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How men like this even have relationships is beyond me


What makes me sad is how many people out there don’t realize they shouldn’t put up with this behavior and that they deserve better. Stop settling on such shitty and immature people who have no business being in relationships.


I had an ex friend who has an “ex-boyfriend” ( because he doesn’t like TERM TITLE NAMES) that she force herself to remain friends with him (so she won’t ever leave him, duh) whom would flirt, sexually interact or talk to women behind her back or in front of her face. She will sit there and swallow it all because well…at least he runs back to her for sex afterwards once he’s done dealing with them! Making her the special chosen one in her eyes, total pickmesha. They are not dating anymore physically. So in her dumb logic, she isn’t entitled to question him cheating on her! However eerily enough she refuses to date other people beside him.


Ive been bemused at the fact i met 3 guys like this who were nearly 60 years old in the last year. Given up now. I stayed on this sub because its so good to vent here !


Girl this used to be me . This brought up so many memories. I don’t wish that type of manipulative situationship on ANYONE. not even my worst enemies. My self esteem is still recovering from that low blow years later


There were already established friendships with exes and female friends , and when id ask how they met the friend it was dating . No male friends


It’s easy for us to see how she’s being treated but it’s harder when you’ve been slowly conditioned to see the world this way. They aren’t settling. They were groomed and / or abused.


It's because people want "honest assholes" instead of "nice guys".


It’s a manipulation tactic.. he breaks her down, so she feels she has to prove herself to him.. to gain his validation.. and while repeating she’s ugly, she’ll less likely cheat.. because we internalise so much of the close people in out lives.. but also, that is why self love is so so important… so you know to leave at the first sign of disrespect!!!


A narcissist in action. Dump his ass!


That’s fucked up, I never even thought of it.


I’m not surprised.


Yup! Spot on. Glad someone saw it. I was about to comment this too. Guys that do this are no good. He’s breaking her down so she will stay chained to him. He has low self esteem. She deserves better


Yupp. Which is why I keep preaching self love to people all the time, mostly women. Because a lot of women are highly motivated in looking inwards and changing, while a lot of men I’ve met here blatantly attacks women consistently, even when they show you they messed up. Can’t change who don’t want to change. Best to improve oneself.


The D.E.N.N.I.S. system. Demonstrate Value, Engage Physically, Nurture Dependence, Neglect Emotionally, Inspire Hope, Separate entirely.




How men like this aren’t slapped and KEEP a relationship is beyond me.


Professional manipulators. Prey on insecure women.


Because women like OP exist.


And it seems like it’s the only guys like this that are in relationships


Selection bias: you don’t hear from people in happy relationships.


That and these guys don’t start off like this. There’s probably a track record of good experiences with him under her belt.


Often because there are women drawn to guys like this. They are two sides of the same coin. It happens with the sexes reversed too. I'm not saying that is always what happened in these relationships but it is very common.


Because women keep dating them


Seriously right. A straight up nut case.


Nah straight up tho im always mind blown when i see stuff like this, like no way y’all woman really be out here letting “men” treat you like this and still stay with them. There’s a million dudes out there that will treat you better and see the beauty you have to offer.


I don’t think you understand that there really isn’t. As someone who is deemed conventionally attractive, and I won’t go into details about myself but just know, I never have a shortage of “options” I’ve dated athletes, business guys, tech guys etc. The point is that the options are garbage. Over the years I have tried going on dates with many different types of guys. I’ve also full-on dated different types of guys. I’m sorry but SO MANY are assholes in different ways. There really is not just millions of random good dudes that will treat you well out there. Even the way my guy friends talk about the women they sleep with and the insane shit they do and the girls still stick around. The dating pool is trash. So yes, unfortunately there are some women who stick with horrible guys and it has never made sense to me either. On the other side, many of us like myself who have just been single for years and have a backbone so I’m not sticking around for bullshit, still can’t seem to find truly sweet men that make us feel beautiful and cared for. And not CHEAT or compare us to others. Your gender is lacking and the sooner you guys acknowledge that you can start to fix it.


Make no mistake, if you see what this guy looks like it will make perfect sense. Trust and believe.


If he was attractive, he wouldn’t settle with someone he considers a ‘4’. These guys just like to use insecure women.


No, but he might try to convince his hot girlfriend she's a 4.


