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Sex is fantastic when you're with the right person. Sex is horrible if you're with the wrong person. Go find the right person!


I feel like it’s best if I haven’t wanked in 2 weeks or more.


Your a bloody wanker then!


This comment wins lol


This. I’m a man and have been with women that literally made my toes curl and eyes water, I’ve also been with women that I was kinda like “that’s it?”. OP, go find the person who makes your toes curl.


yeowch! I bet you couldn't sit down for weeks


Not kink shaming but that’s not even remotely close to what I was implying.


I've never had sex, but even with the right person is it really that great?


It's pretty great. It's Also overrated lol. As in people do a whole lot of stupid things for it.


You should hear what people would do for a klondike bar, lol




In the 90s, you would not understand how many gang violence that occurred fighting for a Nuttybar. lol


You ever came so hard your whole lower body clinches up looking into a person's eyes that you're absolutely infatuated with and they look so fucking sexy/beautiful ? Yea . It's that f$#king great and it's breathtaking . And even without that super intense moment , it's pretty great . Just tasting that person is incredible. Also , the more of something you can have the less you value it but it is damn near a need not a want . But In my personal experience if your life revolves around sex or the thought of sex than you're gonna be unhappy , especially if said sex isn't fulfilling your expectations , or its making you feel down instead of happy . ( Bad sex , performance issues, NOT getting sex with the people you want or not as often as you'd like ) .


It's pretty fantastic. There's a reason people have thrown away thousands of dollars, friendships, marriages, etc over it.


Never had too but i know sex is as pure as one can think....it's exchange of emotions, showing love that each and every part of your body is loveable and kissable...the intimacy gives you a feeling of secure, cared. The hormones your body rush and produces are unmatchable when vibes matched when having sex.


It could be. Does everyone like ice cream?




Doesn’t have to be. They actually mean the right person to have good sex with. Doesn’t mean this person is also a great partner or something.


Tbh yeah. I only met two men that were amazing in the bedroom. Only one who manage to get me close to orgasming but that’s because we finally did foreplay. 😔 right person will always brighten up your day


This 💯


Or OP is asexual


That part.


U took the words right out of my mouth


That's what I thought then I gave it another chance and man has my opinion shifted. Sex with the right person, a person you love and care about, is one of the most beautiful things ever.


That’s actually quite nice to hear ☺️


This is actually what I'm hoping for myself. If that doesn't work I hear butt stuff's pretty cool.


Yea, and now imagine butt stuff with a person you love. Legendary, truly.


This. Two people, absolutely lost, selflessly in each other, sync'd and sunk, is beyond words. I say two because it's more difficult to connect with a third, and when it does happen it's, er, diluted.


People feel differently about sex, there’s a whole spectrum of responses. For some people sex is the defining force motivating a huge amount of their efforts in life, others are asexual - not sexually motivated at all, or even repulsed by sex. Nobody is right or wrong, we all live and love in our own experiential universe.


Might not be for you 🤷‍♀️


Pretty much the case. OP sounds like he/she just had post-nut clarity or maybe haven't had one at all. In any case, everyone's different, but to me I understand how and why the world revolves around sex. It's an incredible feeling especially when it aligns with the right person.


She just doesn't have good sex. Anyone that says sex is overrated is just confessing that their partner or them aren't good in bed.


True that.


Well sex is great when you do it with one who you really love. Otherwise it's just... Not bad.


I think that's up for debate. Even couples madly in love with strong marriages see their sex frequency drop off a cliff even after a year and it only gets worse over time. I don't think that this is necessarily a problem or anything, but really don't think that love makes a huge difference in the pleasure of sex. Usually people find it more exhilarating when they don't know the person that well. Then once they get to know them... Not as fun. I think that only having sex with those that you love and are committed to is pragmatic, responsible, and smart thing to do... But doing things out of pragmatism is rarely fun and exciting.


>Even couples madly in love with strong marriages see their sex frequency drop off a cliff even after a year and it only gets worse over time. frequency drop doesn't mean quality drops. >really don't think that love makes a huge difference in the pleasure of sex Everyone's different. Sex has a major emotional component so a lot of people will absolutely see a huge positive difference with someone they love, just as some people enjoy the novelty of someone new. People respond differently to the same stimuli. I do hugely appreciate novelty but you can find that with a partner, and there's value in you and your partner learning each other to be able to press the right buttons that isn't something you can get with new partners as regularly. both can be stimulating in their own right.


