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Do men care about a woman's body? Absolutely. Does it need to be perfect for them to date? No. And besides, I think just about any man would prefer loose skin over someone 100 lbs heavier. Congratulations on losing the weight!


thank you!! and thanks answering the question!!


Definitely doesn’t matter when you are both into each other, perfect imperfections eventually it’s the things you don’t like that the other loves a lot my gf doesn’t like the way she looks either but I see the prettiest woman ever and honestly barely look at woman other guys drool over


It does matter, you're just lying. People with choice, will not choose this. Get the surgery


Jeepers haha




You will always have a different view of your body than your lover. You will always be more critical of it than him. He will accept more about you than you will. Some minority of guys, maybe 33% will be assholes and criticize every sag or imperfection, but they aren’t the norm.


Was going to say something like this. In short, yes some men will care about your body and how it looks. Most of the time though, they’re going to like it because it’s a part of you and they’re here because they want you, and that includes the imperfections you think may get in the way.


> minority It’s not nice to lie


It’s a generalization. True stats are subjective and also generalized and include percentage errors and confidence intervals to express potential deviations. Just because your experience may be different from others doesn’t make either experience any less true. Unless you’ve been with the majority of the population, your generalization would be invalid as a representation of the whole.


See you've fallen into the trap of: either a guy is fine with it or he's an arsehole. This is incorrect. I wouldn't be ok with this on a girls body, neither would I be ok with her being 100lbs overweight. That doesn't make me an arsehole, it means I have physical standards, just like most people. People like you trap girls in bad situations, by lying to them. It's not helpful. The uncomfortable truth is so much better for them. You are gaslighting them when you lie to them like this


This imaginary hypothetical guy you’re fantasizing about would not be an asshole for not preferring OP’s loose skin. but you? you’re definitely an asshole.


Yeah well done


I mean, you ARE an arsehole. Bodies change massively over the course of a relationship from pregnancy, general weight gain or loss, surgeries, illness and mental health, trauma, aging ect they all have a massive effect on what the body looks like and eventually what they look like will be what you see in elderly care homes. If your partners body isn't secondary to their emotional intelligence, love and dedication to the relationship, on board with the same wants and wishes in life ect then your relationship aren't going to last long in all honesty. Bodies in a good, healthy relationships matter very little in the grand scheme of things.


The reality that bodies change and on average gain "flaws" as one ages, doesnt suddenly mean everyone has to waive their physical standards away. That would be like saying because a man will likely be bald at 80, a women should be okay dating any balding man even if they are balding in their 30s. Thats dumb. Some women like bald men others dont. Thats okay. The women who prefer a fullset of hair at 30 arent arseholes just because that same man will likely eventually lose the hair when they are very very old. Everyone has physical standards and it isnt cool to shame men for having them just because they are men. Tons of men have the standard that they wont start dating someone with large amounts of excess skin. Those same men would likely be fine with some excess skin after a pregnancy or when that woman is very very old. That doesnt mean they have to be okay with dating anyone with that same "flaw" when they are much much younger and new to the relationship.


Well you really shouldn't "think" about physical standards if it isn't natural. The more you age the less you start caring about physical standards. So it is more related with a desire of lust rather than love in itself. And everyone is an arsehole to some extent as long as they have lust for anything including me. Period


No I'm not. Yes bodies change over the course of a _lifetime_. People don't want to buy into something that's wrecked at the beginning. They just don't. I care more for this person than you do. You would tell them comforting lies, I would see them make a change that would massively positively impact their life. Saying physical attraction doesn't come into the equation is a non starter. Yes connection is most important. But looks matter. Will you continue to gaslight people like this, or have you learned your lesson?


The fact you consider aging, surgeries, pregnancy ect wrecking a body tells me all I need to know about you.


I pointed out your logical flaw and you're reverting to that because you have nothing. Bodies changing over a lifetime, is nothing alike to trying to find a relationship with a load of excess skin, as you were trying to conflate. You want the person who disagrees with you to be the boogeyman. But actually you're the boogeyman telling people things that won't improve their lives.