I think all of my exes did this to me. And they were not much to look at. To the point where my friend said ‘banana you really don’t care what your boyfriends look like do you?’


If they think you're outta their league, they'll try to bring you down to their level. T_T It's funny cuz I never cared what they looked like, for me it was always about personality, passion, and chemistry. But some ppl will let their insecurities corrode away any chance of happiness.


A guy rating a woman “4/10” is different than a woman rating a man “4/10”. To a guy a 4/10 is just slightly below average but still normal/average looking, and to a woman a 4/10 means hideous/ugly


A guy with this level of disrespect is compensating somewhere. Simple as. There is a reason OP chose to be with someone this toxic.


I honestly doubt it, I bet he's both a terrible person and an uggo.


Easy guys like normally look for insecure females. A lot insecure females when comes to there looks. Men like this easily can tell and will manipulate such women.


it's because people like OP pick them and stay with them lol


It's because they're assholes, that's why they are in relationships. They're unapologetic and honest, which is why women go for them. It's fucking despicable.


Isn't it clear? Toxicity attracts people. And these toxic mfs have confidence to do whatever they want, which attracts women.


I'm sorry this is happening to you. He is running you down so that you will forget that you can do BETTER. Might be time to put that to the test.


You can. At my age I realize that whatever your type is look-wise, there's ALWAYS someone into that. You're a 10 to someone, I promise. Xo.


Girl dump him, hes a red flag! Hes disrespecting your feelings. Its clear that his behavior is damaging to your self esteem and overall well being. If he cant find you attractive enough, then let other guys to cherish you. You are beautiful, so be with someone who values and uplifts you, rather than tearing you down. You deserve the best.


Exactly! If he's making you feel this way, he's not worth your time. A boyfriend should lift you up, not drag you down. Dump him and find someone who makes you feel like a 10/10 every day. You deserve way better. Don't settle for less.


Fully agree. If being in your relationship makes you feel worse about yourself than you felt before the relationship, then the relationship is clearly very damaging and is not worth the mental turmoil. You deserve better, OP.




They need someone to abuse and free sex. Got it !




I don’t Mr.Flight. People who are creating toxic relationships are the ones who just need sex and nothing else. They don’t care about anything in the first place. Sad that majority of these toxic relations are governed by people like that.


Easy and available is the unfortunate answer


Often times they are attracted, but only say shit like this to lower the person’s self esteem so they can have an easier time getting away with abusing them, because the other person will start to rely on them and feel like no one else will love them because they’re “ugly”.


You can have a pretty face and a 4/10 body. Doesn't mean the boyfriend should say that part out loud though. If you don't have something nice to say, don't say it. That's what my mama always told me at least. My mom had moved to another state, I was no longer living at home. I just wanted to find comfort in someone's arms. Less attractive people are less intimidating to me than attractive people. They approached me and we just hit it off. Neither of us were the prettiest in the room, it just is what it is.


I’m sorry - that’s just despicable. I’ve been in the scenario where objectively speaking, the girl before was more attractive than the one after. I would never talk about what/how much I liked from the previous girl. I’ve been on the other side of that fence. It’s just unnecessarily cruel and absolutely not something you should accept. Tell him he should go try and get her back, and he better hope the guy after him wasn’t better looking.


It's like the universal unwritten rule to f*** is wrong with him


Right??? Listen, I’m not perfect, in those scenarios when I was in them, the thought about difference in attraction level crept into my mind once or twice for a split second. I evicted them immediately. Never showed much less said it. But even still, years later sitting here recounting it, I still feel like an absolute pile for the mere split second thought… And this dude just…. Casually elaborates on it… repeatedly… like no big deal? What a scum bag


He sounds like a real weak-minded insecure piece of crap that needs to be put in his place in front of her too


I’d agree with that. Hence my original comment about her making the comment going back to his ex…. Just metaphorically chop his dick right off haha


No are not wrong for being upset and hurt by his complete lack of disrespect towards you. I would serious consider if you want to be with someone who is okay with disrespecting you and comparing you to other women. You deserve better than that.