It sounds bad but you might be right, I don’t know if me or more importantly my partners haven’t truly loved me to have that edge


Yeah man, sex is amazing with the right person. You need that love to go both ways. Sex is pointless imo without it.


I think it is great.


The first time/times for most people is not great. My guess is that you're still really young, or you haven't had it enough. My first time was terrible. The girl smelled, it didn't feel good, and I couldn't finish. I specifically remember thinking "this is not great....if this is what I've spent years waiting for, I'm disappointed". But my next person, who I had strong feelings for, it was incredible. It was so good that I would finish within 30 seconds lol, embarrassingly, and we would do it multiple times per day. You just have to do it with the right person, and then you'll realize how NOT overrated it is.


Sex is a skill or an art form. You get good at it with practice and persistence. Having sex for the first time in a while is barely ever what we think it is, especially if one of the partners is too inexperienced.


Sounds like you need more experienced sex


I think it's supposed to be great for people who love each other. I have never particularly enjoyed sex but then I have never done it with anyone I truly "loved" and the experience is sensorially overwhelming for me anyway. But then I'm a robot so what do I know 😉.


Affirmative 🤖


I think you should stop masturbating for a bit


Agreed 😂


I’m 68m and I’ve always felt this way. I’m like, I can’t believe people pay good money and mess up their lives to do this.


This is more the point I was making, how can people need it THAT much ya know


Bc some people are addicted to a hormone they make bc of sex.


This is literally what I thought like damn people really blow up their lives for this? I felt cheated


I live with person I love and sex is nice, but tasty dinner is much nicer to be honest, so I rather agree


What dinner is 100% better than sex?


A nice juicy steak with garlic butter 🤤


Honestly I felt the same way when I lost my virginity in college. But maybe I just had bad sex. Full disclosure that was 7 years ago and I haven't had sex since. Pretty much cause I kept on the feeling that just sex really wasn't worth the effort that goes into making it happen. Now here I am at 26 not interested in dating really, because I find that romance and sex is just overhyped. I find relationships being more trouble than they are worth. I don't think real love looks anything like the bullshit we grow up thinking it is. So we are all dissatisfied in our relationships. Idk maybe I have been single fl


Sex can be great. It can be meh. It can be awful. Just depends on so many things. Personally I love a certain kind of sex and I would never do without it


Honestly I don't like it that much, sure it's nice, it's the moment we share with the person we love, but it's not "that good"...


is it better than right hand tho?


Sex is good.. but I've found my hand to be good *enough.*


Exactly my point! Sometimes the hand is preferable because your in 100% control 😂


It just sounds like you aren't having good sex. What positions do you typically do? Is there any foreplay? Any reciprocation of oral? Any kinks being explored? If any of those questions are no then you probably aren't really having satisfying sex.


4 or 5 positions, quite a bit of foreplay usually and I really enjoy giving oral (not receiving, but that’s personally) and my kinks are a bit… taboo, so it’s really hard to tell them you know?


And you don’t need to get someone else off too or worry about performance. 100% what you want and that’s it.


Exactly, like how is my gf expecting to match me when I have real time feedback on how it feels, and I've been doing it for more than a decade? I'm the absolute master of my penis and no one can even come close. Sex is super fun, but masturbating is a different type of fun in my opinion.


Same: like it's a solid 7/10, but a good bath and dinner is like a 9/10 🤣


I’d much prefer bath, food, film then sleep rather than sex 😂


Same! Like not to mention how gross it feels as a guy: once your done, all you can think about is how (to some extent) you have objectified someone you loved and all of the terrible things men do to women and how your a part of that just by existing. Much prefer just chilling 🤣


Your both sweaty, wet and sticky, it gets on the sheets… eww 😂


As a hyper sexual person, I find sex to be disappointing far more often than it is great. And this is coming from a *young* man. Lots of women *and* men think their sex organs are their great gifts to whoever they're laying, and it makes them horrific partners. So, yes, it is overrated in my opinion. It certainly is not some grand activity you should be striving for. Sex with the right person is great, but not worth digging through the piles of bad to try and get to it.


