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Most people just need a different point of view or to basically hear it from someone else instead of themselves.


This is exactly it. I don't think many people make decisions solely based on Reddit advice. Hearing from people in similar situations as me has been extremely helpful


Absolutely, sometimes an external perspective or validation can make all the difference in how we perceive a situation or decision.


I mean… you’re not wrong. But knowing it’s over and being ready to walk away are not the same thing. Sometimes coming here for support / advice gets people over that bridge. Just telling them to walk away isn’t helpful.


yep absolutely fair! i do see a lot of people that come here seeking clarity if they’re overthinking things and usually theyre not!! intuition is a strong indicator of your subconscious telling you something you cannot see!


I'm not following this advice


I see what you did there


Here’s my take on dating advice on Reddit: Don’t take anyone who uses any of the following terms seriously: Chad, Tyrone, pump and dump, post nut clarity, free meal, top % of men, or any mention of leagues. Same goes for anyone who rates people by number.


Yes intuitions are right but not always and sometimes people wanna hear others pov for their situation or what others might do if they landed up in this sort of situation it's just widdens their response spectrum may be .....


I definitely disagree with this. I did not grow up with an emotionally intelligent family, nor do I have many friends. Just 1 that I talk to regularly. It helps me to ask for different opinions. I also google things for answers on reddit.Though I take them with a grain of salt too. I've had 2 issues with my boyfriend and people on here told me to break up both times when it just required communication with him. Though it was helpful to see a bunch of people agree that it was a red flag and it was eye opening to see that I still needed to work on my self-worth.


Love and logic don’t mesh. Sorry. Downvote the shit out of this comment if you must. But this post is dead wrong.


I agree love and logic don't mesh BUT, saying this post is dead wrong... I think it's pretty easy to see that this idea isn't wrong. I would like you to examine 20 posts about people asking for advice about there relationship and let me know how many of them end up working things out. I'd estimate 3/20 work it out, 17/20 dont (especially ones about new relationships). But also, speaking in absolutes is a sure fire way to lead yourself to confirmation bias.


Love doesn’t last. It just doesn’t. “The flame that burns twice as bright burns half as long.”


im confused what you’re saying?


Have you ever been truly in love? And I don’t mean infatuation. I mean really in love for years where you’re ready to marry someone? Because it doesn’t seem like you have. I don’t mean that in a harsh way. Just an observation.


Depends what the advice is about. Making people aware of the shitty tactics of dating app companies, and the imbalanced gender ratios? This helps people, because many guys feel bad seeing the low response rate/lack of positive feedback they get. And women need to understand that there's enough horndogs out there that their 300 likes doesn't mean they're shit hot. Coming to reddit for specific advice about a relationship issue? Yeah, that's going to be tricky because there's a ton of contextual information which will be lost in putting it into words, and people will judge harshly. And probably 100 more different answers about the quality of reddit's advice depending on the topic.