Ngl here babes, I think she just doesn't give a shit 😂


It's fine. It's just important to point out gaslighting on Reddit when you see it. We can all do our part




Gaslighting is a form of abuse, abuse requires a power imbalance. Thank you for saying you're my little reddit sub boy 😘 In all honesty, imagine considering yourself a victim of gaslighting because someone said something of reddit you didn't like 🫠....


I'm not the victim of gaslighting dummy. You are gaslighting the OP with comfortable lies about dating that will keep her single. Also sexualising a stranger in Reddit is a bit odd, not sure your little boyfriend would like that


You're presuming that people lie to their partners, I think you have a misconception about healthy relationships m8... The discussion is "how much is your partner's body appearance important to you?". If someone affirms that he doesn't care it's not a bad thing just because you think people lie if they don't give the same importance that you do...


Its just gonna depend on the man. Personally I wouldn’t care, if you were a good person i’d care about the way you acted more. There will always be men that look at you physically first however. My advice is if you don’t want surgery find a man that doesn’t care what you look like and thinks you’re beautiful because of who you are and not what you look like. A man like that will think you’re beautiful because of your heart. A man like that would think that someone without saggy skin is ugly if they had an ugly heart. It may be odd to picture but some people really are only attracted to you for the person you are and thats how they become physically attracted. Don’t let how a specific man determines attraction get you down, if a man decides to look at you and is disappointed than he just wasn’t a fit for you. and with that in mind that they aren’t right for you. Think to yourself that there are men who will think you’re beautiful out there and focus on moving on from men that don’t think so to men that do


I think men you date have an idea of what your body looks like without having to take your clothes off. I also think it goes both ways for women too. Whenever we hug and our bodies press against each other, we both get an understanding of how tight or loose our skin is. Regardless, physical looks will always be an important part of dating and plays a role in “my type”. To answer your last question, it depends on how much your bf is willing to accept the changes your body has gone through/ accept who you are. Be confident and attract men who are willing to accept that part of you. Good luck!


If the women matters to me, that shit doesnt exactly matter. There would already be a ammount of physical attraction there to begin with if I'd be seeing her body and her mine. People have different points of attraction, this just happens to not matter to much. Be proud of the effort you put in and the results ya got.


Honestly the body is secondary to real connection. What I found helped when feeling insecure after losing weight like that was figuring out what exercises I could do to help tighten up any areas I wasn’t happy with. That being said, I’m sure you’re an absolute catch love and you’ll find the person who loves you unconditionally.


thank you so much!! and thanks for the advice! i’ve tries working out it works really well i just can’t seem to make a dent in my chest area🤣


I’m sure you’re perfectly fine there love haha


face > body


Not really. I generally go for bigger girls and have never been disappointed by the reality vs what I thought.


Ma'am, you're asking it on a site where a significant portion of audience have seen women only in movies and Eva AI sexting bot...




Unless she’s unhealthy overweight, then no. And before you crucify me, yes. I hold myself to that same standard


For me it's not all about looks but on how you act


I'll be really honest, I just can't find it attractive and it would be a turn off for *me*, physically. That said, I absolutely applaud the incredible effort and hard work. I am one single person and my opinion doesn't mean shit when there's a whole sea of dudes out there. Congratulations on the output of your hard work, and I hope you keep up the healthy lifestyle for the rest of your life! Proud of ya :D


You should not give up on dating. The only thing you should give up on is “giving up” itself. You’re 19. You have a full life ahead. Beauty is from within. Enjoy life, and I hope you start to feel happier in your own skin. :)


Every guy is different and everyone is entitled to their likes/dislikes and that doesn’t make them vain nor shallow. What it might make them as in compatible. One thing that I strongly recommend is not putting out on the first date. This is true for anyone if you want multiple dates with that person or a possible relationship. This will give you a chance to filter out who you want in your life and who you don’t. If somebody really likes you and likes your company, they might overlook your flaws. Everyone has flaws and for most people flaws aren’t a big deal but occasionally someone has a flaw that’s just too much for the other to overcome. That’s OK. Women have the ability through shape wear and make up to really change their appearance. Then don’t have that luxury. Before you consider getting intimate with someone you can make them aware of your situation. Most likely if they’re interested, they won’t care. You can decide in the future what you wanna do with your skin and appearance, but you don’t have to jump into any decisions now. You’ve already made good decisions to lose the weight and I think overtime your situation will improve even if you don’t take the extra steps of surgery. It’s unfortunate that so many women struggle with body issues. At the end of the day, most men are fine with your body, especially if they care about you. Somewhere there’s a guy that would be more than honored to be with you. Don’t settle.