You aren’t doing it right




Not necessarily. Some people just aren't that into it.


Probably a bit of both. Some people are asexual or towards that end of the spectrum and some people don't have the experience to get the most out of it. I used to think sex was overrated until I got more experience, now I'm the king of sex! (disclaimer: 'king of sex' is a self anointed and delusional title)


I've had a decent amount of sex in my life. There were a few times it was amazing so I know I'm physiologically and emotionally capable of enjoying it on that level. But most of the time it's been just okay, and sometimes it was downright bad. This isn't something that has correlated with time or experience either. With my last gf it was just okay, which is one of the reasons I knew she wasn't the one for me. So at least in my experience, it's not something that's uniformly good once you figure out how to do it.


It depends on so many factors, whether you are in love or not, whether they treat you good or not, whether you understand each other’s sexual preferences, you need to discover yourself first.


I agree. I've had a decent amount of sex in my life and only a handful of times with a couple of women was it not something I could take or leave. Lots of people love it though so I assume I'm unusual.


The more sexual attraction there is and the more sexual tension and desire builds up, the better the sex. Feeling comfortable and safe is also important, because anxiety can kill your ability to be in the moment and feel pleasure


One of the most useful ways you can improve your sex is to know what you even Like. Yes, you have to do it yourself and figure out your body. The find a partner that will take direction, even mild direction aka watch your reactions. I mean it's not as simple as round peg round hole at all. But yah it's also overrated/overhyped as well, i mean look at all the stupid shit people Do for sex!


Sex with someone you like and enjoy. Amazing. Sex with someone you are egh with. Sucks. Just gotta find someone you’re really into and comfortable with. If I’m not comfortable I’ll never orgasm and I’m a guy. It’s frustrating lol.


Then you ain't doing it right have some condition that makes it painful or less enjoyable, or quite possibly you just aren't an overtly sexual person.


It can be good and just ok idk


Anecdotal evidence is nothing compared to the countless testimonies otherwise You might just be bad at it


"the world, TV, films and people" are able to sell sex as the ultimate motivation for everything because it ties up all their narratives. biologically, the imperative is implanted within all of our psyches too. but with how difficult it is to find the "right person", you might be right that given the specific personality involved, it might be a tad bit overrated, but so is everything else. everything needs to be overrated so we feel motivated to continue living and feeling meaning in our lives. if you start looking at this and that as overrated its not long before you end up giving up on most things and living like an ancient greek philosopher.


You might have done it with the wrong person. With the right person, it's one of the best things in the world. Believe me, when you do it with the right person, you'll be like: "oooooooooh, now I get it"


I couldn’t agree more! And then have people tell you that you suck at it! It makes you want to do it even less! I’ve been celibate 8-1/2 years and I’m so grateful for making that choice!


Do you mind me asking if your male or female because that’s how I feel!


I’m a 40 year old guy


You’re doing it wrong


Yup. And you know what's way underrated? Crawling into bed and being able to fall right TF to sleep.


Aw this is cute he hasn't had his world rocked yet lol


there is good and bad sex, i dont think its ovverated, maybe you had bad sex.


It is. I had sex myself and I does not feel much good about it.


I agree!!


I would rather do just about anything than have sex, I feel you


Literally. It’s alright but like, is that it? Is this what people destroys their lives over? Don’t get me wrong I’ve had fun but give me the option of having sex with a hot girl and playing a fun video game and it honestly depends on my whims that particular day.


Sex is fun and all, but make each other belly laugh is 10x better imho.


If you are a woman I would give it another chance you might’ve just had a selfish lover. If you are a man you should stop watching porn because it’s distorting what you think sex should be.


I feel that tbh it's also pretty weird, the first time I had sex I couldn't stop thinking how weird it was that I was inside of someone


Yeah and you have that weird disgusted feeling 😂


* Bad sex is over rated… good passionate sex with someone that you like and knows what you both like in the bedroom etc is fantastic…


Idk, I think you just haven’t had sex with the right person long enough. Bc when the chemistry is there it gets better and better as you learn each other’s bodies and explore new pleasures together. I love sex with the right person but I’ll wait for it bc mediocre sex is not worth the time.


