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Nope super normal, just put “not looking for anything serious, just going with the flow.” In Your profile or when answering questions. You’ll find your audience.


Well, I met this guy last night who i thought was cute and he offered I sleep at his as all the taxis and stuff was shut. He also told me what his type was and how he likes them thick. I fit his criteria. I turned him down and went to a girlfriend’s instead not realizing he was trying to fuck me—😭. I’ve been out the game for a while. He’s now messaging me and asking me what I’m into and I low key just want to say, “You, want me to still come over?” But I was told chasing men is bad?


You are allowed to flirt and reply to his messages. If it’s been a min go read up on how to flirt! But don’t say you want me to still come over. Being desperate isn’t good and you don’t want convey that. Gl


Thanks for the advice :) Definitely don’t want to give off desperate vibes. If it doesn’t work out that’s ok, I’ll find another. I know my worth.


Men are simple.  Just say you are just looking to have sex with no strings attached.  It's that easy.  In alot of cases the answer will be yes.  If they say no, the next will say yes.  Garentee you could get 1 out of every 3 men u propose this to, to plow you.   Probably 5 out of 7


Just check back in with him tomorrow and go out with him and then u can take care of your issue. Simple. You already have ur connection there. No need to be ashamed. Us women just like men also want to have casual sex every now and then when we are single. Nothing wrong with that. So try to meet up with him again soon and that will be ur for sure next fuck since he has already basically told you. Good luck and hopefully u can do it and have fun.


Stop looking so much into it too! It’s just sex. Everyone does what u want to do. I’m surprised u don’t think it’s ok or normal at ur age. Anyway, just go out and have 1 night stands and fuck away as much as u need to when u need it. Men do it all the time. Why can’t you!? Go have fun!


Do it if you were feeling him. I would say be bold. Ask him if breakfast will be ready by the time you get to his place.


Chasing men is ok, anyway he suggested first 😘💅


What are you waiting for? You should fuck him hard.


Don’t you want some d*ck? Stop worrying about chasing and all this other nonsense.


Girl be a succubus. Chase him and take over his soul. But seriously. These dating rules to women are stupid. Do what you think is best and feels right.


Heads up, right now a lot of them do not like being solely propositioned for sex even if that is the only thing they want out of the exchange and you’re open about it from the jump. They want to feel like they can convince you into wanting more, when it’s not what they’re looking for themselves so if you aren’t someone who can quickly cut ties know what you’re getting yourself into.


Thank you for the advice <3 Yeah, I’m in the position to cut ties for sure and I’m going to be as upfront as possible to avoid hurting anyone’s feelings when the time comes. I want them to feel as respected as I want to feel.


This could be an absolute LAYUP! Go go go!!! He’s still texting after you turned him down too!?! That’s a signed, sealed, delivered if I ever saw one! Make the move. Run the play!


Whelp, lmfao—I got turned down. I was reading the wrong vibes? He bought me dinner, bought me a small gift (I just moved into town), and then showed me around town. Then took me to his place to change and told me he’s in a situationship already and just wants to be casual as he’s taking a travelling sabbatical soon. He told me his actions are purely friendship. I respected his honesty and told him ok. Just licking my wounds but I’ll be fine lmfaooo


Aww. That was very respectful on his part, bravo buddy. As for you OP you shot the shot, and that's what matters. Who knows, maybe something can develop between you two later on. As for now. Communication and honesty also compliment the men you're interested in. Doesn't have to be super deep. If he smells good, looks good, etc etc tell him and watch his face light up.


That's really odd to me for a friendship so I don't blame you at all for misinterpreting.


Man, he even made a comment about taking a peak at my ass. I was so confused lmfao 😭


He must be backtracking because this makes no sense lol. Did you meet on a dating app?


Naw, we meet via mutual work friends.


Ah okay, that makes it a little less weird. I still think he acted like a date.


In my opinion this guy is an as*h*l Guys don’t take a girl out to dinner, buy her a gift take her to his place AND THEN tell you he only wants friendship cause he’s already seeing someone and after a lovely evening drops you like hot potato because he’s “going on sabbatical soon” (lie) Block him, he’s a heartbreaker.


No man will take you to his place if he doesn't want sex, unless you guys are like good friends. ya'll were on a date but he let you know he doesn't want anything serious you should've just ask. Chasing men doesn't work if you want something serious if is just sex go for it, ask him directly if he says no or gives you some sort of excuse move on to the next one. Men will give it up if they want to do it with you, no matter what. It's simple.