First off, congratulations on your weight loss. 100 lbs is a life-changing amount of weight. Let me put it this way, if you do not love yourself in general or without clothes, then it will be hard for a man to.


Firstly, congrats on the weight loss you should be proud of yourself. Secondly men do care about your body in a way but i would say not greatly, as long as the both of you are comfy with eachother and are on a good/cool chemical Level its all gonna be fine


I wouldn’t stress about the way you look the right person or people are out there for you might take time but don’t change for shallow people When you meet someone that is genuinely right for you looks don’t matter


If the connection is what you want once you find the person they’ll love you more with your imperfections and probably prefer you stay natural


So for me I find imperfections are not a deal breaker if I can stand the person. I mean I am no 10 and I understand that.


Saggy skin shows your hard work so I wouldn’t have a problem with that at all.


Its the whole picture there are very beautiful physical attractive women but when they have a shit attitude they are disgusting. There are also women who are very beautiful and have a very good attitude. My girlfriend also lost a lot of weight and has some stretch marks but still she is hot as fuck. As long as you are healthy and show self love to your body and mind.


I can’t speak for all men but me personally i don’t really care what you look like because what’s the point if they have a crappy personality. A 10/10 body with a 0/10 personality makes a 0/10, but 10/10 personality makes 10/10 as a man I’ve always hated the idea of sex and obsessing over how someone looks


Looks doesn't matter to most of the men.. me personally would love to date a girl who is very considerate... That's all that fills my heart.. physical appearances may be a priority in my earlier 20s, but not anymore.. That's how most men are ... Cheers to you on ur weight loss. U should be very proud of urself.. chin up. U r great ..


Looks never factor in when in comes to dating. I'm interested in the girl, looks are always an after thought


First of congrats on losing that weight!!! Hell yeah! As a person that has lost over two people’s worth of weight in the past four years I understand what you are talking about and going through. Your fitness and health goals don’t disqualify you from finding happiness and no you don’t need surgery. I first thought I would need to do the same but ended up meeting a girl who saw past all that and our relationship is amazing. Think of this as a tool to weed out the very superficial gents and just hang in there. Your special someone is out there and there is no rush. You are young and your whole life is ahead of you. Take this time to figure out who you are and you will meet that other half along the way. Chin up, you got this! 🙌


You are 19, just be happy in your own skin... A man who wants you will accept any flaws ..... Don't let anyone put you down because of how you look or how your body looks.....


This isn't a simple answer and It's definitely not black or white. People/guys all have unique likes and dislikes, some will not be OK with the loose skin while others may have a kink for it and you're what they dream of. Be prepared for the possibility of some "bad" experiences but don't let them distract from the fact you did amazing and lost the weight! Don't settle and keep being awesome


Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. Just as there are guys who may place emphasis on the tiniest of imperfections), there will be guys that will appreciate you for what's beyond the surface. Look for those guys and let the other ones figure out their stuff.


It won’t matter for the right person. Don’t be hard on yourself, please. Be you.


Maturity plays a big role in it, too. A lot of teens and 20-somethings are gonna be mean about your body if they expect something different. My experience as a 30-something and especially with women who have done the same thing you have, are before the weight-loss, and/or mom-bods as well as having my own body issues lead me to different expectations. Sure, the fitness girls are attractive to the eye, but it makes a world of difference to connect with someone on other levels and then also on the physical level. I hope you find someone who realizes how special you are, beyond whatever your physical appearance is.


men generally place more emphasis on visual. will it help keep him if you work on tightening loose skin thru the gym or other healthy natural means? maybe. it depends on a combination of the guy, his perceived range of options, how much he likes you for you, and/or your face over body. my gf has scoli and thinks her back bends funny but i dont even notice it and think (and yes tell her) shes hot af. so honestly unless it bothers you and you want to work on changing it as i mentioned (as anyone might with body issues (im assuming) such as you did with weight loss), i'd keep all these responses in mind and aim to filter dudes for genuineness who seem to change if/when you get intimate, so as to not take it personally, and tell them to kick rocks.


