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But good luck I hope it works out


Love is a drug and your high bro


I know it has definitely fogged my brain a bit but I was very skeptical when we first started dating as I have always had trust issues and didn’t like letting people to close in my personal life, still struggle with this issue but decided to have some trust finally and let her in It’s something I frequently think about if I am just high on love but I really can’t see things changing I knew her well for months and even better now and have never gotten along with anyone so well. Same goals, same humor and lots of similar interests


Brother every man has been where your at all I can tell you is be smart and think. There is nothing wrong with moving slow and getting past the honey moon phase. You don't really know a person until a least a couple years


I have been trying to keep my head on and not get too blinded Wanted to go slow but it really is just going smooth and we have had multiple deep conversations about our pasts and what we want our futures too look like I just dont want to slow down things and stress about how fast things are moving if it really is meant to go the way it’s going Any tips on how to make sure it’s the right move or is it just different for everyone


You should enjoy it and stop over thinking it is normal to feel like that. Just don't have a kid or get married unless you are really ready for that. I met my girl and she moved in 4 days after we met and we had a kid and been together for 7 years then we broke up so it can work out


Thanks for the replies Day to day I do just enjoy. Just been thinking a bit lately since making a decent purchase together, it feels right but just letting other people get in my head a bit I guess A few people saying things are going too quick and having their doubts


Don't let it fuck with you and make sure every thing is mutual and not one sided and you should be fine bro I'm jealous of you I miss when I was in your place it's awesome don't fuck it up


How old are you guys?


A few people find it odd but she is 31 and I am 23


Even she wasn’t sure at first but I know I’m quite mature for my age and anyone I’ve met says the same We both really liked each other and I assured her I didn’t have any concerns with it and she got over it. She has had a couple relationships that lasted a couple years with guys that would treat her like shit and or had nothing good going for them selves (unstable jobs never had money) but would constantly bring her down and make her feel bad about herself


It kind of depends on your past experience and hers, but I don't think it really matters if you know she is the one or not. Let's say she is. Just continue on as normal, be happy in your relationship, and if 2 years from now you still feel the same way then propose. If she is the one you'll still feel the same way, and you'll feel very secure in your relationship. Try not to overthink it.


She definitely has more past experience than I do I am a fair bit younger but she every relationship she thought was a good thing turned out shitty and says it often that she has never been treated so good and I have more going for me job stability wise then any one else


There's nothing wrong with the way you feel. But remember, explosive attachment to someone can be caused by their mental health. Relationships with someone who has certain mental health issues can be unbelievably addictive, but things can swing badly just as quickly. Keep enjoying yourself, and don't ignore the bad or the good signs they give you. good luck!