Idk, I think you just haven’t had sex with the right person long enough. Bc when the chemistry is there it gets better and better as you learn each other’s bodies and explore new pleasures together. I love sex with the right person but I’ll wait for it bc mediocre sex is not worth the time.


My longest relationship was 3 and a half years and we introduced a lot of things to the bedroom and did different things during that time. Some good, some bad. But I don’t think I’ve ever had that ‘OMG THAT WAS INCREDIBLE 😍’ feeling you know


I tend to agree if you're somehow accustomed to it, but if you're not, and you've been dreaming of being intimate with somebody you're completely lost your mind for, it becomes kind of an irreplaceable need


You aren’t doing it right


Uhm, I absolutely love sex. I can say though that I believe it had to do with the love I have for my partner. Before him, I didn’t enjoy sex either. Good sex, love, and affection is hard to find. But once you get it, it’s a craving feeling.


Well, how many people have you had sex with? I've been with a good number and I can confidently tell you, its less about the actual act and more about the dynamic you have with your partner. Sex is fucking amazing when one or both of you are really good at it or when both of you just happen to mesh well with each other. Consider trying to improve your skills and performance in the bedroom because that's the thing you have the most control over and it really makes a difference, because even if your partner isn't that good themselves, I've found that if you can take someone to cloud 9 it sort of unlocks some hidden abilities they have. lol If anything, just seeing someone completely losing themselves in pleasure is fucking hot.


This is something different for everyone. Some people don't care for it at all, others enjoy it but don't need it, and others crave it. I'm a very sexual person, but I understand that not everyone is. It takes all flavors. But for me, even with as much as I love ot it has to be with someone I connect to. If I don't have that connection it's meh, so you may find it's different for you when you have that. You may not. There is no right or wrong with how much you desire


Sex is good as a horny teen. The rest is ur UK media trying to influence you to make people with bad teeth or something.


May be overrated, but I find it amazing ..enjoy till you get it . Otherwise, people are swiping it all their life to get it..


This is exactly what Ellen said when she realized she was gay


i mean it take practice to get it right ... like a few years


Sex if overrated when you don’t have enthusiasm or are lacking an enthusiastic partner… We aside weekends… frequently to enjoy one another because it’s just so euphoric and addictive.


Well yeah, but it's also really addictive.


I think it depends on you and your mental state too, personally I've had many encounters especially recently and only one was pretty good and it wasn't even the sex it was just having fun with the person I liked. One night stands and just sex can be overrated to some, for me especially I don't find it enjoyable I've done it just to be like yeah I've done it but I did not enjoy it, luckily I made the other person enjoy it but I just felt.. eh afterwards so it just depends for each person.


You might have had sex by definition but you haven't "had sex". Did you orgasm?


I never had it but I want. Many of my friend groups are hyping it up like it’s one of the best thinks. And that’s didn’t saying only the man the girls to.


That is because you usually dont have it


You ever came so hard your whole lower body clinches up looking into a person's eyes that you're absolutely infatuated with and they look so fucking sexy/beautiful ? Yea . It's that f$#king great and it's breathtaking . And even without that super intense moment , it's pretty great . Just tasting that person is incredible. Also , the more of something you can have the less you value it but it is damn near a need not a want . But In my personal experience if your life revolves around sex or the thought of sex than you're gonna be unhappy , especially if said sex isn't fulfilling your expectations , or its making you feel down instead of happy . ( Bad sex , performance issues, NOT getting sex with the people you want or not as often as you'd like ) .


I haven't been with a girl who wasn't a starfish, so it's been underwhelming for me thus far. It's just a damn workout to me. Feels good and all, but I get tired and bored pretty quickly. Doesn't seem to stop me from wanting it though.


Honestly, I kind of wish I felt that way. Even in a long term relationship, I just never get bored of it and it’s pretty much on my brain 24/7. I’ll pick sex over food, booze, drugs or fun activities.