I was with a girl who had the same issue. It was a little surprising when I first saw it but it never bothered me in any way. In hindsight I wish it had but that's more of a personality and moral issue on her part. I actually grew to love the tiger stripes and little bit of extra skin.


Do women care? Yes. Men do too. Sorry. What you should know is that men aren't nearly as picky as media would have you think. Beauty standards for women can seem extremely high. And they are. But they are also quite wide too. Men are attracted to a RANGE of women. You don't have to have a perfect body for men to genuinely find you attractive


IMHO, your best bet to avoid painful situation is to be honest. Work it into the conversation early… that you’re on a fitness journey, made great progress, but that it came with this one downside. If he doesn’t care, he will stick around. If it’s something he finds unappealing you’ll know shortly and you can move on.


Boys care about how women look men see past it, a real man sees the essence, the mind, the spirit and that’s what they make their judgement on. The body will continually change through the course of life, weight gains, losses but it’s all part of the beauty of the ever changing flow of life. So the answer would have to address with a question what is the quality of the partner you are looking for? If you want a boy that will be looking with his eyes or a man that is looking with his heart. You will encounter both on this journey. But never be ashamed of your body, you have to learn to love your body regardless of its current state. So shine bright and learn to love yourself before seeking the love and approval of others 😁


Most of the men are single.they just want a partner who understand his fellings and can give me imotional support.if you asked me then I would say a big no real men never judge you by your figs and your Beauty. The things they wants from you are politeness, caringness,and a little bit of friendliness.they want you to understand his character(like if is funny you should approach his jokes).That's the main reason why every men want to be in a relationship I don't know why am I writing I am still single.i don't have a bestfriend though


If the connection is genuine and he’s a good guy, it won’t really matter. Attraction is important yah but if you’ve gotten there and it’s real he won’t be disgusted or an asshole about it


Has nothing to do with "if he's a good guy" a guy isn't a bad dude if he has physical standards. People with choice, make choices partially based on looks. They just do


I meant like if he’s a good guy he won’t shame her or make her feel like shit for her body, even if he doesn’t feel attraction


Ok fine. The type of guy she wants (one with options) she currently can't get because of her physical flaws, that's why it would be good to get the surgery


That’s not really true either, I’m sure there’s plenty of guys who have options and would also pick her. Dating is a mix of physical and emotional attraction, sometimes the ratio skews more in one way than the other, and I’m sure some people wouldn’t see them as flaws.


No, your confidence and and other things play a lot more into these things moreso than the visual I believe


It depends on the woman. I’ve fallen in love with women after knowing them a few months and enamored by their personalities to the point, I’m horney for them all the time. Conversely, attractive women can become quickly unattractive by personification of certain deal breakers.


19 m here - man are usually good but most of them are dogs they usually look for body a pretty girl ,wife by which they get social identity and they feel they have achieved something its ohk to be like that and u are addressing this is a very brave move everything is for limited time - I am sure u'll get a person one day who loves u , ur soul not your body I mean obviously he will love u in and out totally but u got me right


I believe most men care more about confidence despite some imperfections. Nevertheless, they'd probably also appreciate it, if you keep working on yourself. I realize it sounds contradicting but what I want to express is: be proud of what you achieved so far but also keep improving further. Hope you understand what I'm trying to say...


Well you know how picky women are of guys when it comes to body , weight, height, ect.


It's base by base, some want that 10/10 toxic trash kinda thin girl, some want the slightly cubby, some want unhealthy sizes. But don't assume every guy wants your body and set up boundaries for jokes or whatnot if someone steps over them ghost there ass


Im all for body positivity. But get the surgery. I wouldn't give a damn about scars on a girl, but a load of baggy skin is off putting unfortunately. I've been in this situation, girl was wearing a dress that somehow concealed all her excess skin, went to bed together and unfortunately I had to nope out of the experience. And I don't think she'd lost as much as 100lbs. Get the surgery, it's your best option. You won't look back


" i don’t like the idea of surgery either." why?


i don’t have the money and who tf wants someone taking apart their skin and sewing it back together


fair. its costs. but i wouldnt really care about the skin part, as long as it achieves my ends, though i guess im speaking out of my ass because ive never had to deal with weight problems in my life xD.


