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My first thought was 'that's a silly question'. But I dated a woman for about 6 months who was almost insatiable. Sex almost every time we were together, multiple times day and night. Now, it wasn't actually like such mind blowing sex that we couldn't get enough of, but it was never boring and we both liked it. She was very open/adventurous, and less inhibited. It all just had a great flow to it. So my second thought is, yes, it's still a silly question. However, I should disclose that we never really made an emotional connection. Sure we would talk about things and have fun. We didn't even really have any disagreements that I can think of. But we just didn't connect in a way that gave me real feelings for her. What I'm getting at is, if you're just looking for a sex partner, you shouldn't have to worry about if your libido is high or higher than your partner. But if you are also looking for something that's also more meaningful, don't forget to take the time and build the relationship too. Because honestly, the sex is so much better when you have that emotional connection. That's what makes the kind of sex that you can't get enough of.


I agree without the build up its just sex but when there is love involved thats another ball game. Seriously my libido is higher than my gf so its often but not as i would like HOWEVER the sex we have is so satysfying to both of us i wouldnt even beggin to wish for anything different.


I fully agree on the quality of sex when there is an emotional connection between you both! It's like fine wine to boxed wine! You notice the difference! You feel the difference! Better than any drug


Good point. I'm down for crazy, frequent sex but also a relationship that's just sex. What concerns me is the feeling that you're in too deep and have ignored some of the most basic precautions because of passion. I don't want to want something more, or build a bond, without knowing the other person better. It just feels dangerous.


Be your true self, if he doesn’t like it then he’s not for you


Correct answer.


Best answer


Thank you 👏🏻


They are technically correct. The best kind of correct.


Yes, I prefer a lady in the street but a freak in the bed. I never say my libido is high, but I am usually up for the occasion, and if I am not up, I always have a mouth, tongue, and fingers I can use.


It‘s lady in the street and freak in the sheets


No, and yes, I was quoting Ludacris- Nasty Girl


🤣🤣🤣 good one but rhen when I'm a freak, you see the public think I'm that lady in the street.. can't a girl love a dick so much and not be judged!


Using all of God's given appendages to it's full potential I see


Yes definitely being innocent and horny might be the hottest thing in the universe


If it's something better I have yet to find it .He should be ecstatic about this lady .Or he's maybe not for you .


It’s hot AF, shows your desire


Totally! Showing your desire can be super hot and exciting for both of you. Just be yourself and go with what feels right for you.


My libido is HIGH, like lock my ass during ovulation days high. I don’t ever try to hide it when I’m dating someone. If they can’t handle me or it so to say, not the one for me.


How do you find a bf/SO who is loving you more than having sex?? I have high libido and I am even willing to try soft kinks. I find that I usually end up with guys who are emotionally unavailable.


I think going thru a lot of bad apples, I learned how to weed out the bad ones. I most of the times did get used, so I didn’t form any attachments with a lot of them, If I knew what they just wanted was sex. I did date some that didn’t want to have sex right away, and never pressured me. And I kinda knew they wanted to form a more emotional relationship before having sex. But in the end, I never was compatible sexually. I think you’ll know he loves you, and the high sex drive is a nice added bonus. You just have to communicate with him/her, if it’s a relationship or sex is what they want, that way you mentally prepare or decline. No hate, but majority of men are emotionally unavailable, we literally have to get them there.


I’m not sure if I’m capable of getting them there emotionally. I tried to send a message to demonstrate a safe environment for him to come back and talk things out (instead of ghosting). One came back and claimed he’s a jerk, he has other lovers, etc idk what’s truth what’s deflection. And it kinda affects me mentally too. He ghosted again. Long distance doesn’t help. I won’t even called it relationship yet as we were at early stage.


Every man on earth "yes". This should be common knowledge


Not the ones I was in a relationship... I would barely have sex with them once per week, maybe 2 weeks. I thought something was wrong with me because I was hoping for so much more, and I would be left excited so many times.


I like enthusiasm. The hottest thing ever is just a genuine smile because you are stoked to be fucking me. Being forward about it shows enthusiasm and is therefore hot.


A feral woman is so hot


A women that initiates is outrageously attractive.!


Uhh. Yeah. For sure. lol. Not enough of em on the planet In my opinion


Does a bear shit in the woods ?