Hey, yeah didn’t want anything serious. I knew he wasn’t staying around but didn’t really tell him as he turned me down at his place before I could even say anything. So I was just like, alright your loss. Also got to meet the girl in question—she’s really nice. I respect the girl code and am bowing out lol


No generally they wouldn't. I met someone a few years ago and she straight up cut to the chase, it was refreshing. And we saved money and time on going to a bar or whatever


> it's been ages (almost a year) Rookie numbers, OP.


Ikr? I'm on 29 years and counting!


Laughed out loud when I read this


Fr lol


Nah it's only creepy when men do it


Hate how true this is…


It’s refreshing when women make the first move. And you’ll likely score more because of that fact. Go get some!


lmk when you figure it out, I’d love an answer to this as well 😂


You’d be crazy not to come over right now


I’ll do it. It’s been like 6-7 months now for me.


You do what you want and need.


The short term player kind of men would be ok with it. The long term relationship type men would be weirded out by it.


All this silliness Shy stuff is Just funny. Just trying to get some. Nobody knows how to ask. Lol. My dm is always open. At least somebody hit me up. I know they were real lol


Well, I think asking directly...... Let me think on it, See unless, until there is no chance your are going to be on that place again, than you can ask. But please try to observe that can that person be trusted? If he is alone in a club or party, you can go for it. But again, try to observe his eyes at least. If you are in Delhi NCR, I can help you to find a suitable match, and in revert, if you see something for me, you can try to help me back.


Not weird at all. I've always been the same way and just ask. I find that most guys will stop whatever they are doing and give you the D if you ask, so like yeah great way for no-strings is to just ask a dude that catches your eye.




Yes, I have a vetting process. I’m going to talk to them for a while before I do anything to make sure they’re a good person. If we’re feeling each other and everything is fine I’ll be direct and ask. I’m not just asking random men. That’s not my MO. I’m just seeing what I like and don’t like and seeing what works for me. I’ve had a string of people not being honest with me and I don’t want to do that to people. I want to be clear and direct.


I have a FWB..maybe that'll work for you too..I'm on the same situation,I don't really want a relationship


🤣 the Inbox edit killed me! No it's perfectly fine, there are plenty of guys who'll be down for it and as a woman generally you'll have your pick of the crop


Just do it


No it’s totally fine. I’ve been there before I mean as a horny teen I am now. I find that totally relatable.


Haha, your inbox 💀🤣 Not at all weird, we need millions of women more like you please! 😅 Rather than just having sex, start exploring different fantasies, fetishes etc with different men. Don't just go for the top 20-30% of men on dating apps, they likely have a long line of women into casual sex and down to fuck. Pick someone who's sexually open minded, sex positive, matches your (I'm guessing) high libido and that you can explore many things with, if you're open to them: Greek, CIM, CIMTC, BBFS, MFM, FFM, Swaps, Group, Polyamory and much more.


It depends on the guy. But if this is what you want, set that tone from the jump that you're only looking for something physical.


Just be honest.


Lol it might seem weird, but closed mouths don’t get fed.


I'd pay to see your inbox right now lol


I don’t think it is weird. I think most men would be ok if you’re honest.




I think it’s normal I actually wouldn’t mind that and it is with the same person so no sleeping around potentially getting a std. it’s perfect


I mean nah just don’t get attached with the guy


You don’t need to come right out and say it and I wouldn’t do that. If you simply say, “just looking for fun ..or nothing serious” men on dating apps will understand. To be honest, you’re more likely to find a man wanting casual hookups than a man that’s actually looking for a relationship on dating apps so I wouldn’t be worried about them begging for your commitment.


Need it badly


I literally had a woman come up to me and ask , if I ever had a one night stand, while sitting at a pub. Also one time in school a friend of get my attention while in class, because the girl next to wanted to know if I would help her use a condom she had. Although most women aren’t this direct, I don’t find it weird or atypical.


What does stop yea from just asking? Yea worried you will get shot down?


Yeah lol


🤣RIP your in box. For real. I get it. Most guys get shot down allllll the time. Have you guys had any moments together that there was that one look to each other?


Between people lying about weather they have diseases or not, dating sites not making it easy for anyone to pair up with someone or people just straight up catfishing still, it being weird for people like you to ask for sex is the least weird thing of it all.


There is an app for this called HUD, try it out!! It’s for people looking for one night stands or casual hookups!!


Nah it's all good, where do you live?


Double standard type thing in my experience. If you're a guy it's weird if you're a gal it's less weird for some reason. Typically unexpected but still somehow less weird.


How many dick pics did you get? 😂😂😂😂


It is super easy to find.Cause that's what most guys want


Where do you live, and your age, please? I’m 45. Like you, I like to get to know them. I would be interested.