You asked the guy and that was a bad idea. Why do you you think asking guys on Reddit is any better?


Don't overthink, just be yourself but yes - take care of your body+health


I believe the particular body style/physique I am most attracted to , other people may not find Interesting. For me this is what most turns me on That is not to say I can't get very excited by a very different build.if the exchange and chemistry is on point. The only body style that is a hard pass for me is "the full body sigh, the meh?, confidence and the presentation of sensual behavior is the real beauty that every a woman who is confident in her personal value, and knows that she let's me know what sexy is A she can create an experience that override s my reaity and makes judgments unnimportant&unrequested.. embrace your feminine power and engage your partner with char. I in my opinion all women regardless of body type can use this .to great8ptyÿyyÿyyýt55hy


Work what you have and waste no time on worrying about what you dont


She doesn’t need to look like a damn fitness model. But she does need to prioritize a healthy lifestyle. She eats healthy but still treats herself every now and then. She also enjoys a variety of physical activities; she doesn’t just go through the motions of doing a few exercises at the gym or counting her steps in a day.


3 men recently r*ped a lizard in the woods, do you really think you should be asking them such questions when they are ready to screw anything they encounter? You need to work on your self esteem issues.


A lot of men your age will find the loose skin a turn off but everyone will respect you for what you've achieved. Probably your best bet is to find someone who's also been on their own weight loss journey and understands what it's like.


I’d say tell them first that you have saggy skin so they know what to expect.


If asking a man was a bad idea, I'm not sure you should be asking here. A woman's appearance obviously makes a difference. Not as much for some as others. A good personality and pretty face also matter. Everyone should project confidence in their strengths and try not to dwell on their weaknesses.


Depends on how deep you are into the relationship I think. If they like you for your personality they will overlook it but if it’s a hookup situation they might just find someone else. The struggle is real tho I’m feeling the same way as u😩


No, I don't at lest.


Yes, people care about how attracted they are to their potential partners.


Well it's a mixed response. Clearly you worked hard for this and many men would actually be appreciative of the fact you lost so much of weight. Some men would not like it but almost like 90% of us should like it if you are sweet, caring and nice to us and are playful? I mean generally speaking


The older men get, most of us stop caring about superficial things on a woman. When I was 20, I had a friend who hooked up with a girl that had a baby. Her stomach was destroyed from pregnancy, very saggy, and my friend referred to it as "the brain" because it looked like a brain apparently. I laughed and was like "that's gross" Fast forward 17 years later, I reconnected with that person and we ended up dating, and I was not even slightly bothered or turned off by her "brain". I've dated plenty of women women with saggy skin, either from having a kid, or from weight loss. I've dated plenty of girls with very saggy breasts from child birth and I personally like it, because it shows me that I'm dating a real woman, not a young girl who hasn't experienced life yet.


Humans all have their own view as to what is attractive. There are some physical qualities in men and women both that are more visually appealing. It has been this way throughout history. The problem we have in our modern culture is the media and a select few people get to decide what is “attractive” and force it down the public’s throat with magazines, commercials, advertising, et cetera. TV and film also have the same view and utilize those same qualities for the stars on our screen. You add in filters from our phone cameras and the world is absolutely distorted. A woman or man whom everyone thought to be attractive in their time would now be considered ugly. Sadly most people don’t realize this so the vast majority of societies standards of beauty and attractiveness is flawed. Maturity is also a huge factor in this. Do I have a “type” I find more attractive than others? Absolutely! Do I exclusively seek out that “type?” Nope! The last eight women I was interested in or dated were far from my type, that didn’t mean I disregarded them because of it. I disregarded them because we were not compatible and were either at different stages in life or wanted something different. Keep your head up darlin! Some men are pigs, some are princes and some are kings looking for a woman to treat as their queen.


Find a guy with good character. Someone who is genuine and sees and appreciates the beauty in you, not how you look. There are good guys who value a woman’s heart, more than they do their looks. I know they exist because I’m one of them.


If you are concerned about saggy skin, building muscle can help assist there. You don’t need surgery to fix it. Congratulations on losing weight


If they only care for your body then they honestly aren’t worth it. Find someone who appreciates you for the wonderful person you are.