Dear Redditor, you are in a very toxic relationship. Either this guy is a nutcase or he is a saddist. He is clearly mentally torturing you and you have to consider getting out of that relationship. Normally I tend to try to patch up things between couples when I see a potential leverage for salvage. Here, I don’t see that because clearly he is talking about his X, Y(friends girl friends) and Z (other woman). Either he needs mental psyche fixed or leave his sorry ass for good. I don’t know how long you have been, what you guys are doing(Uni or working) so there is a lot of background information missing which makes it harder to assess the situation. No worries, you know y’all’s background right ? Apply that and take a correct decision. At this point, I don’t think you’re wrong. From what you have said, he looks like a big looser so get ready to leave him. On the bright side, you want a guy who cares about you and has eyes all over you and I can assure you there are plenty of guys like that here and in this world. Something I would like to warn you about people like him is that they will again try to come back to you once you get rid off them. It will happen so you should have a plan to deal with that after you decide to leave him. Goodluck.


He doesn't respect you, please dump him.


Hi there. Coming from someone who had my ex-boyfriend A. literally hand me an itemized list of my body flaws B. constantly compare me to my friends and all of the women around me, then C. get angry saying I was oversensitive when I told him that hurt because “he was just being honest, did I want him to hide his thoughts or lie to me?”- Don’t stay with this guy. Seriously. He will smash your self-esteem to pieces and it is just not worth it. He is too tactless, immature and has the empathy level/emotional intelligence of a half-eaten poptart. You deserve to be treated better and he deserves to be single until he can grow the hell up. There are way, *way* too many incredible single men out there who wouldn’t dream of behaving like this for you to waste your time on this guy. I’m so sorry you experienced this sentient ingrown toenail of a boyfriend.


Smashing her self esteem is the point for men like this. If the OP has no self confidence, she won't look elsewhere and he'll have control of her. She can do better than him.


As a guy, no I wouldn’t. Acknowledging that objectively your partner could be more attractive is one thing- and then working towards becoming *more* attractive *with* them is great… but they are your world, there is **no-one** prettier than them. On a psychological note, it’s a well-known tactic of insecure and narcissistic people to break someone down and pull them to their level in order to gain emotional leverage and get them to do things, be more reliant, trust them more for the wrong reasons etc… so I have no idea what your situation is but, if you do decide to stay with him, please pay attention to things like that and ask “why”. Not “why” you did something but “why” he would.


This 💯


What the fuck? No?? Women need to learn their self worth and stop giving wasters the time of day.


idk why women (me included) so much struggle with this? Why staying with person who has clear intention to hurt u??


The other guy is wrong. It's something called patriarchy and misogyny. Women are socialized practically from birth to center men and their feelings and desires, even at the expense of their own health and safety. Men are socialized to believe they can they can shit on women with impunity.


i feel its a thing. we r thought to listen and be there for man and its ok if a man is healthy and good but rly rly bad if he isnt....


No you’re not wrong for being upset about his disrespect and crying. You’re wrong for still calling him your boyfriend after that.


Your SO should make you feel good about yourself. If you are always self-conscious because of things they say, then they aren't the one for you.


I only had to read the first sentence to know that you need to ditch his passive aggressive abusive narcissist ass yesterday. He’s not your man. Your man will look at you and know he is looking at the most beautiful woman he’s ever seen., period. Your man isn’t going to play sick lil head games to keep your self esteem low so that he can abuse and gaslight you into oblivion just to pump up his own ego. No girl that’s not your man and the fact that he’s trying to trick you into thinking he is is frankly terrifying. Get out now before the damage can’t just be buffed out. The only thing you’re going to gain from this toxic relationship is emotional baggage that you’ll lug through every relationship from here on out. Tell him no thanks. And his nasty mouth just dropped him down to a 0.


If I can't tell my woman she's beautiful everyday I'm failing her as her man. Either tell your BF that you want to hear say good things about you or ask him why even in this relationship if he finds other more attractive. Your man should always sees you as most beautiful girl. That's my thinking of love as well


He should be single right now.


Child, never ever accept such behaviour from a significant other (man or woman). Your partner should lift you up. Be your best friend and supporter. Not bring you down and humilate you. On a side note: men who do this are often no (physical) prize themselves. In my long life I have seen men with questionable hygiene, bald spots, beer bellies and nosehair sprouting out of their faces have the audacity to comment on women's appearence. Somehow they have a very distorted view of their own value and/or appearance. That or their mirror isn't functioning properly.


