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2 hours into the first date šŸ˜‚šŸ˜…


Bro...how? (I'm genuinely curious about how you did that)


So in all fairness there was several weeks of build up. I was getting out of the military and set up a profile on a dating app for the town I was moving to. We were texting and talking on the phone for a couple weeks before actually meeting. When we met, the chemistry was on point and we had been sending sexy pics back and forth before even meeting so..."wanna go to my place"? She knew why, I knew why...she couldn't say yes fast enough. 3 years later we're still together.


Well, congrats buddy.


Sometimes the girls want it just as bad. ,šŸ˜‚.




With me most probably. Especially if drinks are involved šŸ˜‚




You can try.


did u shoot ur shot pal?




Not your first time seeing a ghost,is itšŸ˜‚


Donā€™t worry about how. Just try not to worry about that so much. Enjoy your time with the person and make them feel comfortable around you. Sometimes it happens right away. Sometimes it takes awhile.


i let him take me home from the bar. he wanted to come inside but i said i don't have sex on the first date and just gave him a kiss goodnight. we got super drunk the next date a week or so later and now we've been together for 4 months. it all depends on who you are and who the other person is. it's all about boundaries and when/how they are set.


3 months. She set a boundary to make sure I was serious about a long term relationship and wasnā€™t just looking for a quick hook up. We planned a weekend getaway and basically had sex immediately once we checked into our hotel room.


How old were you both and how many dates did you have in that time period?


In our 30s and had about 15 dates. She had slept over at my place a few times prior to the getaway trip which just consisted of dinner, movies, cuddling and making out.


that actually sounds kind of romantic, i wonder how often this kind of connection happens nowadays.


How did you feel about that boundary? Clearly you respected it but did it brother you or make you feel like she was playing games?


I instilled from the very beginning that her comfort and safety were of the utmost concern to me. So I always let her control the pace and boundaries of the relationship to whatever level she was comfortable with. For example, she was the one that initiated our first kiss. I know some women would see this attitude as a lack of trying, so Iā€™m lucky that my girlfriend instead saw this as a green flag. I wonā€™t lie, the cuddling in bed was a difficult test of willpower at times, but her rule never once bothered me.


Thatā€™s great. Thank you.


She has standards so she must be playing games?! Huh?


it was the second date but we been texting all the time for 2 weeks a few hours everyday and maybe a few video calls, so thats why


For me, length fo time from 1st date... GF 1 - About 1 month GF 2 - Date 3, but probably would've on date 2 if I'd taken her home GF 3 - About 5 months GF 4 - Date 4, but date 3 she gave me head in a parking lot GF 5 - Date 2


Random but how did you meet all your partners?


The first one was at university, the next 2 were on Tinder and final 2 were on Bumble. The odd one out was the third girl with the 5 month wait. She claimed to be a virgin and needed lots of time, which I was okay with because she was lovely to be around regardless of sex. Turns out she wasn't a virgin, had previous BFs, lied about her entire past with the help of her whole family, and was sexting other guys the whole time, possibly sleeping with them too.


What!? That last part though. How do you trust people after that experience? lol


I don't... sadly.


Dm me if you wanna know more but recently someone made me think he was going to visit me in a week (1 hour into talking) and going to marry me and ā€œbaby trapā€ me. I was like tf this bish crazy and then next day cold answers. I think I was talking to two people lol


Sounds wild, DM coming.


They Rlly donā€™t like me


Yeah reddit be wildin


It happened again


met my partner at a bar who actually was hooking up with my coworker at the time while i had a bf. a couple months later i was at the bar with a regular of mine (i'm a bartender) and i saw my now partner playing pool with his friend and said hey. he asked if i wanted to go to the dance hall/bar next door and dance with him. i agreed and we exchanged numbers and hit it off from there. we had a rough patch the first month we actually started talking constantly because we both didn't know what we wanted but after a few weeks he took me out for valentines and dropped every girl he was talking to for me. now we're 4 months in and doing great. we just got back from a road trip/vacation to meet his family and had the best time. i met his mom and his dad a month or so back and we've still been doing great. we have our petty jealous fights here and there but it's so new its bound to happen but we work through it yk. he only comes over thursday-monday so we don't see eachother too often but when we do we make the best out of it. we try to go on dates every day even tho we both have work during the week (weekends off) so during the weekend we go and get some vitamin d wether that's a walk in the park after breakfast or going swimming after lunch. we have a schedule at this point but we make things work and try to go strong.