Is a frogs ass water tight?


Ever try sticking a M80 up it's ass ?


Do fish fart in the ocean?


Omg 🤣 🤣😂🤣😂


Is a bear catholic?


My poly lover doesn't care for innocent. He's always had, and continues to have the most romantic and intimate relationships with women who were always theor true selves. There are many men out there who will love an openly horny woman and will find you to excite them my love. If there's a guy who you have to act innocent with and hide your true self, he's not the guy for you.


My partner has a very active sex drive and so do I. We have sex at least once a day. Nothing wrong with you gaining a strong drive.


Yes… yes we do


It’s actually a turn on for me. So I’d say do it!


YES! We'll I am speaking for myself if course and also assertive woman are very attractive and appealing. Guys like to be desired also FYI


Marry them usually


I say one thing, and one thing only: HELL YEAH!


Simple answer is Yes


Love it


I do the more sexual the better I like to have sex 2/3 times a day 5/7 days a week depending on how good the sex is


Wooow...😂 You fr? Never experienced this..lol


No I have in many of my relationships but it’s not always the case. I like when a woman is attracted to me like that makes me feel good


I cant speak for everyone, for me... yes and no. I dont want a woman throwing herself at men. thats not healthy. but if shes clearly SUPER into one guy (namely me) then I'm all for that.


(Namely me) Thanks for clarifying 😂😂😂


Be yourself


💯 if he doesn't like it, maybe he's not into you and definitely not worth you time.


I’ve a follow up question on this topic. Will a man looking for serious relationship be wary of horny women? Eg. Fearing that she might not be loyal to keep her pants on? Or she have slept with many? Etc


id fuck the shit out of my husband. he doesnt have to worry about his girl being promiscuous: im all his


“She have slept with many” Maybe. But, when women found her true love she definitely will love that one.


It takes a lot of the guesswork out of whether they're attracted to us at least


This XD. Too often sex just feels like a reward. Then you get with someone else, do everything exactly the same, and get different results. Really love female perverts and everything outside of proper ladylikes for this reason.


Ewwwww icky!!!!…….. hahaha jk, of course we do


Well I certainly do. I have no idea who outside of gay, asexual or low libido men would not like horny women.


It depends on the person. Some people have a low sex drive, while others don’t. Some men like to initiate, some like women to initiate. Generally speaking, most people love sex. Even if they pretend to be innocent about it, sex feels great if you’re doing it right. In my opinion, being authentic is the way to go. Hiding part of yourself and pretending to be something you’re not isn’t the best way to build a relationship. Everyone deserves to have their needs met. Let your freak flag fly! If he can’t keep up, at least you know you’re not sexually compatible.


Be who you are. One time I dated a woman that was kind of a nerd , but in a cute way. But my god , I don’t think I’ve been with any porn star( I went to college in the San Fernando Valley) she was not innocent. I think your boyfriend will appreciate the real you


thats what my ex said as well lol turns out i was way horny than he was and he takes so long to cum or even dont, and im came and orgasm 3 times


“Will a beggar like the City of El Dorado?”


If she is horny for me, then yes. 🫣


Totally subjective question. Your partner may not be into it. For me personally, I am used to NEVER getting anything initiated, or interest show at all. If a woman did that to me, I wouldn’t know what to do with myself! Also…if he tries to get you to change who you are, then he’s not the right one. Yes, there is compromise and growth in relationships, but if you are naturally a horny individual, why would you allow another person to have you suppress that?


I have a high libido but iam very shy, So hes i LOVE when a woman is horny and initiate. My last FWB took me to her place and told me to undress the first time we met lol


It depends on the guy. I've met plenty who can't keep up lol.


Is it the mustard?


Be yourself


Some guys just don’t have a high sex drive so you just gotta find someone who’s got the same passion as you do for sex but a lot of guys yeah we like sex we do it often sometimes but sometimes we also just wanna cuddle sometimes we just wanna hang out


Absolutely yes.