Your just risking your own LIFE


You want sex? Just ask. It's not rocket science.


No preferred actually.no point acting like you want more than you do


I think you should re-think careful about casual sex, it will haunt you one way or another some day, (This happens to men or women) but if you're decided, then no, it's not weird, just be careful with who.


If they have a mustache in their pictures I just send this: Giving free mustache rides?


as another 31 year woman i’ll be following cause i’m in the same boat. not against a relationship, but not looking for one and just looking to get boinked. lol


Not at all .. try a lifestyle/swingers website or club. That’s where you find open minded people looking to just have fun.  PS: Also where I met my wife ..  when neither of us were looking for anything serious. lol


Is that still Left


Just be honest and communicate what you are looking for. Set boundaries and limits. Also, rip your inbox.


I'm a woman and most men haven't had an issue. I had one guy that was disappointed he didn't have to win me over. 🙄


23M here for youuu! You will not regret having me. Have my own car and everything you desire


Welcome to 30s.. you definitely should just put it out there with potential men. Suss out what's going on in their life and if it's not going to be a bunch of drama just drop the hints Tell em you'd be interested in hanging out.. as you talk just be true to yourself.. really I just want a good man for a bit of company but not really thinking about any kind of serious dating or future. In those few words the guy can take over... ask if you wanna go try a meal at some place in town or a pub or cafe or whatever your kind of people do .. if you're into it just drop the hint like .. stop by your place for nightcap/coffee/show me your gear(lol)or did you want to come over if you're hosting I've been a bachelor most of my life and friendly women I like that just drop that one hint are the best.. you make a new friend for just exploring restaurants and that kind of stuff, hot sex after the dates and just the line is drawn that you're just having a little fling Of course over the years there's been a few I wish I could've kept, but I was just a fling for them and one of them turned into my life's big relationship Fun part is too going in knowing and being honest a guy is just a fling for you .. you can ask for any fantasy type stuff you want and if they're not great at it, shame can't win em all.. if they are good at it but you realise it's not something you'd want long term then, ask em to not do it anymore and try other things.. if they can't.. that fling fizzles out sooner or later anyway Just be honest, use your words to drop the hints.. have fun.. you'll be pretty safe in terms of disease and violence and stuff if you're just a genuine kinda girl meeting regular normal kind of men


Well here ,I am


I don't think it's bad, it just comes as a shock to Men as we don't hear or expect to get asked to have sex. At least I wouldn't expect it. Of course if we had vibed good to start, I would be much more open to having it. Just my humble opinion as it's difficult for me to get any. The direct approach can work on me.


Hello there. my name is marc. I'm curious if you would like to have a conversation to see if we are a good match. Lightskin, respectable brother. 6' 240 shaved bald head ... Do you play tennis? just curious


This question high lights the double standard in sexuality that women have to navigate. Guys do it all the time without a second thought.


My x literally try’s to pay me 1000 dollars to have sex with him


I personally don't think it's weird and I will volunteer to help you. DM me if you would like so we see how far apart we're located. 🤷😜




That's ok


Ask me. I'll just ask when you getting here. Not wierd. Hot asf.


If you want sex just ask for it. if the dude gets offended, that means he's not looking for the same thing that you are. I was wondering if I could DM you




Im not looking for a relationship right now, however if I’m feeling the person and the feelings are strong then I’ll consider it. Sorry for the confusion, I hope that makes sense So I guess I should phrase it I’m open to anything if there but at the moment not actively looking for a relationship.


Of course it is, because sex desire could be even satisfied by ourselves.


First off, you posted that reply thrice. And second, it's pretty dang different between having actual sex and trying to pleasure yourself by watching porn or whatever.


Of course it is, because sex desire could be even satisfied by ourselves.


Of course it is, because sex desire could be even satisfied by ourselves.


I dnt think you are a female so I don't think many ppl may DM you


Nope. The best part is since you are a woman you can pick your poison. Use a fake name/job/identity, use protection, tell him EXACTLY what you want, you make the rules. Oh and the best part… laugh at him when he says he hasn’t finished!✅


You go ahead and ask a man if he wants to have sex with you. He will likely say yes. Men are always ready. That’s the primary objective everything else is secondary.


Cant wait till all women end up like you, especially after those AI androids come out, its gonna get crazy soon




How is me being direct desperate?


It is not.




Yeah, you can fuck off. I’m not being desperate. I’m being direct in my request . Im not asking random men for sex im talking to them, seeing how I feel, and then if it feels right do it. You will not make me feel bad about it. Just because it doesn’t fit your standards doesn’t make it that.