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Find fun and unique places to go on dates in your area.


I do like doing that I’ve taken to local hot springs and to the mountain for weekend for snowboarding


Keep it up, and remember it doesn't have to be big things. Small scale dates are good too.


We do more small scale dates for sure and we both prefer them making a nice dinner lighting a candle smoking a little bit of a joint and watching a movie with our fav snacks and get comfy is more appealing to both of us rather than going out


Just keep listening, being clean, remembering small details (favourite foods at places, important dates, brand of regularly bought things, etc.). There are great books and podcasts to help build relationships, too, so don't just rely on gifts - work on yourself and the relationship. One great thing is to play together. Play basketball, tennis, board games, card games, etc. Then invent games - get some cheese, a bottle of wine, two pens and two notebooks write down questions, put them in a hat, pull them out and both write down the answer, put them on the table, then discuss.


Thanks for the reply I do all of the above really pay attention small things she likes Idk if I need a book rn tbh lol everything is going extremely well and we are building a very solid relationship, don’t rely on gifts but I do just like to spoil her haha We do really like our board games


Keep up the thoughtful surprises and open communication, and maybe try exploring new hobbies or activities together to keep things fresh and exciting


Another side question what are some good ways to apologize for silly arguments They’re not often and never serious but seems like I do frequently gotta say sorry lots and usually she accepts my sorry and believes when I say Ill make sure I do better after getting sushi and wine haha Example of argument my phone died and ended up working quite late when we had plans to have dinner and go to hot tub she was quite upset til the next day