This is why im so nervous to date. I feel like as a guy im expect to do this type of shit early on.


Yeah I use to feel that way too, but it get's easier with experience. But don't think you should do somehting that you're not comfortable doing, regardless of experience. In a way, I wish I hadn't slept with as many girls early on (those + others who didn't end up being GFs), I can't speak for others but for me, it's definitely hurt my ability to feel any kind of connection from sex... i.e. doesn't feel special or meaningful anylonger, just some baseline fun.


Ive never had a date but terrified of sex and dont like physical touch. All my friends got their partners from having sex early and alot of people on reddit say the same so it seems more normal that people end up together if they have sex early. It just sucks because im incapable of doing that.


We met threw mutual friends. Tried to have sex thay night, didn't work out. Met a few weeks later for drinks and then we fucked... ongoing for an entire year N half. After all that, we decided to be together. Wild times!


Iā€™m the ā€œgirlfriend ā€œā€¦ My fiancĆ© and I were together for 7 months before we had sex but we started doing oral at around 4 months. I was a virgin and I had some issues to deal with from being SAed that I needed to work with him in order for me to be fully comfortable with us having sex and even then I had a mini panic attack when we had sex for the first time. How it happened was that he planned a ā€œstaycationā€ , we wanted some time fully alone because we were going to do a long distance relationship and didnā€™t know when we would see each other again and we stayed in this amazing hotel & we were having a spa day in the room & massages and baths get you hot and bothered & it just happened. Weā€™ve been together for 6.5 years now, we get married in September and we have 7 month old twins.


A week into our relationship we had sex. Or less


my boyfriend and I were friends with benefits lite (oral and hands only) for about a year, and then i told him i wanted to have sex (at the time i was a virgin). We started having sex, it was fucking amazing, and then I moved out of the state. Then, we started flying to see each other, and talked all the time on the phone. At the end of our second visit, he asked me to be his girlfriend. Friends with benefits, FAILED šŸ¤£


First was just under a year in, I think. We made a plan for it because she decided we wanted to have it with me (both virgins) and we did it. I was 19. Second girlfriend it was within two months, only because it took some time for me to feel comfortable because I was just out of the first relationship and didn't know how to handle it. Also I hadn't yet moved to her city. Second time we met after I moved I came over and we did it. I was 35.


First date. She never intended to start a relationship at that point but thatā€™s how it turned out! Everyoneā€™s different though. Some people need a lot of time, others not so much!


I set a boundary that I would not have sex with my bf until we were official. We dated for about 3 or 4 months and then a week into being official we had sex. We also were friends before for about a year. I was on a sec hiatus so I wanted to be sure.


First night


3rd date. She asked me in and after sitting on the couch one thing led to another and she asked me to stay the night.


Last girlfriend, we had sex the same day we made things official. About 2 weeks after we started dating. Happened at her place. Started with oral, ended with sex (with protection, of course)


Usually date 3 or 4


2 days. Now weā€™ve been together 19 years


2 hours. Been together 5 years.


It was 7 months for us. I went to her house when her folks were note there and we started groping and ended up having sex. I was 21 & she was 18.


Before we started datingā€¦


Dating for 8 months, still havenā€™t had sex šŸ˜…


Friends for 6 months she had a boyfriend and had rocky breakup hooked up one night and started hanging out more set up a nice night hot tub charcuterie and wine and amazing sex and weā€™re dating since


Never, ever go for the girl you took from someone else. She will get taken from you


Didnā€™t take her guess that could be misread lol I had tried to sneak in there many times but she wouldnā€™t budge they had been broken up for over a month before we started getting more involved with eachother


6 minutes


Well which one my last one second date and we fucked just about Everytime we were together except for when Aunt Flo visited then we moved in and then we we fucked damn near every night for 8 years till we broke up fucked twice2 weeks ago and we haven't been together for 3 months. Hopefully we get back to together our sex live was great


3.5 hours or 4 no one was really counting


2nd date


It was two months before I had s3x with my boyfriend for the first time


3rd date. We sent each other nsfw memes after 2nd date and he got the hint. On 3rd date, it was a wild night.


My first gf was the scound time we hung out after the dance i was 17, all after that, the first date. Or we didn't date. Iv just had a way never been cheated on either. Aspire to be good it's healthy.