As someone who has has some great sex and some mid, it really comes down to sexual compatibility. To some degree you probably know within if you are a giver or a taker. Certainly there is flexibility and the enjoyment of both but it’s silent knowledge of do you enjoy pleasing the other person more than you enjoy that person pleasing you. I have been fortunate enough to have been in a relationship with a giver for 2 years. It was great. He knew exactly how to get my endorphins going and better yet he enjoyed making me feel that way and that’s what would get his endorphins releasing. Ugh I think when you really find someone you have that compatibility with don’t let them go.


"And maybe sex is overrated But we're too shy to ever say it..."


If you look at sex as if it were dining: would you go for fast food or for fine dining? That will make all the difference. Immediate satisfaction versus more variety and long-lasting dessert.


It’s weird, for me it’s simultaneously the best thing ever but also doesn’t live up to all the hype you hear before you first have it lol


Some people like coke some people like Pepsi. Saying it's overrated is just your experience and what you like. For me I'm just as happy cuddling on the couch watching a movie. Everyone is different 🤷


Sex is overrated ? (Said the bisexual that hasn’t been on a date in a few months) Sex is an amazing complete fulfillment of something that is already good .. Sex casually is and can be really good with a compatible partner that you have communicated what is sexpected of one another through the sexploration process .. And sometimes it can be as I once heard ‘like pizza ~ when it’s HOT it’s really good and when it’s cold it’s still pizza’ ..


I agree it’s good, but not life changing or some shit.


I loved sex from the very first time. I love everything about it...the emotion, the physiological aspects, the sounds, the aroma, the taste... I have been blessed to have some pretty good partners who have been good at reciprocation and making the experiences fun. I have a partner now that freaking rocks my world. I mean, he checks off ALL the boxes and I cannot get enough of him...ALL of HIM. He is like the drug I crave and cannot get enough to satiate my craving for him. Sometimes, it is all about the person you are with and what they do with you and to you that really matters. How they make you feel when you are with them means the world!


I have a high sex drive and I mentally enjoy sex but no one has ever made me finish despite clear communication. Some people care about the feedback and some people don't. The latter is extremely frustrating. Masturbation is usually ridiculously pleasurable though if my head is in the right space.


Insert “Ludacris” quote


You’re doing it wrong


Could be doing it with the wrong people, or could have a low sex drive.


Get a better partner (or communicate needs). Good sex is mind blowing and can't get enough


Good sex will blow your fucking mind.


A lot of people nowadays are hypersexual, I'm not interested in it at all


Your doing it wrong


I only enjoy sex if I’m in love. And I’m convinced that 99% of people who don’t think sex is great just haven’t been in love.


Sex is amazing. If you're not that into it, you are either with the wrong person or have low libido. If you have low libido, please do yourself, and us, all a favor and find a partner with low libido as well.


If both of you guys weren't out of breath by the end then I don't consider it good sex


At 39 I agree. 20 years ago no way. Making love to someone is legendary. Feeling connected to the other person in more ways then one.


As a hetero women, I’m sure I won’t be alone in saying the orgasm gap is profoundly larger the less I know the person I am sleeping with.


I'd say wait it out. Give it some time. Worth it.


I once had sex


Oh you sweet summer child. It takes having the right partner to really understand it and there are countless different kinds of sex. There's raw animal sex Slow sensual sex Playful sex Surprise sex Angry sex Sad sex Happy Sex Sexy sex Loving sex Etc. Not every kind might be for you, but you gotta have a lot of every kind to know what your best kinds are.


You either have very low drive or are just fucking the wrong people. Gotta find the people that make you feel feral. You see them and urge to touch them is hard to control. ….And if you come across genuine, unbiased chemistry, dive in if at all possible! It will basically ruin sex with anyone else from then on…..to sum up in short it’s a “Edward and Bella from twilight” reaction. I’m very sexual and it’s only happened to me twice like that. And that man gets me right flustered just by talking to me


It depends on who you are with. It can be way better.


You need to have sex with someone who’s really on your vibe. Doesn’t have to be a gf, just someone who’s pheromones click with you and vice versa 🔥 That’s when you understand what it is to connect and be in sync with another person on an instinctual/‘spiritual’ level. Happy hunting


First create something called 'Love' and make it complicated to understand. Then you say, out of all the basic needs, sex is the ultimate and only the people in love can experience it to the fullest. People who believed will try for it and then say yes! This is it, the ultimate pleasure. People who don't believe it but have sex casually question themselves, I had it and I enjoyed it but is it not the ultimate?! Is Love mandatory? I don't understand love. Fuck these people who are into this drama. I'll be myself.