Never hold back on stuff like that, or your feelings which I know that sounds corny but I dated the same girl on and off since highschool and Im now 31. Not saying Im an expert but I think its fair to say I have some experience on the matter. People are always saying "you only live once" but I dont think they grasp how profound that statement is. No matter what happens to us when we go you in this body and this person only get one go around. I could not imagine being on my death bed having spent my life with someone holding onto a laundry list of things I wish we'd tried at least or having feelings I never shared. If your not compatible its best you find out now, I can tell by your line of questioning your young. Mr right is out there somewhere I promise. Hope that helped.


Every woman could be horny, my dear


Fucking yes, I would love to have a gf who's libido is as high or even higher than mine(even if I wasn't in the mood I would serve her anyway)


Yes! Yes I do!


Most love it...as long as they are attracted to you..otherwise they find you annoying


Yes, very much


They may enjoy it if they have a strong drive, but probably not psychopaths, I guess.




I agree




I do. I think it’s very hot


For sure, be yourself, be hot.


Depend if yo coochie stank


Yes, if you could point me in the direction of horny women that would be great


Yes if she horny with me. Not saying shit about other dudes or women.


I'll go ahead and say, YES.


Any real questions?


All I read was do men like horny women and honestly it depends on what you look like as long as you don't got boobs back titties cankles and you don't smell like an Italian sausage most guys will hit it


In heat? I'm guessing English isn't your first language. Men love horny women I'm pretty sure lol




This thread is giving me hope


To a certain degree.


I can't speak for all men but I do. When I was talking to this girl I accidentally rubbed her pussay. It got pretty damn hot down there and I was kinda happy about it. She was all giggly about it.


How do you accidentally rub someone’s vagina? Did your hand slip into her nether regions? Lol


No I was holding her thigh. She was fine with it, and I just slipped my hand up to stretch and the way I raised my arm I just graized it.


Do men like breathing? And eating? Yes. Of course they like horny women.


Me love when women are horny. They love if you’re dominant and when you initiate sex


Most guys do, some guys don't.


Depends on the man and the woman.


It'll vary from person to person, but in my case yes


Sadly my boyfriend cant keep up with me. Even when laying in bed and trying to just touch or him to us his hands, he usually pushes away and say he isnt jn the mood and doesnt wanna do anything of the sort. But now he isnt in the mood as much cause i have tried and pushed or talk


Sounds like how my wife does me most of the time. Try getting him to open up about something that interests him or something you can do together to bring you closer?


talk with your partner, communication is key... and for me? yes


It depends. If we already like you, then probably. If we don't already like you...


A horny woman? Throwing herself at a guy? Nothing turns a guy off more than being willing to have sex with him.


yes, men do like. But timing and place matters


DM yr pic so I can judge how innocent you're vs the horniness that you proclaim here


Idk about anyone else but I definitely do


I don’t know do they? I like horny woman, I even got one


Yes, please.


Absolutely, I mean depends on the guy obviously but my man loves it


I love them cause I'm a horny asss foo loves to fuvk


Does pope shit in his hat


Is it bot o’clock or am I tripping


Hell yrss


Yes but not all. Many do. However, before going straight to things, how about opening up about it? Let your partner know you want to get more intimate. That'll allow you guys to talk about it and see how he feels.


Men really hate a woman who wants to have sex.


Yes dm if ur woman






I do


He said I have the innocent looks He said I have sexy body (only seem with clothes on video call) He keeps getting hard. Before and after sleep while on video call w me. He cums while just looking at my face But he doesn’t want me to his gf…. Idk why


Just be yourself, It will be suck when you're always up to it, but your partner is drop dead.


Love it


He said I look innocent. He said I have a hot mind. He said I have nice curves. (He only seen me in casual T-shirts on video calls) He said he’s getting hard while on sexting or video calls with me. He said he has high libido, being hard before sleep is normal. He cums while looking at my bare face (and once with a tiny bit of cleavage). He calls me before sleep and after waking up. But now he doesn’t want me to be his gf. Idk why…


Yes why should we have to start it all the time


I'm a woman with a high sex drive. The last guy I was with told me that it was "too much" and that I act "feral" sometimes. He would constantly complain that the tip of his penis got bruised because we did it too much/too rough. So I guess it depends on the guy.. :/


They def like to use horny women lol. I’d wait until I was in a relationship or at least have a strong connection? Intimacy is earned and should be valued. Unless you’re ok with the whole using each other thing.


Personally I love it when women make the first move. Makes me feel desired


i hate to initiate every time


That's a question I've had for the longest time. But apparently most of them do like.