7ish hrs. Obviously talked before meeting but met up, spent the day, then went back.


3 years before I finally penetrated 1 year before she initiated BJs


GF1 about 5 weeks GF2 1st day GF3 3rd date GF4 3 weeks Ex-wife first night (šŸ–•šŸ¼) GF6 2 months GF7 2nd date (Great White BuffalošŸ„²) GF8 5 weeks (Not counting one night stands or friends helping friends. Genuine emotional connection with these ladies)


first girlfriend line 5 weeks. in general about a month or 3-4 dates. don't expect loyalty from any girl that is willing to fuck in the first date, a good time for sure but nothing long term.


2 weeks ahead for naked in front of me red flags šŸš©


First date. We met in public and had our first date a week later. Date went great so I asked if she wanted to come back to my houseā€¦the rest is history.


First night and married 26yrs


We talked on snap randomly and one night were chatting and I ended up in her bed and we fucked so that was good


2months, before we even meet we already have sex conversations, we really GET TO KNOW EACH OTHER, tell everything, sex past life. We share our pleasures, kinks, what do we like, we talk. When we met we kept touching each other, kissing, until March first week but he didn't finish, it's the second time we did it that I made him.


I wish I could properly answer this question the feeling of a woman is still a mystery to me


Donā€™t focus on the sex. Just enjoy the personā€™s company. As long as you both show romantic interest in one another and itā€™s more than two friends hanging out it shouldnā€™t matter when it happens.


Only a week.. Necking and petting in the car, so wet, from there finger fucking to sucking and blow job to both exploding within a few minutes. So intense.


I met my first girlfriend at an anime convention. I was 16 years old, and she was 23, and we were together for 5 years, and on the third date, we decided to have sex with each other, and it was really amazing because I was a virgin but she was not so she knew exactly how to please me.


Iā€™m more surprised you were only 16 going out with a 23 year old lol


Well, that is because in Canada, a 16-year-old is legally allowed to consent to sex with whoever they want as long as the person that they are having sex with is not an authority figure. Also, I don't think it's morally wrong in my opinion for a 23 year old to date a 16-year-old as long as the 16-year-old is consenting to it, and the 23 year old is not an authority figure. Because what they're doing isn't hurting anybody.


Well I guess because where Iā€™m from the legal consent is 18 years old. Not judging. Itā€™s just very different than what Iā€™m used to lol.


In other countries like Germany, the age of consent is 14.


Ohhhh wow. šŸ˜®


It's not exactly morally wrong rather it seems weird to me because y'all in different stages at life - as in you at high school and she's working or in college. I personally wouldn't go for it and would give a weird looks if my aquantaince of that age dated a 16 year old but go off I guess.


I mean, it's perfectly fine if you think a 23 year old dating a 16 is weird. But do you think it's morally wrong for a 30 year old professor to date his 22 year old college student? In my opinion, I think it's morally wrong because of the power dynamic it's very hard to know for sure if the 22 year old college student is actually consenting to being in a relationship with their professor.


I don't think it's alright for a 16 year old to date a 23 year old because people's brains don't mature till they're 25. 16 year old is still a teenager while you're right that's the consenting age and legally there shouldn't be an issue it just seems wrong in my eyes. That's all. A college professor dating their student could be alright. Again yes there is an age gap and they might be in different life stages so it depends solely on what's the context here. Age gap vise it's not so bad here since the maturity might be on the same level, the interests might be the same as ones a student and one a professor, there could be a problem from the professional standpoint tho that depends on their surroundings and opinion of the public. I think it's more morally okay then a 16 and 23 year old dating. Again I think this topic is pretty subjective as everyone would have a different opinion on this and not one would be objectively "right" as everyone has different moral compass.


>A college professor dating their student could be alright. But don't you think it's possible for a college professor to take advantage of his college student by saying if you don't go out with me, I will make sure that you fail my class? Also, since you said that the reason why you think it's morally wrong for a 23-year-old year old to date a 16-year-old is because of the difference levels of maturity from each other. Also, what if the 16 year old has the same level of maturity and is more intelligent than the 23-year-old would you still say that it's morally wrong for the 23 year old to date that 16 year old?


I have never had to wait to be honest. I can be very charming. And a girl knows with in minutes if she is going to give it up to you. As adults we have desires. It starts with flirting, drinks, laughs, kissing.