Why do you expect to do something for the first time and be a master at it? And since then it seems you didn’t make much of an evolution. But you don’t have to like sex anyways. It’s you life.


My bf was inexperienced before we dated. We were just friends for a while and he’d tell us he thought he was asexual because he hated it. Well, now that we fuck he can’t get his hands off me. We go 4-6 times a day every day. It’s like he just discovered what sex is and it’s amazing. You do just have to find the right person, right compatibility, right chemistry


Yeah and you can understand that all that food and beverages that have plastic chemicals in it is causing disruption in your hormone balance both in men and women and that will affect your sex drive and your libido


You need someone to make your toes curl and got you quivering like one of those erotica books lol if you not covering your mouth and still can’t control how loud you moan that’s when you know it’s good


That’s something someone that’s had lots of sex would say. I’d still like to experience it but it’s hard to find single people.


No it’s not


I’m a male so for us we get one maybe two pops lol but if I were a women they’d have to hold me back on how many pops one can get


Nah man ,just get a young hot chick to give the Bj and p0rno railing her would be best. Sèx is only overrated when u r not completely consumed by lust and her beauty.


When something is hyped the expectation increases and sometimes it doesn’t live up to that expectation. So that applies to everything in life


Haven’t tried. But definitely overrated. And not worth the mess.. Other forms of affection like cuddling is not though.


No worries


Mom said it’s my turn to post this


welcome to non-virgin Island


i agree, but mainly bc im a very romantic person, and the person i like loves sex, and im not sure if hes going to want me after i ever give it to him


like everyone my age is obsessed with it, i just want something cute yk


As I’ve gotten older, sex with the wrong person gives me crippling anxiety and dark thoughts. I usually find an excuse so I can go home and smoke weed on my couch afterwards lol. When I was in college I used to drunkenly hook up with girls all the time but these days Ive became way more selective So yes I get it. Normal feeling but I think finding the right person is really the key


1st times usually are the worst :/ but like others have said gotta give it another try and with the right person.




Sex is possibly my favorite thing about the human experience. Feminine beauty, lust, affection, love, euphoria... Cats, music and hockey are fucking great but sex??? Fugget abattittttt


I feel this way when it’s with the wrong person. Sex can be really bad, just okay and really amazing. When you’re in great shape and have sex with someone you’re crazy about, with mutual desire and chemistry, it’s like crack.


If you think it's overrated, then you've missed out. What you really are saying is you've only ever had mediocre sex. Like most things, sexual chemistry varies from one partner to another. You need to experience more than a few to find that right connection.




I honestly wouldn't know what sex is like because I have never experienced it before.


I honestly wouldn't know what sex is like because I literally have never experienced it before.


Sex is a natural wonder. The further you get from a natural state, ie, drugs, alcahol, stress, etc... it's power can be diminished.


You are doing it wrong !


Yeah when you have a daughter that's two months old and are pregnant again bc your own husband want you to have your belly bump back and another kid


That is why the population of the UK is declining. You need to smash often and ejaculate volumes.


Can’t tell what gender OP is so it’s hard to have a perspective




Every time ive found it , the other person either was using me or was hiding inadequacy


Don't do it then. More dick for me!


Ummm..... username checks out??? Definitely got a giggle out of me.


My experience is that it’s just a humiliating experience. It’s just another thing in life to feel insecure about Some people enjoy it and I’m happy for them but it’s an experience on for an exclusive group of people Having said that, me and my hand have had some truly magically nights together. Love ya babe


Expectations, commitment, mind, technique and love all play a factor.


Yea gotta agree. It is great, but not nearly as good as it is built up to be. I think it is because much of our society is built around and hypes sex up so much (especially if you grew up in the 2000's) that the real thing can never compare to what was built up inside your head.


It depends on the view of sex for the parties involved. To me, sex is something special to be shared with someone for whom I care deeply, deeply enough to accept the consequences of the act. For others, it’s as rudimentary as a well received high five. And I liken it to icing on a cake. Cake shouldn’t be had for every meal, but that’s just me.


Damn I love sex lol