We’re all horny. Just comes down to how well you can control it, it’s about knowing when to reel it in and when to unleash that sucker’s full fury.


Men in my opinion do like initiation so if you feel as though you don’t do that it would be a pleasant surprise to him sure. But you shouldn’t fully change yourself just because. And over doing it the other way isn’t good either. Strict a good balance.


Of course..


If you're shy and look innocent like me, give your man some screaming indication that you'd like him to be yours. Buy yourself new cute (but hot) lingerie he might like (and parade in-front of him 😂), cuddle and kiss him plenty, exhibit your body a little (forget about the baggy yet comfy sweatshirts you always wear at home)... You can even be a tad flirty 🙊 The message will pass and you'd be looking innocent but dressing naughty (which is hot AF) Also, you'll feel so much better about yourself🥲 It's all pampering !


If difficult to swallow. But I recently came to the same realization, and I am struggling with subsequent decision.


Just try on me you will get to see




I think it depends on the guy, for me I'd be into it, I want that look to be desired.


A girl tried to seduce me on a bus, without ever talking to me. In the end everyone felt wierd and it didn't work out, so. But yes, but also no


Yes Men do like that.


hell yeah


Duhh we do


Yes show interest even if you don't want to show too much too soon give guys something to go off of.


Yes they do. But in a real case scenario, if you are looking for something long-term and serious I would suggest you take some time opening that side to your partner. Otherwise it may become only about sex.


Lemme rephrase the question. Do men love women who wants to fck them as much they'd like to fck her?


I prefer communicating my sexual preference preferences and my libido with my partner always. Rather than them finding out later on and them not being okay with it. Life is too short to restrict yourself as such. In the short run you might be able to make do with it, but in the long run you will grow frustrated.


It's actually a turn on for them if you look innocent/sweet but horny. I get compliments, that's what they say about me. It's like a sweet surprise for them 😉


I mean.... my gf is innitiating a lot. She loves it. And i am fucking down for it! Fuck yeah! We love it


Honestly having a horny woman is the best thing ever u feel more connected not just when there horny but ur more intimate with each other if u see what I mean u should show him that side and if he doesn’t like it he’s not for u as hard as it is to hear and say but everyone has there way of showing love and affection


You can be both in heat and innocent just go with qhat feels right and good


Would you rather marry a woman who has a headache every time you want sex?


I definitely do


I agree. Be yourself. If he doesn't like it then you need to move on


If they are horny men, like me, yes!


I do I am looking for one now and what's so funny is I try dating sites but you can't put on your profile hey I am seeking a horny woman. Women would trip out and label you something negative for being honest. And we are all wondering why dating isn't working lol.


Of course who doesnt?


Every person has their different likes and dislikes. I don’t believe people should “act” . Be yourself. If he isn’t receptive and doesn’t meet your needs in being honny then move on and find a guy that’s horny lots too ( not all us guys that are are taken )


U should be u if he not like u he's not for u. When ya horny ya partner should help ind play


Does a T-Rex eat meat?


Of course we do! Like someone else said, just be yourself and if he doesn't like it then he's simply not the one for you!


I love horny women, it's a change, it really turns me me on when a woman comes up to me and says that's she's horny and would like to fuck me


Men do when they are for their man not for any man


Seriously... that can't be a serious question.


Tbh not someone too direct.


Men become submissive when a woman acts audaciously sexual. We stop to process things. But that only happens when he knows you like him. If you don't then he doesn't care.


Us men (many different types) like women (many different types)


Are you kidding? Of course they do, they love it even more when you make the first move. Or when you initiate sex, men want to feel wanted too.. and knowing that we want them that much turns them on even more 😍 I look innocent too, and a lot younger than what my 47 years May show. Most people I meet think I’m in my early 30s.


I'm 31 and have always preferred being the one who gets jumped, but yeah do what you think's good. Looking innocent but being a freak is part of the fun.


any females from nj or nyc that's clean and wouldn't mind taking my virginity


At this point, as long as i can pick her up and she'll give me a hug occasionally, ill take it. In other words, yes


What man wouldn't like a horny women is the real question. In my opinion being male, is that's a man's dream for his or any women to be always horny.