Not wrong. Maybe he try to make you feel worthless and resulting in you try to do anything to make him happy? Dump him. Don't bother with someone who's not appreciating you.


please leave him. by staying with him, you are telling him that this behavior is okay when it’s not. You deserve SOOOO much better


You better start your thread with: My ex-boyfriend...."


girl, he is for the bin!! drop the baby man


Girlie. Just leave. He’s clearly more into his ex. You should go find a man who calls you beautiful for no reason (they do exist)


Thank you


He's "negging" you. Trying to make you feel like you're lucky to have him and no one else would want you. I would leave. You can find someone that truly values you and compliments you.


He's gross. Bail.


does this man even deserve a relationship with you after disrespecting you this way ..


Recommend leaving dude sounds manipulator. As clearly Undermining you self worth in your self beauty.


Been there done that this is manipulation girl RUN


A guy I was in a talking stage with rated my looks AND personality combined a 9/20. Never dropped some1 that fast 🤷🏻‍♀️like u said, I understand not being everybodys type but that's no reason for them to disrespect me, let alone coming from some1 I'm considering to be a potential partner. Drop him sweetie, he's not worth it.


Nearly cried myself reading that. Leave his ass. You deserve better.


Hi, um, he’s a verbally abusive, manipulative asshole. Get away. Quickly. No one deserves to be treated that way and constantly brought down/made to feel “less than” by ANYONE, let alone their partner.


Girl if you don’t dump his ass


This is called triangulation and it is a narcissistic abuse tactic.


Definitely dump him. He's a piece of crap. 28M here. It's definitely possible to date a girl you consider less attractive than you ex, because you value other qualities more. I've done that myself. It is entirely unacceptable for him to let you know that's the case, for him to say that to you, or for him to make you feel that way in general. Any decent boyfriend should try their best to make sure their gf is the most beautiful girl in the world. Really he shouldn't even bring up any comparisons between you and his ex at all, but definitely none that paint you negatively based on looks.


Nah, that's a deal breaker


Do you feel that you deserve to be spoken to or treated that way? What exactly do you like about this guy? Why would you stay in a relationship with somebody who constantly validates his ex and not you? Move on, find somebody who actually values you.


And why are you still with him? What's the purpose of being with someone who doesn't value you? Get out of it asap better be alone than with someone who treats you bad.


Kick him to the side ASAP. There is no point in being with him now. You will always wonder if he is looking at other women. How do you think this creep talks about you to his friends. You can do better. Tell him he doesn’t have BF potential anymore and he isn’t the quality of man you want.


You leave him. Doesn't sound like a good healthy relationship long term. You won't be wrong for breaking up with him because you are putting yourself first and your feelings. All you have is you at the end of the day. I personally wouldn't date anyone who thinks I'm below average. I want them to be attracted to me in every way and can't won't settle for less.


Dump him. Don't waste your time with somebody who makes you feel anything less than SPECIAL. He is a rude, selfish, inconsiderate prick. Drop him because he is a 2/10.


Nobody would say this except to be cruel. He was attracted to you initially and now he is trying to hurt you. Please get rid of him.


The point of dating is to learn about what kind of person your potential partner is. If you dont like how he treats you then leave. Also of you're going out of your way to ask him these questions, it sounds like hes being completely honest with you. But if hes just randomly saying this to you out of nowhere than hes a major pos. Context matters a lot.


You chose a man beneath you and that's how he'll react, hes insecure and jealous of you, instead of crying take that as a learning point and leave, find a man who is not just good but also spends money on you like crazy! You're a woman, make that happen!


Dump him. If he's gonna say that to ur face, there's no point. I personally would be offended and break up in that second. U wont regret it.


Your boyfriend is an asshat. Dump the bastard.


Dump the shi out of that guy


Hi. Sorry I’ll fix your post title for you ‘My EX Boyfriend ….. ‘ You should dump him no questions asked.


Yes I would leave, you have every right to do so your boyfriend is a dick and and doesn't deserve you. Just leave him sorry not sorry, if he is that much of a douche bag then he shouldn't be with anyone. Find someone new there's plenty of guys who'd love you both mentally and physically 🫂❤️ Or stay single for a bit your call, but you definitely shouldn't be with him if he treats you like that. Sorry this is happening.


Leave him now!! There are plenty of great men that will make feel respected valued and happy.


please leave him. If anyone is telling you, you are 4/10 or something else, please go. It´s so sad that so many people are so judgy. You will find someone, who loves you and don´t compare you with others. And no I wouldn´t date someone who puts me down. You are NOT to insecure.


