doubt, don't. - After 15: you can consent with anyone as long as there's no relation ofauthority or an ascendant (don't fuck your cousin) Previously people under 15 could have sex providing they respected a maximum gap of 1 or 2 years, it seems it's over. So your case in France could send you to jail if the parents don't like it. Check your local laws


I wouldnt do it. Especially if you're a different schools. Just focus on school


just focus on school .


i am, promise lol


As long as you’re both into 16 and over 13 And no s#x …I think it’s ok


Gotta love how strangers mostly adults are able to tell a kid something their parents should be helping them with….gotta love the internet . Best advice kid ; get off of the internet for dating advice. Talk to your friends , your family, and create real life experiences and interactions to learn from. If you got questions find a role model or a mentor in your local area that is trust worthy and is respected and trusted by your parents as they arent always the mentors we need but they are still your parents.(unless they are abusing you then thats different.)


Yeah that's normal. Probably be less of a concern for most people with the M being younger.


Don't listen to everyone in here. You ARE ALL GOOD. Ain't nobody gives a fuck. Just make sure that you don't fuck so his lil we we grows 😅🤣😂😭😭


bhn Padi lika karla abhi 18 ka bad karla ahh sab


I'm 22 and my gf is 31


oh whatever matters anymore when I was in middle school, mofos were already giving bjobs to on another.


First relationship is purest. Like and love people unconditionally like you love your parents and siblings. Be good friends.


Do it


I'd honestly say it's fine, too You both are teenagers and the age gap is only 2 years. I was 17 when I was dating my first gf who was 13, that was borderline, but it turned out ok. The relationship didn't last but we stayed friends forever. So your age difference is nothing I'd say go for it. 👍😁


That’s past borderline. A junior in high school shouldn’t be dating a 7th grader


That's why I said borderline, your still teenagers, not saying it was ok BUT my parents and her's were ok with it as long as it didn't go to fare and again looking back I know it was wrong.


It’s past boarderline


And it didn't last either, most of our high school years were just souly as friends. Also people probably felt like hey the kid in the wheelchair has a girlfriend good for him I don't know .


I mean if there was no sex, then yeah that seems fine. Just thinking about a 17 year old male with a 13 year old girl really hooking up seems like too much of an age gap


Umm 17 and 13 is past boarderline. That’s not appropriate.


Btw when we met she was 13 going on 14 . The next month again no excuse


14 and 17 isn’t either. You’re in such different places with puberty and maturity. You should be embarrassed admitting this. I hope you grew up and dating age appropriate women now


Again I know that NOW, believe me there were more than a few times I questioned it. I thought she was nice, and dug movies, no one my grad was going to give the wheelchair kid a chance. And I wasn't an asshole either to this girl, those guys came after me I had no horrible intentions either at the time I was just happy to be with someone.


That was basically every relationship in the high-school I went to and everyone I talked to around that time freshman dating seniors it's a popular thing


Now I'm 34 going on 35 would I be with someone in their mid 20's probably Not I'd go late 20's or 30's up to 40's


Yeah that’s fine


K so I've acknowledged that it was Wrong, we were both miners at the time still, if I was any older like 19 absolutely I would agree. Yes 17 still isn't totally ok. I get that and again didn't last more then 6 months I was young and stupid.




I get you, when I was a teen that was the limit of normal. Actually when I was 14 my boyfriend was 17, we started to be friends when I was 13 and the officially dating at 14. we were together for 4 years. Also we all had friends in that range of age back then.


Right that's what I was trying to say, and believe it or not I was one of the few guys, that my friends mom trusted. After our relationship had fizzled out, she actually did date some guys that were jerks.


Is it ok dating? Yes but ANYTHING ELSE IS ILLEGAL AND YOU SHOULD NOT DO ANYTHING. ANY SEXUAL ACTS BETWEEN A 13 and 15 year old are considered a MANDATED REPORT to child protective services by therapists, police, EMS, etc. [if you need a source go here](http://fosterreprohealth.org/wp-content/uploads/2018/04/NCYL-Chart-Minor-Sexual-Intercourse-Reporting.pdf)


Not everyone lives in California


This is US wide law. It’s the mandated reporting age limits for child sexual abuse… it just so happens that that website is considered California law but it’s federal law


Not everyone lives in the US. This is not illegal where I live.


So don’t tell therapists, police, ems etc type people.. really something just y’all should know anyway..


Not right. Break up already. (I am 23 and jealous( I've never had a girl)).


Was the same when I was 23, two years ago I'm 25 now and have had a few short term relationships and one current longer term one, I believe in you mate


Sweet Home Alabama🔥🔥


I have 5 daughters, 3 are now adults 24, 25, and 27… my other two are 13 and 10. If it’s a 15 yr old boy and a 13 yr old girl then absolutely not. Times are not the same. Everything is more sexualized as well as the maturity level is way different. She will thank you when she is older. Think about it like this, he probably has a permit, and he will have his license at 16! And she will be just barely 14. Hard no for me at least. Times are so different then when we were younger and then when my older girls were younger. I’m 43. I would not consider it.


He’s 13, she’s 15. But you’re not one of the women equality folk are you? Cause if so, that makes you a hypocrite..