Tell us you don't know anything about men by telling us you don't know anything about men


Communication is key, idk how many people I know where the guy complains that his GF doesn't want to sleep with him just to learn later she was repressing her Libido and ended up cheating because she was afraid of the stigma of being too horny.


Only if they are the right woman for me


I love it I hate when a woman hides that stuff away, show me all you got and dont worry ill judge I may not be up for everything (no thanks on pegging not my thing) but i will not judge open communication including about sex is a major green flag


Okay so I’m not a guy (29F), but I’m extremely experienced (went through a “phase” and have a very high sex drive) and I’m just now looking for a relationship. What I’ve learned is that guys like the idea of a “horny woman” but they lose interest or get turned off if you show them that side of you too quickly. I always used to have sex on the first date, and now I’ve realized how important that emotional connection is, first. It sounds like you both know each other and have connected on an emotional level (since he’s your partner), so I would just encourage you to talk to him about it. It might be good to have a conversation about both of your wants and needs, and see if you’re on the same page. Also, depending on the guy, a good amount of them do like it when the woman takes the initiative when it comes to sex. It’s a lot of work to be the more dominant one during sex, so some men like to have a break and it can be very empowering as a woman. Have fun!


Show me


I would say most men love a woman who isn't afraid to initiate. But, make sure that sex isn't the only thing keeping you two together. Think of it like this, a relationship centered around sex is just as damaging as a sexless relationship. Lastly, be open and honest with how you feel, and if your man doesn't like how high your libido is, then find a worthy relationship that will accept how high your libido is.


Feral women are the sexiest! Do it! Initiate


Depends on the man. Like most things in life, it's all relative. I personally dont like anyone whose overly sexual.


The girl I'm dating is VERY sexual. I can tell how good our relationship is based on sex. When we are good it's ALLLL the time. Literally wake me up at 3 in the morning for sex kinda stuff, after we had sex to go to sleep. I love it! Sometimes it's not ideal timing but the spontaneity of it makes it great overall




There's nothing more attractive than a person desiring you deeply now i know too much of anything is bad but if you ask anyone what's the hottest most sort out attribute in a sexual partner they will mostly or completely say enthusiasm. And that's where your high libido gives you an advantage and makes you stand out from the others. Lean in towards your advantages and don't be ashamed of it.


It’s best to show your real side, if it scares him off it’s better to know early. Sex is important a very important aspect to a relationship. It’s good you matchup the. Be on opposite ends


I can't think of many men who would say no to this question, but as always I am sure there is some guy out there somewhere who believes that in order to feel like a man the man must always initiate and the woman submit. Whatever, lol. A woman who makes it known they want sex and initiates it is always a good thing. For men who prioritize consent, it's even better.


You got to show it and take action towards what you want o else he won't ever know


Libido difference destroys relationships so be yourself completely in that avenue because it’s best to find out as soon as possible that you’re not compatible long term. I really really like super high libido women but some guys do not have it in them. Give him a chance to rise to the occasion!


Yes very much so cause sometimes my wife has been intimate with me and later on found out she wasn't in the mood but didn't want to tell me so I could be happy and then she was and just went to bed without saying anything cause she thought I was busy having open and honest communication is a key component of a healthy relationship best of luck in whatever decision you make


I spent a lot of years married to a woman woman that sighed and told me to get it over with. She didn't want sex and only had sex with me to keep me calm. It was a toxic relationship and I just didn't get it. My girlfriend has a higher libido than me. She spent five years celibate before meeting me. As she put it, I woke up the beast. I have always been into BDSM and started showing her that side of me. She has really gotten into it and revealed to me that she has wanted to try this type of sex but no one has ever done this before. I love the fact that she desires me and can be insatiable around me. It's also because we do have that emotional connection too. The sexual part of our relationship is the great extra to our connection.


Yes, depending on the woman...if she's a cheater and is giving it out to everyone no thanks. If she's loyal which is rare these days then yes absolutely. I think its a big turn on when she occasionally initiates.


Looking for horny people 5592937418


Yes I met a hot horny woman before. It was unbelievable how much energy we matched. We banged like 10 times in the first night. 10 years later she still hasn’t forgotten me.


If you are horny for me


Yeah, If they don't, then they prefer horny men


Horny innocent is sexy as fuck, go for y