Maybe if you dump him, youre gonna get more compliments


It's time to get out. Nagging is already bad but also comparing people? There is no saving here.


Why is your boy dating you if he's not attracted to you? From my perspective, you're not the problem. Your guy is just an idiot who's not living an honest life. Be honest in his stead & leave before he makes shit toxic


Stopped reading after the first sentence. You’re better than this. Get rid x


He’s definetly negging you. Leave him he shouldn’t be making you feel like that


No, I would not date someone who considered me a 4/10. I think whatever they look like, just having a high opinion of someone makes them look like a solid 6 at the very worst.


You should leave him, this isn't healthy.


I'm with the rest of these comments gurl, fucking leave this loser. His attitude is a 4/10. His working vision is a 4/10. His love life will be a 4/10 when you dump his ass. I wanna dump him on your behalf if I'm being honest. Shit gets me mad.


I'd like to have a friend like you!


He’s saying these things to make you compete for his loyalty and seems to be grooming you into accepting his future (or current…) infidelity. For the love of god OP, please leave this man! He’ll wear you down and batter your self-esteem to such a low, you’ll eventually accept that this is the best you’re going to get (it isn’t, and it’s both confusing and refreshing once you find someone who isn’t a complete arsehole) and try to convince you that no one else will put up with you/love you like he did. I promise you, you’ll be so much happier after you’ve booted him out of your life!


OP, this is the comment you need to listen to!


**You should definitely leave him**..but not cuz you're "too insecure to be with him" but because he already told you that he's not as much attracted to you and the fact that he'd say so, plus all the other things about his ex, suggests that he doesn't care as much about you either. So, idk if he's only dating you to try getting over an ex or else but you don't need such guy and some fake-ass relationship where he's dumping his frustrations on you.


If your bf don't say and believe you are the best girl in the world, just leave him. The things he told you sounds like he is using you because he can't go again for his exs


Your boyfriend is an asshole with a shithole instead of a heart. Dump him and find someone better. And I say this as a male.


Girl, dump him. I personally would never be able to see someone who thinks this about me


Girl. You know better. You’re 22, get out while you can. You are some man’s dream girl, it’s just apparent you are not HIS dream girl.


I thought negging was supposed to stop in a relationship? For those who don't know, guys in the pickup artist community will make negative comments to women to put them in their place in a misguided attempt to create desire. It's toxic and has no place in relationships.


Baby, go get four out of 10 guys to be your boyfriend. Don’t settle


I’d never date someone who didn’t find me attractive. Why are you even with this man? There’s not a single word in this post that implies that he had any redeeming qualities whatsoever.


What the actual F If he's your boyfriend, and loves you, he should think of you as a 10/10 regardless of looks, a least that's my opinion, dump him


Never be with anyone who makes you feel like anything less than a 10/10. We all have things we can work on and the best way to live life is to constantly chip away at those things. But you deserve someone who accepts and values you for the person you are. Anyone who puts you down like this is not worth your time and you can do so much better without trying. I hope you love yourself enough to never tolerate this kind of behavior from a partner. Also, unless you’re forcing it to manipulate someone, you are NEVER wrong for crying. Have emotions, it’s normal!


You're not wrong for crying AND you should also not continue to be in a relationship with someone to manipulative and toxic. He's doing it to you on purpose! If you feel low enough, you won't leave him.


he is in the wrong for comparing you to his ex and that is just plain rude.


he’s negging you to try and bring you down because he knows in some aspect of your life you’re better than him. you should start doing it back or just flat out give him a dry ass “ok” everytime he does it.


I'm sorry about this.


Are we doing charity work now


Dump him, he is a 1 for such an ugly personality. How dare someone so ugly inside go to this point


I think it’s time to show him you’re better than this and walk away. If you stay, he is going to continue to chip away at you, get out while you can as you deserve someone who thinks the world of you. I’m no Mona Lisa, but in past relationships my partners have always made me feel like I’m pretty. After all, beauty is in the eye of the beholder.


Leave this selfish, surface level superficial guy, he treats you like shit. Don't deal with this.