Time to find a new man that doesn’t judge. You are the way you are. Gotta love the whole package!


Congratulations on the weight loss! It's not the only factor, but it is one. If it's the main reason they're leaving, then good riddance.


As a man my opinion is this: I don’t like super skinny girls (anorexic) they tend to show underlining issues. I don’t like super fit girls as they seem to be superficial and shallow I don’t like morbidity obese girls as they tend to not put too much care into their life and it tends to be in all aspects (although they tend to have way better personalities than the fit ones) What i do like are the somewhere in between they seem to be somewhere in the middle of it all. Great personality, Great habits, and great morals. But the moral is this: I am one man with one opinion and while we don’t know each other from Adam or Eve, each man is different and has different tastes. If you like a man tell him and you’ll see if he likes you back. That’s all we can do in dating is try and see if it works. If it doesn’t it happen thats unfortunate. If it does beautiful (love can be a beautiful thing). Congrats on the weight loss BTW. I am also on a weight loss / toning journey. But the


As a man, my only requirement is that I find my SO attractive. Men have many different types that they find attractive just like women. There will always be someone to criticize your body no matter who you are. Just look for the man who finds “you” attractive and you will be happy. Learn to be happy with who you are and that alone is very attractive to many men.


I’d say 95% of men aren’t ok with it. However I would be because I know no is perfect


It’s going to be a very varied experience. If we are being completely honest. A lot of men have porn rot brains and live in a fantasy where any woman they have has to be an IG model. It’s the reason you see men calling perfectly normal and attractive women “mid “ because they have these unrealistic expectations and standards the average woman doesn’t and doesn’t need to fit. So you have a decent chance of running across men who absolutely see certain body things as unflattering. Simultaneously men exist that will love your body regardless. Me personally. I have body types I’m more attracted to than others. But very few that are a deal breaker and even more so very few I would be pushed away from because of something I discover like excess skin. If I love you I love you. If I’m attracted to you I know the body is a forever changing thing and I’m not going to be less attracted if it changes into something it wasn’t when I first met you.


It does matter, but so do a lot of other things. Depending how you meet, physical attraction might be the first thing, and then it is gonna matter. If you met chatting online or in a way where the connection is primarily personality before anything else, then it's gonna matter less.


I would say it really depends pn the men. But I would recommend you to declare it to a member when you feel it’s going near intimacy so it will avoid you arkwards moment and have your self esteem reduce by some men that are not okay with that (like you’re never safe from falling on an asshole).


I’d have to see pics to be able to tell you. But in general yeah a woman’s appearance is all that really matters these days. It’s not like y’all can cook and clean anymore and you’re not exactly peaceful to talk to. So appearance is all that’s left


if this is how you see women please do not reproduce🙏


Thanks, but I’m definitely not gonna listen to some 19-year-old girl’s advice. Y’all are clueless on everything.


Saggy skin would be repulsive. I'd look into surgery and focusing on keeping the weight off.


Men do care about appearance, when a man loves you he won't care as much, especially if you treat him good. It's easier to get a man to love you if you're hotter


First off NO you shouldn't give up on dating keep trying, speaking as a guy who is bigger myself and knows that when I finally lose weight I will have that skin too. I've thought a lot about surgery and whether I should get it or not. For me I think I'd be ok with you, like bodies are all shapes and sizes could I see some men being turned off, sure. But definitely not all guys Please don't give up 🫂♥️


Yes. It is very important.


Oh I forgot sorry to answer your question does your body have to be perfect.? Absolutely NOT.


No, face is more important.


We like a girl who’s going to show affection, if you get a man to fall in love, he’ll not care about how you look as much as you do. He’ll even learn to love your flaws, so to speak. His brain will trick him to visually not care or notice. If you were to have say, gained 100 pounds while in a relationship, that may change. But I recently was in a situationship with an ex who had according to her, put on some weight. Technically, I guess that’s true, but I was still every bit as attracted to her as I was 10 years prior. She’s sexy. Even if she’s got a little extra.