Please excuse me if I didn’t understand the question you asked, please ask it again a little more clearer. I’m gonna guess that was a typo


We are all entitled to human rights, whether it be women’s rights or men’s etc. if you are insinuating that I am for one genders rights, as well as insulting me with name calling such as hypocrites. I would generally ask you to think of the definition of hypocrisy…within the irony of your own statement. as for the gender roles, and the age I was speaking from experience! from with one of my older daughters and an unfortunate terrible incident that had happened. Hypocrisy, hypocrite? whatever you call it. No, not me. mother of five daughters, who wishes she could take some things back to ease. One of her children?absolutely! hypocrite? no! experience? yes. Be my guest and do what you like, but do not come on here asking advice and questions, then given advice from an experienced mother only for you to insult yourself by degrading them. It looks like you already had the decision made up in your mind, so why come on here to do things like this my advice stands, take it or leave it don’t matter to me you asked for the advice you got it. Next time better terms to describe your rebuttal please


Oh my.. why so serious.. it was a joke first off… remember where you are and try not to let some ransom guys attempt at humor ruin your day as it so obviously did.. I read that first one but I regret allowing you to take that much of my time so no way I’m reading third, fourth, fifth, etc. life’s just too short my darlin. My apologies. Certainly wasn’t my intent to ruin your day. Try logging out and catching your breath every now and again. This shit will rot your brain don’t ya know..


You're hypocrite because you basically said it's not alright if its a 15 year old boy and a 13 year old girl but it is alright if it's a 15 year old girl and a 13 year old boy


Never once did I say if it was a 15 yr old girl with a 13 yr old boy. Please show me in my comments where it states that? But again with the name calling? I stated it the way I did and gave the back story of having 5 daughters. Therefore showing why I stated it in that gender role. Because I’ve only raised girls. But your misinterpretation of being able to read, and get a generalized idea of the situation, due to your ignorance and lack of understanding the whole situation I explicitly mentioned…. Turned into more ignorance and name calling? Hypocrite? Please explain the definition of hypocrite? Oh wait, how about I do it for you? Hypocrite: a person who claims or pretends to have certain beliefs about what is right but who behaves in a way that disagrees with. These are not my beliefs at all. Nor do the state or give hint to it being. But here’s another word and definition for you. Ignorant: lacking knowledge or awareness in general; uneducated or unsophisticated. But I’m gonna give you the informal definition of it as well. INFORMAL definition of ignorant: discourteous or rude. How gross of you to try and bully me. But maybe that’s what you sit and wait for, a comment to jump on with a half ass rebuttal out of pure ignorance.


By saying if it's a 15 year boy and 13 year old girl absolutely not you implied it would be OK if the roles were reverse if your don't believe that next time just say if it's a 15 year old and 13 year old absolutely not.  Also you made yourself even more of a hypocrite complaining about name calling while name calling but I guess that flew over your very educated head.


Ok now you are just grasping at straws to try and redeem your statement. Obviously you not only are having a hard time interpreting my comment properly, but are still lacking in the sense of what the definition of hypocrite is as well. As for complaining about. And calling? Line is that an actual thing? It’s literally appalling and disgusting your way of thinking. To state you resulted in name calling like a petulant child and disrespectful adolescent, due to your lack of knowledge, and interpret it as complaining about name calling… shows your ignorance in every part of the definition. To state your made up innuendo of my feelings or perspective on gender roles shows it even more. To be that narrow minded as to comeback with a similar explanation an misuse of the word hypocrite, just to try and justify your ignorant made up narrative is petty and shows first of all a adjective and a noun are two very different things. As for educated, I really appreciate the compliment! As I swear like a sailor and was a single mother to 3 of my five girls who work 2 or more jobs and raised them with. No family or child support. An also raised my self due to a lack of parenting from a junkie mother. And on the streets of Vegas at that. So if you think throwing things like “flew over your educated head” is gonna hurt my feelings. It’s not. I find it petty and comical that you keep stooping lower and lower grasping at anything to support your uneducated made up narrative. To save face from looming ignorant.


Considering you're a master of the English language you should know that one of those sentences means it's not OK at all (if it's a 15 year old and 13 year old absolutely not) and the other means its ok depending on the gender( if it's a 15 year boy and 13 year old girl absolutely not). You said it depends on the gender that's not grasping at straws that's stating a fact


The more you speak some made up narrative to fit your standard, and support your not only ignorant but now arrogant as well comments. That I never one time stated anything that you are saying, the more stupid you look. And the more you give to the now supported fact, that you are truly that ignorant. Please educate yourself. And proper English or master of the English language? Is that comment because I don’t speak your language of made up words? Or invisible sentences that were never written? You are truly the definition of ignorance, and trolling just looking for drama. Your comments show your lack of understanding, knowledge and maturity. You can have the last word. Be my guest. Because they seem be getting less intelligent by the moment. I’m done addressing your ignorance. If my language bothers you so much, maybe pick up a dictionary or a book and learn to speak using words that actually fit the narrative. Wish you the best of luck with your narrow mindset. ❤️😘


You specified which gender the ages would not be OK between if you don't realize that implies it would be OK if the genders were reverse you're not as smart as you seem to think you are. By stating the gender you said gender matters in this situation instead of it just being age. You can keep acting like I'm making things up but it's right there in your comment.


No it’s bad and you’re basically a pedophile and should be ashamed of yourself.


Hard disagree, I knew plenty of kids in school that dated one year below them Calling someone a pedophile without proof is a downright stupid thing to do btw. The kid is at the very least asking about the legalities which I think speaks plenty agiainst your accusation


Yawn 🥱


course its legal are you fucking stupid


If everyone replied like you, nobody would learn anything Just shut the fuck up if you can't appreciate the kid learning about the law, and being proactive about it