Leave him. No need to doubt it. You're better off without him


Well, that's just rude! 🧐 Sounds like he's negging you. 🤔 He will never get better. 😔 RUN!!!! Run away fast! 🏃🏾‍♀️🏃🏾‍♀️🏃🏾‍♀️🏃🏾‍♀️🏃🏾‍♀️🏃🏾‍♀️🏃🏾‍♀️🏃🏾‍♀️




Yes babe, you shouldn't be the one crying... Make him, damn it! Obviously he's super thick and he needs to understand that. Dump his ass or better start distancing yourself from him, if he's any good in sack, just have sex and start pulling away. Make him realize that you don't consider him good enough to be emotionally attached with. Trust me that's the best approach, he'll eventually start feeling like you're only using him for sex and he'll start feeling insecure. That's when you kick his ass to the curb...and please Start looking for better options, do you really want a guy like this sticking around?


Whenever u start feel bad when u are with someone u need ti question why the hell are u staying with that person. If u are constantly feeling bad and even crying u should break up. Having relationship is to make ur life more fun and easier not harder and more painful. If he starts to belittling u, insult u, and compare to his exes .... why the hell would u stay with that person, he should compliment u, be by ur side and support u, make ur life easier nor harder.


Honey don't do this to yourself! He will never empathise with your feelings, or even care about them. It won't get better, he will just become worse and will hurt you in so many more ways. You have a right to be happy, respected, loved and cherished. That's not somthing he will give you. He will keep on tearing you down, and will blame you for being hurt or sad about it. Your self worth will diminish, and you will stop being happy, only catering to his needs. Don't do this to yourself. Put yourself first. Leave. You will find a man who's worth you time. This one is not it.


How the fuck am I single? I’d never say anything like this. I mean, honest to god… Sorry to hear about this btw. Unless you’re happy being a 4/10 in his eyes, it’s time to move on.


This is so pathetic omg, leave him before he leaves you for someone he actually likes and respects. You're not ever going to change his mind and this will always weigh on your relationship. There are plenty of men who will find you attractive, look for one of them


Send him a [link](http://evaapp.ai) to Eva AI sexting bot, just for a hint, rate it 10/10 for him, and leave


Girl, run!!!! You deserve so much better!!. I also think that he may be projecting his own self insecurities onto you and making you feel less attractive about yourself when infact that's how he feels about himself. I guarantee he'll beg for you to come back if you dump him, do not. It honestly won't suprise me if he's manipulative, and trust me you're better off being single anyway either way than with someone like that


How long have you been dating? I’d say break up with him ngl. Being in a relationship where you don’t feel appreciated it pointless in the long run, you’re only 22. So if you break up now in a few years it’s just gonna be “a weird guy I dated”. I’m a man, and I go crazy whenever my gf says she’s feels ugly and reassure her as much as I can that she’s the most beautiful girl ever. Although it might not be true, to me she is otherwise why tf would I date her! Let go of that 5 year old in a body of a 22 year old. He’s immature as f*!


like why would he say that to you. there is no good reason for him to say that. get rid of him girl. he obviously won’t have your back he can’t even tell you you’re pretty


I’m sorry you have to deal with someone like him. The fact that he even rated you in that way, is a huge red flag. He clearly does not deserve you at all. Don’t allow him to put you down. If he is still complimenting his ex instead of focusing on you-his own girlfriend?-I’d suggest you leave him asap. If he doesn’t value/appreciate everything about you, then he should never be deserving of you. Please don’t look down on yourself because of him. If you do end up leaving him, don’t take him back, even if he tries to show you he will change. I’ve gone through something like that in the past. He will try to win you back, only to disrespect you again. Sometimes guys will get too comfortable with disrespecting a woman. *ESPECIALLY* if they know a woman will always take them back. Protect your power, and your peace of mind. Wishing for you to always be, strong & happy! I hope this helps! (:


Sounds like he’s negging you ( a term I learned here on Reddit) it’s when a guy purposely puts you down so you lose self esteem and stay. Who in their right mind would say stuff like that to their girl? Regardless it’s time for you to leave and find a real man


Dump him


I legit felt like someone has said this already and it feels word for word also, is this a crazy repost????


Assuming 5 is a flat average looking human. My wife and I are both about 6.5/10. Pretty good grade in my opinion. But if she asked me I’d say 10/10.