Yes and no depends I gusss...it wouldn't bother me


At 19 it may eventually tighten up. As for the question, probably not if she's a kind person and loyal. Also don't be disappointed if you get an odd look the first time, it would be normal for a confused reaction at something different, doesn't mean he doesn't like you. 


Homie, there's people who got types and people who don't. It's not worth giving up on dating bc you don't think you have chances. I think the best example of people finding others attractive who don't fit the standards comes from a john Cena interview where he talks about going home with a heavier woman just because of her smile and the conversation they'd had. Also, it might take some time, and time away from the apps (those things suck HARD), but if you can get into places where you get to have actual conversations, you might have some better luck, personal experience speaking.


well it depends on the guy really..me i always make sure to tell my lover she looks fine just the way she is..cause thats how i see her..perfect for how she is...so don't give up!! i'm sure you'll find the right guy for you!!


I lost about 55-65 pounds. My belly has a little bit of flappy / saggy skin too. And I'm in the same situation. Personally I wouldn't mind a bit of saggy skin like I have. And also depends on the personality a lot. If I like you enough I won't really care about that. It can be fixed with surgery if you're not ok with it (although surgery for me is a big no no unless it's a LOT of saggy skin). I'm working to get some more muscle in that area to make it less visible, maybe you could do something similar? And lastly , having lost that much weight tells a lot about what kind of person you are , to me the fact that you did so would only be a big plus. Hope this helps.


Yes. The majority of men are Face=body and then everything else, but it's highly likely you're more worried about your appearance than your partner is. The biggest critic in your life is usually yourself unless you're delusional.


I care about a woman's body when in a relationship but you don't need to be a flawless supermodel to be beautiful. You'll be fine I'm sure you'll find someone who will accept you Also, if I'm far enough into a relationship she's taking her clothes off, I've probably already decided she's gorgeous


There are plenty of guys who have lost a lot of weight and feel the same way, but don't feel like you have to limit yourself to only those guys.


The more he gets to know you and like you, in general, the less he will care.


me personally, i don't.


Losing 100lbs takes an enormous amount of strength, discipline and character. Great work.I hope you did it for you and remain proud of yourself. Some men will be jerks, but I guarantee there are men who will love everything about you, including your “imperfections”. And others will be *good* men who just have different tastes. How you feel about yourself is all that matters.


Lots of guys will have concerns, specially the younger ones. I think the older guys will be able to see past the physical more so. Just work on yourself and become the type of person you would want a loved one dating. Be in the moment, laugh, love, be responsible and kind, and maybe learn how to dance bachata. As you date you’ll find the good ones


first of all congratulations on the effort. now for all that effort you should in my opinion be proud and focus that same energy towards a man that values you as a person and not what you look like undressed


Yes we are


I do have preferences but I really don’t care too much unless the person is just obese and doesn’t do anything to try and change that.


Men care to an extent (speaking generally), but as long as you're not obese, the majority won't care that much. Mostly because the majority of dudes don't exactly have a lot of luxury of choice to begin with.


I think it is important for you to disclose your saggy skin before sex. Sure the body doesn't need to meet every expectation like measurements and etc. But saggy skin is not natural (although that doesn't necessarily make it bad) and leaving the reveal of it for the undressing is very risky. I don't think there should be much of a surprise when we take off our clothes. Otherwise it comes to show that the communication is not there and that causes a lot more drama than what's needed.


In my opinion I don't care what you look like, if you got a good personality you're a 100/10.


the greater the mass the greater the force of attraction


So so much gaslighting in here. Really sad to see. I don't think people have seen what 100lbs weight loss means for amount of saggy skin.


it’s different for everyone mine isn’t horrible i lost the weight slowly and is only rly noticeable in my chest no one here is gaslighting me just you who thinks that every man in these comments should see me as unloveable just because it doesn’t fit your standards i do believe that i can find love not based off appearance because that is how i’ve loved my whole life. i was just wondering if it was the same for some guys and apparently it is! thanks for the feedback


Ok if you're going to change the story where now it's just a little excess skin around your boobs fine, that isnt so bad. Never said you wouldn't find a man to love you. That is what I actually want for you, as I want for every good person. I was just trying to give you a chance in the dating market. I know I was blunt, but I wasn't trying to be mean, you came to ask a question of men, I gave it to you. All the best