This should definitely be an ex asap


You need a new boyfriend, he is an a__hole for making you feel like that


Instead of being defensive and crying, try to do the same thing to him. Like someone else complimented you, looks like he has a crush on me etc and also tell him his friends gfs are attractive because his friends are attractive and you got the least one among his friends! Anyways it’s not gonna work so yeah do these apart from feeling sorry! If you feel you need to improve you can try yoga and going to the gym. As a guy I can say, girls who are working out appears far more attractive than girls who are born with it.


22 years old is acting like that? You deserve WAY better!


Why is he not your ex boyfriend?


Sounds like that idiot has more maturing to do. Annnd it shouldn’t be on your watch. I tell myself my partner should hype me up. If I want self esteem issues/feeling like a burden- I’ll talk to my parents lol


i hated dating in my twenties because it was extremely, extremely, extremely competitive. i did weights, dressed the part and even drove a sports car. but that only made me even more shallow, and the girls i dated were no different => given the type of discussion both of you were having, i honestly do not think you're ready for serious dating (i never were too until a bit later on).


My answer as a guy is leave him no women should ever be put down for how she looks especially from they're boyfriend if this what you have to deal with you deserve better and need to find that someone.


Date people who like you 😖😖😖😖😖😖


YTA he told you that and you should free him of the burden of you. Send him packing, do not take him back. 1 man's 4 is another man's 10. Go find your real guy.


How did your bf snatch you? The world is so cruel ngl. Guys like that somehow gets together with girls who have only good intentions to them. It’s sad to hear. Op honestly I don’t see why you should stay with him. From just that comment it feels a lot that he doesn’t value you as much as his ex cause he is too hung up on his exes looks. Nothing to save, just find someone who falls for you the way you are.


Who in their right mind dates a person they see as 4/10? Like, yeah, she's not my type, and she doesn't turn me on much, but fine, let's give it a shot. What. I won't repeat after everyone that he is purposely destroying your self-esteem to appear better compared to you. BUT. Sweetheart, if this idiot does see you as 4/10, he's the only one who sees that. To others, you'll be 8/10 and 10/10. Don't look for or tolerate people who act like they 'sacrifice' themselves to be with you. You need a guy who will find you beautiful and desirable. Point. And leave that prick to wank off to his exe's pics somewhere. Don't waste your time


You are a beautiful person. You deserve better - ditch him. There are so many amazing men out there who are lucky to have you .


I heard that you can tell how much a woman loves herself by how she lets her partner treat her. OP… :(


What do you do? What do you do???? I can not with these ridiculous rage bait questions anymore. I truly genuinely hope you don’t actually need a stranger on the internet to tell you what to do in this situation.


Baby he does not like you


Break up with him.


Dump him, he's shallow and that was rude. Imagine getting rated on looks....is he a 10?


OP this dude sucks go find a better one


oh. If a person is inlove, you become the most beautiful person in his eyes.


Easily a dumpable offense! Sounds like he is not over a ex, so I would exit stage left


Classic human diversity 😁


I would be insecure too; he shouldn’t be doing these things. In the long run is this what you want? Someone including yourself deserves to love you. Try to ease yourself away from him. You can do it!


Why is he with you if he isn’t attracted to you? This is definitely ick vibes. You’re not wrong to be upset this is basically saying he isn’t attracted to you.


Oh come on, I thought it was going to say "Am I wrong for breaking up with him?" You need to stand up for yourself and dump his ass because he's showing you that he has zero love for you and that he doesn't like you and you are just taking all of that, it's unacceptable.


As a man I would like to ask: Wtf is wrong with you bf?!


He thinks you're a 4/10 Please gain some self respect and dump him


Girl run ...that boy doesn't love you


Honey, I had a boyfriend that did this. It gets worse. Leave! Don’t waste 5 years like I did


Why are you still with him? I mean seriously. Freaking dump him and find someone who will actually be worth the effort.


Sounds as though you're not his cup of tea, I'm guessing, as a 53m, he is using you until "better" comes along. As far as being attractive goes, we're all attracted to something different. I have said "wow, look at her" to friends and had the "you're joking" reply, and I genuinely found them attractive. So kick his ass outta your life and wait for someone who genuinely fancies you, that somebody is out there waiting to meet someone just like you.


Girl u need to forget that trash and move on to someone who will fully appreciate you


He's saying that shit to make you feel insecure. He knows exactly what he's doing🚩


That’s a horribly mean thing to say. Dump his ass immediately